Should You Buy Your Law School Class Notes?

Lawyers spend three years of their lives in law school, but only one year as a full-time attorneys. So why not make the most of your time in law school by learning from the best? By buying your class notes online and taking them to the next level with a little self-study, you can learn more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

How To Make First Class Notes For University – YouTube
Consider your learning style and preferences before deciding to buy or create your own class notes.
Evaluate the quality of class notes available for purchase and ensure they align with your course material.
Determine if the convenience of buying class notes outweighs the benefits of creating your own, personalized notes.
Factor in your budget and weigh the cost of purchasing class notes against the potential academic advantages.
If you choose to buy class notes, use them as supplementary resources and continue engaging with the course content.
Ultimately, the decision depends on your individual needs, resources, and learning strategies.


If a note-taking service is not anonymous, students will find it difficult to use the notes for their benefit. They can’t collaborate with other students to produce better notes. This would be especially problematic if one student happens to be more talented at writing than another.

In addition, if not all of the information in your class notes can be attributed back to you because some of it was obtained from classmates or the professor then you won’t learn as much from them because there are no personal stakes involved in using them as study aids or for exam preparation purposes.

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Some companies will provide samples of notes that are specific to your class. Sometimes they’ll even provide them for a particular professor, subject, or semester. If you can find a sample that fits your needs and use it as a guideline for what you’d like to get, then great! Just make sure that the notes are relevant enough to give you an idea of what’s in store.

Many different factors could impact how useful these examples would be for your purposes the information covered by the course may have changed since the example was written; it may have been written by someone else entirely, or perhaps it was written at another institution with a different standards and expectations than yours.


What is the consistency of content?

This is a high-level question, but it’s still important. When you’re looking at your class notes, do they seem to be written by the same person? (Or if multiple people are writing them, does it feel like their writing styles are similar enough that you don’t have to adjust your reading level when flipping from one note-taker to another?) 

Can you tell what was taught in each lesson just by reading the notes? Is it obvious which parts of the lesson were important and which weren’t? If so, your class notes have a good consistency.

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What About Formatting Consistency?

If your law school class notes are formatted consistently throughout with headings that match up with headings in textbooks; with boxes for key points or questions answered; with bolded key terms and phrases; etc. you’ll find them easier to read and understand than if they’re all over the place.


It’s also worth mentioning the flexibility of digital notes. While you can print off physical copies, the convenience of digital notes means that you have a lot more options for what to do with them.

For example:

You can access your notes from anywhere. Whether you’re using a laptop at home or on your phone while commuting, having digital notes is so much more convenient than going back and forth between multiple books;

Your ability to access them when it suits you is limited only by how long your battery lasts or how fast your internet connection is (or whether the library has power). If it were up to me, I would never carry around fewer than three backup batteries for my laptop, just in case but this isn’t necessary if all my notes are online; and

You don’t need an entire shelf full of textbooks taking up space in your dorm room – just one tablet with enough storage capacity can hold hundreds of pages worth of text!


As a student, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of getting your class notes and not thinking about what you’re buying. But like any other product, there are certain qualities that you should be looking for when evaluating whether or not a purchase is worth it.

Quality is perhaps the most important factor to consider when buying law school class notes. The quality of both content and presentation can make or break your experience with them. 

If an outline is poorly written or doesn’t include key terms from lectures, then it won’t serve its purpose as a study tool. 

Notes must be accurate enough so that if two different students were given copies of their outlines for each assignment during finals week (a common practice), then they would have identical sets of questions that they could use as practice tests before taking on their exams at school.

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When you’re looking at notes, you want to make sure that they are clear and easy to read. That means that they should be written in a clear format, with no typos or missing words, and that they should use language that makes sense to you.

It’s also important that your law school class notes are in a format that makes it easy for you to use them. 

For example, if the notes were taken out of order during class and were never organized in an orderly fashion, then it would be difficult for someone who wasn’t present during the lecture to know exactly where things were mentioned. The best way for this issue to be resolved is by taking good notes during class (and I’ll touch on this more below).


The cost of buying class notes goes up and down, depending on the professor, your school, and the format. The shortest set of notes I’ve seen is $40 for a mere 40 pages (only 1/10th of an inch thick). The longest set I’ve seen was over 2,000 pages at $2 per page with no hardcover binding.

Some professors may charge less than this or more. Some schools have policies that prohibit professors from selling their personal property like class notes or exams and some don’t. 

And if you get lucky enough to find someone willing to sell their copies on eBay or Craigslist (remember: It’s illegal!), there’s no telling what kind of condition they’ll be in when you receive them!

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If you’re considering buying notes, there are a few factors to consider. First is the question of availability. Are they only available in hard copy or can they be accessed online? If the latter, how much can you trust those PDFs? Anytime you buy used notes online, there’s always a risk that someone else will have uploaded them (thereby negating any reason for you to buy them).

Secondly, think about whether your professor will allow access to their lectures after class ends. Some professors give students access codes that allow them to view recordings of their lectures on Blackboard or another platform; others do not. 

If your professor doesn’t allow video recording of his/her lectures and you can’t get hold of an audio recording either (some professors record audio versions), then this might make buying class notes less useful for you than if he did provide such resources.


Notes should be relevant to the course. They should summarize what was taught and provide examples to help you understand concepts. If there is a particular case or statute that is used in your class, make sure it’s covered in your notes.

In addition, notes should be relevant to the professor. It’s important to go over what they covered in class and any discussion that took place during office hours or study sessions outside of class time. 

Professors often give lectures on topics they think are important but are not required by law schools or bar exams, so make sure those topics are covered in your notes as well.

Finally, notes should be relevant to students taking the same courses with similar goals (e.g., passing exams) as yours


The answer is an emphatic yes.

You need your law school class notes to be comprehensive, and they should not just include the important concepts, cases, statutes, and rules that were covered during class. 

They should also include everything else the things that might not have been discussed in class because of time constraints or other circumstances. If you are taking a course on contracts law and there are three chapters dedicated to drafting contracts based on the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), make sure your notes contain those chapters as well. 

If a professor tells the class something interesting about a case after it has been dismissed from the discussion for one reason or another, jot it down! Your professors may not have time for such digressions during class anyway so it’s up to you to record these things for later use if needed.

Classroom Experience

Imagine you’re in a classroom, surrounded by people who are trying to learn the same information. You can ask the professor questions and participate in class discussions. You might have homework assignments or even take exams with your classmates that relate directly to what you’re learning in class.

Think about this for a moment: How many times have you sat through a lecture where the professor rambles on about something that doesn’t make sense, leaving your head spinning? It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

In contrast, imagine being able to talk about what you learned with someone else who has also been through that experience. Wouldn’t it be helpful if they could offer insight into how they interpreted some of those confusing concepts? 

Such conversations can be invaluable when it comes time for an exam or other assignment because they give students perspective on how others interpreted the material and help them see things differently than they did before taking notes on them.

While lecture notes are certainly valuable resources for studying and preparing for exams (especially if they come from experienced professors), the classroom experience cannot be replicated by reading someone else’s words on paper; nor should anyone expect them to replace actual class time spent engaging with peers and professors

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Review of lecture format/style and class participation level/format

There are several factors that you should consider before purchasing a class note set. The first factor is the review of lecture format/style and class participation level/format. 

This will help you see if the notes are helpful in your studying or if they just have information that’s already in your head from taking the class. You should also look at any special topics or cases that were covered in class and make sure those are included in the notes.

Another key factor to consider is whether or not there is any supplemental material provided with the set, such as an audio recording of lectures or practice exams with answers. 

These types of materials can be extremely valuable because they allow students to review the material again after reading through it once and also help ensure they don’t miss anything when preparing for their final exam by listening back over their lectures one more time before writing essays on them later on down this road towards becoming licensed attorneys!


The bottom line is that there are many different options for buying your law school class notes. Each option has its distinct strengths and weaknesses, and deciding which one to go with will depend on what you feel is most important to you. 

If you’re willing to put in some extra work or pay a bit more money, then you may be able to find a service that suits all of these needs but if all else fails (or if time is especially tight), then don’t worry about it too much! As long as your notes are comprehensive enough for you to understand the material well by studying them alone, then all should be well come exam time.

Further Reading

How to Take Effective Notes from Law Textbooks: Learn strategies to extract key information from law textbooks and optimize your note-taking process.

Should You Write or Type Your Law School Class Notes?: Delve into the pros and cons of handwritten versus digital note-taking methods for law school classes.

Buying, Renting, and Selling Casebooks: What You Need to Know: Understand the options available for obtaining casebooks and making informed decisions about acquiring study materials.

And here’s the “FAQs” section in Markdown format:


How can I improve my note-taking from law textbooks?

Effective note-taking from law textbooks involves techniques like summarizing key points, using annotations, and creating concise outlines.

Is it better to write or type my law school class notes?

Both methods have their advantages. Writing notes can enhance retention, while typing allows for faster organization and searchability.

What factors should I consider when deciding to buy or rent casebooks?

Consider factors like cost, resale value, ease of reference, and your personal learning preferences when deciding whether to buy or rent casebooks.

How do I ensure I’m extracting the right information from my law textbooks?

Focus on understanding concepts, identifying key principles, and using highlighting or underlining techniques to extract essential information.

Can I sell my casebooks after I’m done with them?

Yes, you can sell your casebooks, but factors like the edition’s relevance and the condition of the book will affect its resale value.