Don’t write in a chat room. If you’ve ever had the experience of writing something, only to have an editor come back with some feedback or criticism, and then having them point out that one of the things that you wrote wasn’t even true it can be upsetting.
The problem isn’t necessarily with having made an error: everyone makes mistakes from time to time. The problem is that many people are afraid to acknowledge these errors when they happen because they’re worried about what happens next:
If someone points out that what I just wrote isn’t true, does it mean I’m stupid? Will other people see me as stupid for making this mistake? And so on.
Takeaways |
1. Strategic Creativity: Explore techniques to creatively approach writing tasks, ensuring your content stands out in algorithmic environments. |
2. Algorithm-Friendly Content: Learn how to optimize your writing to align with algorithms, enhancing your content’s visibility and reach. |
3. Balancing Craft and Algorithms: Discover ways to maintain your writing’s authenticity while adhering to algorithms, creating a harmonious blend of creativity and optimization. |
4. Effective Engagement: Gain insights into crafting engaging narratives that captivate both human readers and algorithmic systems. |
5. Adapting to Evolving Algorithms: Understand the importance of staying updated with algorithmic changes and adjusting your writing strategies accordingly. |
Write An Email To Yourself
One of the best ways to start brainstorming is to write about something you are passionate about. Write an email to yourself that answers these questions: What do I want to learn more about? What do I want to be better at? What do I want to do? And so on.
Write for five minutes, no editing allowed! The goal here is not necessarily a complete thought or even sentences that make sense you are just trying to get your brain in gear by writing whatever comes into your mind without stopping yourself or judging what you’re writing (which can be quite challenging).
Starting a creative project can be daunting, but with the right strategies, you can take the first step towards your creative vision. Learn more about how to get your creative plunge off the ground and bring your ideas to life.
Try Writing A Blog Post In The First Person
One of the hardest parts about creating content for websites like Medium and LinkedIn is that you have to keep your audience in mind. You want them to read your articles all the way through, but you also want them to share them on social media or comment on them afterward.
One way to accomplish both of these goals is by writing in the first person. Your readers will feel like they’re having a conversation with you instead of an impersonal lecture, and they’ll be more likely to read every single word because they feel like they’re learning directly from an expert who’s right there with them.
They’ll also be more inclined to share what they’ve learned because it feels more personal and when people like something, sharing is usually their go-to reaction!
-What if you were writing a story?
-Write a story.
-Write a story about a friend or family member.
-Write a story about the place where you live, or where you’ve traveled to in the past.
-Write a fictional character who could be an animal, plant, or even food item (e.g., The Chocolate Rabbit).
Create your location and write about it your house as seen from the backyard, for example (if you write from inside your house instead of outside it, then this becomes “Write About Your House From Inside”).
Enhancing your creative writing skills is an ongoing journey. Explore our list of 17 things you can do to improve your creative writing skills and discover practical techniques to refine your craft.
Try Writing In Street Locations
Writing can take many forms. There are so many ways to write that it’s hard for me to even know where to begin. I mean, you can write with a pencil on paper or a computer screen, but then again you can also write with your fingers on an iPad or phone (if you’re into that sort of thing).
You could even use something like Dragon Naturally Speaking software if talking aloud is more your style!
You might have noticed that these examples span several different categories: physical writing instruments, electronic devices, and speech dictation software.
Yet despite their differences in form and function each of these technologies enables us as human beings who desire knowledge above all else (and also memes) allowing us access to information that may otherwise never be heard or seen by anyone else but ourselves alone!
But wait…what exactly did we just learn? It seems like the answer would lie somewhere between “nothing” and “nothing at all”. However, if we look closer we’ll see something else entirely: these three seemingly disparate methods share one common trait: they all involve writing!
So while they may seem dissimilar at first glance when placed side-by-side this simple fact becomes quickly apparent: they all require YOU as an agent through which knowledge flows from author/source point A into reader/destination point B.
Short Is Better
What’s the best sentence length?
The answer is: whatever you’re writing. If your content needs to be short and snappy, you can use short sentences. If it needs to be long and detailed, there’s nothing wrong with that either.
Keep in mind that most readers will only read a few paragraphs at a time before deciding whether or not they have anything else better to do, so if you want someone to read your entire article (instead of just scanning the first paragraph or two), try not to make it too long.
If you’re writing for SEO purposes, try including words such as “how” and “what”, because those are some of Google’s favorite words for ranking pages higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). For example: “How many times should I feed my cat per day?” vs “How often should I feed my cat?”
How To Get Ideas While Waiting In Line
Have you ever been stuck in line when an idea pops into your head? How could it be this simple? You don’t even have to put down the phone, just start writing.
This works great if you are waiting in line at the bank or grocery store because it’s a good way to pass time and it will help you get your mind off of whatever is making you stressed out while waiting.
When writing these ideas down, try not to think too hard about them or analyze them too much before committing them to paper. If they are good enough later on then by all means feel free but for now, just get as many thoughts out of your head as possible so that nothing gets lost along the way!
Crafting a compelling short story requires attention to detail and storytelling finesse. Delve into the key aspects you should consider while writing a short story to captivate your readers and create memorable narratives.
Use The Daily Why As A Daily Goal
The Daily Why is a daily goal-setting tool that helps you stay motivated and focused on your goals. It’s free, available on the web and as an app, and easy to use.
It’s designed to help you focus on your goals by asking you a question each day (e.g., “Why did I start this blog?”) Then it gives you three answers: 1) “Because I love writing… 2) So I can share my stories… 3) Because it helps me grow as a writer.”
Once it has helped you align your actions with your values, The Daily Why then challenges you with questions that push beyond these answers (e.g., “What specific actions could help me get closer to my vision?”).
Writer’s block can be frustrating, but it can also lead to unexpected breakthroughs. Discover how to transform your writer’s block into an opportunity for creative growth by learning how to use it as an opportunity to improvise.
Start With An Inspiring Headline
Your headline is the first thing people will notice about your post, and you must take advantage of this to attract readers’ attention. As a rule of thumb, try to write one that grabs their interest and makes them want to continue reading.
This can be done by using a compelling question or an unconventional statement (for example: “5 Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath” versus “How To Keep Your Breath Fresh”).
Another option is writing a straightforward title that identifies what your article is about. If you’re writing an article about how to lose weight, try something like “Three Tips For Eating Healthy On A Budget.” The shorter the better when it comes to titles!
Lastly, always use relevant keywords in your title this helps Google determine what kind of content users are looking for when they type those terms into search engines like Google or Bing. For example: “How To Lose Weight Without Exercise” vs “Why You Should Do More Than Just Eat Less”
Don’t Write Using A Computer If You Can Write By Hand
Writing with a pen or pencil is helpful for several reasons. First, it helps you focus on the words that come out of your mouth instead of letting them linger in your head because you’re distracted by how they look on a screen.
Second, it forces you to think more deeply about each sentence before writing it down and this is important because what comes out when we write without thinking through our ideas first (or when we just type away without paying attention) tends to be less-than-ideal prose.
Third, writing by hand allows us to revise our work easily because we can make corrections right away as we go along rather than waiting until later when there’s no time left.”
Micro fiction is an art of concise storytelling, demanding creativity within limited words. Learn valuable insights on how to craft micro fiction that truly resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impact.
Why Don’t You Take A Few Minutes To Read What Was Written Before Yours?
As you read, be sure to take note of the style. Does it match what you think about when you imagine your writing? Are there any words that stand out as unusual or unique? How does their use feel about other ideas in the piece?
When you come across a word or phrase that stands out, think about how it’s being used. Is someone describing a feeling they have by saying “he felt very small”? Or are they comparing two things by saying “she had big eyes for such a little girl”?
Use these questions as an introduction to thinking critically about how different authors understand and use language in ways that may or may not work for your writing style.
Break up your text into short workable paragraphs and make each one its paragraph.
You’ve probably heard that short paragraphs are easier to read, and they’re right! We have a limited time on this Earth and we don’t have enough space in our brains to process long blocks of text.
We also tend to remember information better when it’s broken up into short chunks; this is why the concept of “chunking” is so important for writers. Good chunk size is somewhere between one and three sentences a sentence or two at most—so that you can retain what you just read before moving on to the next thought.
The idea behind breaking things down into bite-sized pieces is not new: The ancient Greeks used to divide their plays into acts (which were further divided into scenes). In modern times, many guidebooks for novelists recommend using an outline with 3-4 places where major plot points happen so that readers know exactly where each act ends and another begins.
Read the smallest amount of text you can abide by at once and then go back to the beginning.
You can read a book and get a lot out of it, even if you don’t enjoy the experience. The most important thing is to keep reading, and whether that means doing so for 5 minutes or an hour, it’s better than nothing!
The goal here is not to give up on books altogether but rather to find a way to make them more enjoyable and meaningful.
Further Reading
Ways to Beat CV Algorithms: Discover effective strategies to optimize your CV and stand out from algorithmic screening processes.
The Best Algorithm-Driven Writing Instruction: Explore a discussion on the benefits and potential of algorithmic-driven writing instruction in education.
Understanding the Facebook Algorithm: Gain insights into how the Facebook algorithm works and how it impacts content distribution on the platform.
How can I improve my chances of getting noticed by CV algorithms?
Algorithmic CV screening is becoming common in the job application process. To increase your visibility, tailor your CV with keywords relevant to the job description and highlight your achievements that match the role.
What is algorithm-driven writing instruction?
Algorithm-driven writing instruction involves using automated tools and algorithms to provide real-time feedback on writing assignments. These tools can help students improve their writing skills by identifying areas for improvement.
How does the Facebook algorithm affect my content’s reach?
The Facebook algorithm determines what content appears in users’ news feeds. It considers factors such as engagement, relevancy, and user preferences to decide which posts are displayed to a particular user.
Can algorithms improve the quality of writing instruction?
Algorithmic-driven writing instruction has the potential to enhance writing skills by offering immediate feedback on grammar, style, and structure. However, it’s important to supplement it with human guidance for a comprehensive learning experience.
Are there any downsides to algorithmic writing instruction?
While algorithmic writing instruction can be beneficial, it might not capture the nuances of creativity and context that human instructors can provide. It’s essential to strike a balance between automated feedback and personalized guidance.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.