How To Write A Press Release That Gets Read And Shared

When you’re working on a press release, the goal is to get people to read it. But not just any people: you want journalists and bloggers in your industry to read and share your release. To do that, though, you have to write the best press release possible that’s compelling and newsworthy without sounding like an advertisement for yourself or your company.

Who knows? Your stellar press release could even land you some great coverage or even lead to a flood of new customers! It all starts with writing a killer headline…

How to Write a Press Release (Free Template) – YouTube
1. Craft a compelling headline that grabs attention.
2. Focus on the most newsworthy and relevant information.
3. Utilize quotes from key stakeholders to add credibility.
4. Keep the press release concise and easy to read.
5. Incorporate multimedia elements like images or videos.
6. Distribute the press release through appropriate channels.
7. Leverage social media to amplify its reach and engagement.
8. Monitor and analyze the success of the press release.
9. Learn from the results to improve future releases.

Start With A Newsworthy Headline

A great first step to writing an effective press release is to write a snappy, relevant headline that will be used on your company’s website and social media channels. 

The headline should be short (no more than 2-3 sentences) and accurately describe the contents of your press release. It should also be written in the present tense (“XYZ Company Announces New Product Line” instead of “XYZ Company Announces New Product Line”).

Writing an impactful press release is all about efficiency. Learn how to streamline your process and save time with our guide on writing press releases that save you time and money.

Add A Sub Heading

Your subheading is a great place to communicate the most important details of your news. You should use it to draw readers in and make them want to read more.

You can also use it as an opportunity to give some context to the news you’re announcing, especially if it’s not obvious from the main headline.

Here are a few tips for creating compelling subheads:

Keep them short and descriptive. If you have more than two words in there, consider breaking them up into separate bullets or smaller paragraphs below the main copy (more on those later).

Use bold text for emphasis, but don’t go overboard with italics and underlining too much! Text looks best when there’s variety in its presentation too much colorless white space makes things hard on the eyes after a while; so just remember that less is more when it comes time for formatting choices like this one.”

Create Your First Paragraph For The Intro

The first paragraph of your press release is an opportunity to establish the tone and style, as well as get your audience interested. Use the inverted pyramid style, where you include the most important information first and save less vital details for later. 

Keep it short; sentences should be no longer than 10 words each. Use active verbs and present tense to sound authoritative and compelling, while avoiding any passive voice constructions or wordy phrases that would make this section too long-winded (for example: 

“The company is excited about its new product line which will launch in 2019.”). The imperative mood command is also a great way to start because it immediately grabs attention by setting up what needs to happen next (e.g., “Watch out for our new products launching next year!”).

Finally, consider using an opening quote from someone in your industry that resonates with readers’ experiences (e.g., “Our customers have been asking us for this feature since day one.”), or a statistic that supports what you’re saying (e.g., “This year’s sales were up 20% compared to last year”). 

If there’s any sort of slogan associated with your product or service, including it here would be appropriate as well (e.g., “The best way to achieve success!”).

Crafting a compelling press release requires attention to detail. Discover valuable insights and strategies in our article on 17 tips for creating a powerful press release.

Write The Body Of The Release

Now that you’ve got the introduction ready, it’s time to write the body of your press release.

Here are some tips for writing the body:

Use a list. The easiest way to organize information is using bullet points or numbered lists. It makes reading much easier and helps readers remember what they read more easily. 

For example, if there are five techniques for getting your message across in a press release, write them as individual bullet points under one main heading (such as “5 Techniques”).

Use tables or graphs when applicable. There are many times when data will help support your key messages and make them easier for readers to understand 

For instance, if there is an increase in sales at one store or location compared with another, that would be relevant information for potential buyers who may want to open up stores near where those sales have increased (and vice versa). If possible include this type of information in tables or graphs rather than just text so that it stands out from other parts of your text better!

Quote experts whenever possible! Not only does this give credibility but it also allows others who may not know much about what you’re talking about to learn more without having to do much work themselves – win-win!

Add More Detail With A Second Paragraph

You may have noticed that your first paragraph was short and sweet. That’s because the first paragraph of your press release is meant to hook readers, not give them all the details right off the bat.

For example, let’s say you’re writing a press release about a new product that can detect gluten in food products. 

In your first paragraph, it would be good to mention that this will make people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance feel safer when they eat out at restaurants or buy packaged goods. 

But by only hinting at this in the first paragraph, you’ll get readers’ attention and intrigue them enough so that they keep reading hoping for more detail on how it works and how much it costs, and how exactly those details will make their lives easier.

Making your press releases go viral involves a combination of creativity and strategy. Explore our guide on creating press releases that go viral to maximize their reach and impact.

So Let’s Take Another Crack At Rewriting Our Second Sentence

This is especially important for those who suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance; since these people must avoid eating any wheat products whatsoever (including barley), there are currently no options for detecting hidden gluten in foods without carrying around expensive testing kits everywhere they go (which is inconvenient). 

By using [Company Name]’s new product ([Product Name]), consumers can rest easy knowing their meals won’t wreak havoc on their bodies ability to digest food properly! This means less time worrying about whether something contains ingredients like soy sauce or mayonnaise or even just breadcrumbs!

Add Even More Detail With A Third Paragraph

Writing this third paragraph is a great way to add even more detail and color to your press release. The first two paragraphs should be the most important in terms of getting the attention of readers, so you don’t have to worry about making it too long or detailed. It’s mostly just there to set up what you’re going to say in the rest of your press release.

Press releases generally include a third paragraph that further elaborates on one or both of these topics:

What makes this new product different from other similar products?

Why is this new product important?

Include Quotes From Relevant People In The Company Or Industry

In your press release, include quotes from relevant people in the company or industry. It’s important to get quotes from credible sources who are not involved in the story. This helps to show that there is broad support for your company’s products and services.

The use of quotes can also help you establish yourself as an expert in your field, especially if you have someone within your organization who speaks publicly on behalf of your company regularly (such as a spokesperson or spokesperson). 

You can also use this opportunity to promote other aspects of yourself by including interviews with those outside of your organization.

Avoiding common pitfalls is essential for effective press release writing. Dive into our advice on dos and don’ts for writing press releases to ensure your releases captivate your audience.

Mention Other Credible Sources (Optional)

If you’re in a position to mention other credible sources, this is another way to establish yourself as an authority in your field. The more people who are willing to vouch for your credibility and expertise, the more likely it is that someone will want to read what you have to say.

If you don’t work at a school or university, there may not be many other places where you can cite outside sources for support on education-related topics. 

That being said, if there are credible institutions or organizations in your field (i.e., hospitals) that could attest to the accuracy of what you write about your product or service, mentioning them can help give readers confidence in the information that they find there too!

Include Any Relevant Statistics And Research Results Or Findings (Optional)

Include any relevant statistics and research results or findings (optional).

If you have access to any relevant statistics and research results or findings, include them in the body of your press release. 

This will help make your press release more credible, which will make it more likely to be quoted by journalists in the media. It’s also a good idea to include these facts because they can help give your story an extra edge over other content that may be competing for attention on social media.

Conclude Your Press Release With A Call To Action

Once you’ve established what your company does and how it can help the reader, you’ll want to end with a call to action.

A call to action is an invitation that prompts the reader to take a specific action. It’s an important part of any press release because it tells readers what they should do next (and why).

Here are some examples:

Click here for more information on how our product/service can benefit you.

Schedule your free consultation today! We’ll show you how we can help bring success to your business.

Apply now or call us at 123-456-7890 to learn more!

Include Your Boilerplate At The Bottom Of Your Press Release

The boilerplate is the last paragraph of your press release. It should include contact information, a company logo, and a statement about your commitment to the environment. 

Boilerplates are standard paragraphs that appear at the end of most press releases, so be sure to make yours unique by mentioning something specific about your brand or product line.

Boilerplates should be consistent across all communication materials they’re one of the first things people see when they read a piece from you so they should be recognizable as yours (whether it’s on Twitter or LinkedIn).

Crafting the perfect press release quickly can be a game-changer. Learn the techniques in our article on writing a perfect press release in just minutes to efficiently convey your message and grab attention.

Proofread, Proofread And Proofread Again!

When you’re finished writing your press release, it’s time to proofread. This process can be tedious, but it will make or break your press release.

First, use a spell checker to catch any errors in grammar or spelling. Then read it aloud! If it sounds awkward when spoken, then there are probably mistakes in the text that need to be fixed before sending it out.

If you still aren’t sure about all of the details, hire someone else to proofread for you! You don’t want anyone making grammatical mistakes because they didn’t bother reading over their work carefully enough especially if those mistakes come across as unprofessional and amateurish when published online or in print media outlets.


The bottom line is that press releases aren’t just for the media anymore. You can use them to get your message out and attract the attention of potential customers. The key is knowing how to write a good one and knowing how your audience will react once they’ve read it, so you can put yourself in their shoes and try to anticipate what might happen next.

Further Reading

Mailchimp’s Guide to Writing Press Releases: Learn how to effectively craft press releases that capture attention and resonate with your audience.

HubSpot’s Press Release Template: Access a comprehensive press release template to help you structure your announcements and share your news effectively.

Shopify’s Tips for Writing a Press Release: Discover practical advice and strategies to write press releases that showcase your brand and products.


How can I make my press release stand out?

Craft a compelling headline, focus on the most important information, and use quotes from relevant stakeholders to make your press release more engaging and impactful.

What should be included in the body of a press release?

The body should provide additional context, details, and quotes that support the main message of your press release. It’s also important to include relevant background information about your company or event.

How do I distribute my press release effectively?

Consider using distribution services, sharing it on your website and social media channels, and reaching out directly to journalists or influencers in your industry.

Are there any best practices for formatting a press release?

Yes, formatting matters. Use a clear and concise structure, include relevant contact information, and ensure your press release is free of errors before sending it out.

How do I measure the success of a press release?

Track metrics like media coverage, website traffic, social media engagement, and inquiries from potential customers to gauge the impact of your press release.