If you’ve ever written a press release before, you know that it can be a challenge. With so many steps to follow and details to remember, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process. But I’m here to tell you that there’s hope! If you follow just these six simple steps, then writing your first (or next) press release will be easier than ever before:
Key Takeaways |
1. Crafting a press release efficiently is possible with the right approach. |
2. Focus on a compelling headline to capture attention quickly. |
3. Prioritize the most important information in the first paragraph. |
4. Keep the press release concise and to the point. |
5. Utilize strong quotes and supporting details to enhance credibility. |
6. Include relevant contact information for further inquiries. |
7. Proofread and edit your press release to ensure accuracy. |
8. Leverage templates or guidelines to streamline the process. |
9. Consider the newsworthiness and relevance of your story. |
10. Distribute your press release strategically for wider reach. |
Write A Great Headline
One of the most important parts of your press release is its headline. The headline should be concise and specific, eye-catching, relevant to the story you are covering, accurate and clear. Write headlines that are succinct enough for your audience to understand what you’re about to tell them in just one or two sentences.
If you want your press release to shine, remember these 17 tips for putting together a press release. Crafting a compelling story and targeting your audience effectively are just a couple of the strategies to ensure your message gets the attention it deserves.
Here Are Some Tips On How To Write Effective Press Release Headlines:
Keep it short and sweet keep your headline short enough so that there is no need for an extension at all (you can always add an extension if necessary).
A sentence or two will work best here; however, keep in mind that even though it might seem like a good idea at first glance simply because it allows more room for creativity/wordplay/humor, etc., having too many ideas crammed into such a small space could make things confusing rather than impressive!
It might take more effort at first but eventually, it’ll pay off big time once everyone figures out what’s going on 🙂
Be specific, instead of saying “we” try using something like “X company announced today…” or “Y celebrity was spotted yesterday…” etc., which will give readers a clearer picture as opposed to just being told something general without the context provided beforehand…
Keep Your Press Release To 1 Page
You want your press release to be clear, concise, and easy to read. That means you need to avoid the temptation to write a long-winded, drawn-out press release. The shorter the better! Keep it to one page. If you can’t fit all of your information on just one page then it’s probably too long.
This short length also forces you to focus on what’s important and eliminate any fluff or wordiness that might dilute the message of your story.
This makes it easier for editors and journalists who are busy people with lots of reading material coming their way each day…and remember: they don’t care about how hard it was for you or what problems happened along the way!
They only care about how good this story is going to make them look when they send it out over social media (or publish it online). So keep that in mind as well when writing up your release – if something isn’t essential for understanding why people should read this article then cut it out!
Crafting press releases that catch fire and go viral isn’t just a dream. Learn how to create press releases that go viral by infusing them with share-worthy elements and leveraging the power of social media to reach a wider audience.
Create An Intriguing Sub-Header
The sub-header is an important part of your press release. It’s the first paragraph that appears after the headline and it helps break up the text, making it easier for readers to find what they’re looking for.
A good sub-header will give your reader a sense of what to expect from the rest of your press release and help them decide whether or not they want to read further. Here are some guidelines for crafting good sub-headers:
Be short and sweet: Ideally, each sentence should be no more than 5-6 words long. A shorter sentence means less time spent reading (and more time spent doing other things!) which means a greater likelihood that someone will read all three sentences in their entirety before moving on with their lives.
On top of that, easy sentences make it easy to skim over the content when necessary like if there’s something particularly interesting or important happening later on down in paragraph number six.
Give readers context: Every single word must count when writing copy like this because there isn’t much space available between headlines/subheadings/etc!
So use words carefully and make sure each one adds value without wasting space talking about something else irrelevant; don’t assume anything about who might read this (are they industry insiders? Journalists? or Readers interested specifically in this topic?) unless explicitly stated otherwise somewhere else within the document itself; etcetera.
Provide All The Details In The First Paragraph
The first paragraph is the most important part of your press release. It will either make or break your release, so you want to make sure that it’s strong and engaging.
The first sentence should tell readers what the story is about and why it matters. You can use a question, statistic, or example to accomplish this task. For example: “How many times have you forgotten someone’s name at a party?
If these moments are happening more often than not now that everyone has social media profiles and cell phones with unlimited texting plans then they may be experiencing something called Nomophobia (NO-MO-phobia). [1] This condition causes people to become anxious when they cannot access their device or find out where they left it.”
The next sentences should provide additional context for the issue at hand why this topic is important right now and how it affects consumers’ lives on an everyday basis (e.g., “Nomophobia causes anxiety in more than half of Americans…[2]).”
When it comes to press releases, knowing the do’s and don’ts can make a world of difference. Discover the favorite do’s and don’ts for writing press releases that can elevate your writing and help you avoid common pitfalls that might hinder your success.
Include Your Best Quote Upfront
Include your best quote upfront. Consider including a short quote from one of your company’s executives or the person who is most closely associated with your product or service in the first paragraph, as this helps to capture attention and can be used to draw people further into reading.
The quote should be short and sweet (no longer than about 1-2 sentences). You want to make sure that you’re not giving away too much information, which might make it difficult for other writers to write their own stories around yours. Also, keep in mind that quotes can always be trimmed later if needed!
The quote should have authority on the subject matter (you will probably get better results with this than just using any old person).
The quote should have relevance to the topic at hand (this also goes back to making sure you’re not giving away too much info).
For example, if you’re releasing information about an upcoming event at school then having someone from the university comment makes sense because they have relevant knowledge regarding what will happen there over time – while someone else may not know how things operate internally.
So wouldn’t be effective in describing those things accurately enough yet still important enough reasons why this choice works well when compared against other available choices available within the same category line up(s).
Currently available within a certain market niche(s) segmented based off demographics taken into account when designing these types products services offerings etceteras ourselves.”
Write In Inverted Pyramid Style
Just like a pyramid, your press release is structured in an inverted way. This means that the most important information is at the top, and the least important information is at the bottom. This style of writing is used by journalists to make sure that they read as much of your story as possible before hitting their word count or deadline.
Use Statistics, Facts, And Metrics
Use numbers, statistics, and metrics to support your story.
For example, you can use the following words: “We’ve had a 25% increase in sales year-over-year.” You could also say: “Our website has received a 472% increase in traffic since we launched our new website.”
This data should correspond with the date range of your news release. For example, if you’re announcing an upcoming product launch that will take place on June 1st and be available for purchase on June 30th (the end of your fiscal quarter), then this information must align with those dates.
Include Relevant Links To Your Website
Include links to your website, social media accounts, blog, and contact page in the release. Include links to your company’s products and services as well. If you have a new product or service that’s available for purchase or preorder, include the link to it in this press release as well.
The more places people can find you online, the better!
Paste A Photo In-Line With Your Press Release Content
Include a photo that is relevant to your press release. If the text of your press release is about a new product line at your business, include a photograph of that product. This makes it easier for readers to understand what you’re talking about when they look at the photo in their email or news feed, and it also helps build brand recognition for your business.
Make sure your photos are high quality and not too large. It’s not uncommon for people receiving press releases via email or RSS feeds to have limited bandwidth or storage space on their devices, so make sure you don’t overload them by sending large images with every release!
You can always include an image gallery on another page if you need more room than one image provides – just link out from there using the standard hyperlink syntax (e.g., [https://www.]example).com).
Crafting a great press release is an art, and not everyone gets it right. Find out how to write a great press release and why most writers can’t. Uncover the key elements that separate exceptional press releases from the rest.
Focus On What Makes Your Company Different From Competitors
You want to write a press release that appeals to the media, but you also need to make sure that it contains information that will appeal to your audience. To do this, you must highlight what makes your company different from competitors and why people should care about the products or services you offer.
For instance, if your business sells organic produce at local farmer’s markets, then try highlighting how this type of food benefits people’s health and well-being. This way, when reporters look at their story ideas after reading through hundreds of releases they’ll see yours and think “Hey! This is interesting.”
State Why The News Is Important To Readers
These are a few tips on how to write a press release in just minutes. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to write an effective press release that will help get your news coverage and make sure your target audience sees it!
Provide Background And Context On Why This News Matters Now
The background and context of the news are where your reader can get a sense of why this story matters now.
It’s important not to just state the facts, but also provide an explanation for those facts—why it matters that your company has been granted a patent or won an award.
This will help your readers understand why they should care about what you have to say and make them more likely to read through the rest of your press release.
Leverage Data To Back Up Your Story
You can also use data to back up your story. For example, if you’re an entrepreneur and you want to tell the world about your new product launch, including statistics, facts, and metrics that demonstrate how many people are affected by the problem.
You can also use data to support your claims. Say you’re a sales manager who wants to highlight how well your team is performing this month including stats about productivity levels and company growth for context.
The more specific you are in terms of numbers and facts, though, the better off you will be when writing press releases. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from years of watching CNN late at night while eating pizza rolls (not recommended), it’s this: The public loves numbers!
Don’t Forget Who You’re Writing To
Don’t forget who you’re writing for.
What happens when you call up your mom on her birthday and ask how she’s doing? She starts rambling about how great her life is, how proud her kids make her feel, and all the other things that make her happy.
You’ve never been able to get a word in edgewise during these conversations with your mom because they always end up being conversations about everything except what’s really on your mind: “Mom, I need help with my homework.”
If you want your press release to be read by its intended audience (like an editor or reporter), then make it clear from the beginning why they should care about reading it. For a journalist or blogger to give your story due attention, there needs to be something in it for them and by extension their readership.
Don’t Try To Be Too Clever Or Cute With Your Headline Or Sub-Headline
If a headline doesn’t grab your reader’s attention, they won’t read the rest of your press release. Don’t try to be too clever or cute with your headlines; if the title doesn’t make sense, it will confuse people and they’ll stop reading. Another thing not to do is try too hard to be funny; if you don’t know what makes people laugh, just keep it simple.
For maximum impact, your press releases need to include the right elements. Explore the insights on things to include in press releases to get maximum impact. Learn how to captivate your audience and deliver your message effectively to ensure your press release resonates.
If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to writing an effective and engaging press release. Just remember that the goal of this exercise is to get your story published by journalists. The best way to do that is by helping them understand why their readers should care about what you’re saying and how it fits into their beat or topic area at large.
Further Reading
How to Write a Press Release on Shopify: Explore detailed guidance on writing effective press releases, including tips to capture attention and get your message across to the right audience.
Creating an Impactful Press Release with HubSpot’s Template: HubSpot provides a comprehensive press release template to help you structure your releases for maximum impact, ensuring your announcements stand out.
Expert Advice and Real-life Examples for Great Press Releases: Learn from real-life examples and expert insights to understand the nuances of crafting a great press release that effectively communicates your story.
How do I write a press release that grabs attention?
Craft a compelling headline, include the most important information in the first paragraph, and focus on a clear and newsworthy angle to capture the reader’s attention right from the start.
What elements should I include in a press release?
A press release should typically include a headline, subheadline, release date, location, a strong lead paragraph, supporting details, quotes, contact information, and a call to action.
How can I make my press release newsworthy?
Identify the unique and relevant aspects of your story. Highlight the impact it has on your industry, customers, or community. Make sure the information is timely and relevant to current events.
What’s the best way to distribute my press release?
Consider using a combination of distribution methods, including reaching out to journalists directly, using press release distribution services, and sharing it on your own website and social media channels.
How do I measure the success of a press release?
Track metrics like media coverage, website traffic, social media engagement, and inquiries from journalists or customers to assess the impact and reach of your press release.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.