There are times when you want to apply for a scholarship but you don’t have good grades in school. This is the case when you are still studying but also have a job or some other commitments.
When this happens, many people will decide to write an essay about law school and their future goals. You may think that this project will be hard for them, but it is actually not as difficult as one might expect. The following steps will help you write an excellent essay in no time at all:
Takeaways |
1. Understand the Prompt |
2. Showcase Your Passion for Law |
3. Highlight Relevant Achievements |
4. Tell a Compelling Personal Story |
5. Emphasize Future Goals |
6. Use Clear and Concise Language |
7. Tailor Each Essay to the Scholarship |
8. Proofread for Errors and Clarity |
9. Seek Feedback from Advisors or Peers |
10. Submit Well Before the Deadline |
Why do we care? What’s the purpose of this blog post? How does it fit into our blog? Why should readers care about law school scholarships?
Building a strong foundation for your law school scholarship essay is crucial. Learn valuable insights in our guide on how to write a law school scholarship essay that can help you stand out and secure the funding you need.
Tip 1. Begin Your Essay With An Interesting Fact About Yourself
To begin your scholarship essay, you’ll want to create a hook for the reader. One way to do this is by starting with an interesting fact about yourself. This is the part of your essay that will make the reader want to keep reading and learn more about what else makes you such an amazing candidate for this scholarship.
Make sure that whatever fact you choose is unique and interesting but not too personal (for example: “I have been playing competitive chess since age 5.”)
This way, it will not only grab their attention but also help them get a sense of what kind of person they’re dealing with before spending time reading further into the essay as well as give them some insight into how much effort was put into crafting such an insightful introduction.
Make sure that whatever fact you choose is relevant to the program itself (for example: “I am applying for this award because I am passionate about helping those who are less fortunate than myself.”) In addition to just being unique, making sure it relates towards why they should be taking notice means that both sides are benefiting from this interaction.
Crafting a successful application essay is key to getting noticed by law schools. Discover expert tips in our article about writing a successful law school application essay and increase your chances of acceptance.
Tip 2. Brainstorm First
You’ve probably heard that writing is a process of organizing and refining your ideas. To do this, though, you’ll need to start with some raw materials.
First, brainstorm. Get out your computer or notebook and write down all of the things that you can say about yourself when it comes to law school scholarships. Write down accomplishments from high school and college; describe any leadership roles or awards that you’ve received; list awards for which you were nominated but didn’t win (but should have!).
Next up: organize! Most people find it helpful to use mind map pictures in which circles are connected by lines to organize their thoughts before writing them down more formally in an essay format.
With a simple mind map software program like FreeMind or MindManager (both free), it takes just minutes to create an organized outline of what points will be made in each paragraph of your scholarship essay.
If these ideas aren’t enough information on how best to approach writing a scholarship essay, check out our article on how to write a good personal statement!
Tip 3. Write Tightly
Write tightly. Don’t use any words that you don’t need to to get your point across. Usually, this means being more specific and using concrete examples rather than broad generalizations.
For example, instead of saying “I’m a hard worker,” say “I worked 70 hours per week at my summer job.” Instead of saying “I want to help others,” say “I helped organize a fundraiser for breast cancer research at my school’s annual gala.” This will not only make your essay stronger but also make it easier for the reader to understand what you’ve written!
Don’t be afraid to cut out unnecessary words (and even sentences) if they aren’t adding anything useful or interesting it’s perfectly fine for your essay not to allude directly to the prompt question if doing so would take up space without adding necessary color or context.
Tip 4. Don’t Bore The Reader
Don’t bore the reader. Law schools have a lot of applicants to choose from, so they want to make sure that you can write interestingly. This means that you need to avoid being overly repetitive and saying the same thing over and over again, as well as writing in long sentences.
Use active verbs instead of passive verbs (e.g., “The law school was created…” vs “A law school was created…). You should also try to limit your use of adjectives or adverbs because they add unnecessary words to your sentence that detract from its meaning and make it longer than necessary.
Use examples from your life that illustrate what you learned at school or show how this experience has helped shape who you are today (e.g., “During my time at Yale Law School It’s helpful if these examples relate directly back to one of the main points in your essay!
Avoid using cliches such as “I learned so much,” “It was an amazing experience,” “My college years were some of my best” etcetera… If someone has read those kinds of phrases before then they probably won’t be interested in reading any further because they’ve heard them all too many times before!
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Tip 5. Tell Your Story
After you have a compelling topic and thesis, it’s time to write about yourself. Use your voice, rather than impersonating a law school applicant.
Write about what you know, or at least have some familiarity with. The best topics will be ones that are relevant to your own experiences not just any experience will do.
Try not to use clichés in your essay. Instead of saying “I can’t wait for graduation,” try something more specific: “I can’t wait until I’m finally done with finals.” This is especially true if you’re writing an essay that includes anecdotes from personal experience; make sure they’re fresh and interesting!
Tip 6. Create A Compelling Hook Be Unique
While you can’t plan an essay’s opening, it is a good idea to know what you want your writing to contain. A strong hook will set the tone of your essay and leave lasting impressions in readers’ minds. A great hook should also have some of these characteristics:
It should be unusual or unexpected. Something that makes people think “actually, I didn’t know that.”
It should be factual and interesting enough so that you could start a conversation with someone by saying “I read on Facebook…” or “Have you ever heard about…?” For example, if you’re studying international law, it might be something about how there are more lawyers in China than anywhere else in the world (or something like that).
Or if you’re interested in criminal justice reform laws like mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses or solitary confinement as punishment for juvenile offenders… In other words: pick something unusual or different from what everyone else is writing about!
Tip 7. Be Focused And Precise In Your Writing Style
A focused and precise writing style is clear, direct, and concise. Your essay should be easy to understand without being wordy or overly complicated.
Here are some tips for achieving this:
Use short sentences (1-2 clauses) and paragraphs (3-5 sentences). Too many long sentences or paragraphs can be difficult to follow or understand. It’s far easier to comprehend when things are structured in short bursts rather than long stretches of text.
Avoid using unnecessary words like “a,” “the,” “of” etc., unless they help clarify the meaning. For example, the sentence “The applicant was accepted into the law school” is shorter than the unnecessarily wordy sentence
The applicant was accepted into the law school because she had excellent grades.” The first sentence gets at what you want to say without adding extra words that don’t add anything useful to your meaning; however, adding those extra words doesn’t hurt either!
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Tip 8. Consider The Format You Choose For Telling Your Story, As Well As Its Length
Consider the format you choose for telling your story, as well as its length.
A narrative is a story that chronicles events to illustrate a specific point or lesson. A personal essay is a more general type of writing that simply recounts an experience or event from your life.
A descriptive essay describes something, often with an emphasis on details and imagery. These three types of essays are some of the most common choices in scholarship contests, so they should be familiar to you if you want to write one yourself.
You should also think about how much space you will have in which to tell your tale (or tales). Some contest prompts require only 250 words; others demand 500 or more words! You may find it helpful to choose one approach over another based on this factor alone: If there’s not enough room for all those adjectives and adverbs, pick either “narrative” or “description”!
Tip 9. Have A Theme Or Point Of View That Makes Sense To You And Is Clear To The Reader Make It Your Own
Your essay should have a theme or point of view that makes sense to you and is clear to the reader. The best way to write an effective scholarship essay is by having a clear idea in your mind before you begin writing it. This will help guide your writing and make sure that all of your ideas fit together, rather than just being scattered throughout the essay.
Make sure that your theme is something that you can support with examples from life and school experiences. In addition, make sure it’s something interesting enough for the reader so he/she doesn’t want to stop reading after two sentences! Finally, make sure it’s something about which most people can relate (and where most people would agree with).
Avoiding common legal writing mistakes can elevate your work. Dive into our article highlighting the top 15 most common legal writing mistakes and how to avoid them to enhance the clarity and precision of your legal documents.
At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to write a scholarship essay. The only thing that matters is that you can present your best possible self in the time allotted. If you follow these steps and have a clear idea of who you are as a person and why you deserve this scholarship, then you will be in good shape!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources you might find helpful when working on your scholarship essay:
College Essay Guy – Scholarship Essay Examples
Explore real-life scholarship essay examples to gain inspiration and insights into effective essay writing.
EssayPro – Scholarship Essay Guide
Check out this comprehensive guide that offers tips and techniques for crafting a compelling scholarship essay.
International Student – Scholarship Essay Sample
View a sample scholarship essay to understand how to structure and present your own essay effectively.
How do I choose a compelling scholarship essay topic?
Select a topic that reflects your personal experiences, values, and aspirations. Highlight your uniqueness and connection to the scholarship’s goals.
What should I emphasize in my scholarship essay?
Emphasize your achievements, community involvement, and how the scholarship aligns with your educational and career goals.
How long should my scholarship essay be?
Most scholarship essays have specific word or character limits. Ensure you stay within those limits while effectively conveying your message.
Can I reuse a scholarship essay for multiple applications?
It’s recommended to tailor your essay to each scholarship’s requirements and focus. Reusing content is acceptable, but customization can enhance your chances.
How can I make my scholarship essay stand out?
Craft a compelling introduction, tell a compelling story, and use specific examples to demonstrate your qualities and achievements. Be authentic and unique.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.