How to Write a Job Description Like a Pro

If you have a job opening, it’s time to write a job description. But don’t panic! Writing a good one doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, the best way to start is by writing down everything you already know about the position and then adding details that will sell candidates on why they should apply in the first place. 

Keep reading for some tips on writing a stellar job description that will get people excited about applying and help you fill positions faster!

How to Write a Great Job Description in Seven Steps – YouTube
Clearly define the job title and role
List key responsibilities and duties
Include specific qualifications and requirements
Highlight the company culture and values
Use concise and clear language
Focus on essential skills and avoid unnecessary qualifications
Provide information on salary and benefits
Optimize for search engines with relevant keywords
Proofread and edit for grammar and clarity
Regularly review and update job descriptions

Write A Clear Title

First and foremost, your job title should be clear. A good title will clearly communicate what the role is, who it’s for and why they should want it. The best way to do this is by creating a title that’s descriptive but also easy to understand, easy-to-remember and easy to spell:

The best titles are short and snappy – no more than three words in length. This makes them easier to remember and write down (which means more time spent thinking about how best to apply for a position).

A great example of this is Facebook’s Senior Software Engineer position; it instantly conveys what the role entails without using too many words or technical jargon that might confuse people reading through the advertisement.

Are you looking to hire an Account Coordinator? Our Account Coordinator Job Description Template provides 11 excellent samples to help you craft a comprehensive job description and find the perfect candidate.

Describe Your Company Culture And Values

The best way to describe your company culture is to be specific.

Be specific about what you mean by company culture. Does it refer to the physical office space, or does it encompass more than that? Are you talking about the atmosphere at work — how people interact with each other and feel about their jobs? 

Or do you mean something else entirely? If so, explain it clearly in your job description so there are no misunderstandings later on when someone applies for the position.

If there are particular values that define your company’s approach and influence their day-to-day behavior (whether they’re hiring managers or employees), make sure those values are included here too. 

List them out clearly so potential applicants know exactly what kind of person should apply for this position and why they should want to work for such a place in the first place!

List Out The Key Responsibilities Of The Job

In addition to the job title, you should also list out the key responsibilities of your open position. This list should include no more than five items and be in a bulleted format.

In the next section of your job description, you’ll discuss how those responsibilities translate into results that help drive the business forward (e.g., increasing sales by 5 percent). 

Doing so will make it clear what success looks like for an employee in this role—and as we’ve discussed before, it’s important for employees to know exactly what they’re being measured on so they can put their best foot forward every day.

Highlight Your Must-Have Requirements And Nice-To-Haves

This is the part of your job description where you highlight your must-haves, nice-to-haves, and benefits.

Must-have requirements are non-negotiable for this role. If a candidate doesn’t meet these criteria, they won’t be considered for the job. This section should include things like: “The ideal candidate will have five years’ experience in managing cross-functional teams.”

Nice-to-have requirements are desirable skills or experience that would make someone even more qualified for the role—but they aren’t mandatory to get hired. For example: “Experience with project management software like Trello or JIRA is a plus but not required.”

Benefits are any perks that come with holding this position at your company (e.g., vacation days, health insurance). You can also include things like extra responsibilities or opportunities to advance within the organization here if they apply to what someone could expect from working at your company full time (and not just internships).

Perks are things that make this gig uniquely awesome (e.g., catered lunches every day), which might seem unnecessary when considering other jobs but help differentiate yours from those around it; in short: “perks” + “benefits” = “unique selling point.”

Are you in need of an Account Clerk for your organization? Check out our Account Clerk Job Description Template that offers 11 excellent samples to guide you in creating a detailed job description and attracting qualified applicants.

Let Candidates Know What To Expect After They Apply

When a job seeker submits an application, you’ll want them to have a clear understanding of what the next steps are. If you need to review their resume and conduct interviews, let them know how long it will take (and remind them that if they don’t hear back within 2 weeks, they should reach out to you).

Letting candidates know what’s going on with their application is important because it helps build trust and respect between you and potential employees. You don’t want your company’s hiring process to feel like just another automated, impersonal process like applying for college or applying for credit cards; rather, you want people who apply for jobs at your company to feel as though they’re important enough that someone took time out of their day just so they can get through these steps!

Are you hiring for an Account Representative role? Our Account Representative Job Description Template offers 11 excellent samples to help you create a compelling job description that will attract skilled professionals to represent your organization.

Add Some Personality To Your Description

It’s important to add some personality to your description. One way to do this is to make sure you describe the culture and values of your company. This helps potential candidates get a feel for what it would be like if they worked there, helping them decide if they’d fit in.

Another way is by listing out the key responsibilities of the job. This will give candidates an idea of what they’ll be doing day-to-day as well as how they’ll contribute to the overall mission of your business or organization.

It’s also helpful to highlight must-have requirements, and nice-to-haves that could make someone’s experience even better than expected (e.g., flexible hours). Finally, let candidates know what to expect after submitting their application (i.e., when interviews will happen).

If you’re seeking an Account Executive to drive your business’s sales growth, our Account Executive Job Description Template can be your go-to resource. Explore 11 excellent samples to create a compelling job description and attract top-notch talent.

A Well-Written Job Description Is A Great Tool For Attracting Top Talent

One of the most important things you can do when trying to attract top talent is writing a well-written job description. A well-written job description helps you attract the right talent, and it also helps you avoid attracting the wrong people. It’s a great tool for helping you get what you want from your next hire.

Looking to fill the position of an Account Director? Our Account Director Job Description Template provides 11 excellent samples to help you outline the responsibilities and requirements of this crucial role, ensuring a successful hiring process.


We hope this post has given you some ideas on how to write a job description that attracts top talent. If you want to learn even more about the best practices for writing job descriptions and other marketing materials, check out our ebook on the topic.

Further Reading

How to Write the Best Job Description Ever: Learn valuable tips and techniques to craft compelling and effective job descriptions that attract top candidates.

How to Write a Job Description: Discover the essential steps and best practices for writing a job description that accurately communicates your job requirements and attracts qualified applicants.

How to Write Job Ad Copy: Dive into the art of writing persuasive job ad copy that grabs attention, engages candidates, and encourages them to apply.

Feel free to add additional URLs or modify the descriptions to suit your needs.

And here’s an example of an “FAQs” section in markdown language:


How important is a well-written job description?

A well-written job description is crucial as it sets clear expectations for the role, attracts the right candidates, and helps in the hiring process.

What should be included in a job description?

A job description should include the job title, responsibilities, qualifications, skills, and any specific requirements or preferences.

How can I make my job description stand out?

To make your job description stand out, focus on showcasing the unique aspects of your company, highlight the opportunities for growth, and clearly communicate the benefits of the position.

Should I include salary information in the job description?

Including salary information in the job description can help manage candidate expectations and attract candidates within your budget. However, some companies prefer to discuss salary during the interview process.

How often should I update my job descriptions?

It’s recommended to review and update job descriptions periodically or whenever there are significant changes in the role or requirements to ensure they accurately reflect the current needs of your organization.