Freelancing full-time while working a full-time job can be a difficult task, but it is something I have done for many years. It is possible and can be very rewarding, especially if you love your career but want to make extra income. Here are tips on how to work a freelance job while working full-time!
Takeaways |
1. Balancing Act: Successfully managing a freelance job alongside a full-time position requires effective time management and prioritization. |
2. Flexibility Matters: Freelancing offers flexibility in work hours, allowing you to pursue your passion and earn extra income. |
3. Building a Portfolio: Crafting an impressive portfolio is essential for attracting potential clients and landing freelance opportunities. |
4. Finding Clients: Utilize online platforms and networking to find clients for your freelance work while being mindful of legal considerations. |
5. Embrace Community: Embracing online communities and support networks can provide valuable insights and tips for thriving in both roles. |
Master Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is your ability to control yourself, your impulses, and your emotions. It’s the way you can work on something that isn’t interesting to you at all because it needs to get done. You need self-discipline when you make a plan for yourself and stick with it until the end. Self-discipline is necessary if you want to achieve anything in life, whether it’s weight loss or getting a new job.
It’s easy for freelancers to let their jobs slide because they don’t have as much structure as an employee would have. That’s why developing self-discipline is so important if you want success as a freelancer it will help keep your mind on track when things get tough!
Self-Discipline Tips:
- Don’t allow yourself any distractions while working (no social media, no television). Set aside time specifically for working on projects related only to your freelance job (this could be at night after work hours).
- Have clearly defined goals backed up by achievable steps towards achieving them (a clear vision of what needs doing)
Building a successful freelance career without the need for face-to-face interactions is possible. Discover how to become a successful freelancer without ever meeting anyone and embrace the flexibility it offers in balancing your full-time job.
Why Freelancing Is Your Best Option
Freelancing is an ideal option for many people because you have the freedom to work on your terms. You can work from home or any location with a stable internet connection, and there is no schedule that you need to meet. You can choose whether or not your clients will even know when you are working!
Here are some of the benefits of freelancing:
- You can set your hours. This allows you more control over when and how much work gets done each day. It also gives me the freedom to come home early if my toddler needs help with something or go out late if he has a playdate without worrying about missing billable hours!
- You can work in pajamas if that suits your fancy (or even naked). Working from home means I never have to look professional for anyone — which is certainly fine for me since I generally like wearing sweats anyway! It’s also nice having an excuse not do my hair every morning (I’m sure my husband appreciates this).
Make Sure You Have The Right Skills For Freelancing
First, you need to make sure that you have the right skills for freelancing. Freelancing is a different ball game than working a full-time job at an office. It requires more than just a good resume and cover letter; it requires specific skills that are hard to gain on your own if there isn’t already an industry in a place where those skill sets are necessary.
If you want to find out what kind of freelance work is available, check out these articles by Upwork:
- 10 Top Skills Employers Are Looking For From Freelancers In 2019 (And Why)
- The Top 5 Skills You Need To Succeed As A Freelance Writer In 2019
Are you struggling to find clients for your freelance work while juggling a full-time job? Learn what to do if you’re a freelancer that is looking for clients but not getting any and explore strategies to attract potential clients effectively.
Marketing Works
Marketing is a key part of any business. It’s important for freelancers, too. Marketing helps you to get more clients, jobs, and money. Marketing helps you to get more work by:
- Presenting yourself as an expert (or even just looking like one) in your industry through your bio, website, social media profiles, etc. This will help potential clients trust that they will get value from working with you (which they need before they can hand over their hard-earned cash).
- Getting people talking about what you do via social media posts (both content-related and promotional), guest posts on relevant blogs, and participation in online communities. This will make people aware that there are actually real live humans who can solve the problems that they have – which makes them less likely to go searching elsewhere for solutions!
Be Smart And Do Research
If you’re going to be working a freelance job and still keep your full-time job, you need to do research and be smart about it. It’s easy to get scammed when it comes to finding work so don’t let yourself fall into a trap.
You need to learn how the internet works so that you can use it as an advantage. You also have access to social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ which can help expand your network of contacts and make sure that people see who you are and what your skills are all about.
You should also take advantage of any libraries or other places where there is free internet available (like coffee shops) for them not only to serve as a place where clients may find out about but also allow them an opportunity if needed to work on their freelancing jobs.
While away from home during lunch breaks or after work hours without having set up something beforehand like staying late at home just because there aren’t any other options available nearby so now at least this way I’ll get some sleep tonight!
Have Something To Write About
When writing for your blog or online publication, you need to have something to write about. Just because you’ve been working at the company for three years doesn’t mean that your readers will want to read about what it’s like working there. You need to think about what your audience wants to read about and appeal directly to them in every piece of content.
It could be that they want information on how their problems can be solved by using a certain product or service, or maybe they just like reading about how certain things are made, or maybe they’re interested in learning more about fashion trends from around the world! Whatever it is, give them what they want!
Don’t Be Afraid Of Failure
In life, there will inevitably be times when something does not go according to plan. Don’t let that fear stop you from trying something new or taking on a new challenge. You will only improve by learning from your mistakes and building on them for the future. It’s important to understand that failure is an opportunity for growth, whether it’s personal or professional. Use it as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and try again!
Networking Is An Excellent Business Strategy
It’s a great way to get your name out there, as well as get feedback on your work. It’s also a great opportunity to hear about the projects that are being worked on by other freelancers in the industry, which you can use for inspiration or ideas for new projects of your own. You’ll never know what kind of connections you might make at networking events!
Balancing freelancing with a full-time job can alleviate the fear of missing out on life’s experiences. Find out how freelancing helps people in reducing the fear of missing out and enables you to manage your time more efficiently.
Create A Blog Or Portfolio That Will Highlight Your Skills
To get the job, you need to show what you can do. You can create a portfolio or a blog that showcases your skills. If you’re applying for a design job, put together an online portfolio showing off your previous work. If you’re applying for an editing position, make sure that any samples of your work are organized and easy to read so clients can see how well you organize information.
Create An Online Presence That Will Help You With Clients And Jobs
The more you have an online presence, the more clients are going to be able to find you. A website is always a good idea because it allows people to get a better understanding of your work and how you do things. If you’re a writer, then having a blog can help show off some of your best work while also providing valuable information for those who want or need it.
Finally, creating profiles on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter can help further market yourself as someone who takes their job seriously while also showing off any other skillset they might not see in your portfolio site or blog posts.
Work Hard For No Pay At Times But Only In The Beginning When Needed
It’s important to remember that you are building your portfolio, and the more skills you learn, the better. You also need to keep in mind that working for free is a great way to get your name out there. If people see what you can do, they will want to hire you or refer others who need someone just like them.
So yes, sometimes it will feel like work for no pay at times but only in the beginning when needed. The more experience and skills you gain from freelance jobs, the less time spent on each project because soon enough clients will come knocking on your door looking for YOU!
Ask For Help When You Need It
Asking for help is one of the most important things you can do when trying to start your own business. You need to ask for help so that you can learn from other people’s experiences and mistakes, rather than repeat them. It’s also important to make sure that any resources (money, time, etc.) that are offered go into your business instead of into someone else’s pockets!
Ask friends and family if they have any contacts in your industry who might be able to give advice or provide support. If possible, ask them if there are any jobs they know about that might be perfect for someone like yourself with limited experience but lots of potentials. You may not get lucky enough to find one right away but it never hurts to ask!
Use Your Friends As A Resource If Possible
If you have friends or family that do freelance work, ask them if they can help you out when you need it. Sometimes all it takes is an hour or two of their time to get things done, and the best part is that they’re free!
Make sure you’re comfortable with the person before asking for help because sometimes people might not understand or be able to give as much assistance as needed.
Be honest about your situation. For example: “I’ll pay whatever amount you want” or “I’m going through a tough time right now but will try my best”. It’s always good practice to be transparent about what’s going on so everyone knows where they stand and how much effort each person has put in so far (this goes both ways too).
It makes sense that some things may not go according to plan when working remotely but talking things out beforehand makes sure everything gets done without any stress later on down the road!
Set Up Your Own Website/Domain Name To Showcase Your Skills
Creating your website or domain name is a great way to showcase your skills. You can upload samples of work, link to other websites where you have published content, and provide information about yourself and your availability for freelance jobs. Additionally, you should include links to social media accounts that allow potential employers the opportunity to learn more about you through reading your blog posts or following your tweets.
The best domains are easy-to-remember so that clients can remember them when they need assistance with their projects in the future (as opposed to something like In addition to making it easier for clients to find you online, an online portfolio will help clients who may not know how much experience they want when searching through profiles at job sites like Upwork
Enhance your chances of landing the freelance job you desire by creating a captivating Upwork portfolio. Our guide on how to craft an Upwork portfolio that gets you the job you want will help you stand out in the competitive freelancing market.
Utilize Social Media As Much As Possible For Marketing Purposes (For Free)
Use social media as much as possible for marketing purposes. Social media is an amazing tool for getting your name and face out there. Don’t be afraid to share your work and ask for feedback on a piece you might be working on, whether it’s a painting or a new blog post.
Sometimes when I am struggling with something, I will ask my Twitter followers what they think about what I have written so far most of the time they give me great suggestions!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help either; sometimes we just need someone else’s perspective or maybe even some encouragement along the way.
Have A Few Standard Websites Bookmarked And Check Often For Possible Job Openings
Have a few standard websites bookmarked and check often for possible job openings (ProBlogger, craigslist, etc). Check this list of sites that may have jobs you’d be interested in.
How often should I check the job boards? If you’re just starting, it’s a good idea to check at least once per week. Once you’ve built up your portfolio with some freelance work under your belt, maybe every two weeks is enough until another full-time position comes along or something else changes in your life which mean looking at new opportunities again becomes urgent.
Volunteer To Help Out Others In Need Maybe Even Connect With Them Later On For Business Opportunities
Volunteering can be a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and give back to those who need it. It’s also a great way to get the word out about your skillset. Let’s say you’re a graphic designer and you volunteer at an animal shelter maybe they’ll hire you later on! If not, they may know someone who can benefit from your services.
This is all assuming that volunteering doesn’t take away from your full-time job responsibilities or leave no time for family/social life/exercise (which is usually the case).
Maximize the results of your Upwork campaign to thrive as a freelancer with a full-time job. Learn how to get the most out of your Upwork campaign and leverage the platform effectively to balance both commitments successfully.
Final Thoughts
Freelancing while working a full-time job can be challenging but it can pay off in the long run. You want to make sure your skills are up to par, so you need to work on them. This will help build confidence and enable you to ask for higher rates.
Marketing yourself is important too. Take time each day or week for this task because it could lead to more clients and jobs than ever before. All of these tips are easy if you take the time each day or week devoted just to marketing yourself and creating new content that would be beneficial for both parties involved (employer/client).
Further Reading
Freelancing While Working Full-Time: A Comprehensive Guide Learn valuable insights and practical tips on how to successfully manage freelancing alongside your full-time job.
How to Start Freelancing While Having a Full-Time Job Discover the steps and considerations to kickstart your freelancing journey while maintaining your current job.
Balancing Freelance Work and Full-Time Employment Explore effective strategies for striking a balance between freelancing and your full-time career to achieve work-life harmony.
People Also Ask
What’s A Freelance Job?
A freelance job is an opportunity to work on a project that you don’t have to report to an office or other fixed location, and you can do it whenever and wherever you want. You just need the right skill set and experience.
What Kinds Of Jobs Can I Do As A Freelancer?
Pretty much anything! You can find projects with companies looking for help in just about any industry, including writing, graphic design, web design, video editing, programming…the list goes on and on!
How Do I Know What Kind Of Freelance Jobs Are Out There?
Great question! We’ve created a search tool specifically for finding the perfect job for you. Just type in what kind of work you’re interested in doing, how much time you have available each week (or per project), and where you’d like to work from and we’ll show you only the projects that match your criteria.
How Do I Find A Freelance Job While Working Full Time?
If you’re looking for a freelance job to supplement your income, the best place to start is by building up your network. Making connections in your industry is the best way to find out about available opportunities, and it can help you get hired faster once you have a specific gig in mind.
How Much Money Can I Make As A Freelancer?
It depends on what kind of work you do and how many hours you put into it! Freelance writers, for example, make an average of $17 per hour. But if you’re looking for something with more stability (and less risk), freelancing as a programmer could be a better fit for your needs. In that field, the average hourly wage is $52 per hour.
Can I Be A Freelance Writer And Still Work Full Time?
Yes. It may take some planning, but you can make it happen. You’ll just need to be strategic about how you manage your time and when you plan to do your freelance work. If you’re looking for more specific advice on this topic, check out our article “How to Be a Freelance Writer While Working Full Time” for more details!
Do I Need To Quit My Job To Get Started As A Freelance Writer?
No! Many people start their freelance careers while they’re still working full time or in school. It’s entirely possible to keep your day job while pursuing writing opportunities on nights and weekends.
How Do I Find Clients?
There are many ways! You can start by looking on sites like Upwork or Fiverr and seeing if any jobs interest you. Or you can go through local publications and see if any gigs sound good for someone like yourself. You could also approach people directly through social media or email just be sure not to spam them!

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.