How To Think About Selling Books

Odds are, if you’ve written a book, the idea of promoting it is probably pretty exciting. After all, writing a book is a long and arduous process, and once it’s done or even just started the prospect of getting your work out into the world can be thrilling. 

But while promoting your book can be fun and rewarding, there are also many ways to get it wrong. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the best practices for thinking about selling books online and beyond so you can make sure yours sells well too!

Tips for Selling Books Internationally – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Approach selling books as a strategic process.
2. Understand your target audience’s preferences and needs.
3. Emphasize the value and benefits your book offers.
4. Utilize effective marketing and promotional strategies.
5. Foster genuine connections with your readers.
6. Continuously adapt and refine your selling approach.
7. Consider the broader context of the book market.
8. Focus on building a strong author brand.
9. Leverage online platforms and networking opportunities.
10. Stay open to innovative sales techniques and trends.

Be Present

Now that you’ve decided to sell your book and have started to get the word out, it’s important to be present. Be visible on social media, share your knowledge and expertise with others, welcome feedback, and be open to new ideas. 

Be honest and authentic you don’t want people finding out something negative about you after they’ve purchased a copy of your book! 

Also, make sure that you are a good listener and teacher (and student!). Let people see who you are through conversations on social media or even just in person at events like conferences or meetups where authors congregate.

Enhance your novel writing process with the right tools. Explore our list of 11 Most Important Software Tools that I use to write my novels, and discover how technology can elevate your storytelling.

Choose Your Focus And Your Audience

When you’re choosing your focus and audience, it’s important to remember that your strengths are what will make you stand out in a crowded marketplace. 

You may love romance novels, but if they’re not your area of expertise and you don’t know much about them, it won’t be easy for readers to trust your recommendations.

Instead of trying to write across multiple genres or jumping into too many areas at once, choose one niche and focus on becoming an expert in that particular field.

Then it’s time to define who your target audience is going to be so that when someone asks “Who is this book for?”, the answer is clear: “It’s for people like me!” This will help cut down on wasted effort by eliminating time spent on writing things that won’t resonate with readers; 

Instead of trying something new each time around just because it seems interesting (or because other writers seem successful), strive toward making each book even better than the last while staying true to yourself as an author.

Be Purposeful

  • Define your purpose.

Write a purpose statement and then write it down somewhere you will see it every day. If you don’t have a place to write it down, create one! 

For example, I have a little journal that I keep in my purse and at home. Writing down my goals helps me focus on them throughout the day (and makes me feel better about myself).

Write a content strategy based on your purpose: What kind of articles are you going to publish? How often will they be published? 

Where will these articles be published? Who is your target audience? Once again, keep this information written down so that you can refer back to it as necessary while writing future content.

Write out a marketing plan with specific goals tied into your content strategy: What kind of traffic do you want from each medium social media platform or blog, for example, and how many leads would be ideal from each channel? 

This helps give some structure when creating campaigns for each medium later on in the process by ensuring that there is a clear direction behind their creation; otherwise, there could be inconsistencies between different pieces.

Which could confuse potential customers who may come across more than one ad/article/etcetera during their browsing sessions online and wonder why two separate ads were created using similar images and copy despite being placed in different places around town where nobody would usually see both advertisements at once anyway…

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Start With Your Strengths

This first step is crucial. If you don’t know your strengths, how will you ever know what to do? The truth is, we all have weaknesses even the most talented people in the world. But some of us are good at hiding those weaknesses from ourselves (and others).

It’s important, to be honest with yourself here and not just lie about your abilities because it makes you feel better about yourself or lessens your anxiety about selling books. 

For example, I’m great at marketing my work, but occasionally I write something that takes months or years to complete and is terrible.

I also know many authors who are excellent public speakers but can’t write a book proposal worth reading; they’re too busy getting drunk on stage instead of writing their manuscripts! 

Or they’re so focused on having an impactful social media presence that they forget why anyone pays them money for content!

Remember That What You Do Online Is Only A Tiny Part Of Your Business

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of what you’re doing online and forget that you also need to promote yourself offline. 

After all, there are still a ton of people who don’t use the internet as much (or at all) and they can be an excellent source of revenue for you. So don’t forget about these people when it comes time to sell books!

Set And Achieve Small Goals

Set and achieve small goals. You can’t sell your book to millions of people if you’ve only sold one copy! So don’t worry about that just yet. Instead, focus on making sales in smaller numbers maybe even one at a time.

Focus on one thing at a time. Don’t worry about what other people are doing; worry about what you’re doing. Are you marketing your book effectively? Are you writing great content for your blog? How about the quality of your books themselves (how are they edited)? 

Or maybe even getting more exposure through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter? These are all things that will help increase sales over time but none of them happen overnight so don’t expect them to either!

Don’t compare yourself to others (or feel bad because someone else has done something better than what YOU have).

 If there’s anything I’ve learned throughout my career as an author is that there’s always going to be someone who has done something better than what YOU have accomplished thus far in YOUR career as an author… but guess what? That doesn’t mean there wasn’t any value in WHAT YOU DID accomplish!

Master the art of effective communication through our guide on How to Get Your Dream Job with Cold Email. Learn the strategies to reach your dream job and adapt these skills to connect with your readers for successful book sales.

Write A Good Objective

Writing a good objective is one of the most important things you can do when you’re trying to sell your book. It could be the difference between selling your book and not selling it at all.

An objective is a statement that describes what you want to accomplish with your book. It should be very specific so that potential buyers know exactly what they’re getting into before they buy it. 

An objective should also tell readers why they should buy this particular book; i.e., why would someone want to read yours versus another author?

Here are some examples of objectives:

Write a novel about a woman who works as an accountant by day but becomes an assassin by night (The Accountant).

Tell the story of how I went from being broke and homeless to having millions of dollars in my bank account (Think & Grow Rich).

Show readers how easy it is for anyone even people who don’t think themselves creative to build their website (Building Your Website For Dummies).

Draw Up A Plan Or Use A Template

If you’re not sure where to start in terms of making your book a success, consider using a template or plan. A template can be helpful for new authors who want to try out different ideas and see what works best for their style of writing and subject matter. 

A plan is great for authors who have already written their books but still want some direction on how to sell them successfully.

Both templates and plans are very similar in that they provide structure and guidance for the author during this process. 

They also help ensure that all aspects of your book are taken care of before it’s published so as not to leave any holes in its marketing campaign later on down the road (such as missing links between chapters). 

However, there are slight differences between these two options: templates tend to have more specific instructions than plans do.

Such as telling an author exactly where he should put his email signup form on his website plans tend  to tell him why it matters and what kind of content goes into each part of his website instead; 

Therefore if someone has never sold anything online before then perhaps going with a plan would be better suited since it would explain things like SEO optimization techniques without having him worry too much about specifics like layout design while learning how things work at first glance.”

Craft a winning email strategy by exploring our insights into Email Marketing Strategy: What I Do, How I Do It. Uncover the secrets to engaging your audience and apply these tactics to promote and sell your books effectively.

Get To Know The Best Sources To Find Reviews

  • You should read reviews of other books.
  • You can use social media to find reviewers.

You can use a review service, such as Kirkus Reviews or Shelf Unbound, which allows you to fill out an online form and submit your book for consideration. They also offer recommendations on how to market your work once it’s been reviewed by them.

You could also try looking up book review blogs, websites, and podcasts through Google or Amazon (or wherever you sell your books).

Then reach out directly to these sites/blogs/podcasts and ask if they’d be interested in reviewing your work the same way that you would with any other publication or website!

Segment Your Site By Category To Get More Reviews

One of the best ways to build your business is by getting reviews. Reviews help readers make purchasing decisions, they help authors get more sales (and thus give them the ability to write more books), and they also help authors get more visibility on Amazon.

To get reviews for your book, start by segmenting your site by category to make sure you’re getting traffic from people who are interested in that genre. 

Then when someone clicks through from a search engine or other source, show them only relevant content on the landing page of every book (for example: if someone searches “romance novels,” don’t show them science fiction). 

That way you’ll be able to provide some value before asking for anything and eventually, people will become accustomed enough to your company’s products/services that it won’t seem like such an intrusion when asked for feedback about their experience!

Don’t Give Your Author Name, Email Address, Title, Or Social Media Handle To Anyone

Author name and email address: Don’t give away your author name or email address to anyone. You might think this would be obvious, but it’s not. 

Many authors are willing to hand over their personal information for free, especially when it comes to sending a copy of their book. Sometimes authors will even do this for strangers who approach them at events or conventions!

This is a bad idea for two reasons:

You never know if the person asking will actually read your book and then leave an honest review on Amazon (or anywhere else). 

The chances are pretty low that they’ll do so especially if they’re getting something in return so there’s no guarantee that you’ll get any value from giving away copies of your book anyway.

If someone isn’t willing to pay full price ($5-$10), why should they expect you to give them something free? Giving away free copies of a product devalues both products and offers little incentive for people who aren’t interested in buying books anyways (or already own one).

Be Patient, Because The Book Marketing Process Takes Time

Your book will be available for sale soon. But it’s important to remember that the marketing process takes time. You cannot expect to have thousands of sales on day one, or even week one. It takes time to build up a readership, and it takes time to build up a following.

It can feel frustrating when there isn’t an immediate payoff from all your hard work, but keep in mind: if you’re investing in your writing career then this is something that will pay off over the long term!

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Give Free Copies Of Your Book Away

By giving away copies of your book, you’ll be able to:

Reach more readers. It’s not uncommon for publishers to give away free copies of books at conferences or conventions and in some cases, the authors will even sign them! This is a great way to get people interested in your work and help them see how awesome it is.

Get reviews from people who can influence others. If you have a book about cooking with chicken recipes, consider sending free copies to food bloggers and reviewers who specialize in chicken recipes. 

They may write their review articles or blog posts that include quotes from yours which could inspire other readers to buy it themselves!


As we’ve seen, there are many ways to market your book. We’ve given you a few tips and tricks, but ultimately, the key is to get out there and do it! Whether that means being present on social media or meeting people in real life, it’s up to you. 

What’s most important is that you’re having fun with it and remember that this process takes time. Remember also not to give away too many copies of your book right away; if possible, save those up until after launch day so they don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Further Reading

How to Sell Your Book: Explore effective strategies to successfully market and sell your book, reaching a wider audience and boosting your sales.

Selling Books on Your Author Website: Learn how to set up your author website as a sales platform, enabling you to directly connect with readers and promote your books.

Sell Your New Book: Discover practical tips for launching and selling your new book, from creating a buzz to engaging with your audience for increased sales.

And here’s the “FAQs” section with semantic-based questions and answers in H3 format:


How can I effectively market my book for better sales?

Promoting your book involves a combination of online and offline strategies. Utilize social media, book promotion websites, and local events to reach a wider audience and boost sales.

What role does an author website play in selling books?

An author website serves as a central hub for your readers. It allows you to showcase your books, interact with your audience, and provide a direct platform for selling your work.

How do I create anticipation for my new book launch?

Building anticipation involves teaser campaigns, cover reveals, and engaging content that sparks curiosity. Generate excitement among your audience before the official release.

Are book reviews important for selling books?

Absolutely. Positive reviews build credibility and trust among potential readers. Encourage readers to leave reviews and consider offering advance copies to influencers for endorsements.

What are some effective pricing strategies for selling books?

Consider your target audience, genre, and market trends when setting your book’s price. Experiment with limited-time promotions, discounts, and bundle offers to attract different buyer segments.