When you’re pregnant, it’s hard enough dealing with the emotions and physical sensations (and let’s face it, annoyances) that come along with pregnancy.
Your patience may wane as you deal with the frustrations of being pregnant, such as aches and pains in your body, morning sickness (any time of day), heartburn, back pain, swollen feet, and ankles… the list goes on.
So when you throw a job into the mix especially if you have a demanding job or one that requires long hours things can get even more difficult to handle. Luckily, there are ways to make your life a little easier during this time. We’ve got tips for staying connected and productive while pregnant.
Takeaways |
1. Maintain communication: Stay connected with your colleagues, clients, and support network through regular communication channels to ensure effective collaboration and support during your pregnancy. |
2. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life to maintain a healthy balance. Prioritize self-care, allocate dedicated time for work, and create boundaries that allow you to focus on both your professional and personal needs. |
3. Delegate and outsource: Identify tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to lighten your workload. Utilize resources such as freelancers or supportive team members to help you manage your responsibilities more efficiently. |
4. Prioritize tasks and deadlines: Evaluate and prioritize your tasks based on importance and deadlines. Create a structured schedule, set realistic goals, and focus on completing essential tasks to maintain productivity and manage your workload effectively. |
5. Take breaks and practice self-care: Incorporate regular breaks and self-care activities into your routine. Rest, relax, and engage in activities that help you rejuvenate and recharge, promoting overall well-being and productivity during pregnancy. |
6. Seek support and flexibility: Reach out to your employer, colleagues, and loved ones for support and understanding. Discuss your needs and explore options for flexible work arrangements that can accommodate your pregnancy and allow you to stay connected and productive. |
7. Stay organized: Use organizational tools, such as calendars, task managers, or project management software, to stay organized and keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and important events. This will help you stay on top of your responsibilities and maintain productivity. |
Take Advantage Of Technology
Your phone and computer are great tools to stay connected with the people you care about, whether they’re your family, boss or coworkers. For example, you can text them instead of calling them (it’s cheaper!) and schedule FaceTime calls so they can see how big your belly is getting.
You can also use Skype or Google Hangouts to connect with clients or customers who live far away.
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Prioritize Your To-Do List
So you’ve got a lot on your plate and you’re feeling overwhelmed by it all. The best way to make sure that you don’t get overwhelmed is to prioritize each item on your list.
By prioritizing each item on our list, we can determine which tasks are most important and need to be completed first. Let’s say that one night I’m going out with my friends and I have no plans for dinner or breakfast the next day.
If I prioritize my items in this order: go home from work, shower/wash hair/makeup; eat dinner at home; eat leftovers for breakfast tomorrow; go out with friends; then I would end up eating cold pizza slices while standing outside their house waiting for them to finish their conversation inside so we can leave immediately after.
Eat Extra Healthy
You may be feeling exhausted and hungry, but you need to make sure that you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs. Here are some tips for eating healthy while pregnant:
- Eat fruits and vegetables. The American Pregnancy Association recommends that pregnant women eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This will help prevent anemia, low birth weight, preterm labor, and gestational diabetes.
- Eat whole grains. Whole grains have more fiber than refined grains (those with the bran removed), so they can reduce constipation and gas during pregnancy.
Opt for whole-wheat pasta or bread instead of white pasta or white bread; go brown rice instead of white rice; eat oatmeal over corn flakes; choose whole-grain crackers over potato chips when snacking on something salty; don’t snack on chocolate chip cookies instead, eat fresh fruit!
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Sometimes It’s Okay To Say No
I know it may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes you need to say no. Even if you love someone or something and want to be a part of it, sometimes saying no is the best thing for you. You can’t always do everything that everyone asks or wants from you. You have to prioritize your own needs and desires, as well as those of your baby.
Set Boundaries Between Work And Home Life
When you’re pregnant, it’s important to set boundaries between your work life and home life. You don’t want to bring the stress of work into the home environment because this can be stressful for both you and your baby.
It’s also important that you don’t talk about work at home or engage in any other type of work activity while at home (like checking email). Instead, try to spend more quality time with your partner and family members.
This will allow them to get to know their soon-to-be sibling and will provide a much-needed break for themselves as well.
When it comes down to it, many ways being pregnant can impact how productive an employee is but by following these tips closely we hope that you’ll find success in making sure everything goes smoothly until those nine months pass by quickly.
Ask For Flexibility
Ask your boss if you can change your start and stop times. You may need to leave early or come in late, take time off, work from home and/or work from another location.
If you’re having trouble with a particular task or project that’s taking up too much of your energy, consider asking for help with it. If the person assigned to do it doesn’t have the knowledge or skillset required then maybe they can figure out how they can get those things on their own (and let them know what those things are).
Or perhaps there’s an alternative solution that would be less taxing on you physically and emotionally.
Be Honest With Your Boss And Coworkers
As a pregnant woman, it’s important to be open and honest with everyone in the office about what you need from them.
This is especially true of your boss if he or she doesn’t have kids. You should give them concrete examples of requests that are reasonable, such as asking for a private place to pump breast milk during work hours or asking for extra time off when you’re experiencing morning sickness.
It’s also important that your coworkers know how best to help you so they don’t inadvertently take on more than they can handle (or hurt their backs!).
Don’t Be Afraid To Delegate Some Responsibilities
One of the biggest challenges that pregnant women face is having to do everything themselves. When you’re pregnant, there are a lot of things that fall on your shoulders and it’s easy for a person to feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities.
This can become especially true when you have a full-time job or any other obligations outside of work, like taking care of your family or doing household chores. You may find yourself feeling like there’s no way out and that you need to do everything yourself because no one else will step up and help you out.
But remember: it’s okay not to be able to handle everything! It’s okay not to want help from others sometimes; this doesn’t make you less independent or self-sufficient as an individual (you know what makes someone self-sufficient? The ability not only to ask for help but also to accept it).
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Talk To Other Working Mothers
When you talk to other working mothers, you can get advice, support, ideas, encouragement, and inspiration. The more you talk about your work situation and the more questions you ask the more likely it is that someone else has experienced something similar.
If there are no other working mothers in your social circle or neighborhood (try talking to a local yoga teacher or Pilates instructor), find one online by joining a Facebook group for moms who work from home.
Give Yourself A Break
Take a few minutes to breathe and relax. A little bit of rest can go a long way toward restoring your energy level, and when you’re pregnant, it may be difficult for others to understand why you need some alone time to recharge your batteries.
Take a nap or lie down for an hour or two if possible. If there’s no time for an actual nap, try lying on the couch just so that your mind can have some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle happening at home or work.
Walk around your neighborhood or take an evening stroll after dinner (if this is safe). Your body will benefit from the exercise and fresh air and you’ll be permitting yourself to take care of yourself!
Take a shower/bath/bubble bath/hot tub soak…whatever feels best to help relax those sore muscles while also giving them a chance to rest after carrying around this extra weight all day long!
Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep At Night
Sleep is important for everyone, but it’s especially vital during pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, noting that “lack of adequate sleep can have adverse effects on maternal well-being and fetal development.”
It’s important to establish a regular bedtime routine for yourself so you’ll be able to fall asleep quickly when it’s time to go to bed. Avoid screen time within an hour or two before going to bed; instead, read a book or take a warm bath before retiring (but avoid getting too hot).
If you are having trouble sleeping at night it may help to try sleeping on your left side with your knees bent up toward your belly (this position will help keep the baby elevated), drinking warm milk before bedtime, or setting an alarm clock so that you don’t oversleep in the morning.
Create A Morning Routine Where You Can Appreciate The Silence Before Your Day Gets Started
If you’re like me, mornings are a chaotic time. There are so many things that need to get done before the day begins and even more distractions demanding my attention. If you’re thinking about creating a morning routine for yourself, which I highly recommend, some simple steps can help you make it sustainable in the long term.
- Start with what works best for your body and mind.
- Keep it simple by focusing on one or two essential tasks per day: drinking water, meditating or journaling, stretching or exercising (if possible), planning out your day…the list goes on.
- Get creative with how you do these things; It doesn’t have to be boring (believe me). Here’s an example: if your favorite thing is yoga but working out after a long day of work just isn’t realistic right now then maybe try making time during lunch break instead?
The point here is simply getting into the habit of practicing self-care consistently over time so by default it becomes part of who we are as individuals rather than something we only do when life gets busy and stressful.
Schedule In Time For Yourself, With Or Without Your Partner, As Often As You Can Manage It
Ideally, this should be at least once a week and I’m not just talking about an hour of napping or Netflix binging (although they’re both very important).
Schedule in time with your partner; schedule in time without your partner; schedule in time with friends; schedule in time with family; schedule in time with a therapist or support group; and even schedule some “me” time on the side.
Even if it’s just 15 minutes every day where you sit down and breathe deeply, hold your hands over your belly, take a sip of tea, journal or read one page from a book whatever helps get those anti-anxiety hormones flowing.
This is especially important if you’ve had anxiety or panic attacks during pregnancy because pregnancy hormones make them more likely to happen again later on down the road.
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Schedule Plenty Of Prenatal Appointments So You Can Check On The Health Of The Baby And Take Care Of Yourself As Well
If you’re pregnant, it’s important to have a doctor who you trust and feel comfortable with. You should also have a good relationship with your doctor’s office you’ll need their help for appointments, tests, and procedures throughout your pregnancy.
If you’re insured by any type of insurance plan (PPO, HMO, or EPO), make sure that there are no problems with coverage for prenatal care.
If possible, see the same OB/GYN throughout your pregnancy so that they can get to know you and monitor any changes in the baby’s health.
They will be able to answer all of your questions about what’s happening with both mother and child at each stage of pregnancy and beyond!
Ask For Help When You Need It, Whether It’s From Loved Ones
When you’re pregnant, it’s essential to be connected with the right people and get all the support you need. And that includes asking for help when you need it. Here are some ways that can happen:
- Friends and family members can provide emotional support, share resources, and even lend a helping hand when necessary.
- A therapist or other mental health professional who understands what you are going through can help you work through your feelings. They’ll be able to offer guidance on managing stress and anxiety in healthy ways so they don’t become overwhelming at a time when it’s especially hard to stay calm.
- Your doctor is another great resource for emotional support during pregnancy especially if she knows about any additional challenges (like depression) that might be impacting your moods or behavior during this period.
You Can Stay Productive And Connected During Pregnancy If You Need To Do So, At Least Sometimes
This is one of those things that’s easy for me to say because I’m not a pregnant person. I don’t know how it feels or what you might be dealing with in terms of health issues or other obstacles that come up when people find out they’re pregnant.
However, based on what my wife has told me about her experiences with her pregnancies (and from watching TV shows), there are ways to stay connected and productive when you’re pregnant. You just need some help figuring out how!
Working from home offers flexibility and freedom, but it’s essential to avoid common pitfalls that can hinder your productivity and success. Discover the top 12 work-from-home mistakes you might be unknowingly making in our informative article on the top 12 work-from-home mistakes you don’t know you’re making. Uncover valuable insights and practical tips to optimize your remote work experience.
Final Thoughts
Congratulations on your pregnancy! We hope that you’ve been able to find some value in this article and implement some of our tips for staying connected and productive during this special time in your life. If you have any other suggestions to add, please let us know so we can share them with others who may be going through the same thing.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that can provide further insights and information related to pregnancy and staying productive:
12 Tips to Be More Productive During Pregnancy: Discover practical tips and strategies to enhance your productivity while navigating pregnancy. Learn how to manage your time effectively and stay focused on your tasks.
Pregnancy Happiness: Tips for a Joyful Journey: Explore this article to find tips and advice on promoting happiness and emotional well-being during pregnancy. Discover ways to embrace the joy and positivity throughout your journey.
10 Tips for Staying Active During Pregnancy: Staying active during pregnancy is important for maintaining your physical health. This resource offers valuable tips and guidance on incorporating safe and appropriate exercises into your routine.
People Also Ask
What Is Stay Connected?
Stay Connected is an app that helps you stay in touch with your loved ones while you’re pregnant! It’s full of all the tools you need to make sure you’re staying productive, healthy, and happy throughout the entire process.
How Does It Work?
Stay Connected works by connecting you with a business-grade virtual assistant, who will be there for you 24/7 to help you with anything from scheduling appointments and making dinner arrangements to getting your nails done or booking a massage appointment. You can even ask them to help plan your baby shower!
How Much Does It Cost?
Don’t worry Stay Connected comes at an affordable price! You can use the app for free for up to 30 days after which point you’ll be charged $10 per month or $100 per year.
What Should I Do If I’m Worried About My Baby’s Health?
Answer: If you have any concerns about your baby’s health, it’s important to contact a doctor as soon as possible.
If you’re having trouble getting in touch with your doctor, call their office directly and speak with their nurse or front desk staff. If you’re still unable to get through and need immediate assistance, call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately.
How Can I Stay Connected When I’m Out At Work?
You can try having meetings over Skype or Google Hangouts instead of in person. If that’s not an option, then just bring along a notebook and pen so that you can take notes on whatever is being discussed during the meeting.
It’s also important to get enough rest during the day so that you don’t feel tired when it comes time for bedtime at night!
What Is The Best Way To Get Connected At Work When Pregnant?
It’s important to communicate with your manager and coworkers about your pregnancy, especially if you need to take time off for medical appointments.
It’s also important, to be honest about how much energy you have, so you can make sure your needs are met and that your job doesn’t suffer as a result of your pregnancy.
Can I Breastfeed In Public?
Yes! You have the right to breastfeed anywhere in public where you’re allowed to be.
If people ask you not to breastfeed in public because it makes them uncomfortable, I would recommend responding by telling them that breastfeeding is protected under federal law (and most states’ laws) and therefore can’t be restricted because of someone else’s discomfort or personal preference.
You might even consider sharing some information on the benefits of breastfeeding with them, to help put their mind at ease.
Do Men Get Morning Sickness?
No! Morning sickness is just one symptom that may occur during pregnancy; other symptoms include fatigue, nausea/vomiting (during or after meals), food cravings, breast tenderness, and increased urination frequency.”

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.