There’s no reason you can’t work from home if you’re a freelancer, but if you really want to get the most out of your time and be as productive as possible, it’s important to set up a dedicated workspace.
That’s why we’ve put together these tips for creating a part of your house that’s just for work—that way, whenever you need to focus on something and don’t want to feel distracted, you can just go into “work mode.”
So let’s dive in…
Takeaways |
1. Designate a dedicated space: Set aside a specific area solely for freelancing work. |
2. Optimize lighting: Ensure ample natural light or invest in proper lighting fixtures. |
3. Ergonomic setup: Invest in a comfortable chair and an adjustable desk for better posture. |
4. Organize your tools: Keep essential tools and materials within easy reach and organized. |
5. Minimize distractions: Create a quiet environment to focus on work and avoid interruptions. |
6. Personalize your space: Add elements that inspire creativity and motivate you to work. |
7. Incorporate greenery: Consider adding plants for a touch of nature and improved ambiance. |
8. Maintain cleanliness: Keep your workspace tidy and clutter-free for a clear mind. |
9. Ensure internet stability: Opt for a reliable internet connection for seamless work. |
10. Set boundaries: Establish a work schedule to maintain a healthy work-life balance. |
What Is A Dedicated Workspace?
A dedicated workspace is just what it sounds like: an area of your home that’s specifically designated as “your office”. It doesn’t have to be big; it just has to be yours.
Feeling overwhelmed by freelancing? Take a look at our curated list of 18 Productivity Tips for Freelancers to boost your efficiency and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Your Workspace Matters More Than You Think
We live in an increasingly freelance world. It’s estimated by Edelman Intelligence that 90 million of the US population will be freelancing by 2020, and that number is on track to stay high.
As a freelancer, your workspace is one of the most important aspects of your business. Think about it: you’re trying to make money from the comfort of your own home, but that’s hard to do if you’re not comfortable in your home.
Here are some reasons why your workspace matters:
1. Creativity
Without a workspace, it can be hard to stay creative when your work and living spaces are one and the same. A workspace gives you an area that’s just for you to brainstorm, sketch out ideas, and think outside of the box.
And by separating your workspace from your home, you’re creating a mental separation too: one space is focused on creativity and problem-solving, while the other is focused on relaxation and rest.
2. Socialize
Even if you don’t consider yourself an extrovert, it’s nice to be able to socialize with other people when you want to—and a workspace can provide that opportunity.
Time Management & Productivity at Work from Home is crucial for freelancers. Learn how to optimize your time and get more done while working in your dedicated workspace.
3. Accountability
When you’re working at home, it’s easy to tell yourself that you’ll get back to work “in just a few minutes.” But it never happens! A workspace allows you to hold yourself accountable for your work.
4. Focus
When you’re a freelancer, there are tons of distractions at your house/apartment. It’s just a fact of life. And if you’re not careful, those distractions will keep you from doing your best work and meeting deadlines—two things that the success of your career as a freelancer depends on.
But when you have a workspace outside of your home, it’s easier to avoid the distractions and focus on what’s important: your job!
5. Convenience
Most workspaces offer amenities such as WiFi and coffee machines—so no more having to go hunting for a place with WiFi or making your own coffee!
6. Relaxation
When you’re in your workspace, it’s easy to let all the stress of the day slide off your shoulders. The outside world doesn’t exist here, so you can finally sit back with a calm mind and focus on your work.
7. You’ll Be More Productive
Although it’s tempting to stay in your pajamas, research shows that getting up and dressed gets you in the right headspace at the beginning of your day.
8. You Need A Place To Keep Your Stuff
When you freelance from home, things like business cards and mail are bound to pile up. You’ll also want a place to store your files, supplies, and work-related books. With this much stuff coming in and out of your life every day, it can be hard to keep track of everything. Having a dedicated space will help you stay organized.
Building an impressive portfolio is a must for freelancers. Explore our 12 Simple Ways to Build Your Freelance Portfolio guide to showcase your skills and attract potential clients.
How To Set Up Your Dedicated Workspace
But working from home also presents some challenges. You need to set up processes for communicating with clients, handling your finances, and taking care of the day-to-day tasks that come up. And you’ll also need to set up a workspace that helps you focus on your work and stay healthy.
The good news is that setting up your dedicated workspace doesn’t have to be hard—and it’s totally worth it when you consider all the benefits of having a place where you can concentrate on your projects. Just follow these steps, and soon enough you’ll have a space that will help you do amazing work!
1. Invest In An Ergonomic Chair And Stand-Up Desk
You’ll want to make sure your desk is comfortable enough so that you can sit at it for long periods of time without straining your back. The best way to do this is by getting an ergonomic chair with adjustable height and armrests as well as a stand-up desk converter which allows you flexibility throughout the day.
2. Find An Area With Minimal Distractions
A dedicated workspace is one that’s free of distractions, so if you’re working at home, this might mean setting up shop in your kitchen when everyone else is asleep. If you’re working somewhere else, it might mean finding the quietest spot in the library or at the local coffee shop. It’s all about getting into the right mindset!
3. Put On Some Headphones
Some people love having background music on while they work; others need complete silence to concentrate. Either way, headphones can be a good way to keep out background noise, helping you focus on whatever task is in front of you. Plus, if anyone wants to talk to you, it helps them know when they have your attention!
4. Let Your Space Reflect Who You Are
If it’s important for you to showcase your personality, make sure your space does that! For example, if you have some old photos of yourself hiking or playing with puppies as a kid (or both!), consider putting them up to reflect who you are and where you come from.
5. Install A Door-Hanger That Says “Do Not Disturb”
This will be your signal that when you walk into this room and close the door behind you, you are working—and nothing else! This will help train yourself and your family members that this is not a space for socializing or recreation (your living room or bedroom are better choices).
6. Situate Yourself By A Window
So you have plenty of natural light and can stare at clouds or birds if you need a break. When you’re working in a dedicated space, it’s important to balance that with breaks where you let your mind wander and stare at moving things like clouds and birds.
7. Make Sure You Have Enough Light
The last thing you want is to strain your eyes as you stare at a monitor, trying to read emails and edit documents and such. That’s why it’s important to have good lighting wherever you work, whether it’s natural light from a big picture window or an artificial light source like a lamp.
Freelancing isn’t just about work; it can positively impact your mental health too. Discover the link between mental well-being and freelancing in our article on How Freelance Writing Helps Your Mental Health.
8. Make Sure Your Computer Is Always Fully Charged
Nothing is more frustrating than when you’re in the middle of writing a proposal, and suddenly your laptop dies on you. Don’t let that happen! Keep your laptop plugged in at all times, or if that’s not possible, buy one with long-lasting battery life so that it can be unplugged without any issues.
9. Surround Yourself With Things That Inspire You
This helps you create a space that you enjoy spending time in, which will make work more enjoyable, too! It also helps to decorate the walls of your work area with art or other inspiring items such as family photos and stuffed animals so that when you’re feeling stuck on something and need some additional motivation.
10. Keep Healthy Snacks And Fruits On Hand At All Times
Especially apples and oranges (the world’s two healthiest fruits). Studies show that eating an apple a day will keep the doctor away (this is because apples fight disease). Oranges keep you young because they’re full of vitamin C (as anyone knows who has ever had a cold).
Keeping healthy snacks like apples and oranges on hand makes it easier for you to eat them when you’re hungry, which means you’ll be healthier and live longer, overall.
11. Enough Storage Space
Make sure you have enough storage space for all of your equipment as well as supplies like paper, pens, highlighters, and files. You can make this happen with shelves or even big plastic bins from the hardware store.
12. Keep Your Desk Neat And Organized
Simply put: don’t let things pile up! If you don’t have a place for something, make one. When things don’t belong anywhere else in the room? Move them outside of the room! It might seem silly—like we’re talking about kindergarten-level stuff here—but it really makes a difference.
13. Your Health Comes First!
Invest in equipment that will help keep your body healthy while working, such as an ergonomic keyboard or mouse if your computer doesn’t have one built-in. Trust me, it’s worth it! Having these pieces of equipment will keep you comfortable while working and will prevent any future issues with your posture or neck and shoulders.
14. Invest In Noise-Canceling Headphones
If you’re going to be working from home, you need to be able to focus even when your family/roommates are around. This doesn’t mean you need to be aggressive or rude; it just means that you might want to invest in some noise-canceling headphones.
15. Talk With Your Family/Roommates About The Changes You’re Making To The Space
There’s no reason why they shouldn’t know what’s going on, and they may even be able to give you some advice or insights into how they can help make sure your work is as distraction-free as possible.
16. Designate A Trash Can For Throwing Away Paper Products
Make sure it’s big enough to be emptied out only once a week! (If needed.) This will help keep your workspace tidy and organized, which helps you stay productive longer.
17. Consider Using A Standing Desk
They’ve been shown to improve productivity and reduce back pain, among other things! It’s true that standing for long periods of time can be hard on the legs, but most people find it easier than sitting down all day.
Interested in transforming your life through freelancing? Read the inspiring story of one freelancer who did just that in our feature on How I Changed My Life through Freelancing.
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re freelancing full-time or just starting out, setting up a dedicated workspace can be a great investment. Now it’s not a requirement for every freelancer, but every freelancer should consider it at some point or another.
Whether or not to set up a dedicated space is one of the first big decisions that any successful freelancer must make, and the choice really comes down to three big criteria: affordability, accessibility, and convenience. You’ll need to figure out which option best suits your objectives and unique situation.
Further Reading
How to Set Up the Perfect Workspace for Freelancing: Discover practical tips for creating an ideal workspace that enhances your freelancing productivity and creativity.
10 Tips to Be Productive as a Freelancer: Learn valuable insights on boosting your productivity as a freelancer with these ten actionable tips.
Productive Work Environment for Freelancers: Find out how to optimize your work environment to maximize productivity and achieve your freelancing goals.
People Also Ask
I’m A Freelancer Who Works From Home—How Do I Find The Right Spot To Work?
You’ll want to find a space that is well-lit, quiet, and comfortable.
What’s The Best Way To Set It Up?
It depends on your needs. If you need a lot of storage, you might want a wall unit. If you need more desk space, consider using a folding table.
How Can I Make My Workspace More Comfortable?
Get an ergonomic chair if sitting all day is rough on your back. Keep some snacks in the room if you get hungry easily. Bring in some plants for fresh air, even if it’s just one small succulent or cactus. Set up a fountain or white noise machine if you like ambient sound when you’re working. And don’t forget to decorate with things that inspire you!
How Do I Create A Distraction-Free Workspace?
Keep your work area clean and organized, and avoid distractions like your phone or TV. Just because you have an office in your home doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Get yourself a computer that looks really cool and surround yourself with things that inspire you.
How Do I Get My Friends To Respect My Boundaries As A Freelancer?
Be clear about what is acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to interacting with them during your work hours. They should understand that they need to respect your time if they want you to respect theirs when they ask for help on their own projects!
What Is A Dedicated Workspace?
A dedicated workspace is a room or other area that you have set aside for your work. It should be free from distractions (like the TV, desk with all your bills, etc.) and should help you focus on the work that you need to get done.
Do I Have To Have A Special Room For My Workspace?
Absolutely not! You can use a shelf or even just a corner of your kitchen table. Anywhere where you can set up your laptop, notes, and any other items that you need to do your work is totally fine. Really, it doesn’t matter what it looks like as long as it suits your needs.
Can I Work In Bed?
Sure—if that’s where you do your best work. But if not, it might be worth having a dedicated workspace just for work. The problem with working in bed is that it can quickly become associated with sleep—when you see the bed, your brain starts getting ready to sleep instead of getting ready to work.
How Do I Make My Freelance Workspace Productive?
Make sure that your workspace is always clean and organized, no matter how busy you are. It will make it much easier to concentrate and get things done.
What Should I Include In My Freelance Workspace?
You should include plenty of storage and organization solutions, as well as equipment that is specific to your line of work. For example, if you work with a lot of paper or files, get a filing system like hanging folders and file boxes.
If you write for a living, you might need some bookshelves or other solutions for storing your notes and research materials.
How Do I Set Up My Workspace For Freelancing?
Make sure it’s quiet, that you have ample space to work, and that there aren’t any distractions. Keep it clean, and make it a place that is inspiring to you.
What Should I Wear?
You don’t have to wear anything special—you can choose an outfit that makes sense for the weather in your area! Just make sure that whatever you wear makes you comfortable.
What If I Don’t Have Enough Space At Home For A Dedicated Workspace?
You don’t need a lot of space—just some room to set up your computer and get comfortable. If you don’t have any extra room in your house or apartment, try clearing out a closet or making some room in the garage for your things. You can even find some great furniture options for small spaces online!
Where Should I Set Up My Workspace?
A dedicated workspace should be in a place where you are least likely to be interrupted, such as an office or spare room. If you don’t have either of these options, try a walk-in closet or even your car. The important thing is that this space is for work and nothing else.
How Much Space Do I Need?
You’ll want enough room to put at least a desk and chair, as well as some extra storage for all the awesome stuff you’re going to need for your new small business.
How Much Does Setting Up A Home Office Cost?
It all depends on what kind of material goods you buy! You don’t have to go out and buy expensive furniture right away—you can start with something simple, like a folding table and a folding chair.
Should I Buy Expensive Furniture?
As a freelancer, you don’t want to go overboard with furnishing your workspace. You’re just starting out, so it’s likely that you don’t know exactly how long you’ll be freelancing. So keep things simple and just get what you need: desk, chair, drawer unit, or filing cabinet.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.