No matter what your reason is for writing 2000 words, you’ll want to know how to do it quickly and efficiently. For example, say you’ve got tomorrow off work and a free afternoon. You could spend that time watching TV or playing video games.
Or, if you’re like me, you could spend it coming up with and writing 2000 words about anything at all. This post is all about how to get those 2000 words out of your head, onto the screen, into the world, and into someone’s hands in just one afternoon.
Takeaways |
1. Plan your main points and supporting ideas. |
2. Create a clear outline to guide your writing. |
3. Allocate word counts for each section or point. |
4. Focus on writing without self-editing initially. |
5. Utilize dedicated writing time and minimize distractions. |
6. Break your writing into manageable chunks. |
7. Consider using techniques like the Pomodoro Technique. |
8. Overcome writer’s block by starting with a different section. |
9. Embrace imperfections and aim for a flow of ideas. |
10. Proofread and edit after completing the draft. |
It’s An Estimate Not A Mandate
This is only an estimate, not a mandate. It’s just a way to get started on writing something, and then you can always go back and edit later if you need more time or space.
This practice is based off of the idea that writing 2000 words about anything will help you write for longer without getting stuck on what to say next.
It also won’t feel like such a daunting task if you break it down into smaller tasks (which is why we recommend breaking up your writing into “chunks” using our method).
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Work Contextually
It’s tempting to take this advice with a grain of salt. After all, you might not have been hired for your writing abilities! But if you look at your resume and see that one of the few sections that aren’t blank is labeled “Writing,” then it might be time to reconsider.
If you’re going to write well about something, it’s best to do so from an authentic perspective. The best way of doing this is by making sure there’s some kind of connection between what you’re writing about and who you are as a person.
The following questions will help:
- What do I know about it? What am I passionate about? What do I want to learn more about?
- What am I curious about? Are there any questions I can answer through my research? Is there something new or unusual in my field that would make an interesting topic for research projects?
- Am I interested in anything right now a hobby, event, or news story that could inspire content ideas down the road when things get slow again (and they will)?
Write As You Edit
This is a simple yet powerful tip and one that I have found to be invaluable in my writing. It would be impossible to write without making mistakes, but when we do make mistakes we must catch them sooner rather than later.
The best way to do this is by writing as you edit that is, instead of waiting until you have finished your whole piece before looking over it for errors or inconsistencies, try writing your draft while also using an editing tool (like Grammarly) open on another tab so that you can easily correct any issues while they are fresh in your mind.
Behind every polished piece of writing lies the meticulous work of a copy editor. Explore the world of copy editing and the hidden insights that can improve the quality of your content. Uncover the secrets of copy editors with What You Don’t Know About Copy Editors.
Vomit Outline First
It’s tempting to immediately jump into writing, but it’s the most effective way to ensure you won’t write nearly enough words. Instead, take a few minutes and vomit out an outline first.
This can be done in a text file, on a spreadsheet or mind map, in a word processor whatever makes sense for you.
It will help get your thoughts organized and help prevent writer’s block by giving you something concrete to work from later on when writing becomes difficult or overwhelming.
Your outline doesn’t have to be perfect just clear enough so that if someone else picked up where you left off, they could finish the project with minimal confusion or extra effort (and no one likes wasting time).
You can always go back later and tweak things after seeing how they unfold when writing in its natural flow state rather than from an artificial structure imposed by an outline!
Have A Closing Argument
If you’re writing a persuasive essay, your closing argument is the last paragraph of your essay. It’s the final thing readers will read before they decide whether or not to agree with you.
You mustn’t make any major slips in this section because it’s going to be difficult for most people to read anything after their first impression of your essay. Their mind is already made up about whether or not they think you’re right!
The goal of a strong closing argument is two-fold: summarize all of the main points from your paper so that readers can easily recall them later, and make one final statement about what all those points mean collectively.
Turning your passion for writing into a full-time career is a journey worth exploring. Learn from someone who transitioned from a spare-time writer to a full-time freelancer. Discover the steps and insights in the story of How I Became a Full-Time Freelance Writer in My Spare Time.
Have An Opening Statement
The opening statement is the first thing you write, and it should be your strongest paragraph. It’s the most important part of your paper because it helps readers understand what you plan to say in the rest of your paper.
A good opening statement is:
- Clear: Readers should know what you’re saying at first glance.
- Concise: You don’t have to include every detail upfront; just give them enough information so they can follow along with what comes next.
An effective way to start a paper is by giving an example of referring back to something specific that happened earlier (or a current news story), then explaining why it matters and why other people would care about reading about it too!
Use The POMODORO Method To Write Faster
Before you can write 2000 words, you first have to write. And before you can write, you need to know what “writing” means.
To most people, writing means sitting in front of a blank computer screen and typing out an essay or report. But that’s not what “writing” really means at all! Writing is any activity where one uses language spoken or written to communicate ideas or emotions to others.
Words are just tools we use to convey meaning; they’re not the core of our work as writers. So instead of focusing on your writing process itself (which will only slow down your progress).
Try switching things up by using your body instead: go for a walk outside; go for a jog around the block; do some yoga stretches at home; call up an old friend on Skype; play catch with your kids…the possibilities are endless!
Turn Off Your Phone And Social Media If You Have To
It’s important to turn off your phone and social media if you have to.
Although it might seem like a good idea to check your phone every 5 minutes, the truth is that this can get in the way of writing those 2000 words.
Don’t worry about checking your phone while you’re in the middle of writing, or even when you’re in the middle of something else.
It’ll just distract you anyway! Instead, wait until right before bedtime (or whenever), and then go ahead and check everything at once on all devices by downloading all new messages onto one device (it’s best if it’s a smartphone).
This will allow you to save both time & energy spent getting distracted by things while trying to write as much as possible earlier on during waking hours so that later on at night when everyone else is sleeping peacefully;
Only then can we focus 100% solely on writing without interruption from anything else because now there won’t be any distractions left throughout our day which helps us stay focused longer without feeling tired out too early into our workday…
The writing process is a complex journey with many layers to uncover. Delve into lesser-known facts about the writing process that might reshape your perspective on the art of writing. Expand your understanding with 16 Facts You Didn’t Know About the Writing Process.
Create A Writing Habit, Or Ritual
The first step to writing 2000 words a day is to start with a habit or ritual. What does this mean? It means you have to decide when and where you are going to write before you even start. For example, I use my last hour of free time each day, right before bedtime.
This allows me to get all of my writing done at one time because I know that if I don’t do it then the night will come and go and I’ll feel guilty for not writing anything at all.
I also keep a small notebook next to my bed so that when inspiration strikes at 3 AM (which happens often), there’s no excuse for not getting those words down on paper!
This may seem like an inconvenience at first but trust me having everything set up ahead of time will make writing much easier once it becomes second nature.
Enjoy The Process Of Writing
Let me first say that I’m not talking about writing a novel. I’m not even talking about writing anything that you intend to publish or share with the world.
You see, when you write 2000 words at any frequency, it becomes a habit. And once it becomes a habit, your brain starts getting used to associating writing with positive things like productivity and accomplishment.
That’s when you get hooked on the process of writing itself and that’s when you start finding all kinds of ways to feed your addiction!
So if you’re ready for some inspiration and motivation as well as some useful tips on how to write quickly and easily keep reading!
Write Fast, Edit Slowly
When you’re writing, write fast. Get your thoughts out and onto the page. Don’t stop to edit yourself as you go if you find it difficult to get started with a blank page, try typing up stream-of-consciousness ideas for five or ten minutes before moving on to something else.
Once the words are out of your head, you can decide if they make sense and are worth keeping.
Once everything has been written down and edited for clarity (and style), then comes the time for editing for grammar, spelling, and consistency issues that could easily be fixed with just a simple proofread.
If necessary fix mistakes from previous drafts as well this way there won’t be too many typos in the final draft!
Finally, when all these things have been addressed it’s time to edit again… but this time edit for flow: how does one paragraph lead into another?
Are there any gaps that need fleshing out? How can sentences be structured differently so they read more smoothly? Once all these details have been taken care of congratulations: You’re done!
Drawing inspiration and advice from seasoned authors can ignite your own writing journey. Explore a compilation of valuable tips from some of the most successful authors in the world. Elevate your writing skills with 16 Writing Tips from the World’s Most Successful Authors.
I hope that this post has helped you feel more confident about writing long posts and that you’ll be able to use these techniques to improve your content.
It might take time to get used to them, but with practice, they can help you get a post written in half the time it usually takes you to save both money and stress.
If you have any questions or suggestions for other blog post topics, please let me know on social media or in the comments below!
Note: I couldn’t find much information on writing conclusions and call-to-actions that I could easily have understood. So I’ve tried my best by looking at some online materials. If there’s an issue I’ll update it quickly as soon as possible!!!
Further Reading
How to Write a 2000 Word Essay Short Description: Get practical tips and strategies for efficiently crafting a 2000-word essay that effectively conveys your message.
Quick Essay Writing Guide Short Description: Need to write an essay in a hurry? This guide provides concise steps to help you produce a well-structured and thoughtful essay quickly.
How I Write 2000 Words Each Day Short Description: Discover a writer’s personal approach to consistently writing 2000 words a day and learn valuable insights to boost your writing productivity.
And here’s the “FAQs” section with semantic-based questions and answers:
How can I effectively write a 2000-word essay?
Writing a 2000-word essay requires careful planning and organization. Start by outlining your main points and supporting evidence. Break down the essay into sections and allocate a specific word count for each. Finally, proofread and edit your work for clarity and coherence.
Are there any tips for quickly writing an essay?
When pressed for time, focus on your main argument and key supporting points. Create a clear thesis statement and outline to guide your writing. Avoid excessive research and stick to your main points to save time.
How do I maintain a consistent writing routine?
Consistency is key. Set aside dedicated time each day for writing, and create a comfortable and distraction-free environment. Break your writing into manageable chunks and use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus.
What strategies can help me improve my daily word count?
To boost your word count, avoid self-editing while writing. Allow your thoughts to flow freely, even if they are not perfect. Set specific writing goals, such as achieving a certain word count within a set timeframe, to motivate yourself.
What should I do if I’m experiencing writer’s block while trying to write 2000 words?
Writer’s block is common, but there are ways to overcome it. Take short breaks to clear your mind, try changing your writing environment, or start with a different section of your essay. Sometimes, simply starting to write, even if it feels forced, can help break through the block.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.