The human brain is complex, and so are the ways we use it to make decisions. Neuroscientists have studied the brain’s decision-making process for decades, and now they’re ready to share some of their findings with us!
Let’s take a look at some of these studies and learn how marketers can use them to make more money by tapping into our brains’ deepest desires.
Takeaways |
Understand the psychology behind conversion rates. |
Utilize neuroscience principles to influence buyer decisions. |
Leverage cognitive biases to optimize marketing strategies. |
Craft persuasive messaging that resonates with the audience. |
Implement neuromarketing techniques for effective sales tactics. |
1. Save Yourself From A Plateful Of Disappointment
It’s hard to imagine anything worse than not delivering on what you promised. But that’s exactly what happens if you overpromise and underdeliver.
We’ve all been there: You buy a product or service that doesn’t live up to your expectations. It might be well-made or beautiful, but it just doesn’t fit in with your lifestyle or you can’t find a way to use it effectively.
Amazon has created an entire category of products called “As Seen On TV” (ASOTV) thanks to its notorious record of selling products that underwhelm users.
The most infamous example is probably the Snuggie®, which was sold as a blanket with sleeves but wasn’t quite as useful as advertised.
If people had known they were getting an ineffective blanket with sleeves before they opened the package and tried it out, they could have saved themselves from disappointment from day one!
Building a successful marketing strategy requires insights from various disciplines. Discover 15 key insights from a rocket scientist about neuromarketing that can guide your approach.
2. Give Your Call To Action The Attention It Deserves
In the same way that your landing page is a gateway to your conversion goal, your call to action is a guidepost on the path. It’s what tells people what they should be doing once they’ve arrived at your site and it must be clear, compelling, and prominent.
Make sure it’s prominent: You have a limited amount of space on any given webpage. Your call to action needs to be big enough so that people can easily spot it without having to search around for it.
This might mean making the button bigger or placing it at the top of the page (to where most people are accustomed) or some other strategic location.[1]
Make sure it’s relevant: A good rule of thumb is that every page should have only one goal.[2]
The same goes for CTAs; you don’t want someone clicking through from one page about running shoes into an entirely different type of shoe store where they don’t even offer running shoes!
If possible, create specific calls to action for each major section of your website so that visitors know exactly where their clicks will take them.[3]
Make sure it’s easy to understand: Be very careful when using jargon or slang in CTAs; these terms can easily confuse visitors who aren’t familiar with them.[4][5]
Even if you think everyone understands what you’re saying here (like “Shop Now”) remember not everyone has time or energy left over after reading all those long paragraphs on your site so keep things simple![6][7][8]
3. Make A Direct Connection Between Value And Cost
Now that you know what to do, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how it’s done.
The first thing you need to do is make a direct connection between value and cost. The more value you provide, the more you can charge for your product or service.
The reverse is also true: the more expensive something is, the greater amount of value it must offer to justify its price tag.
To make this happen for yourself, first identify one specific benefit or function that your product/service provides for customers.
You can’t just say “good quality” as this isn’t specific enough for people who aren’t familiar with what good quality means about your product/service category;
Instead, state exactly why they should choose yours over another competitor who may have comparable features but at a lower price point (this goes back to point #2).
For example: “This dog food will help keep your pup looking young and healthy” vs “Our dog food contains clinically proven antioxidants.”
These two statements are very different in terms of their ability to appeal directly at an emotional level because they speak directly into people’s fears about aging pets versus simply stating facts about ingredients lists without relating them.
Specifically back towards any concrete benefit, these are two ways in which neuro-hacking techniques can help differentiate one business from another!
Effective communication is crucial in the world of business. Learn how to captivate your audience with tips from a TEDx speaker on selling products and services online and enhance your marketing efforts.
4. The Best Way To Increase Price Sensitivity Is To Increase Perceived Value
To increase your price sensitivity, you need to increase the perceived value of your product or service. You can do this by increasing the actual value delivered and/or by using good marketing tactics that make people feel like they’re getting more than they are paying for.
If you have a $5000 product and people think it’s worth only $2000, then they’ll be less likely to buy because they don’t perceive much value in what you’re selling.
But if your product is worth closer to $10k and people feel like it’s worth even more (maybe because of how much effort went into its creation or how unique it is).
Then chances are good that many people will see it as an investment rather than just another purchase that adds up over time a potentially expensive one at that!
5. Make Your Users Feel Like They’re Part Of An Exclusive Club
We’re all in this together. You’re a good person, right? We all have a common goal: to make more money and help more people. So it’s time to pull that collective energy together and start working on our conversion rates.
First off, don’t overdo it! If you do too much of any one thing, you’ll start to look like an amateur at best and a hack at worst (see what I did there?).
Don’t do things just for the sake of doing them; if you’re not sure why something works or if it matters, chances are it doesn’t matter enough to be worth your time.
Second, don’t do anything that isn’t backed up by research and data, and even then only do things because they are proven effective at increasing conversions rather than because “people say so!”
There is no reason whatsoever why anyone should listen to anyone who says that something works without any kind of proof whatsoever.
These kinds of claims can hurt conversion rates by making customers feel like their personal preferences aren’t respected by businesses that insist on doing whatever works for them regardless of what customers want or need from them for them to stay loyal clients long-term…
Understanding consumer behavior is essential for successful marketing. Explore 11 reasons why your brain holds the power in buyers’ decisions and discover how psychological factors influence purchasing choices.
6. There’s More To Life Than “You”
Let’s say your business is selling dog toys. You want to make sure that you’re selling the right product, so you do some research and come up with a list of the top 10 most popular dog toys on Amazon.
You then spend all day working on creating an awesome landing page, carefully editing every aspect of it to reflect each item on this list. Then you put it out there and wait for sales to roll in!
This is a mistake because there are things about this process that are completely missing:
- You haven’t spoken to any real dogs or potential customers (yet)
- You’re not listening to their needs and focusing on what they want instead of what you think they want (which might be different)
7. Choose Your Words Wisely
One of the best ways to make sure that your copy is converting is to choose your words wisely.
Let’s take a look at some of the more important factors:
Choose words that are easy to understand. This means using simple language and avoiding overly complicated phrases or sentences (your mom would be proud).
Use words that are relevant to your audience. If you’re writing about fitness and nutrition, don’t use medical jargon unless it’s necessary for you to convey an idea effectively.
Don’t get too caught up in being “proper” either if there’s a better way of saying something other than what you’ve been taught in school or by a professional writer, go ahead and change things up so they make sense!
Remember: people want stuff from their brains because it makes things easier for them; don’t give them more work than they need just because something sounds good when quoted out of context (or maybe it does sound good…but only if everyone else agrees).
Use familiar terms instead of technical ones where possible; this will help simplify things even further while also making sure everyone knows what we’re talking about here 🙂
Keep sentence length short & simple–this helps readers stay focused on what matters most: understanding content quickly without getting lost along the way! (And yes–we know this one might seem obvious but we wanted to mention it anyway.)
8. How To Create Scarcity Without Frustrating Your Users
Creating a sense of scarcity is a powerful way to increase value and price sensitivity. It can also be used to increase urgency, exclusivity, and perceived value.
Scarcity works by providing the feeling that something is in limited supply or will not last long (temporarily or permanently).
This is different from an actual physical shortage because it implies that even if there are more items available, customers have no real way of knowing this fact and so feel like they need to act quickly before they miss out on an opportunity.
9. A Lesson In Loss Aversion From The Current President Of The United States
One of the most effective ways to increase conversion rates, sales, and engagement is to create a sense of loss for your customers.
Loss aversion is a concept that comes from behavioral economics the study of how people make decisions in their everyday lives. By understanding it, you can use loss aversion to convert more visitors into customers.
You don’t have to be an expert in behavioral economics or neuroscience to apply these principles in your business: all you need is a little bit of creativity and know-how!
First impressions matter in marketing. Delve into the fascinating world of neuroscience to understand how your brain decides to like a product from first sight and leverage this knowledge to enhance your branding.
10. Give Users A Reason To Trust You
Trust is a big deal. People may be willing to buy from you if they think your product will help them, but if they don’t trust that you’re trustworthy, then a sale isn’t going to happen.
Trust is an essential part of every transaction, even when there is no real money changing hands. If a buyer doesn’t trust a merchant, then he or she isn’t going to buy anything; likewise for merchants who want people to buy their products or services.
The goal is always the same: establish trust with both parties so that everyone can feel comfortable making the purchase and everything goes smoothly afterward (i.e., paying).
That leads us to how companies can build credibility through third-party validation and this works especially well in situations where consumers are concerned about privacy or security issues (for example, when shopping online).
One way they do it is by using security seals like Verified by Visa or Trustwave’s MySSL Domain Validation Certificate Seal which shows customers how trustworthy your website is before they make purchases.
11. Beware; Price Anchoring Can Affect Even The Savviest Of Shoppers!
Price anchoring is a technique used by salespeople to make you believe that their products are cheaper than they are.
This can be done through a variety of means, from simple word choice to more elaborate methods like providing additional information about the item’s price tag.
For instance, let’s say you’re shopping for a new laptop and come across one that costs $750 but has an additional 10% off coupon code “TAKE10”.
You know it’ll still cost around $720 with the coupon code (and maybe even less if there are other discounts).
But subconsciously you’re thinking that this item is only worth around $700 because you remember how much it cost before being discounted even though now it’s even cheaper!
You may think this tactic would only work on people who aren’t too knowledgeable about online shopping, but research shows otherwise: in fact, all consumers fall victim to price anchoring regardless of their experience level! What does this mean for your business?
It means it pays off big time when using these techniques consistently throughout all marketing campaigns; once again proving how important psychology is when designing consumer experiences.
12. Put Your Visitors On A Pedestal By Personalizing Your Content (Emphasis On “Personal”)
Here’s the thing: people like to be treated like people. They respond better to messages, ads, and content that have been personalized for them than they do to ones that are generic and impersonal.
This is why it’s so important to remember that your visitors are unique individuals with their own needs and desires, who are looking for something very specific right now on your site.
To connect with them on a deep level and persuade them into doing what you want (which is usually converting), you need to understand what makes them tick as individuals and what motivates each person differently from others?
The first step toward understanding this is by using personal pronouns like “you” or “your” in place of general terms like “the reader” or “a visitor.”
This can make a huge difference in how people perceive and react to what they see on the page and whether they continue reading or leave immediately because it doesn’t sound relevant enough yet!
13. Don’t Get Personal For The Sake Of It – Only Make Things Personal If You Can Back It Up
In the last few years, we’ve seen an explosion in personalization. This isn’t a bad thing, but it can be abused – and often is.
Personalization shouldn’t be used just for the sake of it. It can only work if you have a specific reason to use it and then support that reason with data from testing.
Here’s an example: let’s say you’re running an eCommerce site selling baby gifts.
You know from your analytics that people who buy baby gifts on your website are likely to also buy things like diapers and wipes since these are popular items for new parents or soon-to-be parents to purchase together.
So instead of creating one section on your site called “New Parents” which includes all those products (this would be the first step), you would create two separate sections:
One section is called “New Parents” where all those products are listed together; another section is called “Baby Wipe Essentials” where only wipes are listed together, and a third section is called “Diapers & Wipes Combo Packages” where both diapers & wipes could be found in one place).
This way when someone browses through our site looking for something specific (like diapers), they will also see related products such as wipes because they’re grouped under the same heading!
Discover the potential of neuromarketing as a powerful tool for your business. Explore why it’s considered the magic bullet that can actually work and gain insights into its applications for driving customer engagement and conversion.
14. Changing One Word Or Number Can Make Or Break Your Conversion Rates
You can make or break your conversion rates by simply changing one word or number.
For example, if you’re selling products online, change the word “free” to “free trial”. This will increase your conversion rate by 200%.
If you’re selling retail goods in a brick-and-mortar store, change the word “30% off” to “30% off the original price”. This will increase your conversion rate by 20%.
Add one more word and you’ll see another 8%: add “free delivery within 24 hours.”
If that wasn’t enough, add two more words and watch what happens: add ‘free international delivery.
15. If A Visitor Doesn’t Trust You, Even Free Won’t Be Good Enough!
Trust is the foundation of every relationship and it’s no different in the world of business. If people don’t believe in your brand and what you do, they are never going to buy from you.
And that means not just losing out on sales but also missing out on potential customers who could have been future fans. Trust is one of those things that once lost can take ages to build again if ever at all!
16. The Best Time To Ask For A Review Is When Someone’s Most Satisfied With Their Purchase, So Don’t Wait!
The best time to ask for a review is when someone’s most satisfied with their purchase, so don’t wait!
Ask for a review after the customer has had a chance to use the product or service. Customers will be more likely to give you a good review if they’ve spent some time with it and have gotten results from it.
Don’t ask for too many reviews all at once – that can come across as spammy and annoying. Instead, spread out requests over time so that customers don’t feel overwhelmed by them (and also so you don’t overwhelm yourself).
17. Use Social Proof Like A Pro, And Don’t Forget About Reviews! (Do You Sense A Theme Here?)
Social proof is a powerful tool and it doesn’t just come in the form of reviews. Social proof can be anything that makes people feel good about your business, including testimonials and case studies.
The key is to make sure you don’t rely on social proof as your only conversion strategy. It’s not a magic bullet or a substitute for a good content or good design; it’s meant to be used alongside those things.
If you’re thinking about how to make money from your business, there’s a lot to consider.
I’ve covered the basics here today but if you want more in-depth information on how to increase sales and conversions with psychology, then make sure you check out the resources at the end of this article.
Now that we’ve talked about things like emotions and decision-making, let’s look at some specific examples of how companies have used these techniques successfully (or unsuccessfully) to drive their sales and conversions higher!
Further Reading
5 Mind Hacks You Need to Know Before Starting a Business Short Description: Learn essential mind hacks to prepare yourself mentally for starting a business.
AI Copywriting: How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Content Creation Short Description: Explore the transformative impact of AI on the field of copywriting and content creation.
Can the Nervous System Be Hacked? Short Description: Delve into the intriguing concept of hacking the nervous system and its implications.
What are the key mind hacks for entrepreneurs before starting a business?
Discover essential mental strategies to prepare yourself for entrepreneurship, including techniques to enhance focus, resilience, and decision-making.
How is AI influencing the field of copywriting?
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing copywriting by automating content generation, optimizing language, and enhancing engagement with readers.
Can the nervous system be hacked?
Explore the concept of hacking the nervous system, its potential applications, and the ethical considerations surrounding such advancements.
How can I mentally prepare for the challenges of entrepreneurship?
Learn practical ways to cultivate a resilient mindset, manage stress, and maintain a positive outlook when navigating the complexities of business.
What are some ethical concerns related to hacking the nervous system?
Understand the ethical dilemmas associated with manipulating the nervous system and the broader implications for privacy, consent, and human well-being.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.