How To Make Your First $1000 As A Freelance Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistants are more in demand than ever, and the demand for administrative assistants on freelance websites is increasing. Freelancers are in demand because they produce more efficiently and cost-effectively than most companies can hire full-time employees. 

As a freelancer, you will be able to set your own hours, choose your own clients and projects, and enjoy the freedom that comes from working from home or anywhere else with an internet connection. If you’re interested in becoming a freelance administrative assistant or if you already are one this article will guide you through some of the steps necessary to earn money as a freelancer.

How to Succeed as an Administrative Assistant – YouTube
1. Define your services and target market to attract the right clients.
2. Create a professional online presence with a portfolio website and active social media profiles.
3. Network and collaborate with other freelancers and professionals in your industry.
4. Price your services competitively and consider offering introductory rates or packages to attract initial clients.
5. Provide exceptional customer service to build a positive reputation and generate referrals.
6. Utilize freelance platforms and job boards to find potential clients and opportunities.
7. Continuously update your skills and stay informed about industry trends and best practices.
8. Efficiently manage your time and prioritize tasks to maximize productivity and profitability.
9. Develop a clear and concise proposal or pitch when approaching potential clients.
10. Track your earnings, expenses, and invoices to maintain a healthy financial record and ensure timely payments.

Understand The Job Description

If you’re interested in being an administrative assistant, it’s important to understand what the job entails. As an administrative assistant, you will be working in a cubicle or office. You will be responsible for organizing schedules, meetings, and appointments for your employer. This can include things like arranging travel arrangements and paying bills on behalf of your employer.

As an administrative assistant, you may also be responsible for preparing memos and other documents for your employer. You’ll need to know how to use Microsoft Word so that you can format documents correctly before sending them out.

Building a successful freelance career as an administrative assistant requires a solid understanding of the industry. Learn how to make money and excel in this field with our comprehensive guide on how to make money as a freelance administrative assistant.

Develop Soft Skills

You’re going to have to develop some soft skills in order to succeed as a freelance administrative assistant. The most important ones are communication, adaptability, and responsibility.


You’ll need to be clear and concise when writing emails or texts about the services you provide. You also may face some difficult conversations with clients that require tactful negotiations.


As a freelancer, you’ll likely have multiple projects at once and will be expected to jump from one job to another quickly while still meeting deadlines on each one. In addition, your work environment will change rapidly when working remotely you might be sitting in your pajamas at home while working on an important project for a client who’s hundreds of miles away! Being able to shift gears quickly is key here!


When working remotely without supervision by others around you all day every day (i.e., if no one’s watching), it’s easy for things like missing deadlines or failing deliverables to happen without anyone noticing until much later down the road. 

And then it’s hard for them not to blame themselves instead of just accepting responsibility themselves because nobody else cares anymore since they weren’t even there when these things happened anyway…but I digress here again so let’s get back onto a topic here again now before we lose focus again too soon after that last paragraph there…

As a woman in the freelance industry, it’s important to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities. Discover valuable insights and strategies for securing freelance jobs with our guide on how to secure a freelance job as a woman.

Develop hard skills

The most important thing to do when you’re starting out as a freelance administrative assistant is to develop hard skills. In other words, you need to learn how to use the software that your clients will be using and become proficient at it.

If you want to be the best administrative assistant in your field, you’ll have some competition so make sure that you are always improving your skills so that no one can beat them!

Here are some ways that you can build up that crucial technological know-how:

Learn how to use multiple applications. You don’t want all of your eggs in one basket; if something happens with one program (like if they go out of business), then all of the work that was done on it would suddenly be lost forever! 

Plus, different programs provide different benefits depending on what type of project or client needs them most urgently right now. For example, some companies prefer using Microsoft Word over Google Docs because they already own licenses for their computers already installed on each machine – whereas others like using Gmail over Outlook because it’s more accessible across multiple devices without having any extra charges attached.”. 

That way when someone wants an email address set up quickly without having access

Build A Network Of Colleagues And Mentors

Make sure you have a network of colleagues and mentors. Networking is important for all freelancers, but it can be especially helpful for administrative assistants who are starting out.

As part of building your network, look for people who’ve been in the industry longer than you and ask them if they’d be willing to mentor you. You could also consider joining a professional organization or attending industry events and conferences where there will likely be other administrative assistants looking to make connections with potential clients or employers. 

If a conference isn’t in your budget right now (and let’s face it: many aren’t), try connecting with other freelancers online using social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook groups related to your industry.

Transitioning from freelance work to a permanent position can be a rewarding step in your career. Explore effective techniques and tips in our guide on converting your freelance work into a permanent position to unlock new opportunities.

Build A Portfolio Of Past Experiences

When you’re first starting out, it can be tough to get that first client. So, it’s important to build a portfolio of past work and experience so that you can show potential clients your skills and abilities. If you have some experience writing blogs or articles for websites or magazines, gather these pieces together and create a website showcasing them. 

The best way to do this is with a website builder like Wix or Weebly (both are free). The important thing here is that your website is mobile-friendly because more than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices now. Make sure not to make things complicated by trying too much on one page; keep it simple! 

A great way to showcase what kinds of administrative assistance services you could offer would be by adding links at the bottom of each page highlighting some skills or hobbies related to administration (e.g., “I’m an expert in Microsoft Word” or “I’ve been playing the piano since I was ten.”)

 Also make sure that your website has good SEO by using keywords throughout its content and title tags.

Create A Website To Showcase Your Skills And Services

A portfolio website is a place where you can display your skills and experience. It’s important to have a portfolio because it helps clients see what kind of work you do, how long you’ve been doing it, and what kind of qualifications you have.

To get started, visit the sites below for ideas about design and layout:

  • Dribbble – a community for designers to share ideas, create inspiration boards for each other, post work in progress, and share feedback on others’ designs
  • Behance – another large design community with similar features as Dribbble
  • Visit these sites and poke around their profiles to get some ideas about how they were set up (and why). Make sure that whatever site(s) you choose allows users to upload images or documents so you can easily add them later!

Find Clients, Jobs, And Projects At Freelance Websites

There are many freelance websites that connect freelancers with clients. The best freelance websites for administrative assistants include TopTal and Upwork, as well as Fiverr.

For new or inexperienced freelancers, a Freelancer is a good option that has an active community of professionals and offers several payment methods that can be convenient for first-time users.

Experienced administrative assistants may want to consider the top-rated platforms like Guru or PeoplePerHour.

Finding the perfect freelance administrative assistant job can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can succeed. Discover the secrets and strategies for identifying your ideal job with our guide on finding the perfect freelance administrative assistant job.

Know-How To Do The Work, How To Sell It, And How To Get It!

In order to make your first $1000 as a freelance administrative assistant, you need to know how to do the work, how to sell it, and how to get it.

Know your market and how to position yourself in it. You may be able to get by with minimal branding at first – but sooner or later, clients are going to want someone who knows what they’re talking about and can deliver on their promises. 

They’ll also want someone who’s easy-going and fun! If you don’t have any experience or credentials in this field (and if this is your first time freelancing), then consider taking some classes that would give potential clients confidence in hiring you.

Know what your clients want, and how best they can showcase their brand through their website as well as social media accounts like Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, etc. This will help them understand why investing money into having someone manage their website is beneficial for both parties involved (them getting more business from having a professional-looking site). 

It also makes sure there aren’t any issues with communication between both parties when one doesn’t understand something clearly explained by another person because there hasn’t been enough time spent explaining things thoroughly which leads to my next point about…

Looking for freelance administrative support jobs? Explore our curated list of the best platforms and resources in our guide on the best places to look for freelance administrative support jobs. Discover new opportunities and kick-start your career in this thriving field.


You’ve just read a guide to get you started as a freelance administrative assistant. The next step is to put into practice what you’ve learned here, so it will be useful to bookmark this article in case you need to reference it later.

There are many ways that you can stay in touch with me, from following me on Twitter or subscribing to my newsletter, but if all else fails, just send an email! My contact information is available in the footer of every page on my site. You may also be interested in reading some of my other articles on related topics:

  • How To Become A Freelance Paralegal
  • How To Write A Cover Letter For Your First Job As An Administrative Assistant (Or Any Other Job)

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore for further reading on freelancing and virtual assistant careers:


Here are some frequently asked questions about freelancing and virtual assistant careers:

What skills do I need to become a successful virtual assistant?

To succeed as a virtual assistant, you should possess strong organizational skills, excellent communication abilities, proficiency in relevant software and tools, and the ability to manage tasks independently. Adaptability and problem-solving skills are also valuable in this role.

How do I find clients as a freelancer?

Finding clients as a freelancer can be done through various methods such as networking, utilizing online platforms and job boards, showcasing your portfolio or work samples, and leveraging social media platforms to promote your services. Building a strong online presence and maintaining a professional network can also lead to client referrals.

How do I determine my freelance rates?

When determining your freelance rates, consider factors such as your experience, expertise, market demand, and the value you provide to clients. Research industry standards and competitor rates to ensure your pricing is competitive and fair. It’s important to strike a balance between charging what you’re worth and remaining competitive in the marketplace.

How can I manage my finances as a freelancer?

To manage your finances effectively as a freelancer, it’s crucial to keep track of your income and expenses, create a budget, set aside funds for taxes and savings, and consider using accounting software or hiring an accountant. Additionally, maintaining an emergency fund and having a clear invoicing and payment process can contribute to better financial management.

How do I maintain work-life balance as a freelancer?

Maintaining work-life balance as a freelancer can be challenging, but it’s essential for your well-being. Set boundaries, establish a dedicated workspace, create a schedule, prioritize self-care, and learn to say no to projects that may overwhelm you. Regularly evaluate and adjust your work habits to ensure a healthy balance between work and personal life.

How Can I Find A Job As A Freelance Administrative Assistant?

A: You’ll need more than just an impressive resume if you want to land interviews with potential employers! As such, we recommend checking out our guide on how to write cover letters for more information on how exactly this process works at its most fundamental level.

Do Administrative Assistants Make Good Money?

Administrative assistants make an average of $14.94 per hour in the United States, according to Glassdoor’s salary calculator. That said, there are also many variables that affect how much you’ll earn as an administrative assistant such as your industry and geographic location so it’s hard to say with absolute certainty what your pay will be like from one company to the next or even within one company over time. 

How Much Does An Administrative Assistant Make An Hour?

That depends on what state you work in (and city), but most administrative assistants earn between $9 and $16 per hour across all industries and fields of work in the U.S., according to PayScale’s salary data set for 2020

What Is An Administrative Assistant?

An administrative assistant is a person who provides clerical and administrative support to others. They help keep offices running smoothly by taking care of tasks such as answering phone calls, scheduling meetings and appointments, taking minutes at meetings, and writing letters. 

Their duties can vary depending on the needs of their employers or clients. Some administrative assistants may specialize in certain areas (e.g., human resources), while others work more generally across many different functions.

What Does An Administrative Assistant Do?

The duties of an administrative assistant depend on where they work; some have very specific roles while others do a range of things depending on what their employer needs them to do that day or week or month.*

What Are The Duties Of An Office Manager Vs Those Of An Admin Assistant?*

An office manager oversees all aspects of running a company’s operations including human resources, accounting/bookkeeping matters, and marketing initiatives.* 

On the other hand, an admin is responsible for day-to-day tasks such as answering phone calls from customers; ordering supplies needed by employees who need them quickly when running low; scheduling appointments with clients for various departments within agencies; etc.* 

The difference between being an Office Manager vs Admin Assistant lies mainly in roles: one manages operations while another handles daily tasks which keep operations running smoothly.

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