How To Land Your Dream Job As Marketing Manager

One of my friends recently told me that she wanted to become a marketing manager. She said that she was tired of being in corporate America and wanted something more challenging, creative, and fulfilling. 

As someone who’s been there before, I can relate to her feelings: I had the same ones when I graduated college with a business degree but wasn’t sure how to make them come true. 

So how do you get from where you are now or even from where you were as a teenager into your dream job? Here’s what I did:

How To Get a Digital Marketing Job with NO Experience
Learn the essential skills and qualifications for a marketing manager role.
Understand the responsibilities and expectations of a marketing manager.
Gain insights into effective strategies for landing your dream job as a marketing manager.
Discover the importance of networking and building connections in the marketing industry.
Get tips on crafting an impressive resume and preparing for marketing job interviews.
Learn about ongoing professional development and staying updated on marketing trends.
Understand the potential career growth opportunities for marketing managers.
Explore the qualities and characteristics that employers look for in marketing managers.
Gain confidence in your ability to pursue and succeed in a marketing manager position.
Understand the industry-specific knowledge and expertise required for marketing management.

Create A Personal Website

A personal website is a great way to show off your skills and interests in an organized, professional manner. Think of it as an online résumé for the job you want and/or already have.

You can use your personal website to list off things like:

Your education – What schools did you go to? What degrees do you have? Who were your professors?

Work experience – What companies have hired you? Where did you work, what did your roles entail, and what projects did you work on?

Skills – What are some examples of the skills that are relevant to this job that I might not be able to find elsewhere (e.g., if they were listed on LinkedIn)?

It’s important that all this information is presented in a clear, organized fashion so prospective employers can easily find what they’re looking for without having to dig around too much.

Are you aspiring to become a marketing consultant? Learn how to land your dream job by following our comprehensive guide on building a successful career as a marketing consultant. Gain valuable insights and tips from industry professionals to kickstart your journey.

Write A Killer Cover Letter

As you’re crafting your cover letter, keep in mind that it’s a vehicle for you to show off why you are the best fit for the job. 

“Make sure that there is a personal introduction, some sort of overview of what skills and experiences you have,” says Sullivan. “Then end with either something about how excited or interested you are in applying.”

It’s not just about what words go into your cover letter it’s also about how they’re presented on paper. As we’ve all learned from middle school English class, most readers judge books by their covers: 

If a document has bad formatting and looks unprofessional, it won’t matter how hard-hitting its content is; an employer will likely reject it before reading past its first line (or sentence).

Take care to ensure the font size is at least 11 points and that margins are consistent throughout the document. Also, make sure there aren’t any typos or grammatical errors a simple spellcheck won’t cut it here!

Update Your Linkedin Profile

Another great way to land a job as a marketing manager is by updating your LinkedIn profile. If you don’t know what a LinkedIn profile is, it’s an online resume that includes your work experience and education history. 

You can add in any other information about yourself that could be relevant for employers such as volunteer experience or sports achievements (if they’re relevant).

The next step is to make sure that the profile is up-to-date with all of the relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments mentioned above. 

In addition, consider including keywords from the job description when describing your skills and accomplishments this will show recruiters that you are familiar with what they’re looking for!

Another thing you should do is include links to any websites or portfolios where potential employers can see examples of your work. This shows them just how much thought went into creating these pieces and makes them more likely to hire you!

Last but not least: use professional photos! This means no selfies or personal photos; instead, try using professionally taken headshots (photo from above) or portraits (photo from the waist up).

Looking to start your career as a marketing assistant? Discover the essential steps to secure your dream job by exploring our guide on becoming a successful marketing assistant. Learn about the skills, qualifications, and strategies that will set you apart in this competitive field.

Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts

You should clean up any social media accounts that you have. Make sure that your posts are up to date and make sure that no part of your persona is missing. 

Delete anything too embarrassing, as well as anything that could be taken out of context by potential employers. 

Also, delete any posts that are no longer relevant or a good reflection of who you are today. If there were any offensive comments made on your account over the years, it’s best if those were erased from existence as well!

Include Testimonials In Your Resume

Testimonials can be a great way to show off your work. It’s a chance to allow other people to speak about you, and it shows that you’ve had an impact on others’ lives.

A good testimonial is much more effective than a reference, after all, it comes from someone who has worked with you and seen how great your work is firsthand!

When thinking about getting testimonials for your resume, think about who would be best suited for this task. You want someone who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to marketing (and preferably has some experience in the field). For example:

If I worked at a marketing agency and managed the social media accounts of multiple clients, then I’d ask my former boss if they could write something nice about me as well as send him/her my resume along with any other relevant documents (like links or examples).

If I worked as an independent contractor creating content for companies within a particular industry (such as health & wellness).

Then I might reach out to some of these companies asking if they’d consider writing something up based on their experiences working with me if they say no, there are still ways around that hurdle by asking current customers who have used our company’s services before!

Use Numbers To Prove Your Expertise

Demonstrate your ability to do the job.

A marketing manager should know the industry and product they are marketing, but they also need to be able to demonstrate their expertise. Include numbers that show how well you know your field and why you are qualified for this position.

For example, Your resume might include a list of projects you managed where you were able to increase sales by 10%, or it might include client testimonials about how good of a job you did for them.

The key here is not just knowing your numbers, but proving that others see value in what you do because of those numbers!

Aspiring to be a marketing analyst? Dive into our comprehensive guide on navigating the path to becoming a marketing analyst to gain valuable insights. Discover the essential skills, educational requirements, and career prospects that await you in this dynamic field.

Check Out Company Websites

Check out the company’s website.

You can learn a lot by simply browsing the company’s website, including its values and mission, culture and history, product/service offerings, competitors’ offerings, leadership team members, and more. 

This is also an opportunity to find out about any specific opportunities for which you might be a fit (for example: if you’re looking for an entry-level marketing position).

Read Up On The Interviewer(S)

Find out as much information about the interviewer(s) as possible. You should be able to find out everything from their age, gender, and marital status to what they do in their free time.

Look for clues in the job description itself. If an ad says that they need someone with “5 years of experience” then you can bet that those 5 years will be one of the most important things discussed during your interview. 

So make sure you know exactly what those 5 years were spent doing!

Study up on some common questions that might come up during your meeting with them and how best to answer them!

Research Marketing Trends And News

To land a job in marketing, you will need to know what’s going on in the industry. You should:

Keep up with trends and news in your industry. Read trade publications (and not just the ones that are related to your field), blogs, newsletters, and social media posts from companies you admire. 

This can help you keep an eye on what’s new and exciting so that when the time comes for you to apply for jobs or write cover letters or interview with potential employers

It will seem like you’re ahead of everyone else when it comes to keeping up-to-date on what’s happening within this particular market segment of the business.

Find Common Ground With The Interviewer(S)

As a marketing manager, you’ll have to establish a good rapport with the interviewer(s). This is not an easy task. You must find common ground and show interest in what they have to say. 

You should also be prepared to ask questions that demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position and company.

Here are some questions you might consider asking:

  • What do you like best about working at this organization?
  • If I am hired for this position, what would my first tasks be?

Kickstart your marketing career as a marketing intern! Explore our guide on landing a dream internship in marketing to learn about the strategies and resources that will help you secure valuable hands-on experience. Uncover the benefits of internships and how they can pave the way for future success.

Bring Three Copies Of Your Resume And Portfolio (If Applicable)

Bring three copies of your resume, portfolio (if applicable), cover letter, and references. You never know when a hiring manager might need to refer back to one of these documents during an interview, so it’s best to have them available from the start. 

If you don’t have a physical copy of your resume or cover letter with you at the time of the interview, ask if they offer any way for you to save those documents on their computer system.

If the employer asks for references during the interview process, bring along whatever information will help them contact them quickly this includes names, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Ask Questions That Show Your Interest And Enthusiasm

In the interview, you should always ask questions that show your interest and enthusiasm. This can be a great way to demonstrate your curiosity and passion for the role.

Ask questions about the company and the role: “I love that you do X. Can you tell me more about why this is important?”

Ask about the most important projects and initiatives: “What are some of the biggest goals for your team in 2019?” or “Which initiatives would I get involved in if I were hired?”

Ask about the team and culture: “Who will I be working with daily?” or “What are some qualities of someone successful in this position?” 

(This one can backfire if they say something like “you need to be willing to work long hours without complaint,” so tread carefully.)

The interview is also an opportunity to learn more about yourself as well! Ask questions like “Why did you decide to work at Company X?” or “What’s it like being part of this organization?”

Dreaming of becoming a marketing director? Unlock the secrets to success with our comprehensive guide on navigating the path to marketing directorship. Learn about the skills, experiences, and leadership qualities that will propel you towards this coveted position and make your dream a reality.


We hope these tips have been helpful. Remember to stay positive, confident, and ready for whatever comes your way. 

And if you are still struggling with the application process, check out our other resources on how to become a marketing manager or leave us a comment below!

Further Reading

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Jobs: A comprehensive guide that provides insights into various marketing jobs, including their responsibilities, required skills, and career paths. Explore different marketing roles and find the one that aligns with your aspirations.

How to Land Your Dream Job: Tips and Strategies: Discover valuable tips and strategies to land your dream job in any industry, including the marketing field. Learn about crafting an impressive resume, acing interviews, and standing out from the competition.

Entry-Level Marketing Jobs: How to Pick Your Dream Role and Land It: Explore a comprehensive guide that focuses on entry-level marketing jobs. Gain insights into how to select the right role based on your interests and strengths, and learn effective strategies to secure your desired entry-level marketing position.

Now, here’s the FAQs section in H2 with five questions and answers in H3 format:


How do I prepare for a marketing job interview?

To prepare for a marketing job interview, research the company and its target audience, familiarize yourself with their products or services, and be ready to discuss your relevant skills and experiences. Additionally, anticipate common interview questions and prepare concise and compelling answers that showcase your marketing knowledge and abilities.

What are the key skills required for a successful marketing career?

Key skills for a successful marketing career include strong communication skills, creativity, analytical thinking, strategic planning, digital marketing proficiency, and the ability to adapt to changing trends. Additionally, having a solid understanding of consumer behavior, market research techniques, and project management can greatly contribute to success in the field.

How can I gain practical marketing experience?

To gain practical marketing experience, consider internships, volunteering for marketing projects, or freelancing opportunities. These avenues provide hands-on experience and allow you to apply your marketing knowledge in real-world scenarios. Additionally, building a personal brand through content creation or managing marketing campaigns for personal projects can also showcase your skills.

What educational background is ideal for a marketing career?

While a specific educational background may vary depending on the role and industry, a bachelor’s degree in marketing, business administration, communications, or a related field is often beneficial. However, marketing is a field where practical experience and skill development are highly valued, so internships, certifications, and continuous learning through industry resources are also crucial for success.

How can I network in the marketing industry?

Networking in the marketing industry can be done through various avenues such as attending industry conferences, joining professional marketing associations, participating in marketing events or workshops, and utilizing social media platforms like LinkedIn. Actively engaging in networking activities helps you build connections, stay updated on industry trends, and open doors to new opportunities.