How To Land Your Dream Job As Barista

I have always wanted to be a barista. Not just any barista, though: I’ve always wanted to be the best barista of all time. But there’s one problem: I’m not sure how to get there. Like most people who dream of being great at something, I have no training and no experience in the field. 

And while I do have access to free coffee at all times (not that I need it), that doesn’t give me much of an edge over my peers who work retail or don’t drink coffee at all. So here is what works for me — and will work for you too!

Highlight your passion for coffee
Showcase your knowledge of different coffee brewing methods
Emphasize your customer service skills
Demonstrate your ability to work in a fast-paced environment
Gain experience through internships or part-time positions
Continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends
Develop your communication and teamwork skills
Create an impressive barista resume highlighting relevant experience
Network with professionals in the coffee industry
Practice making a variety of coffee drinks to enhance your skills

Create A Good Mindset

If you’re anything like me, your mind is a roller coaster of thoughts. Some days it’s filled with “I’ll never get this job” and other days it’s filled with “I’m awesome! I deserve the best!” You can’t control which thoughts pop up in your head or when, but you can control how you react to them. 

Your actions, including the way you think and feel about yourself, have an impact on what happens next in your career.

So how do we keep our minds positive? Here are five tips:

  • Understand that life isn’t always going to be easy or fair
  • Focus on what makes YOU happy (not someone else)
  • Surround yourself with people who make YOU smile or laugh
  • Remember that everyone has bad days; sometimes it takes just one person having a good day for yours to turn around too!
  • Be kinder than necessary – even if it doesn’t come naturally at first…

Guiding individuals through challenges and providing support is the heart of being a Counselor. Gain insights into various counseling techniques, effective listening skills, and ethical considerations in our comprehensive guide. Learn how to make a positive impact on people’s lives by checking out our article on How to Land Your Dream Job as a Counselor and embark on a fulfilling career in the field of counseling.

Learn That The Journey Takes Time

As you can see, it’s not easy to land your dream job as a barista. But remember that the journey takes time. You may not get that job right away and even if you do, your work isn’t over yet! 

You’ll still need to learn new skills and practice them on the job every day for years before you’re really ready for things like promotions or higher pay scales.

Suffice it to say that learning how to become a barista is going to take more than just weeks or months; it’s going to take years of hard work and dedication for this goal of yours (and mine!) to come true. 

Just think about all those people who’ve successfully done what they wanted with their lives: they didn’t give up when things got hard; instead, they kept pushing forward until they finally made their dreams come true!

Find A Mentor

This is a big one. Finding a mentor is such an important step in your career, especially when you’re just starting. A mentor is someone who has already been in your shoes, so they can help you navigate the obstacles that come with living and working in the industry.

A mentor is also a great tool for getting feedback on how to improve yourself as a barista they’ll be able to tell you what skills or experiences are needed for certain positions and advise on how to get those skills and experiences under your belt.

Start Your Own Business

Start your own business.

You can start a business in less than a week, and if you do it right, it might even launch you into the life of your dreams. Here’s how:

Write down what you’re passionate about and good at. An example could be graphic design or dog walking.

Take these two passions and brainstorm ways to make money with each of them may be one involves freelance work while the other requires an investment on your part (for example, buying supplies). 

The goal here is to identify something that is not too difficult for you to learn quickly and doesn’t require much upfront investment (which we’ll talk about next).

Are you passionate about clinical research? Discover how to become a Clinical Research Coordinator and make a meaningful impact in the medical field. Our comprehensive guide provides insights and tips on navigating this exciting career path. Dive into the world of clinical research by exploring our article on landing your dream job as a Clinical Research Coordinator.

Share Your Progress On Social Media And In Real Life

Sharing your progress on social media and in real life is a great way to build your network and get noticed by employers. It will also help you get more job offers, which means you can choose the best one that suits your needs.

For example, if you want to work at a coffee shop, consider sharing photos of yourself making coffee creations at home or while traveling. If you want to work at an office building where people spend hours working on their laptops all day long (which is what I do).

Then consider taking photos of yourself with different laptops and posting them online so that employers can see how tech-savvy you are!

This strategy works well because it gives potential employers something visual they can look at when seeing who is being considered for jobs in their company.

Keep Learning

But the coffee world is constantly evolving, and you’ll want to stay up-to-date with what’s happening. For example: if you’re currently working at a coffee shop that serves only drip brews, learns how to make pour-over and French press coffees as well. 

If your boss wants to start selling cold brews, take some time after work one day to experiment with brewing methods (using grounds) and temperatures (using water). You’ll be more prepared for anything that comes along in the future!

Take Care Of Yourself

Once you’re on the right path, it’s time to take care of yourself. It’s easy to feel like you don’t deserve time off when you’re working hard at your dream job. But if your body is tired and stressed out, that will come through in your work. 

Take some time for yourself every day even if it’s just an hour or two and make sure that it involves self-care: exercise, eating well, and sleeping well.

It’s also important not to compare yourself to others. If someone else seems more successful than you are (or has more money than you), remember that everyone has different circumstances! 

That person may have had other jobs before landing their current gig; maybe they’ve invested in themselves by getting training or going back to school; maybe they’ve been working toward this goal since they were a teenager! 

Do what works best for YOU rather than worrying about what everyone else is doing differently from how YOU’RE doing things right now.”

Aspire to lead a team and excel in customer service? Learn how to climb the ladder of success as a Customer Service Manager. Our article outlines key strategies and skills to develop in order to thrive in this dynamic role. Explore our guide on landing your dream job as a Customer Service Manager and unlock the secrets to delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Set Clear Goals

Before you begin your job search, it is important to first set clear goals. You will have a much better chance of achieving success in your job hunt if you know exactly what it is that you want and how to get there.

Do not just tell yourself that “I want a job as a barista,” because this goal is too vague and will leave much room for doubt about whether or not it’s even possible for you to land such a position. Instead, write down specific things like:

  • What kind of baristas do I admire?
  • What kind of barista might be considered my favorite?
  • What skills do I possess that would make me an ideal fit for the position?

Once you’ve written these things down and spent some time thinking about them, consider how they relate to each other. 

For example: In my experience as a customer at Starbucks over the past few weeks.

I have noticed that one thing most customers seem to share in common is their appreciation for friendly service which makes sense since Starbucks has built its reputation around providing excellent customer service! 

Therefore I believe that becoming friends with all customers will go a long way toward helping me achieve my goal(s).

Decide Where You Want To Work

When it comes to choosing where you want to work, think about what’s important for your personality and interests.

  • Do you want a job with flexible hours?
  • Is there a certain type of atmosphere that makes you feel more comfortable? For example, would you rather work in a corporate office or an independent coffee shop?
  • What kind of skills do employers look for at this place? 
  • Do they need someone who has experience with customer service, or do they prefer candidates who are familiar with equipment maintenance?
  • How much training are they willing to provide (if any)? If they’re willing to give you some extra training before starting full-time, this might be a good opportunity since it would allow them to evaluate whether or not your skills match up with what’s required on the job.

Once these questions have been answered as best as possible, then it’s time to start applying!

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Apply For Jobs Outside Your Comfort Zone Too!

One of the most important things you can do when applying for a job is to apply for jobs that are not in your field. This will allow you to learn about the industry, and help you understand what it takes to succeed in those fields.

If you’re a barista who wants to be a server, apply for server positions instead of waiting tables at your local coffee shop. If you are going from being a server, try applying for counter service positions or hostess positions at restaurants. 

Even if these types of positions don’t pay as well as what you’re making now, it will give them some perspective into what’s involved in each position and allow them chances at learning new skills.

Keep Applying Even If You Don’t Get The Job At First

You know what? I don’t care if the first few jobs you apply for are not the job of your dreams. Just keep applying, because eventually, something will come along that is perfect for you.

Keep in mind that even if you are moving forward and improving your skills all the time, there is still a chance that things won’t work out in one way or another. But, if you keep putting yourself out there and trying new things then eventually something will click!

Don’t Let Rejection Stop You From Applying Again

You might be feeling discouraged after your first application doesn’t pan out, especially if it was a job that you wanted. But don’t let the rejection stop you from applying again!

You could try applying for roles outside of your comfort zone, like working at a hospital or nursing home instead of a coffee shop. 

If you keep trying and don’t give up, eventually someone will offer you an interview or job offer and once they do, go ahead and celebrate with some celebratory lattes!

Say Yes When They Offer You A Job Interview!

You’re not being tested. This is a conversation, and you are the one who has all the information about yourself and your work history. 

You know how hard you’ve worked to get to where you are today; now it’s time for someone else to learn about that. The interviewer will want to know what makes you tick, so make sure they understand!

The interviewer is looking for someone who can walk into an existing team and fit right in that means having some knowledge of the company’s mission, goals, and values (even if they haven’t been established yet). 

It also means understanding what skills are needed for that particular role within that specific department or unit. For example: If I’m interviewing as a barista at Starbucks…

Do you have a knack for databases and a love for programming? Embark on a rewarding career as a Database Developer and shape the future of data management. Our comprehensive guide covers essential skills and best practices to excel in this in-demand profession. Explore our article on landing your dream job as a Database Developer and unlock the world of data-driven innovation.

Create A Winning Resume And Cover Letter

  • Use a professional format.
  • Select a professional font.
  • Create a clean, simple layout.
  • Use a template that you can adapt for each job application or submission you make.
  • Apply for jobs using your full name and email address, not just your initials and first name as you might on social media or other personal accounts. 

This will help employers differentiate between the two sources of information about you when they are considering hiring someone based on their cover letter, resume, and cover letter alone – after all.

No one is going to spend more than five seconds looking at an email signature before deciding whether or not they want to hire someone! 

Similarly, don’t include any contact details as part of a signature block if employers want them (e.g., if there’s been no response after several weeks), then they’ll ask questions themselves (and probably not via email). 

You can include personal details like birthdate in the body text itself instead; this way if it needs to be changed later then only

If You Learn These Skills, You Will Land Your Dream Job!

Here are some of the most important skills to master to land your dream job as a barista:

You must be able to make coffee that tastes good. This is why many people enter this industry in the first place they love coffee and want to share their passion with others. 

However, it’s important not just that your coffee tastes great but also that it tastes consistently great (or at least acceptable). 

As a professional barista, one of the first things people will notice when they come into your shop is how good or bad their drink tastes and if they don’t like it, they won’t come back again! 

It’s also important that customers leave feeling satisfied with what they’ve purchased; this means not only giving them tasty drinks but also being friendly and helpful as well.

You must be able to handle money responsibly. Depending on where you work and how busy things get at certain times throughout the day and week (or year).

Handling money responsibly can mean anything from counting change during a slow time at work up through calculating taxes on large purchases made by customers who are shopping online but paying in person before leaving the home base.”


Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get the job at first. Keep applying and keep learning, and you’ll soon be on your way to your dream job!

Further Reading

How to Become a Barista Without Any Experience: Learn valuable tips and strategies on how to kickstart your barista career, even if you don’t have any prior experience.

Find a Job as a Barista: Discover effective methods for finding job opportunities as a barista and gain insights on how to stand out in a competitive job market.

5 Tips for Looking for a Barista Job: Get expert advice and practical tips on how to navigate the process of searching for a barista job and increase your chances of success.

Feel free to customize the descriptions according to your preference and style.

And here’s an example of an “FAQs” section in Markdown language, with five questions and answers:


How can I improve my coffee brewing skills?

To enhance your coffee brewing skills, consider attending professional barista training courses, practicing different brewing methods at home, and seeking feedback from experienced baristas.

Are there any certifications for becoming a barista?

Yes, there are several certifications available for baristas, such as the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) certifications, which include courses on barista skills, brewing, and sensory analysis.

What are the essential qualities of a successful barista?

A successful barista should possess excellent customer service skills, a passion for coffee, attention to detail, the ability to work well under pressure, and a continuous desire to learn and improve.

How do I handle difficult customers as a barista?

When dealing with challenging customers, it’s important to remain calm, listen actively to their concerns, offer solutions or alternatives, and always maintain a professional and friendly demeanor.

What career opportunities can I explore as a barista?

Becoming a skilled barista can open up various career opportunities, such as coffee shop management, coffee roasting, coffee consulting, or even starting your own coffee business.