How To Land Your Dream Job As A Training Manager

Congratulations! You’ve landed the job of your dreams. You know you have to do a lot in your new role, so you’re probably wondering how you can handle the workload and responsibilities. 

As a training manager, there are many things that go into managing a successful company or department. In this post, we’ll cover some tips on how to make your transition as smooth as possible:

How to Land Your Dream Job In 2021 – YouTube
– Understand the key responsibilities of a training manager role.
– Develop a strong foundation in instructional design and training methodologies.
– Build expertise in learning management systems and e-learning platforms.
– Hone your communication and presentation skills to effectively deliver training programs.
– Stay updated with industry trends and best practices in employee training and development.
– Network with professionals in the training and development field for potential opportunities.
– Showcase your experience and achievements in designing and implementing successful training programs.
– Demonstrate leadership qualities and the ability to manage a training team.
– Continuously seek opportunities for professional growth and development in the field.
– Customize your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant skills and experiences as a training manager.

Conduct A Self-Assessment

Conduct a self-assessment. Before you begin your search, take some time to reflect on what you want out of a career and how your skills will translate into the role you’re looking for. Think about:

Your strengths and weaknesses. What are your strongest skills? Which areas do you need to develop further? Are there any gaps in your knowledge or experience that could hinder your ability to do this job, or would make it harder for you to succeed in it?

What kind of work environment would be most conducive for success in this field? Do you thrive working independently or collaboratively? Do you prefer structured tasks with clear instructions, or are more open-ended projects better suited to how your brain works best? 

How much flexibility would be required by either one of those types of working environments (for example, if given an assignment that required creativity but didn’t have specific guidelines)?

What are some examples from past jobs that show off the way that I think about problems and come up with solutions in other words: what is my value proposition as an employee? 

If there’s something specific about my previous roles that makes me stand out among other applicants (maybe it’s the fact I’ve been able to pull together lots of different pieces at once), then highlighting those experiences can help set me apart from everyone else who has applied for similar roles before me.”

If you aspire to be a training coordinator, our comprehensive guide on landing your dream job as a training coordinator will provide you with valuable insights, tips, and strategies to kick-start your career in this exciting field.

Determine Your Job Target

The first step to landing your dream job as a training manager is to determine what you want. 

This can be a little tricky because it requires that you think long-term and with some degree of precision. However, the more specific your answers are, the better off you’ll be in finding what will ultimately be right for you.

The following questions may help:

  • What do I want to do?
  • How much money should I expect to make?
  • What kind of work am I looking forward to doing daily?

Make A List Of Companies Where You Want To Work

First and foremost, you need to make a list of companies where you want to work. This can be easy or difficult depending on your industry and the type of job you want. 

If you are in the same field as someone who is already employed with the company, that person may be able to help you get your foot in the door by putting in a good word for you or sending an email recommending their friend for an open position. 

In other cases, it may be more challenging because there aren’t any connections between current employees and potential candidates like yourself or maybe there are but they don’t know how important it is for them to let people know about openings within their company!

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Build Your Network

The most effective way to build a strong network is through personal connections. This means being social and making the effort to meet new people in your industry, whether it’s at conferences or through online forums.

In order to make meaningful connections with fellow professionals, it’s important that you’re able to offer something of value. 

This could be in the form of advice or recommendations for future work opportunities or even just as someone who can listen when someone needs help with their training program (or any other aspect of their job).

Write An Accomplishment-Oriented Resume

As a training manager, your resume is going to have lots of words that describe things you’ve done. That’s because your job will be to solve problems for other people not just solve them, but do so in a way that makes everyone feel good about themselves and their work.

What does this mean for your resume? It means that instead of writing about how great you are at solving problems (which is important), write about the problem itself, and then how you solved it. For example:

Instead of saying “I developed an employee training program.” You could say “I developed an employee training program focused on reducing staff turnover by improving communication skills between management and employees.”

Instead of saying “I designed an assessment tool.” You could say “I designed an assessment tool to evaluate our salesforce’s performance based on metrics such as sales volume per customer versus average length of time spent with each customer during each visit.”

Use Keywords On Your Resume

As you may know, a recruiter’s job is to match up candidates with open positions. While they understand the importance of finding the right person for the job, they also want to make sure you’re qualified. 

They’ll be looking at your resume and cover letter with this in mind, so you must use keywords on your resume.

Here are some tips:

  • Use keywords in all sections of your resume and cover letter:
  • Job title
  • Job description (including responsibilities)
  • Duties and responsibilities sections of the job description (including experience level)

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Highlight Relevant Soft Skills With The STAR Method

The STAR method is a great way to highlight your relevant soft skills. It involves writing a short essay that describes how you solved a problem, in which situation you did so, what actions you took and what the result was. Use this example:

Situation: You were working on an ad campaign for your company’s new product launch.

Task: You had to plan and organize an event for executives from all over Europe who were visiting the United States for one week.

Action: You contacted local hotels and restaurants in order to secure accommodations for everyone, ran many phone calls with suppliers about menu options (the executives wanted something specific), organized a welcome video at the airport etcetera…​Result: The event was successful!

Include Testimonials In Your Resume

If you have worked on a project that has had a positive impact, include it. If you have skills that can be useful to the company, list them. If you have knowledge that can help your new employer, highlight it.

The most important thing to remember is that you should always use the STAR method whenever possible when writing about your past experiences and achievements:

Situation: Describe the situation in which you were involved or encountered this problem or challenge.

Action: Describe what action was taken by the person who faced this problem or challenge and how they overcame it (you can also use “I” instead of “the person”).

Result: Describe what was achieved as a result of taking this action (you can also use “we” instead of “the person).

Personalize Your Cover Letter

The first step to getting your dream job is to make sure you’re putting all of your best foot forward. Your cover letter is an opportunity for you to show off who you are and why you’d be a great fit for the role, so personalize it by addressing the hiring manager directly by name. 

While this may not always be possible if there are multiple people on the hiring committee or if they’ve chosen not to advertise their names publicly, it’s still worth making an effort here even if it’s only something along the lines of “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Hiring Team at Company X”.

Once upon a time (once upon several times), I wrote my cover letters using templates that were provided by job boards and recruiters. Although these templates did their job well enough (I landed some interviews!).

They made me feel like I had no unique voice in my applications; they also didn’t do much work towards highlighting my skills beyond saying things like: “I’m excellent at [blank]”. 

It wasn’t until I began doing research into effective cover letters did I start seeing results: after adopting personalized language into my application materials, my response rate went up tenfold!

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Choose The Right Interview Outfit

The first thing you’ll notice about this section is that I’m not telling you to dress for the job you want. 

This is because most interviewers will tell you whatever they think will make them look good and/or get you hired. They may also be lying, which is why we can’t trust their advice on a subject like this.

The people who really know what they’re talking about are those who have been in similar situations as yourself: candidates who have gotten jobs at your dream company in similar positions to the one you are applying for.

Prepare For Common Interview Questions

Prepare for common interview questions. Before your interview, it’s a good idea to review the most common questions that hiring managers ask during interviews. 

These can be found on job boards and in related articles. If you prepare ahead of time and have a sense of what kinds of questions might be asked, you’ll be better able to respond confidently and articulately when the time comes.

Practice answering common interview questions. It’s also helpful to practice answering these types of questions with a friend or family member before the big day arrives just like any other skill, interviewing requires practice! 

Your mock interview will help you identify what areas require further development before your actual interview day so that you’re ready to shine on camera when it counts most.

Research The Company Ahead Of Time

Before you even begin the job search, do your research. This isn’t just an empty suggestion; it’s essential. And that’s because it will give you a distinct advantage over other candidates who don’t do their homework before applying for your role.

Take some time to look up information about the company, its products, and services, leadership team, press coverage, social media presence (if any), competitors’ offerings anything that could help gain insight into how this company operates daily. You’ll want to become familiar with:

  • The company website or blog (if there is one)
  • Social media channels such as Twitter or Facebook
  • Competitors’ product offerings

Practice Active Listening During Interviews

The interview is a chance to show your personality and how well you work with others. It’s also a chance to show that you’re interested in the role and company, so make sure you take notes on what they say during the interview.

Pay attention – The interviewer will be looking for signs of active listening, so make sure you’re looking at him or her when he or she speaks. Don’t just nod along and smile; if this person is going to be your boss, he or she must know that his or her words matter!

Ask questions – By asking questions about what kinds of projects the company does and what makes them unique from other companies in their field, candidates can demonstrate creativity and curiosity about their possible future workplace.

Be prepared – Just like any job interview preparation should include research into the company’s mission statement as well as its current leadership team members (or potential future leaders).

It should also include researching common interview questions (such as “What skills do you bring?”) which they may be asked during an interview process.

If you have a passion for recreation and want to make a positive impact on people’s lives, becoming a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist may be the right career path for you. Explore our guide on landing your dream job as a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist to learn about the necessary qualifications, skills, and steps to pursue this fulfilling career.


While landing your dream job can seem daunting, it’s not impossible and there are some things you can do to increase your chances of success. First, make sure that you have the skills and qualifications that hiring managers want in candidates at all levels. 

Second, practice makes perfect when it comes to interviewing so don’t be afraid to do a few mock interviews with friends or family members before going on an in-person interview. 

Finally, make sure that your application shows off what makes you stand out from other candidates (like telling stories about previous experiences).

You now know what steps need to be taken before applying for a new position as well as how important it is to have good communication skills when interacting with others on a daily basis. 

Now that you have all this knowledge under your belt go forth and land yourself a job! Good luck!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on landing your dream job:

How to Land Your Training Consultant Dream Job: This article provides insights and tips specifically for aspiring training consultants, guiding them on how to secure their dream job in the field.

6 Steps to Your Dream Job: Discover a comprehensive six-step process that can help you achieve your dream job, covering various aspects from self-assessment to networking strategies.

How to Land Your Dream Job: This resource offers a comprehensive guide to landing your dream job, providing practical tips, advice, and strategies to navigate the job search process successfully.


Here are some frequently asked questions about landing your dream job:

What are the essential elements of a successful job application?

A successful job application typically includes a well-crafted resume highlighting relevant skills and experiences, a compelling cover letter tailored to the specific job, and any additional requested documents such as a portfolio or references.

How can I stand out during the job interview process?

To stand out during the job interview process, it’s important to thoroughly research the company and position, prepare thoughtful answers to common interview questions, showcase your unique skills and experiences, and demonstrate enthusiasm and a genuine interest in the role.

How can networking help in landing a dream job?

Networking can greatly enhance your chances of landing a dream job. By connecting with professionals in your field, attending industry events, and utilizing online platforms, you can gain valuable insights, make meaningful connections, and potentially uncover hidden job opportunities.

What role does personal branding play in securing a dream job?

Personal branding involves showcasing your unique skills, experiences, and qualities that differentiate you from other candidates. By cultivating a strong personal brand through an online presence, professional networking, and consistent messaging, you can increase your visibility and appeal to potential employers.

How important is ongoing professional development in pursuing a dream job?

Ongoing professional development is crucial in pursuing a dream job as it demonstrates a commitment to continuous growth and improvement. Engaging in relevant courses, certifications, and staying updated with industry trends can enhance your knowledge and make you a more competitive candidate.