If you’re looking for a way to make money with your blog, CPA offers are one of the best options.
The concept is simple: You get paid when someone clicks on an offer and completes it. This can be as simple as clicking on a banner ad (which generally pays pennies), or it can be more involved like completing an online survey.
Either way, there are some great reasons why you should try out this method for monetizing your blog posts today!
Determine Your Blogs Purpose
Let’s start with the basic elements of a niche blog:
Define your niche. The first step is to decide what you want your blog to be about. Your niche will not only help you define an audience for yourself, but it will also allow you to determine what kind of content you’ll write about (and how).
Define the audience. After choosing a topic, identify your target market by answering these questions: Who are they? What do they like? Where do they hang out online? This is all about understanding who would read your blog!
Define purpose. Once you’ve got the right audience in mind, ask yourself why this person would care about what you have to say and whether or not they could benefit from it (and if so – how?).
Choose A Domain Name
The first step to creating your niche blog is picking the right domain name. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a domain name:
The shorter, the better!
Easy to spell and remember
Not too trendy or common (for example, don’t use all numbers or underscores)
Buy A Hosting Plan
Hosting is a service that allows you to upload content to your domain. In order for people to see and access your website, you need hosting. If you’re not sure what hosting is, we have an article on the basics of web hosting here.
You can buy hosting from your domain name registrar (the company where you bought your domain) or from a third party like Bluehost or Siteground.
Either way, it’s pretty simple—just sign into your account and look for instructions regarding how to add new websites and domains under “Manage” or something similar in their user interface (UI).
Configure WordPress
To configure your WordPress blog, you’ll need to install the following:
The theme of your choice.
A few plugins that will make it easy for readers to browse and purchase through your site (If you’ve never installed a WordPress plugin before, don’t worry! We’ll walk you through it).
Once you have everything up and running, there are two additional steps needed before launching publicly:
You’ll want to change the domain name so that it’s not associated with this hosting account anymore; doing this will make sure users can navigate directly from google searches or social media links (if you choose).
You’ll also need to set up email accounts for all of your authors so they can receive order notifications in their inboxes instead of just seeing them as pending items in PayPal/Stripe/etc…
Select A Theme
The first thing you’ll need to do is choose a theme that is easy to customize, responsive, fast and SEO friendly. Once you have this in hand, it will be easier for you to create your own niche blog without worrying about the technical aspects of creating one.
Customize The Design
Once your theme has been selected and installed on WordPress, then the next step would be to start customizing it according to your needs and preferences by using plugins or editing CSS files directly in some cases (if it’s possible).
Customize The Look Of Your Theme
There are plenty of ways to customize the look of your messages niche blog.
Change the colors. If you’re using a WordPress theme, you can change the color scheme by clicking on “Appearance” in the left sidebar and then selecting “Themes.”
There, click on “Browse Themes” and then search for a theme that has a design you like. Once you’ve found one, click on its name so that it’s highlighted and select “Activate.” This will apply your new theme design immediately!
Change the fonts. On some themes (not all), there is an option to change fonts within text elements such as headings and paragraphs. For example, if I wanted my title font size larger than usual I would go into Appearance > Theme Options > Typography > Headings > Title Font Size = 1 If this option isn’t available to adjust manually with each blog post
Add The Necessary Plugins (All Free)
Here are the plugins you need to make your site work:
WordPress SEO by Yoast – This is a plugin that will help you optimize your posts for search engines. It gives you a bunch of cool features and it’s free, so what more could you ask for?
Google XML Sitemaps – This is another free plugin that helps Google find all the pages on your site so they can index them.
It also helps users navigate around your site by giving them directions on how to get there through search results.
Google Analytics by Yoast – This gives you access to Google Analytics data right inside WordPress (which isn’t included with WordPress). You’ll be able to track things like page views, bounce rate, time spent on page and much more! All kinds of useful stuff!
WP Super Cache – This caches static pages so they load faster which saves server resources (memory) from having to generate those pages again every single time someone visits one… which means less lag between clicks!
Configure Your Permalinks For Seo
Once you have a theme and a domain name, the next step is to configure your permalinks. Permalinks are the easy-to-remember URLs that show up in search engine results and also display on your website.
The best permalinks are descriptive and keyword rich they tell the search engines what your post is about so they can serve it up when someone performs an SEO query for those terms.
You’ll want to make sure that any keywords you’re targeting are embedded within these kinds of links because they’ll provide additional value to people who click through them as well as help Google determine relevance for future searches (and rank better).
Customize Your Sidebar
Your sidebar is everything that isn’t directly related to the content on your blog. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be, but here are some suggestions for things you should include:
Social Media Links
Your email address (so people can contact you)
A call to action (a button that asks visitors to subscribe) or subscribe form (the actual subscription box)
A recent posts widget so readers can see what kind of posts they’re getting into before they click through
A popular posts widget/category listing so readers can find popular content quickly and easily.
If appropriate, a search box so visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. This is particularly important if there are a lot of pages on your site–if a visitor has trouble finding something they’re looking for because there are too many pages, they might leave in frustration!
Manually Install Google Analytics In WordPress (Tutorial)
To get started, you’ll need to download Google Analytics from the WordPress plugin directory. Once you have it installed and activated, open your dashboard by clicking on “Dashboard” in the left-hand menu.
Next, click on “Plugins” in the left-hand menu and find Google Analytics in the list of plugins. Click on its name to open its settings page.
On this page, you need to add your tracking code manually by clicking on “Tracking Code” at the bottom of the page:
After Adding Your Tracking Code Manually
How To Install Google XML Sitemaps Plugin
Once you’ve downloaded and installed the plugin, you’ll need to activate it. Once activated, click the “SEO” menu in the left side of your WordPress admin panel and then click “Google XML Sitemaps.” Here you’ll see a form where you can add an XML sitemap for your site.
You can fill out all of these fields or just some of them—it’s up to you! Just be sure that whatever information is entered into this form will maintain accuracy throughout its lifetime on your website.
Keep in mind that Google uses this information when determining how well-optimized your website is for search engines, so if anything looks like it was made up or isn’t accurate (like dates), Google may penalize you for trying to game the system.
Optimize WordPress Comments Section For Conversions And Seo
To optimize your WordPress comments section, follow these tips:
Make sure you have a comment form. The easiest way to add a comment form is through Jetpack (which is included on all WordPress websites) and the Toolset. It’s also possible to create your own custom one using HTML or CSS if you want something more specific, but it will take some coding knowledge.
Make sure you have a link back to your site in the comment section itself (and preferably in every post).
This can be as simple as adding “Read More” after each paragraph of text so that readers know how they can continue reading without having to scroll down past all the comments at once. Of course, don’t make this too obvious because then people might skip over it!
Create Widget Ready Areas in your theme files]
Now it’s time to add some widget-ready areas in your theme files.
Add a sidebar widget area by adding the following code:
sidebar_primary = true
Add YouTube Videos To Blog Posts {How to}Make Money with CPA offers is a great way to make money with your blog. Read this guide on how to do it.
Adding YouTube videos to your blog posts is a great way to increase traffic, engagement, and time on site. It also helps with bounce rate.
Here’s how you can add YouTube videos to your blog posts:
Add a call-to-action in the beginning of each post that encourages visitors to watch the video at the bottom of the article (don’t use “Read More”). For example, if you’re writing about something like “how to grow tomatoes,” include text like this:
Click here for our step by step guide on growing tomatoes. We’ve even included a video showing you exactly what we expect from you when starting out!
I hope that you have found this article helpful and informative. Feel free to leave comments below or contact me directly with any questions!

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.