How To Become A Freelance Writer In The Finance Industry

We’ve all heard the saying “write what you know.” While this advice is sound, it’s often easier said than done: How do you actually go about breaking into finance writing? In this article, we go over some strategies to help you get started. 

After all, there are a lot of people who have a lot of great ideas about the world of finance…but not everyone has the ability to put those ideas into words. If you’re someone who’s good at that and wants to make it a career, read on!

How to Become an Online Freelance Writer in 2022 – YouTube
1. Gain a strong foundation in finance or a related field.
2. Develop excellent writing skills and practice regularly.
3. Build a portfolio showcasing your finance-related writing samples.
4. Network with professionals in the finance industry to expand your opportunities.
5. Stay updated with industry trends and developments in finance.
6. Consider specializing in a specific niche within the finance industry.
7. Research and pitch to finance-focused publications or websites for writing opportunities.
8. Stay organized and manage your freelance business efficiently.
9. Continuously improve your knowledge of financial topics and terminology.
10. Market yourself effectively as a freelance writer in the finance industry.

Start An Email Newsletter

If you’re looking to make a name for yourself in the finance industry, starting an email newsletter is the way to go. An email newsletter can be a great way to build your brand and establish yourself as an authority on topics related to finance. Here’s how:

Start with a clear purpose. Why are you sending out this newsletter? It should be something that ties in directly with what you want your career as an author or freelancer to look like in the future. Will this help establish connections with potential employers? 

Will it give potential clients more information about who they’re hiring? Whatever the case may be, make sure that every time someone opens one of your newsletters, they know exactly why they’re reading it and how it relates back to their interests (i.e., investing).

Include high-quality content within each issue of your newsletter—something interesting enough that people will want more after reading each issue! You also need good production value if people are going

to read past their first glance at its subject line; otherwise no one would bother clicking through because they wouldn’t think any good could come from doing so (unless perhaps there was some kind bonus incentive involved). 

This includes having professional graphics done up ahead of time so nothing looks amateurish once printed out into hard copy format.”

Building a successful career as a freelance writer in the finance industry requires the right skills and knowledge. Check out our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance writer in the finance industry to learn valuable tips and strategies for breaking into this competitive field.

Embrace Marketing And Self-Promotion

The second step in building a successful freelance writing business is to embrace marketing and self-promotion. You need to be strategic, deliberate and smart about how you market yourself as a freelance writer. Your marketing strategy should include things like:

  • Writing content that appeals to your target market
  • Developing a dedicated email list of potential clients and contacts in the finance industry who can help spread the word about your services (and who will be interested in hiring you)
  • Using social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook to connect with potential clients

Start Writing For Yourself

One of the best ways to get started in freelance writing is by writing for yourself. Whether you’re passionate about politics, sports and entertainment, or something else entirely, think about what you already enjoy reading and start there.

You can also find inspiration from the people around you: Ask friends and family members what topics they would like to read more about. Alternatively, offer your services as a ghostwriter so that other people can write articles on their own topics! 

This is an easy way to build up some experience in writing without having to worry about marketing yourself too much before your first project comes along.

Practice Self-Care

As a freelance writer in the finance industry, you’re going to be constantly busy. 

Work is always pouring in, deadlines are looming, and there will be days when it feels like no matter how many hours you put into your projects or how much money you make from them, nothing seems worthwhile.

The best way to combat these feelings of burnout is simple: take time off instead of working through them. Set aside an hour each day for relaxation take a bath or go for a walk outside; meditate or do yoga; watch some Netflix (make sure it’s not Game of Thrones). 

If your work has been really stressful lately, give yourself two days off every week where you simply don’t do anything related to writing at all this gives your brain some much-needed rest without taking away from any other commitments like family obligations or spending time with friends.

As a freelance writer, avoiding common mistakes is essential for maintaining a successful career. Discover the 10 mistakes I made freelancing as a designer and learn valuable insights on how to navigate challenges and optimize your freelance work.

Know What You Bring To The Table

Before you can begin writing, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses. You also need to know what your competitors are doing, what clients want, and how you can deliver it.

If you’re like most freelancers, this is probably one of the hardest parts: figuring out exactly what it is that makes YOU unique in this industry. It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else does best and forget about who YOU are as an individual.

It all comes down to knowing yourself what are YOUR strengths? What do YOU love doing? What do YOU hate doing? And most importantly (for the purposes of this article), WHAT CAN’T ANYONE ELSE DO BETTER THAN YOU!?

The best way I’ve found for getting started on this process was by asking myself these questions: “What am I good at?” “What am I passionate about?” And finally: “What would my life look like if there were no limits whatsoever.”

Don’t Sell Yourself Short When It Comes To Money

You don’t have to be a master negotiator, but you do have to be willing. You need to be able to say “no” when necessary and stand up for yourself when someone wants something from you that doesn’t reflect fair compensation for your work. 

This is especially true when it comes to rates, which can often make or break a freelance writing career in the finance industry.

The first step toward negotiating your rate is knowing what other people are charging and being able to justify why you should get paid more than they do. 

Researching the going rate will give you an idea of how much companies are willing pay and what types of jobs are worth more than others. 

Once you know that, it becomes easier for you negotiate on behalf of yourself because now employers know they won’t be paying too much if they hire someone else!

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Comparison is a deadly sin. If you compare yourself with others, you’ll always find someone who’s better than you. This can be a very demotivating way to think about your work, and it will hold back your progress as a writer.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on the things that make YOU unique and valuable! You have your own strengths things that make YOU special and different from other writers out there. 

And no matter how good anyone else is at writing finance articles, they won’t have YOUR unique style or writing voice (or whatever makes the difference between one writer and another).

So don’t compare yourself to others you are YOUR OWN PERSON!

Enhance your freelance writing productivity and efficiency with the right tools. Explore our curated list of the 37 best freelance tools to help you work smarter and discover valuable resources that can streamline your workflow and boost your productivity.

Do Your Research On Companies Before Pitching Them

Pitching is an important part of the freelance writing process. It’s also a skill that takes time to develop, so it’s best to start early and work on your pitch before you’re ready to start sending out emails. The following tips will help you make sure your pitches are as effective as possible:

Know how many companies in your industry are looking for writers. There are plenty of sites that provide aggregate statistics on what kinds of websites hire freelance writers and how much they pay them, such as ProBlogger and Freelance Writing Jobs. 

You can also check out Writer’s Market or Reedsy Marketplace, which provide contact information for hiring editors at various publications or websites. 

Once you have this information, research specific companies’ editorial style and whether there is a minimum word count to give yourself an idea of what type of content will be most useful for them (and thus most likely to impress them when pitching).

Have several ideas ready before starting the pitch process so that you don’t waste too much time thinking about what might sell each article idea once it gets sent out into the world .

Leverage Social Media

Social media is an excellent way to connect with potential clients, mentors, collaborators and investors. If you’re just starting out, there are many other freelancers who can help you get started as well. That’s why it’s important to use all of these platforms effectively!

One of the main benefits of using social media is that it gives you a platform to showcase your work. This might include highlighting specific pieces or showing off your portfolio in general; this will help attract potential clients’ attention when they search for content related to their industry. 

When someone sees that you have valuable knowledge and experience related to their industry/job function/interests (or any combination thereof), they’ll be more likely to reach out if they need someone who can write on those topics and hopefully hire them too!

Become A Linkedin Influencer

You’re probably familiar with LinkedIn, the social network that lets professionals connect and share news. It’s especially popular among those in the finance industry, but there are other groups you can join as well. 

If you want to write for a living, becoming an Influencer on LinkedIn is one of the best ways to get started.

The first step is to create your profile you can do this by clicking “add connection” on an influencer’s profile page or by searching for them via their first name and last name (i.e., John Smith). 

From there, find someone whose work interests you and click on their profile photo; then scroll down until you see “Recommendations” in blue text at the bottom of their description section (see below).

Find Freelance Work On Facebook Groups

When it comes to finding freelance work, there are many different places you can look. In the finance industry, a good place to start is on Facebook groups.

There are several types of Facebook groups that will help you find freelance work:

Groups specific to your niche or industry. These groups are great places for finding clients who have similar interests as yours and who want something similar as well. 

You can find these by searching for “freelance writers” or something similar in the search bar at the top of any page on Facebook.

Local or regional groups related to your location (e.g., “Denver Writers”). These groups tend to be filled with people looking for local writers rather than out-of-state ones, but it never hurts to ask!

Health insurance is a crucial consideration for freelancers, including freelance writers in the finance industry. Learn about the health insurance options available to freelancers and ensure you have the necessary coverage to protect your well-being and financial stability.

Create A Portfolio Website (Or Update The One You Have)

Before you can start applying for freelance writing jobs, you’ll need to create a portfolio website. This is the place where employers can see your work and decide if you’re the right fit for their job opening.

To create a website that stands out from other candidates, make sure it’s:

Mobile-friendly. With most people now using their phones to browse the internet, your portfolio website must be easy to navigate on mobile devices as well as desktops. 

If an employer visits your site while they’re waiting in line at Starbucks or riding on public transportation, they should be able to access all of its content without any problems!

Easy to update/maintain. Employers don’t want writers who are only good at creating content one time; they want writers who can continue creating great content over and over again and will likely not hire someone who doesn’t update their portfolio regularly (for example, once per month). 

Make sure there are no barriers standing between you and regular updates (such as needing special software). 

So that when new opportunities come up within the industry or outside interests shift focus slightly away from writing about financial topics altogether (like into topics like politics or fashion), there won’t be any issues keeping up with demand either way

Market Yourself As An Expert In Your Niche By Sharing Your Knowledge In Blog Posts Or Articles

If you’re looking to freelance as a writer in the finance industry, you must have an idea of what your niche is. We suggest choosing a niche that relates to your industry or something else that interests you. 

You should also consider what type of content you want to write about whether it be articles, blogs, or white papers.

Then, start writing! Think about topics related to your niche and begin sharing them with others through blog posts and articles on websites such as LinkedIn Pulse and Medium. 

The more often people see your content in their feed, the more likely they are going to remember who you are when they need help with their projects later down the line!

Write A Book. Have Patience And Stick With It Even If You Don’t See Immediate Results

Writing a book is one of the best ways to build your brand. It’s more than just a piece of writing, it’s an investment in yourself and your future as a writer. You have to be prepared for this commitment, but if you are, then it could be one of the best decisions that you ever make.

So how do you get started?

If you want to write a book, first ask yourself why. Is it because someone else told me that I should? Do I have something important to say that needs to be shared with others? Or am I simply bored and looking for something new to do? 

If writing isn’t coming naturally or if it doesn’t feel right inside your gut (like when some people feel hungry), then stop right now! Stop wasting time and energy! 

Don’t force yourself into something just because someone else thinks it’s important or necessary for them to achieve success with their own goals – especially when those goals aren’t even yours!

Freelancing Has Ups And Downs, But If You’re Willing To Put In The Legwork (And Never Stop Learning) You Can Make It Work For Yourself

Freelancing can be a great way to make money, but it’s not all sunshine and roses. There are some real challenges you’ll face as you begin your career as a freelancer, so you must know what to expect from the start.

First, let’s acknowledge that working for yourself isn’t easy: You have no boss or colleagues to help keep you accountable, and no set hours or work schedule. 

If there’s an emergency at home and your dog needs surgery (again), you’re going to need to figure out how to manage that on top of everything else without missing deadlines or disappointing clients.

Second, becoming successful as a freelancer requires hard work a lot of it! Freelancers often spend many hours researching new skills and honing existing ones to keep up with changes in technology while also developing new areas of expertise within their chosen field(s). 

This will inevitably lead some people back towards full-time employment simply because having more resources makes life easier (and less stressful).

Thirdly, there are just some things about being self-employed that aren’t enjoyable: 

You won’t get paid vacations; taxes will take a bigger chunk than they would if someone else was keeping track; there may be times when family members don’t understand why time spent away from them is necessary because they could theoretically be spending it with them instead.

If those negatives seem like too much for now—or if they sound too discouraging it might not be right for everyone! However…if everything above sounds like something

Curious about the freelance lifestyle? Discover what it truly means to be a freelancer and embrace the freedom and flexibility it offers. Check out our article on what being freelance means to gain valuable insights into the advantages and challenges of the freelance world.


If you want to become a freelance writer in finance, you will need a lot of patience and persistence. There are so many people out there who say they can write, but not all of them have the skills to do it. 

If you want to stand out from the crowd, then follow these tips and keep at it! Hopefully, they will help get your foot in the door with some great clients that pay well too!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of becoming a financial writer:

How to Become a Financial Writer: This article on Indeed provides insights and tips on the steps you can take to pursue a career as a financial writer.

What Is a Financial Writer? How to Become One: ZipRecruiter offers a comprehensive guide on the role of a financial writer and the necessary steps to enter this field.

Career Spotlight: Financial Writer: Investopedia sheds light on the career path of a financial writer, including the skills and qualifications required for success in this industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind Of Skills Do I Need To Become A Freelance Writer In The Finance Industry?

You should be good at writing and grammar, but also have an interest in the finance industry. You should also know how to do research and fact-check, as well as how to format your work for different styles.

How Can I Get Paid?

Freelance writers are paid based on how many hours they work each week or month. Your payment will vary depending on who you work for and what kind of work you do.

What Is A Freelance Writer?

Freelance writing is a great way to earn money from home. You can work for yourself, set your hours, and make your schedule. The best part about being a freelance writer is that you can choose your niche and do what you love!

How Do I Become A Freelance Writer?

You need to start by deciding what type of writing you want to specialize in. Once you have this figured out, it’s time to start searching for clients! You can find some on freelancing sites like Upwork and Guru, but they don’t always have the best rates or quality jobs available. 

Instead, try posting some ads on Craigslist or Facebook groups where other writers hang out so they can see what services you offer and what prices you charge per project.

How Much Money Can I Make As A Freelance Writer?

The answer will depend on the type of writing you do and what level of expertise it requires (i.e., someone who does SEO content writing will make more than someone who writes blog posts about personal finance). 

Most copywriters charge anywhere from $10-$20 per hour, but some charge as much as

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