How To Be More Productive And Still Have Time To Eat Lunch

I know what you’re thinking, “There’s no way I can be more productive and still have time to eat lunch!” Let me tell you that this is not true. 

You would be amazed by how much time and effort little changes in your day can save. I’ve found that making these adjustments has been quite beneficial.

How To Have More Time in the Day
Prioritize tasks and use time management techniques to make the most of your lunch break.
Incorporate technology to optimize your lunch break and increase productivity.
Pay attention to nutrition and make healthy food choices to sustain energy and focus.
Use relaxation techniques or engage in activities that help you recharge during your lunch break.
Create a focused environment by minimizing distractions and setting boundaries.

Write Down 15 Key Tasks That Need To Be Done Each Day

  • Make sure to prioritize your tasks.
  • Don’t forget to include your lunch break!
  • Get up earlier.

If you want to get up earlier, then here are some reasons why it might be worth the effort:

  • You’ll avoid rush hour traffic.
  • You can get a head start on your day.
  • You can fit in more exercise during the day.
  • You can actually have time for breakfast!
  • And if you’re not sold yet… If you get up early, you’ll also be able to do yoga!

Building a successful freelance career requires effective time management. Check out our article on 13 Tips for Freelancing That Are Like Sleeping Pills to discover strategies that can help you boost productivity and achieve your goals.

Eat A Healthy Breakfast

You might be thinking: “I get it. I need to eat breakfast to stay productive, but what if I’m not hungry when I wake up? What then?”

Well, here’s the thing: even if you don’t feel hungry in the morning, eating a healthy breakfast is still important. 

It’s worth taking some time out of your morning routine and preparing yourself something nutritious even if it means waking up 15 minutes earlier than usual and putting together some whole-grain toast or nuts and fruit. 

You’ll have more energy throughout the day and won’t be tempted to reach for unhealthy snacks later on (which would impede your productivity).

Here are some healthy breakfast ideas for those who aren’t yet convinced of the importance of starting their days off right:

Start Christmas Shopping Early

It’s December, which means you’re probably already wondering how you’re going to fit in all the shopping you need to do. You might think that starting your holiday shopping early will help, but really, it just makes things more stressful. 

Christmas is a time for spending quality time with loved ones and eating delicious food (or maybe not). It’s not a time for getting stuck in crowds and waiting in long lines or getting stressed out about what gifts to buy.

Here’s what happens when you start Christmas shopping too early: You pick up random items that don’t suit anyone on your list because they were on sale at the store and looked good as gifts; then later when it comes time to wrap them up.

Because who knows if anyone will even like them? you realize they look stupid and make some lame excuse not to give them away as presents after all. 

This results in either having wasted money on buying something no one wants or having wasted hours of your life putting together those junk products so people won’t know how bad of an idea it was from the start!

Want to take your freelance business to the next level? Learn how to turn your freelance business into a career by developing long-term strategies and building a strong client base. Take control of your professional growth and maximize your productivity.

Resist The Urge To Work On Weekends

You will be more productive if you work on weekdays and not weekends. If you have a clear schedule, it’s easier to stay focused and get things done.

Don’t work from home either; it’s too easy to get distracted by your children or spouse.

Don’t Overestimate Your Ability To Multitask

Multitasking is thought to be a highly efficient way of performing multiple tasks at once, and it’s true that sometimes you simply can’t focus on just one thing. But research suggests that when it comes to productivity in general, multitasking is actually counterproductive.

It can cause you to lose time and make errors while trying to do many things at once. You may think you’re saving time by switching back and forth between projects, but what if all those switches are slowing you down? 

What if they’re making it harder for you to finish anything? Besides that, multitasking makes people less effective because they’re more prone to mistakes (like forgetting about an important step).

Inefficient because every new task requires mental energy and memory space before it can be completed meaning there’s less room for other thoughts in your head and significantly more distracted overall than someone who focuses all their attention on one task at a time.

Keep Meetings To Less Than An Hour

A meeting should not be a free-for-all where people just talk about whatever they want. Meetings should be short, to the point and have a clear agenda. 

If you’re in charge of managing a meeting, bear in mind that the best time to hold one is between 11am and 1pm. This is when most people are at their freshest after lunch but before they start feeling tired.

It’s also important that you keep meetings as brief as possible (about 30 minutes) because otherwise they risk turning into an unproductive waste of time.

Ask For Help When You Need It

Asking for help when you need it is a great way to get things done faster. Your team members and colleagues are there to help you, so don’t be afraid to reach out! You can always ask your boss, supervisor or manager if they have any tasks that they need done right now. 

And even though it might feel weird to ask your peers and subordinates for assistance, they’ll probably be happy to oblige as long as it doesn’t affect their other responsibilities too much.

Tackle your hardest task first thing in the morning, while your energy level is high.

The First Thing You Should Do, Upon Waking In The Morning, Is Tackle Your Hardest Task Of The Day  

There are two reasons why this should be your first task:

You’ll have more energy in the morning than later on as the day wears on. 

Even if you’re not an early riser, I guarantee that having breakfast and getting ready for work will leave you with more energy than if you sat around all morning sulking about how tired and unmotivated you feel before attempting your hardest task at 9:00 AM instead of 8:30 AM.

The harder or more challenging tasks tend to be those that take longer than others do (e.g., writing an essay vs doing math problems). 

This means that by tackling these projects first thing in the morning when our mental capacity is highest.

We give ourselves a better chance at completing them successfully without being too exhausted by mid-afternoon when we’re running low on steam/willpower/whatever else keeps us going through long days!

Are you looking for freelance job opportunities that you can start right away? Explore our list of 8 Freelance Jobs That You Can Start Today to find lucrative options that align with your skills and interests. Take the first step towards a productive and flexible freelance career.

Prioritize Tasks And Make Sure You Do Them In The Order Of Importance, Or There May Be Repercussions Later On

Prioritize tasks by importance. In a perfect world, you would have time to do everything on your to-do list because it’s all equally important and urgent. Unfortunately, the world is not perfect and this isn’t how life works often enough (at least for me).

If we were all geniuses who could work at our desks at lightning speed while also completing several tasks simultaneously and never making any mistakes maybe then! But until then…

What happens if we don’t prioritize our tasks? We might get ourselves into something like this:

I really want to finish writing my article about how much I love dogs so that I can go take care of my dog and play with her in the park again. 

But first I have to finish fixing the website before they switch it over tonight; then I need to send out an email blast about today’s new blog post; 

Then there are these emails from clients that need responses ASAP so I can be confident when meeting with them tomorrow morning about their next project… 

And at this point, my day is ruined because instead of going home early with plenty of time left over for taking care of my dog before dinner time (which is always a struggle with hungry humans).

Now I’m too frazzled from trying desperately not to get overwhelmed by everything else going on around here!

Reward Yourself For A Job Well Done

Rewarding yourself is the best way to keep your productivity up and keep your motivation high. Rewards don’t have to be big, but they are important. 

You can reward yourself with anything from a treat or gift you want or need, to a trip you’ve been wanting to take, or even just something fun like going out for dinner. The possibilities are endless!

The key is that rewards should be things that are meaningful and personal to you! Whatever it may be for each person, find what works for you so that when it comes time for a reward after completing your task(s), it will feel like a celebration!

Find Out What Works For You, And Stick With It

The first step to being productive and still having time to eat lunch is knowing yourself and your needs.

You need to find out what works for you, and then stick with it. You can’t be afraid of change (or at least, not too afraid). If something isn’t working, try something new. And if that doesn’t work, ask for help!

Set Deadlines For Yourself – Even If You’re Working Alone, It’s Still Important To Finish Things On Time

Though you may be working alone, that doesn’t mean deadlines aren’t important. Setting yourself a goal will help you stay focused and motivated to complete your work. Even if it’s just for yourself, setting deadlines can make all the difference in your workflow!

When I say “deadline”, try not to get too hung up on what the exact time frame should be. It could be an hour or two hours (or whatever is appropriate for what you’re trying to accomplish). 

The idea is just to have something in place where at some point during that period, you need to stop working on what’s being done so far and move on to something else instead. 

This will help keep things from getting too stale and allow you some space from focusing exclusively on one thing when needed.*

Agriculture majors seeking part-time freelance work can find rewarding opportunities in their field. Discover the best options in our article on The Best Part-Time Freelance Jobs for Agriculture Majors, and leverage your knowledge to enhance your productivity and generate income.

Take Breaks Throughout The Day; Otherwise, Fatigue Can Build Up And Make You Less Productive Overall

As much as you might want to plow through your work, taking breaks throughout the day will help you stay focused and productive. Breaks also give you a chance to recharge and can help prevent burnout.

Here are some great ways to be more productive:

  • Take short walks during lunchtime.
  • Read something unrelated to work (such as fiction).
  • Meditate or do yoga for 10 minutes per day.
  • Being productive doesn’t have to mean eating at your desk every day.
  • Being productive doesn’t have to mean eating at your desk every day. In fact, it’s better if you can get out of the office and enjoy some fresh air.

Eating at your desk is a no-no for several reasons:

You are likely to be distracted by other people who walk by or look at you while they are talking on their phones. (It’s hard not to notice someone sitting with the door open, eating something that smells amazing.)

If you don’t clean up after yourself frequently enough, crumbs will end up all over your keyboard, which means you’ll have another mess to clean later on in the day when they start sticking and collecting dust.

Eating at desks isn’t comfortable; most chairs aren’t designed for long hours of sitting in them with no support! 

If possible try finding a place outside where there isn’t much foot traffic – this way you won’t feel too self-conscious about taking some time away from work for lunch or snacks!

Enhancing your skill set is crucial for freelancers looking to thrive in a competitive market. Explore our comprehensive guide on Skills Every Freelancer Should Master to gain insights into the essential abilities that can boost your productivity, improve client satisfaction, and drive success in your freelance career.


Thanks for checking out this list. I hope it helps you change to a more productive life and gives you the chance to eat lunch like a boss.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you can explore for further reading on increasing productivity and making the most of your lunch break:

Use Tech to Have a Productive Lunch Break: Discover how technology can help you optimize your lunch break and make it more productive. Learn about useful apps, tools, and techniques to boost efficiency during your midday break.

13 Top Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips to Increase Your Productivity at Work: Find out how proper nutrition and lifestyle choices can enhance your productivity at work. Explore practical tips on diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep to optimize your performance during the workday.

How to Boost Productivity During Lunch: Learn effective strategies to maximize your productivity during lunchtime. This article provides insights into time management, prioritization, and self-care techniques that can make your lunch break more valuable and energizing.


Here are some frequently asked questions about productivity and making the most of your lunch break:

What are some time management techniques to make my lunch break more productive?

To make your lunch break more productive, consider techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in focused intervals followed by short breaks, or task prioritization methods like the Eisenhower Matrix to tackle important tasks efficiently.

How can I incorporate exercise or physical activity into my lunch break?

You can incorporate exercise into your lunch break by taking a brisk walk, doing a quick workout routine, or joining a nearby gym. Look for opportunities to move your body and rejuvenate yourself physically during this time.

Are there any recommended relaxation techniques I can try during my lunch break?

Yes, several relaxation techniques can help you recharge during your lunch break. You can practice deep breathing exercises, meditation, mindfulness, or engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as reading, listening to music, or practicing a hobby.

What are some healthy food options I can choose for a productive lunch break?

Opt for balanced meals that include lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Incorporate foods rich in nutrients and avoid heavy, greasy meals that can lead to post-lunch lethargy. Consider meal prepping or exploring healthy lunch options in your area.

How can I minimize distractions and create a focused environment during my lunch break?

To create a focused environment, minimize distractions by finding a quiet space, turning off notifications on your devices, and setting boundaries with colleagues. Consider using noise-canceling headphones or listening to instrumental music to maintain concentration.

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