Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are all excellent tools for getting in front of your customers and prospects. But there are certain things you can do on these platforms that will make people label you as a social media management problem.
This is why it’s important to educate yourself on what not to do when managing your brand’s online presence.
If done right, social media can be a great way of building awareness among potential customers but only if you know how not to get into trouble with it first!
Takeaways |
1. Focus on effective social media crisis management to prevent negative labels. |
2. Address privacy concerns to avoid being perceived as a privacy-related problem. |
3. Overcome common challenges faced by social media managers to maintain a positive image. |
4. Stay informed about platform algorithms to navigate changes and maintain engagement. |
5. Develop strategies to handle social media crises transparently and empathetically. |
Responding To Angry Customers On Social Media
The most important thing to remember when it comes to how you respond to angry customers on social media is that there’s a right way and a wrong way. It’s tempting to ignore comments, especially if they’re negative or critical, but that’s not the answer.
I’ve seen businesses that were completely unresponsive to unhappy customers and they ended up with poor reviews because of it.
But I’ve also seen companies who responded well even when the customer was being aggressive or rude and their responses still made an impact on their reputation online.
So what do you say? Well…
Avoiding common social media mistakes is crucial for maintaining a positive online presence. Learn how to navigate the digital landscape in our article on 16 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid Without Being “That Guy”.
Being Too Salesy On Social Media
You should also avoid being too salesy. This means not using too many salesy words, such as “buy now” or “sale.” You don’t want to use language that makes it seem like you’re trying to push your product on people.
Keep in mind that users will get annoyed if they see too many posts about a product or service, so use discretion when posting about your products and services.
The best approach is to post useful content and let potential customers come to you, rather than forcing them into buying something they don’t need (or even want).
Asking For Likes, Follows Or Shares On Social Media
If you are a social media manager and you are asking your followers or fans to like, follow or share something, then be sure not to be too pushy.
Don’t use social media as just another sales tool. If someone follows/likes/shares your post on Facebook, don’t keep pestering them with more posts that they may not be interested in seeing.
Don’t feel like you have to sell, sell, sell all the time on social media either! It’s okay if some people just want to see pictures of cats that’s why they follow you anyway!
Posting Anything And Everything On Brand Pages
Don’t post too much. You don’t want to overwhelm your followers on social media. It’s not just about posting content, it’s about the frequency at which you post that content as well.
Most brands have a good sense of what the ideal number of posts per day is for them, but sometimes even if you are within range, it may be best for you to dial back on some days based on what you’re trying to achieve.
You also don’t want to flood your personal accounts with too much information from work especially if people aren’t paying attention because they’re only following those accounts because they like your company banner photo or profile pic!
Want to stand out in the crowded world of social media? Discover effective strategies to get noticed by your target audience in our guide on How to Get Noticed on Social Media.
Not Having An Editorial Calendar For Managing Various Social Networks
The first thing to do is to make sure you have a plan. You need to know what you’re going to post, when you’re going to do it and how many times per day or week that content will be posted.
Some social media managers think this is something they can just wing, but if any of your work goes viral and gets out of control, it’s too late to fix the problem because by then everyone will have seen what happened.
So take some time now while thinking about the future so that when tomorrow comes around (and yes it always does), everything will be taken care of ahead of time!
No Posting Schedule For Your Social Profiles
One of the most important things you can do to stay on top of your social media presence and grow your following is establish a posting schedule. If you’re not already doing this, don’t worry: it doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming.
You can start by posting once per day on each platform where you have an account (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and work up from there;
As long as you post regularly enough that people know when they should expect to see something new from you, they’ll stick around and keep coming back for more.
If it sounds like we’re encouraging a lot of work here and trust us we are! But social media management isn’t supposed to be easy or fun; it’s supposed to help your business grow through active engagement with customers who value what your brand has to offer.
So if keeping up with things like posting schedules seems like too much trouble? Maybe consider hiring someone else instead!
Not Having A Separate Page Or Section Of The Website For Your Blog
You need to have a blog on your website. It’s that simple.
If you don’t know what a blog is, it’s basically a series of articles or posts about topics that are relevant to your business and content that you want to share with the world (and potential customers).
Blogging can be as simple as writing down some thoughts on a topic and publishing them on the web for all to see.
Or it can be more advanced using tools like WordPress for content management systems (CMS) which allow users greater flexibility in terms of layout and design choices when publishing new articles/posts.
On top of being able to create an engaging audience through regular publication of interesting content, having a separate page or section dedicated solely to blogging.
Also helps prevent social media management problems because there’s no confusion over where different types of information are located online: everything has its own place!
If people want updates about what’s going on at your company then they go here instead just reading random tweets._
As a social media manager, staying ahead of trends is essential. Explore ways to elevate your skills and stay competitive in the field with insights from How Social Media Managers Can Get Ahead.
Too Many Auto-Tweets From Your Blog
You should never automate any kind of tweet from your blog or website. When you do this, it shows that you don’t care about your followers and their experience with your brand.
It also demonstrates that you don’t care about the quality of content on your site (or in this case, the tweets). This will make anyone who follows us question why they even bother following us in the first place!
We recommend scheduling all tweets via Buffer or Hootsuite (both great platforms) so that it looks like there’s a real person behind our brand and not some bot trying to sell them stuff.
Over-Complicating How You Share Content Across Your Networks
It’s tempting to over-complicate how you share content across your networks. For example, you might have a separate management tool for each platform and then another tool to aggregate all of them.
Or maybe you’re using a scheduling tool that doesn’t let you share content across multiple networks? Many people also use tools that allow them to schedule content for the future but not from other websites (for example, Buffer only lets users schedule posts from their own sites).
This can be detrimental because it requires you to use multiple tools for what is essentially one task: sharing content on social media.
It also means more data points for your analytics teams, which could cause confusion about what works well on different platforms or at different times of day/week/month/year.
Consider using one system that can help automate much of this process so that when it comes time for new hires.
Or interns they can easily pick up where they left off without having too much knowledge overload as they learn how things work within their organization’s social media strategy
Not Enticing People To Click Through To Your Blog With Customized Posts
In addition to offering readers a way to engage with your blog, social media platforms also allow you to customize the content of each post.
While it can be tempting to use this opportunity to promote your content for example, by adding a call-to-action at the bottom of every blog post encouraging readers to check out other articles on your website.
This practice is unethical and therefore against some social media platforms’ guidelines. Instead of trying (and failing) at self-promotion through customized posts, consider these tips:
Use a link shortener like bitly or goo. Gl. This will ensure that the URLs in your posts are readable by both humans and search engines alike.
Incorporate tools like click to tweet and click to call so that visitors who want more information about what they just read can easily access it without leaving their browser window or switching between tabs or windows.
You should also consider adding features such as “learn more” links at the end of each article, which direct users directly from Twitter back over to your site.
Where they can read more about specific topics related only tangentially relevant but still interesting enough for further exploration outside their original scope.”
Leveraging social media can have a significant impact on your brand’s visibility. Find out how to harness its potential and enhance your brand’s image by reading our post on How Social Media Can Boost Your Brand.
Not Being Consistent With Your Tone And Voice Across All Channels
One of the biggest mistakes brands make when managing their social media accounts is not being consistent with their tone and voice across all channels.
When a company’s tone and voice are inconsistent, it can lead to confusion among audiences, which makes it hard for them to know what they should expect from you and your content.
The first step in ensuring that your tone and voice are consistent across all channels is making sure that they are aligned with your overall brand identity:
If you’re a luxury brand, then your Instagram feed should be more formal than Facebook; if you’re an edgy streetwear brand, then maybe Twitter would be more suitable for you.
The second step in ensuring that your tone and voice are consistent across all channels is making sure they’re aligned with the target audience of each channel:
While some customers may prefer seeing a Sassy Cat GIF on Twitter as opposed to an inspirational quote on Instagram, others might prefer seeing inspirational quotes everywhere because of their affinity for them (and vice versa).
Do Not Use Twitter Just To Sell, Sell, Sell
You are probably wondering, “How can I avoid being labeled a social media management problem?” or “What should I do to improve my Twitter marketing strategy? Well, there are a few things you can do to get your Twitter account in good standing with the powers-that-be.
First of all, don’t use Twitter just to sell, sell, sell. Instead of just posting links that lead directly back to your website (which is convenient for you but not so much for users).
Consider sharing interesting content that will help build relationships with followers and prospective customers.
Responding to questions related to your industry is also important—this gives people an opportunity to engage with you and let them know that they’re being listened to by someone who cares about their interests.
A great way to engage people who follow your brand is through retweets and favorites; this shows other users on the platform how many people care about what it was that caught their eye at first glance!
Remember: You want everyone who sees something from @YourCompanyName on Twitter or Instagram Stories!
Use Good Grammar And Spelling In All Your Posts. R Do Not Be Too Pushy With Sales Pitches
You’re probably already aware of the importance of good grammar and spelling in social media posts. You might even have a team of people who are dedicated to proofreading your messages before they hit the public eye.
But what happens when you’re on a roll, writing away, and all of a sudden you slip up? Maybe you forget how to spell “beach” or use “their” instead of “they’re.”
Avoiding this kind of mistake is not easy unless you write very slowly and even then it’s still possible! It’s important to remember that if something slips through, others may notice and it may be seen as unprofessional or careless.
Your followers will appreciate seeing that their favorite brand takes care with its communications; making sure everything is perfect is part of building trust between brands and readers/followers over time.
Be Passionate About The Company And Its Products
Passion is a big part of being a good social media manager. If you’re not passionate about the company and its products, then you’ll be hard-pressed to create engaging content for your audience.
Good listeners are also important they’re more likely to ask questions that can help them understand what their followers want from them. Humor can also be a great tool for showing someone you care (especially if it’s appropriate).
Finally, good grammar and spelling go a long way towards establishing credibility as well as making sure your posts are easy for others to read and understand.
Consistency is important in all areas of life, but especially when it comes to social media management because users often follow multiple accounts on different platforms like Facebook or Twitter or Instagram (for example).
If everything looks pretty much the same across all platforms then there’s no reason why they wouldn’t want follow one account over another which makes sense given how many other things they have going on every day!
Building a substantial social media following requires effective strategies. Gain insights into achieving a rapid increase in followers by checking out How We Grew Our Social Media Following to 30k in Just One Year.
Be A Good Listener
Another thing to remember is that you’re not the only person on your social media accounts. You need to be a good listener, too. If there are comments and questions on your posts, be sure to respond and give people the time of day.
And if someone has an issue with something you’ve posted, try to understand where they’re coming from before responding be empathetic!
Show Humor When It’s Appropriate
You can also use humor to show your personality and connect with your followers on a more personal level. Humor is contagious, so if you use it sparingly and strategically, it can help you connect with people in a way that’s not always possible with serious content.
Humor can also help you connect with people who don’t want to be serious all the time and social media management problems are often caused by trying too hard to act professional all the time.
Ultimately, there is no one way to avoid being labeled a social media management problem. The best thing you can do is to be honest with yourself, your audience and your boss about what you are doing wrong.
If a social media manager is struggling with negative feedback from customers or followers on Twitter or Facebook, then he or she should admit it and work hard to rectify the situation.
If someone feels like they are being overly salesy in their posts on Facebook, then they should take this feedback seriously and try not do that again.
It’s also important for businesses who hire these managers to realize that they might make mistakes along the way as well and if they do make mistakes (like posting too much content at once).
Then they shouldn’t get mad at them! Instead, these managers need encouragement from leadership so they can learn from their mistakes while still making progress towards achieving long term goals.”
Further Reading
Social Media Crisis Management: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn how to effectively handle and mitigate social media crises, ensuring your brand’s reputation remains intact.
Understanding Common Social Media Privacy Issues
Explore the most prevalent privacy concerns associated with social media platforms and how to safeguard your personal information.
Challenges Faced by Social Media Managers
Discover the common problems encountered by social media managers and strategies to overcome them.
What is social media crisis management?
Social media crisis management refers to the strategies and processes a company employs to handle negative situations or controversies that arise on social media platforms, ensuring minimal damage to its reputation.
What are some typical social media privacy issues?
Common social media privacy issues include unauthorized access to personal data, data breaches, exposure of private information, misuse of user data by third parties, and inadequate control over who sees your content.
What challenges do social media managers often face?
Social media managers often grapple with issues like content planning and creation, maintaining a consistent brand voice, managing customer feedback, staying updated with platform algorithms, and handling social media crises effectively.
How can I manage a social media crisis?
To manage a social media crisis, it’s essential to have a pre-established crisis communication plan, address issues promptly and transparently, acknowledge mistakes if necessary, and maintain a calm and empathetic tone in all communications.
What strategies can I use to enhance social media privacy?
To enhance social media privacy, you can review and adjust your privacy settings, limit the personal information you share, avoid accepting unknown friend requests or connections, be cautious while clicking on links, and use strong and unique passwords for your accounts.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.