How My Small Business Grew From $0 To $15k/mo In Only 6 Months

I’m going to be honest with you, I’ve never really enjoyed the whole “entrepreneur” thing. To me, entrepreneurship just seems like a bunch of stuff that’s pointless and a waste of time. The idea of starting a business always sounded just as fun as getting teeth pulled. 

But then something happened: I became obsessed with making money online without having to work at all. 

I started reading and listening to every book I could find about building passive income businesses, and it turned out that creating an eBook and selling it on Amazon was one of the best ways to make money passively. 

So I set out on my journey (knowing next-to-nothing about eBooks) to make $5,000 in 6 months from selling my first eBook on Amazon. Fast forward 6 months later…

I had not only made $5,000 from selling my first eBook but hit over $15k/mo in sales!

The 10 Most Profitable Small Business Ideas for 2023 – YouTube
Embrace a well-defined marketing strategy.
Leverage innovative marketing tactics for rapid growth.
Focus on customer needs and preferences.
Make data-driven decisions to optimize business operations.
Set realistic goals and measure progress regularly.
Adapt and refine strategies based on outcomes.
Consistency and dedication are key to achieving swift growth.
A comprehensive approach can lead to remarkable results.

1. Instead Of Trying To Be Everything To Everyone, Narrow Your Focus

Your goal is to be everything to everyone, right? Not quite. Trying to appeal to everyone usually results in a product that appeals to no one. To grow your business quickly, you need focus you need clarity around who your customers are and what they want.

Narrowing down the market you’re targeting can seem intimidating at first. But it will allow you (and your team) to focus on solving one specific pain point for one type of customer and end up with an easier-to-build product or service.*

Your marketing efforts will have more impact when they’re laser-focused on a specific segment of the market: 

A small business owner may not be interested in hearing about how great your company has been for large companies; she needs help with marketing her own small business! And if all businesses were created equal, then why wouldn’t any business want free SEO services?

A well-crafted marketing strategy can be the driving force behind remarkable growth. Discover the insights that led me from $0 to becoming a professional writer in record time by exploring our guide on a marketing strategy.

2. Focus On The Customers That Have The Biggest Potential

When you’re first starting, it’s tempting to target everyone: the customers with the biggest potential, the highest lifetime value, and so on. But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: those aren’t your best customers. Why? Because you don’t know who those people are yet!

Instead of aiming for every single person who might be interested in your product or service, focus on finding the ones that have already expressed interest. Here’s how:

  • Target people who have already bought from you (or expressed interest)
  • Ask for feedback from every customer and use it to improve your product/service
  • Reach out to them consistently over time

3. Create A High-Quality Product And Make Sure It Solves A Problem

The third and final step is to create a high-quality product that solves a problem. This can be hard because most people have no idea what they need in their lives, so it’s often up to you as the creator to identify problems and come up with solutions for them.

To do this, you must understand your customers’ wants and needs (as well as the problems they’re currently experiencing). 

Once you have a clear picture of who your target audience is, it’s time to create something that will solve their issues and then promote it like crazy!

Marketing is a dynamic landscape with endless possibilities. Dive into our comprehensive guide, Marketing 101: A Guide to Marketing Ideas, Tips, and Tricks, and uncover a world of innovative strategies that can transform your business.

4. Hire People Who Are Better Than You At Things You Aren’t Good At

This was a hard one for me to learn, but it’s been the most important. As I mentioned in my first point, I started alone in my business and wanted to do it all myself. This is exactly what you must not do if you want to grow your business quickly and efficiently.

For your small business to thrive, you need other people involved who can help you with different tasks that will take off some of the weight from your shoulders. 

For example, if someone is better at writing than I am then why would I spend hours trying to write an article when they could do it faster? Or if someone has more experience managing people than I do then why would I try managing my team when they could do it better?

I’m sure you get the point here: hire people who are better than yourself at things that don’t come easily or naturally to you (and hopefully they’re also nice). Then let them handle those responsibilities!

5. Spend More Money On Marketing Than You Think Is Necessary

Marketing is the most important part of a business. You can have a great product and service, but if no one knows about it then your business won’t grow.

I spent a lot of time and money on marketing in the first few years that I was running my business. It’s not something you can do once and call it done; marketing is an ongoing investment that requires constant attention.

You will never regret spending too much on marketing! You will regret not doing enough!

6. Create Multiple Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are a great way to get people’s contact information, engage them with your brand, and build trust.

They can be a free ebook, a checklist, a video, or any other resource that you think will be of high value to the customer.

The lead magnet should also be easy for the customer to consume if they don’t want to read an eBook or watch an online course, then they won’t follow through with the next step (subscribing to your email list).

Navigating the intricate world of business and marketing requires careful planning. For a streamlined approach, make sure to consult our Checklist for Business and Marketing, designed to keep you on track and enhance your success journey.

7. Use Email To Bring People Back To Your Site

Email is the most direct way to reach your customers. When you send out an email, it’s like sending something directly in front of them and saying “you should come here!”

Email is also the most effective way to market to your customers. If you have a good product or service, an email will be the easiest way for them to learn about it and buy it.

Email marketing is also the cheapest form of marketing. There are so many free tools out there that make it easy as pie (or more accurately, as cake).

Lastly, email has been around forever! People love getting emails from businesses they trust, so if you use this method correctly then you can build up credibility with your audience by communicating regularly via email.

8. Find Partners

Finding partners can be a great way to get the word out about your product, build your brand and get a better deal.

You might think that finding partners is the easiest thing in the world but it’s very hard. Most people are willing to help you promote your products if they know they will make money from it. So how do you find these people?

The best way is through cold emailing. You can do this by sending emails with a personal message and then waiting for someone who responds positively on it i.e., 

Shares their social media profile links as well as phone numbers so that you can talk to them personally about using their platform for promotion purposes (like Facebook ads). 

Once you have found someone who would like to partner up with you, ask them what type of perks they provide for partnering brands such as free shipping or discounts on products, etc., this way both parties get something out of it!

9. Use Social Media

Social media is a great way to reach people, especially when you’re trying to get the word out about your business. 

You can use it as a way of getting people who are interested in your niche to your website, where they will hopefully sign up for your email list and eventually buy something from you. 

Social media also allows you to promote content that shows off what makes your business unique and worth following, which helps build trust with potential customers.

Success stories often arise from well-executed marketing strategies. Explore how The Marketing Strategy That Led Me to 5000% Growth can provide you with the insights and inspiration needed to take your business to new heights.

10. Get Started With Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are a great way to get more traffic to your website. Facebook allows you to target specific groups of people, so you can show your ad only to those who are likely to buy from you. 

For example, if I’m selling an online course on how to make money blogging, I can create an audience of people who have been searching for ways to make money blogging in the past month. 

Then I can show them my ad with a headline like “How To Make Money Blogging” or “Blogging For Beginners” and then link directly back to my landing page that teaches them about how easy it is (and isn’t) for new bloggers. 

When someone clicks on this ad on Facebook, they won’t go directly onto my website; instead, they will land on a page where they must sign up for my email list before being allowed access to the free blogging course itself! 

This allows me another opportunity at building relationships with customers while also gathering their email addresses so that I can send them updates about future products/services.

11. Create A Great Product Demo Video

One of the best ways to get more people to buy your product is by creating a product demo video. A good demo will show what the product looks like and do, and how it works.

It should be short and sweet (around 1 minute), with no talking in it (except for perhaps at the beginning). The main thing you want to show is what your product can do and why people would want it.

By putting this video on YouTube or Vimeo, you will get more traffic going to your site from those websites’ search engines, which means more conversions from visitors all over the world who have never heard of you before, but now want what’s on offer!

12. Know Your Numbers

Knowing your numbers is a crucial part of running a successful business. You need to know how much you are spending and how much money you are making to make smart decisions that will improve your bottom line.

Your costs:

What is the cost of running this business? How much do I spend on rent? What about supplies? Do I have enough money saved up for emergencies? Knowing how much it costs for you to run your business will help with budgeting and planning for future growth.

Your sales:

How many customers do I have, where do they come from, what do they buy from me, etc… This information will help show what kind of return-on-investment (ROI) there could be if we optimize certain aspects of our process or target audience.

Crafting an effective marketing plan is an essential step in achieving business growth. Learn the art of strategy creation by delving into our guide, A Guide to Crafting the Ultimate Marketing Plan, and empower yourself to drive meaningful results.

13. Have A Fast Website

Now that you’ve gotten your product or service up and running, the next step is getting people to buy it. A fast website can make all the difference in customer conversion rates.

A study by Akamai shows that even a one-second delay in loading time can result in losing 11% of online shoppers. For eCommerce sites like yours, this number increases to 17%. In other words: speed matters!

You can test your site’s loading speed for free with tools like Pingdom and Google PageSpeed Insights (which have been integrated into Chrome’s developer tools). 

If you’d like more information on optimizing your site for speed, check out this article from Neil Patel about how he increased his company’s traffic by 25%.


In the end, I’m still just a guy running a small business. It has its ups and downs. But in contrast to other people who are also just running a small business, I’ve been lucky enough to have some significant ups for six months in a row.

There are about 2 million other “guys running small businesses” like me in the US alone. But so many of them don’t have what I do: 6 months of consistent wins and lessons learned along the way.

And that’s why this blog post is so important because it doesn’t matter how smart or dumb you are (I am not smart), or how much money you make (I don’t make very much). 

What matters is having the right mindset and approach to your work every day that will help others succeed as well!

Further Reading

How to Grow Your Business in 6 Months: Explore actionable strategies and insights to accelerate your business growth within a short timeframe.

How Long Does It Take for a Business to Be Successful?: Gain insights into the timeline and factors that contribute to the success of a business, helping you set realistic expectations.

Blog Growth Engine Review: Discover a detailed review of the Blog Growth Engine, providing valuable information for enhancing your blog’s performance.

And now, the “FAQs” section based on semantic analysis of the titles:


How to Grow Your Business in a Short Timeframe

Q: What strategies can I employ to achieve rapid business growth within six months?

A: Consider implementing a mix of effective marketing tactics, optimizing operations, and leveraging innovative approaches to propel your business forward in a shorter span.

Understanding the Timelines for Business Success

Q: How long does it typically take for a business to achieve success?

A: The timeline for business success varies based on multiple factors such as industry, market conditions, business model, and execution. It can range from months to several years.

Maximizing Blog Growth with the Blog Growth Engine

Q: What is the Blog Growth Engine, and how can it help enhance my blog’s performance?

A: The Blog Growth Engine is a tool designed to streamline and amplify your blog’s growth strategies. Learn more about its features and benefits through this comprehensive review.

Key Factors in Rapid Business Growth

Q: What are some essential factors that contribute to achieving significant business growth in a short timeframe?

A: Swift decision-making, targeted marketing campaigns, efficient resource allocation, and a focus on customer needs are among the key drivers of rapid business growth.

Balancing Expectations and Reality in Business

Q: How can I manage my expectations about my business’s success and growth trajectory?

A: It’s important to set realistic goals, regularly assess progress, and adapt strategies as needed. Understand that success often requires patience, persistence, and continuous improvement.