How Many Cover Letters Do You Need? (Career Advice)

You’ve sent out a job application and are anxiously awaiting the call to set up an interview. But what if that phone call never comes? What if you don’t get the job at all? The reason may be as simple as your cover letter. 

A bad cover letter can ruin your chances of getting an interview and even worse, it could make you look like a bad candidate even if your resume is top-notch. If you want to avoid this scenario, follow our guidelines for how many cover letters you need and what information should go into each one:

Ask a Career Advisor | Are Cover Letters Necessary? – YouTube
A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume when you apply for a job.
A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants and make a strong impression on the hiring manager.
A cover letter should generally be one page or less and should be focused on your relevant skills and experience.
To make your cover letter stand out, it should be well-written, customized to the specific job and employer, and include a personal touch or unique detail.
Additional resources, including guides on how to write a cover letter, are available online from reputable sources.

How Many Cover Letters Do You Need

It’s a common question for job seekers, and it depends on your specific situation. The answer is: “it depends.” In other words, there are exceptions to the rule and different circumstances that can affect how many cover letters you need to write.

For example, if you are applying for a job that requires a cover letter (and most jobs do), then yes you will need to write a whole new one each time you apply. 

If the company has specific instructions on what they want in their application materials or if they give examples of other applicants’ work, follow those guidelines closely so that your application stands out among others who have not taken this step.

A well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in landing your dream job. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at our comprehensive guide on all you need to know about cover letter to help you get started on the right track.

Should I Send A Cover Letter With My Resume?

The short answer is: yes, you should send a cover letter with your resume. Your cover letter is an important part of the job application process that shows how well-versed you are in the art of writing and communication. 

A good cover letter can be the difference between getting an interview or being passed over for someone else’s application.

Here’s what to write in your cover letter:

Why do you want to work at this company and why do you think they should hire you for this position (if known)? This means being specific about what excites or interests you about their industry/company/position.

Why this position is a good fit for your skillset and experience level and how do those fit with their needs as stated on their job description (if available)?

Your relevant work experience if it applies to this position (be sure not only state jobs but also volunteer projects that demonstrate a certain skill set). 

If there are examples of achievements from past positions, then explain these achievements by emphasizing what specifically made them successful and unique at each position held within those organizations

Do not simply list titles unless they are relevant in some way such as including mentorships or leadership roles held while working under another supervisor who retired shortly after hiring/training new employees into leadership roles within one year’s time frame before leaving herself due to health reasons overall throughout our city.”

What Information Should I Include In My Cover Letter?

Your name and contact information

A summary of why you’re interested in the job. This is a chance to show that you’ve done your homework on the company, and understand its goals and needs.

Relevant experience or skills that are relevant to this position. You don’t have to go into a lot of detail here this is just an overview of what makes you a good fit for this job.

What you can offer the company, such as what kind of work environment they have? This shows that you’ll be able to fit into their culture easily!

Why am I the best candidate for this position? You need proof and let’s face it: nobody else out there can do it better than me!

Applying for a job can be a daunting process, but a strong resume and cover letter can give you a competitive edge. Learn more about how to make your application stand out with our guide on how a resume and cover letter help you to get the job.

What Not To Include In Your Cover Letter

Here are a few things you should not include in your cover letter:

Personal information, such as your name and contact information. This information will be on the resume attached to the letter, so there’s no need to repeat it here.

A photo or signature (unless you’re applying for work with a company that specifically requests it). This is also for security reasons it’s best not to place anything extra in an email that anyone could potentially use to impersonate you.

References or recommendations from past employers (unless they’re specifically requested). Again, these details will be included on an attached resume anyway.

A list of skills or hobbies (unless they’re directly related to the job description). Your goal should be to focus on how your past experiences can help the employer; don’t waste space talking about unrelated things unless asked!

Emailing Your Cover Letter And Resume

Attach the cover letter and resume to your email.

Make sure the cover letter is in the body of your message, not attached as an attachment. It is considered poor etiquette for a potential employer to have to download something before reading it, and it’s also a waste of their time if you don’t end up getting an interview out of it or they don’t accept your application.

The subject line should be “Cover Letter.” This will help them know which document it is when looking at their inbox or reviewing their sent items folder later on.

Do not use fancy fonts or colors keep them both professional and simple! Use Times New Roman 12pt for both documents (don’t worry about formatting yet). Don’t use graphics (other than logos) at this point; just focus on writing clearly and concisely so that others can understand what makes you qualified for this position!

How To Format A Cover Letter With Examples

The first step to formatting your cover letter is choosing a business letter format. A typical business letter has the following elements:

Address of the person you are writing to (e.g., Bob Smith, President, and CEO)

An opening greeting that identifies you and explains why you’re writing (e.g., Dear Mr. Smith, or To Whom It May Concern:)

A paragraph explaining that you have been referred to this company by a mutual acquaintance, usually in the form of an introductory sentence followed by an explanation as to why that person would refer someone like yourself to work at their organization (e.g., “I was referred by Jane Smith because she knows I am a hard worker.”)

A closing salutation thanking the reader for his/her time signed sincerely yours

While some may argue that a cover letter is no longer necessary in the digital age, it can still make a significant impact on your job application. Find out why a cover letter is still important when applying for a job by checking out our article on how important is a cover letter when applying for a job.

How To Start A Cover Letter With Examples And Tips

How to Start a Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your first chance to make an impression on a hiring manager. To do that, it needs to be well-written and specific to the job you’re applying for so you can set yourself apart from other applicants. Here are some tips for writing one that will help you stand out:

Address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager or recruiter of the company you’re applying with (if their contact information is available)

Be brief the purpose of this document is not just to describe your skillset but also to demonstrate how they fit into what the employer needs for them to hire you; that means keeping things short and sweet!

When To Send A Cover Letter (And When You Can Skip It)

When you send a cover letter, you are introducing yourself to the employer. The cover letter is a way to show that you are more than just a resume. The best way to do this is by demonstrating your ability to be an asset to their company and why they should hire you over other candidates that they are considering for the position.

When applying for jobs, it’s highly recommended that you include a cover letter with your application materials because it gives employers an insight into who exactly they’re hiring before they ever meet them in person or speak on the phone about their qualifications. 

It also helps set them apart from all other applicants because it allows them an opportunity for further research into what makes this person so great!

Understanding how cover letters work and what employers are looking for can give you an edge in the job search process. Learn more about the ins and outs of cover letters by reading our article on how do cover letters work and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Should I Follow Up After Submitting A Resume?

If you have an active job search going on, it’s important to follow up with potential employers after submitting your resume. 

You may have submitted your resume through an online application portal or by sending a cover letter and resumé via email. In either case, follow up within one week to ensure that the information has been received and processed by the recipient. 

This is especially critical if you’re applying for multiple positions at once but don’t want all of them to sit in the “Inbox” folder forever because they were never opened! 

It’s also worthwhile to check back in again if you haven’t heard anything from a particular company within a month or two; sometimes these things can get lost in the shuffle and forgotten about quickly (even though they shouldn’t be).

A well-written cover letter can make a big impact on a hiring manager and increase your chances of landing an interview. Check out our article on how effective is a cover letter to learn more about what makes a great cover letter and how to make your application stand out from the rest.


Now that you know what to include in your cover letter and how to format it, it’s time to get started! 

There are plenty of other things you can do to make sure your job search is as successful as possible and we hope that this blog post has given you some new ideas about how best to use them. 

Remember that getting a job is a process, so take things slowly and keep at it until you find the perfect fit for your career goals.

Further Reading

For more information on cover letters, check out the following resources:

Do I Need a Cover Letter?: This article provides insights into whether cover letters are still necessary in the job search process and how to decide if you should include one in your application.

How to Write a Cover Letter: This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to craft a compelling cover letter that will impress hiring managers.

How to Write a Cover Letter: This Harvard Business Review article offers tips on how to write a cover letter that will help you stand out from other applicants.


What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume when you apply for a job. It provides an opportunity to introduce yourself to the employer, explain why you are interested in the position, and highlight your relevant skills and experience.

Do I need to write a cover letter?

While not all employers require a cover letter, it is generally recommended to include one with your job application. A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants and make a strong impression on the hiring manager.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should generally be one page or less. It should be concise, well-written, and focused on your relevant skills and experience.

What should I include in a cover letter?

A cover letter should include an introduction, a brief summary of your relevant skills and experience, and a closing statement. It should also be customized to the specific job and employer you are applying to.

How do I make my cover letter stand out?

To make your cover letter stand out, it should be well-written, focused on your relevant skills and experience, and customized to the specific job and employer you are applying to. You can also consider adding a personal touch or unique detail that sets you apart from other applicants.