A good cover letter is the best way to make your resume stand out from the crowd. But how long should it be? How do you write a great one? This guide will help you answer those questions.
Takeaways |
A cover letter should include an introduction, overview of qualifications and experience, and a conclusion expressing interest and availability for an interview. |
The ideal length for a cover letter is one page or less, but can vary depending on the job and employer requirements. |
To tailor a cover letter to a specific job, research the employer and job requirements and highlight relevant qualifications and experience. |
Common mistakes to avoid in a cover letter include addressing it to the wrong person, using a generic greeting, and focusing too much on yourself instead of the employer’s needs. |
Always send a cover letter, even if it’s not required, as it can help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your interest in the position. |
How Long Should A Resume Be?
There’s no one size fits all answer to this question. The answer will depend on the type of job you’re applying for, as well as your own experience and qualifications.
The average length of a resume is 1 to 2 pages, but you might want to consider using more if you have extensive professional experience or education that merits it.
Remember that employers don’t want to read your entire life story; they just want a summary of your most important accomplishments and skills as they relate to your business. If you’re unsure what should go into each section of your resume (the “content” part), this guide can help!
Starting a cover letter can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can craft a compelling introduction. Our guide on how to start writing a cover letter offers practical tips and examples to help you get started.
How To Write A Good Cover Letter?
A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume and lets the hiring manager know why you’re a good fit for the job. It’s an opportunity for you to showcase your skills, explain how your experience aligns with their needs, and build rapport with them before they even meet you in person.
A good cover letter:
Is brief, yet informative it should be between one to two paragraphs in length (no more than 300 words)
Gets straight to the point
Demonstrates how you can benefit the company
Where Should My Name And Address Go On A Cover Letter?
The next thing you will want to do is address your cover letter. This includes everything from the salutation, which refers to how an individual should be addressed in a letter, to the closing, which is used as a formal way of saying goodbye.
In general, people are referred to by their last names at the beginning of business letters and at all times in personal correspondence.
When addressing your cover letter, keep these tips in mind:
Start with “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.,” followed by the name of whoever is receiving your letter (for example Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Smith). If possible, try using first names when possible because this shows that you have researched who you are writing to and makes them feel like they know you better than just a stranger sending them something through the mail or email inbox!
Make sure that you sign off appropriately so that it does not come across as awkward or rude (e.g., “Regards” or “Best wishes”).
You can also include other titles such as “Respectfully yours” if appropriate given how long it has been since seeing one another face-to-face; however, I would recommend against starting any business correspondence with this unless necessary due to its very old-fashioned nature compared to modern day practices within companies worldwide today!
When it comes to cover letters, quality matters more than quantity. Our guide on how long do cover letters have to be offers advice on how to strike the right balance and create a cover letter that is concise yet comprehensive.
Should I Put My Address On My Resume?
If you live in the same city as the job you are applying for and are applying for a local position, then yes, put your address on your resume. If you don’t live in the same city as the job you are applying for and aren’t applying for a local position (for example if it’s an online job), then maybe not.
If I were looking for a job at my local hospital or shop, then I would want to know where someone lives so I could call them up and talk about what they did over coffee.
But if someone’s applying from across the country and I’ve found their name on LinkedIn (which has their email address), there’s no point in asking them where they live since we’ll never meet anyway!
What Is The Best Font For A Resume?
The font you use should be easy to read. Here are some suggestions:
Easy-to-read fonts for a resume on a computer screen include Arial, Century Gothic, and Tahoma.
If you’re printing your resume on a laser printer, stick with Times New Roman or Arial in 12-point type size. These are the most popular fonts among professional printers.
They’re standard sizes that have been tested extensively by people who make it their business to know what works best in print! (But don’t worry if you don’t have access to this kind of printer; we’ll talk about what else will work later.)
If your printer is an older dot matrix machine or uses inkjet technology instead of laser technology, choose Courier New as your default font for easy readability across different types of printers and paper stockings.
This font was specifically designed for this purpose! It also has a standard size so there won’t be any issues when printing from home computers or schools/workplaces that still use older equipment instead of newer ones equipped with modern software capabilities allowing them to access these same features via Google Docs etcetera).
What Are Some Good Action Words For A Resume?
The first thing to remember when looking for action words for resumes is that action verbs are much more effective than nouns. That doesn’t mean you should avoid using nouns altogether; after all, they are important and will help tell your story. But when it comes to choosing between a verb or a noun, opt for the former whenever possible.
One way you can make sure your resume has an adequate number of action verbs is by adding them to your job descriptions.
For example, if you were responsible for creating a new marketing plan one year and editing another one the next year, include both phrases on your resume in this form: “Created new marketing plan” and “Edited existing marketing plan.
By doing this, you’ll ensure that all of your responsibilities have some sort of action associated with them and in turn show prospective employers how well-rounded you are as an employee.
The length of your cover letter can impact how long it takes to write it. Our guide on how many words should a cover letter be provides guidance on the optimal length of a cover letter, so you can spend your time writing content that will make an impact.
How Do You Write An Impressive Application Letter?
To write an impressive application letter, you need to use a personal tone. Be specific about what you are applying for, your skills and experience, the company you are applying to, and the position that you are applying for. For example:
“I am writing regarding your advertisement on [insert date] in [insert newspaper name]. I am interested in working as a [job title] at your company.”
The above statement shows that you have taken some time and effort to research their job requirements.
It is important not only because it will help convince them that you know what they want but also because it shows that you take care about details which makes them more likely to hire someone like this than someone who just sends off an application without bothering with anything else.
A well-structured cover letter can help you make a strong first impression. Our guide on how many paragraphs should a cover letter have offers tips on how to organize your ideas effectively and make your cover letter easy to read and understand.
What Is The Best Way To End A Cover Letter?
As you close, be sure to include a call to action. You want to leave the employer with a clear idea of what you’re looking for and what they can do next.
At this stage in the process, it may not be appropriate to ask for an interview but you could ask them to keep your application on file if they have any future openings that relate to your skills. If you don’t hear back from them after applying, consider following up after a few weeks or months.
A cover letter can make a big difference in your job application. Our guide on how important is a cover letter when applying for a job explains why a cover letter is important, what it should include, and how to tailor it to the job you’re applying for.
As you can see, writing a cover letter is not that hard. You just need to know what to say and how to say it. And once you have figured out what your potential employer wants from his/her employees, it should be easy for you to come up with an effective strategy for getting that job!
Further Reading
How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? – This article provides guidance on how long a cover letter should be, including the optimal length for different types of cover letters.
How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? Ideal Cover Letter Length – This article discusses the appropriate length for a cover letter and provides tips on how to keep your cover letter concise and impactful.
How to Write an Impressive Cover Letter From Scratch in 30 Minutes – This article offers practical advice on how to write a strong cover letter quickly and efficiently.
What should I include in my cover letter?
Your cover letter should include an introduction that explains why you are applying for the job, a brief overview of your qualifications and experience, and a conclusion that expresses your interest in the position and your availability for an interview.
How long should my cover letter be?
The ideal length for a cover letter is one page or less. However, the length can vary depending on the job you’re applying for and the requirements of the employer.
How do I tailor my cover letter to a specific job?
To tailor your cover letter to a specific job, research the employer and the job requirements, and highlight your qualifications and experience that match those requirements.
What are some common mistakes to avoid in a cover letter?
Common mistakes to avoid in a cover letter include addressing it to the wrong person, using a generic greeting, focusing too much on yourself instead of the employer’s needs, and using cliches or jargon.
Should I send a cover letter if it’s not required?
Yes, you should always send a cover letter even if it’s not required. A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your interest in the position.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.