How I’m Hyper-Personalizing (And Testing) Email Marketing

You know that email marketing is a powerful tool for building relationships and driving sales. You also know that there are tons of ways to improve your emails, from optimizing them for mobile devices to personalizing the subject lines. 

But how do you get started? In this post, I’ll explain some tips and tricks that can help you start hyper-personalizing (and testing) your email marketing so it’s even more effective than ever before.

How to Hyper-Personalize Your Email Marketing – YouTube
1. Hyper-personalization is a potent strategy in email marketing, enabling tailored content for individual recipients.
2. Testing is a crucial aspect of optimizing email campaigns, helping to refine subject lines, content, and overall engagement strategies.
3. A/B testing of email subjects allows marketers to identify what resonates best with recipients, leading to improved open rates and engagement.
4. Hyper-personalized content can enhance customer relationships by showing a deep understanding of their preferences and needs.
5. Implementing automation tools can streamline the process of personalization and testing, saving time and improving campaign efficiency.

1. Not Sending To A List Of Only 400 People

When it comes to email marketing, we all want hyper-personalized messages. We want them to be relevant and helpful, and we want them to feel like they were written just for us.

We also want these emails to perform well in the open rate department and with an ever-increasing number of subscribers on our lists, that means a lot of people have got their spam filters set pretty high. 

But if your emails are personal enough (and you’re using some kind of automation behind the scenes), then maybe you can sneak through!

The problem is that there’s only so much one person can do when it comes to writing tons of unique content for dozens or even hundreds of different segments. 

If you’re sending out multiple campaign emails every week and many businesses are then building up enough content quickly becomes overwhelming.

Exploring the world of inbound marketing has been fascinating. In my journey, I’ve found that the best way to truly grasp its concepts is by diving into the experiences of experts. Check out my thoughts on how I prefer to learn about inbound marketing and discover the power of firsthand insights.

2. Segmenting The Email Lists By What They Engage With Most

Let’s talk about the importance of segmenting your email lists. I’ve found that by segmenting my email list into groups based on what they engage with most, I can gain better insight into how to maximize engagement and conversion rates.

Segmenting your email lists is pretty straightforward: simply create different groups within your database based on the content they’re clicking or opening most often. 

Once you have those segments set up, you can then run tests within each group to see which content works best for each specific audience type.

How do you determine what content subscribers engage with most? You’ll use tools like MailChimp (if it’s a MailChimp account) or Zapier (if it’s not) to track opens and clicks across all emails sent from an account within a given period of time (usually 30 days). 

Then take note of which types of emails perform better than others for example if someone opens 10 out of 100 emails but only clicks one out of 100 times, then their open rate would be 10%. 

If someone opens 20 out of 100 emails and clicks three out of 100 times, then their click-through rate would be 3%.

Crafting compelling email subjects is an art, but optimizing their impact is a science. Learn how to refine your email marketing strategy with effective A/B testing. Discover the secrets of successful testing in my article on how to A/B test your email subjects and start maximizing your email engagement.

3. Sending The Accurate Emails To The Correct Segments

You must send your emails to the right people, so don’t think of your audience as one big pool of prospects and customers. 

You need to segment them into different groups based on their interests, buying behavior, and other factors so that you can target them in a more personalized way. 

For example, if someone has purchased from us before but hasn’t engaged with us since then (e.g., they haven’t opened or clicked any of our emails), we will put them into one segment. 

In another scenario where someone has been opening our emails but hasn’t made any purchases yet; 

We would still put this person into a separate segment because they are interested in what we have to offer but have not bought anything yet either due to lack of trust or uncertainty about whether or not what’s being offered would work for them specifically.

4. Creating Specific Lead Magnets That Match Your Audience

Specific lead magnets are more likely to be engaged with, shared, and clicked on than their general counterparts. Here’s how to create them:

Make your specific lead magnet match the content of your email. If you’re writing about the benefits of working for your company in an email newsletter, then make sure it’s something that will help people do just that. 

Write a blog post about how to find new clients or a checklist for starting a business? Use these examples so people who click through can get more information without having to leave their inboxes.

Create “hooks” for each specific lead magnet so people know exactly where they need to go after clicking through your campaign. 

This could be a link at the end of an article or even just asking them directly (as JotForm does), but whatever way you do it should be short and sweet no one wants their emails cluttered with links they have no idea what they’re going too!

Use A/B testing tools like Optimizely or VWO (or any others out there) when creating new campaigns so that you can see which ones work best before sending them out into the world wide web!

Building an engaged email list from scratch is a significant challenge, but with the right tactics, it’s within your reach. If you’re ready to expand your subscriber base, explore my guide on 14 surefire ways to grow your email list from scratch. Let’s take your email marketing efforts to the next level.

5. Having Different Subject Lines For Each Segment

  • Pick a subject line that is personalized to the recipient.
  • Make your subject lines relevant to the content of the email.
  • Keep it clear, concise, and simple.

Personalize it with a name or something related to them personally (like where they live). 

If you’re writing an email about “health tips” and they live in San Francisco, maybe something like “5 San Francisco Health Tips” will work better than “5 Health Tips For You To Live A Longer Life” because that may not be relevant information for them at all!

Make sure your subject line is engaging it’s not just about getting people to open up their emails but also reading through till the end of them as well!  Try using words like “Today Only!” or even some sort of countdown timer if possible (e.g., 10 hours left!).

6. Nurturing Leads Individually And Not In Bulk

Be intentional about who you’re communicating with, and never send out an automated email. Don’t blast your whole list with the same message or offer to everyone, no matter what stage they’re in.

For example, don’t email all of your leads a welcome email when they first join the list. Instead, send one personalized welcome message when it makes sense for that person and then moves on to sending more personalized emails based on their behavior (e.g., if they open a certain number of emails).

7. Geotargeting Subscribers With Nearby Events Or Deals

I’ve used the geotargeting approach in a couple of ways, but one of my favorites is to target subscribers based on events that are happening in their area.

For instance, if you own a flower shop and you have an upcoming event or sale happening in your shop, it’s helpful to let your customers know about it. While most people will see this as spammy because it seems like you’re just trying to sell them something.

Those who are interested may appreciate being able to find out more information about what’s going on at their local store without having to do any extra work (like Google searching).

This kind of personalization can be especially powerful when combined with other methods like [

Unlocking the potential of personalization can revolutionize your marketing campaigns. Delve into the world of tailored customer experiences and discover actionable strategies in my comprehensive guide: The Ultimate Guide to Personalization in Marketing. Elevate your brand’s engagement and build stronger connections.

8. Only Sending Automated Emails When There’s New Content Or Movement To Report

It is not uncommon to hear that you should send out automated emails only when there’s new content or movement to report. This is true, but there are other ways you can use automated email marketing to nurture leads. 

While it may seem counterintuitive to think about automating emails for leads as a way of giving them value, this technique can be extremely useful when done correctly.

For example, if I have an audience of 100 people who are interested in learning more about content creation and marketing strategy for eCommerce brands (like me).

I would work hard over several months to create useful blog posts and videos related specifically to those topics. 

Then I could set up an email sequence that automatically sends each month updates on my blog posts from that year so far—and maybe even reminders about upcoming events/webinars/etc.

And also offers resources like PDFs or templates they can download right away if they want additional information later on down the line.

9. Making Sure It’s Easy For Prospects To Unsubscribe From Automated Emails

Some companies make it hard for prospects to unsubscribe from automated emails. They include clauses in their newsletters that say something like, “You may opt-out of receiving future communications from us by clicking the following link.”

That’s a big reason why some people don’t want to be on your email list. If you’re going to send them emails, they should have a way of stopping your messages without having to go through the trouble of finding and deleting each message individually.

“Make sure your unsubscribe process is easy,” says marketing expert Laura Ries. “There are plenty of ways for consumers not interested in being on time or on board with what you’re doing.” 

She recommends including links in every email that allow people who don’t want messages from you anymore easily remove themselves from your contacts list: one for removing them from future emails; 

Another for getting off any other lists they may have been added to (like those related to social media platforms); 

And finally, an option that gives users complete control over what information gets shared with third parties such as advertisers and marketers all without having to call customer service or send an email explaining why they aren’t interested anymore.

Hyper-personalization isn’t just a trend—it’s a game-changer in the marketing landscape. Want to learn the secret behind crafting compelling, hyper-personalized marketing strategies that resonate with your audience? Dive into my insights on the secret to hyper-personalized marketing strategies and create impactful customer experiences.

10. Utilizing A/B Testing On Automated Emails More Often Than On One-Off Emails, Due To The Difference In Reach And Frequency Of Delivery

A/B testing is a great way to test different variables, including:

  • Content
  • Timing of delivery

Subject line

When it comes to content, you can A/B test several different types of emails. You can test whether or not your audience prefers an image-heavy email with only a few lines of text or one that uses both images and bullet points. 

Or maybe they prefer a video over graphics? You could also run an A/B test on ways in which you can offer incentives for people to sign up for your newsletter or click through on links in the emails themselves. 

Another thing worth testing is what types of content generate the most open rates and click-throughs this might seem obvious but sometimes we all tend to fall into routines when sending out these types of emails!


The email marketing landscape is changing as we speak. 

This is a good thing for marketers because it means we have more tools to create better content and deliver it in the best possible way. It also means that businesses will benefit from having more personalized messages sent to them regularly. 

The key here is knowing what works best for your audience – whether that’s sending automated emails based on their location or segmenting them based on specific interests – and then testing those ideas so you can figure out what type of strategy brings the most success over time!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to dive deeper into the world of hyper-personalized email marketing:

Hyper-Personalization in Email Marketing Short Description: Explore the power of hyper-personalization in email marketing and learn how it can transform your campaigns for better engagement and conversion rates.

The Art of Personalized Email Campaigns Short Description: Discover the art of crafting effective personalized email campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful interactions.

The Ultimate Growth Hack: Hyper-Personalized Email Marketing Short Description: Uncover the ultimate growth hack through hyper-personalized email marketing strategies and learn practical tips to implement them successfully.


How does hyper-personalization enhance email marketing effectiveness?

Hyper-personalization tailors email content to individual recipients based on their preferences, behavior, and demographics. This relevance leads to higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

What data points are crucial for effective hyper-personalization?

Data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, location, and demographic information play a pivotal role in crafting personalized email content that resonates with recipients.

Are there any privacy concerns associated with hyper-personalization?

While hyper-personalization offers significant benefits, it’s important to handle customer data ethically and in compliance with privacy regulations to address any potential concerns.

How can I get started with hyper-personalized email marketing?

Begin by segmenting your email list based on relevant data points, then craft tailored content for each segment. Leverage automation tools to streamline the process and track performance.

What are some common challenges in implementing hyper-personalization?

Ensuring data accuracy, maintaining a balance between personalization and avoiding creepiness, and managing content creation at scale are challenges marketers often face when adopting hyper-personalization strategies.