How I Found The Market That Had A Demand For My Product

I spent years looking for the market for my product. I was trying to sell organic products online and e-commerce was a new concept back in 2012. 

I found that some people had created their businesses selling natural beauty products, but they were generally on Etsy or eBay rather than Amazon or their site. 

So, I decided to do it myself! With no experience at all, and using only a few hundred dollars, I set up an online store, started selling handmade soaps and lotions, and quickly made thousands of dollars each month! 

The reason this worked is that I looked at what other people were doing with similar products – how much they were making and where they were selling – and then built my own business that way.

How to Prove Demand for Your Product – YouTube
Identify niche markets by analyzing trends and consumer behaviors.
Use data-driven research to uncover underserved areas with potential demand.
Leverage social media and online communities to gauge interest and gather insights.
Conduct surveys and engage with potential customers to validate market demand.
Adapt and refine your product offering based on feedback and evolving market trends.
Continuous learning and experimentation are key to sustaining demand in changing markets.

Find A Niche

Finding a niche that is underserved and not too competitive is the first step in finding a market. If you have a passion for your product, then it makes sense to pick something you are passionate about. 

This will make it easier for you to stay motivated throughout the process of creating and marketing your product.

Next, choose an industry or group of people that have never or rarely been targeted by similar goods or services before. The best way I’ve found this is by talking with friends who are experts in their field (i.e., doctors, lawyers). 

If they know someone that would be willing to let me interview them about their work day-to-day tasks so I could create software that helps them get those tasks done more efficiently then I would do just about anything for these people!

Understanding the fundamentals of marketing research is crucial for making informed business decisions. Learn how to perform effective research step by step with our comprehensive guide on What Marketing Research Is & How to Do It Step by Step.

Find A Site To Sell On

Once you’ve got a product and a price, it’s time to get thinking about where you want to sell it. There are plenty of sites out there that allow small businesses and individuals like us to sell our goods online. 

Some of these sites are better than others at providing an optimal experience for prospective customers, but all will give us access to a wider audience than we might otherwise reach on our own. Here’s a list of some common options:


This is an obvious choice because they have such an extensive network and offer lots of perks if you choose to use them as your main channel or secondary channel after getting started on Etsy or eBay. 

They also have their marketing tools which can help increase your sales even more!


This is another popular choice among sellers since it allows for large inventories at low costs (you don’t necessarily need any inventory; just photos) and has good traffic volumes from both buyers and sellers alike! 

Plus there’s no listing fee until you hit $50 in revenue per month; after that point, it will cost around 50 cents per item listed – so long as there isn’t anything unusual about your listings such as custom fees involved (like shipping insurance).


If you’re looking for something unique but still affordable then Etsy could be right up your alley! This site allows makers with small startup costs to get started selling handmade goods without having overhead costs associated with opening up physical storefronts.

Find An Audience

Finding your target audience is the key to success. You need to find people that are interested in your product and then market it to them. Social media is a great place to start because you can reach millions of people with just one post. 

The best way to use social media is through hashtags, which are words or phrases preceded by a hash sign (#). 

Hashtags help people find the content they’re interested in on the internet, so if you want your business’s posts seen by as many people as possible, make sure that all of your posts include relevant hashtags.

Another way I found an audience was using influencers–people who have large followings on social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram and are willing to share information about my business with their followers when asked nicely (that part’s optional). 

This method helped me reach more potential customers than any other type of marketing strategy I tried during my start-up phase!

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Make Your Product Attractive And Attractive

To make your products attractive, you’ll need to ensure that you have a good product. You may have a great product but if it’s not appealing to the market, then no one will buy it. 

Make sure that all the other things that we discussed above are also in place before launching your store.

If you’ve done everything right and launched a successful online store with high-quality products, then congratulations! 

The next step is to find out how much profit they could make each month by selling these goods online through an eCommerce platform like Shopify (this is what I’m currently using).

Test, Test, Test

This is a mantra I am constantly repeating myself as an entrepreneur. You should always be testing your product and marketing before putting it out there on the market. 

I also recommend you have a very clear plan of what type of pricing you want to charge for your product before launching it. 

The same goes for marketing and messaging; remember that people don’t just buy a product because they are good at math or science they buy because they want something more than just solving problems for them! 

So make sure your message is clear and concise in conveying how this technology will make their lives better.

Test your sales funnel by sending traffic from different sources to different offers until one consistently converts better than others (you can use Google Analytics). 

Test all these elements together before going live with any form of public launch campaign so that when people land on your site, there’s no confusion about who you are as a brand or what products/services do we offer them?

Build A Brand That Fits

The next step was to build a brand that fits. I wanted to make sure my product fit in with the overall look and feel of my brand and that it conveyed the message I wanted it to convey. 

This is also where you should ask yourself: Who are you trying to reach with your product? What are their needs, wants, and desires? How does what you’re selling solve this problem for them? How does it benefit them?

The first step in building a great brand is knowing who you’re trying to reach with your product. 

Before designing logos or writing copy for websites or packaging designs, I stumbled upon an important realization: You need to know what people want before creating anything at all.

Social media has become a powerful tool for conducting marketing research. Dive into the strategies and techniques with our guide on How to Use Social Media for Marketing Research to harness its potential effectively.

Build Your Authority, Trust, And Credibility

Build your authority, trust, and credibility.

Build your authority by blogging. Blogging is an excellent way of building an engaged audience that trusts you, as they will be following your blog posts regularly. 

Having an active social media presence also helps build authority and credibility through interactions with others in the industry, as well as creating awareness of what you do and who you are.

Build trust by engaging with your audience via social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook (or all three). 

The more people get to know about who you are as an individual or business owner/professional/expert in their field(s) of interest, the more likely that they will develop a connection with you which leads to trust! 

This applies not only online but also offline – make sure that wherever possible there is consistency between how people see themselves represented online versus “in real life” (IRL). 

For example: if someone goes onto LinkedIn looking at profiles belonging to someone else within their network then they should find similar content across all platforms where possible; 

Similarly, when attending networking events IRL then again tries not just talking about work but sharing personal experiences too so there’s more overlap between our public identity and private lives than just being defined by one facet alone.

Drawing lessons from personal experiences can provide unique insights into marketing strategies. Explore how a digital camera purchase over a decade ago inspired marketing lessons in 17 Years Ago I Bought a Digital Camera – Here’s What It Taught Me About Marketing.

Reach Out To Influencers

If you’re not sure where to start, reach out to bloggers, social media influencers, and other content creators. Ask them if they’d be interested in reviewing your product. The best part is that this can be done without asking them for money or anything else in return.

If they’re interested in reviewing the product, ask them how they would like to receive it either through mail or by emailing them a PDF version of the book so they can download it themselves. 

Once you have an agreement on this, send over a sample copy of your book along with any relevant information about its contents and what makes it unique (for example: “My book is about how we can reduce our energy consumption at home by changing some simple habits”).

By reaching out directly rather than going through an agency or other intermediary channel like Amazon Vine.

Entrepreneurs get more control over who sees their products and how those people interact with them once they do see them (i.e., whether reviewers share their experience honestly).

Set Up Your Website Right

The first step to finding a market for your product is to make sure that you have a good website. A good website needs to be mobile-friendly, have easy navigation, be fast and responsive, look professional, and most importantly be secure.

Once your site is up and running (we’ll talk about how later), you must test it out on different devices before launching it into the wild. 

Test on an iPhone 6 with iOS 9; test on an Android phone running 4.1 Jellybean; test on an iPad 2nd generation running iOS 8; test on a Galaxy S5 running Android 5 Lollipop; etc., until you’ve covered all the major platforms and devices out there right now.

And as we mentioned above: Your website should look professional! There are some great free designs available online if you don’t feel like learning how to code one yourself just Google “free website templates.

Continuous learning is essential in the dynamic field of marketing research. Access a curated list of free e-courses for market researchers in Marketing Research: A 16 Free E-Courses for Market Researchers and stay updated with the latest insights and tools.


I hope this article has given you some ideas about how to find the market that is best for your product. Remember, it takes time and patience, but if you do it right you can find a huge market for your product and make a ton of money. Good luck!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you explore the concept of testing market demand and understanding product-market fit:

5 Ways to Test Demand for Your Product Before Building an Online Store: Discover effective strategies to gauge product demand and validate your business idea before launching an online store.

Market Demand: How to Gauge and Validate Your Product Ideas: Learn about the importance of market demand validation and how it can guide your product development decisions.

Ecommerce Product Market Demand: The Ultimate Guide: Explore a comprehensive guide on understanding and assessing market demand for ecommerce products, helping you make informed business choices.


What is the significance of testing product demand before launching an online store?

Testing product demand is crucial as it helps you ensure that there’s genuine interest in your product before investing time and resources into building an online store. This validation process minimizes the risk of launching products that may not resonate with your target audience.

How can I effectively test market demand for my product idea?

There are various methods to test market demand, including conducting surveys, creating landing pages, running pre-launch campaigns, organizing focus groups, and leveraging social media to gauge interest and collect feedback from potential customers.

What role does product-market fit play in the success of an online store?

Product-market fit refers to the alignment between your product and the needs of your target market. Achieving product-market fit ensures that your offerings fulfill customer demands and create a strong foundation for long-term business growth and success.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when assessing market demand?

One common mistake is relying solely on personal opinions without seeking external validation. Another mistake is misinterpreting early interest as market demand. It’s important to gather thorough and unbiased feedback from a diverse group of potential customers.

How does understanding market demand influence pricing strategies?

Understanding market demand helps in setting the right price for your product. If there’s high demand and limited supply, you might be able to charge a premium. On the other hand, if demand is low, you might need to adjust your pricing or focus on increasing value to attract customers.