Grants & Funding 101: What You Need To Know

The world of grants and funding is a minefield for the uninitiated. From learning about the various types of funding out there, to knowing where to look for it, to writing applications that get accepted it’s a lot to take in. 

To help you navigate this often confusing territory, we’ve put together an easy-to-follow guide on how to get started with grants and funding your ideas.

Grants 101: How To Get A Grant – YouTube
Understand the basics of grant funding.
Learn about different types of grants.
Know how to identify suitable funding sources.
Explore the key components of a grant proposal.
Familiarize yourself with the application process.
Discover tips for improving your grant writing skills.
Gain insights into common mistakes to avoid.
Understand the importance of clear project planning.
Learn how to make your proposal stand out.
Stay updated on best practices in grant acquisition.

Focus On The End Goal

When you’re writing a grant proposal, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details of how your project will be implemented. And this is a problem because it means that you are too focused on the process and not enough on the outcome or objective. 

You need to keep your eyes on what’s important: why we want to do this in the first place and what we hope to accomplish with it.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years as an entrepreneur and consultant, it’s that success only happens when everyone involved knows where they’re going and why they are going there together (or separately). 

If everyone has agreed upon their end goal, then they can all work towards implementing whatever methods or processes are necessary to get there effectively.

Are you looking to secure funding for your nonprofit or small business? Learn valuable strategies and techniques in our guide on how to win a grant that can help you stand out and increase your chances of success.

Start With A Plan

If you are looking to apply for a grant or funding, it is important to know how best to go about doing so. The first step in this process is developing a plan for what your goals are and how you will achieve them, then creating an application that addresses those objectives.

To start with, make sure that you are clear on what your objectives are and how they fit within the scope of the grant program. Next up is creating a timeline that includes all of the steps necessary for achieving your goal(s). 

Also note: If there is any chance at all that funds may not be available through this program or another source (like a personal donation), create contingency plans as well.

Outline Your Budget So You Know What You Need, Right At The Beginning

Before you get started on the grant application process, it’s important to outline your budget so that you know what resources you need. This is especially important if your organization has been working with grants before and knows exactly how much money they have coming in.

For example, A small business might only have $5,000 available for grant funding each year (this is an average grant amount). The business would need to create a budget that takes this into account and only asks for money that can realistically be spent within their means. 

A large company may have $2 million in capital funds to spend on grants (and perhaps even more); this means they can request larger amounts from one or two grants at a time; 

However, since there are many resources out there fighting for this same pot of money, it’s good practice for them to not go overboard with their requests by asking for more than they will realistically use.

Or waste everyone else’s time by sending applications without enough information about themselves included in the proposal form (which leads us right back around the full circle).

Enhance your grant writing skills by incorporating these practical tips from our comprehensive guide on improving your grant writing. These insights can make a significant difference in crafting persuasive and effective grant proposals.

Look For Funding Beyond Just Grants And Loans

Look for funding sources that are not just grants and loans.

For example, look for local and state funding from foundations and non-profits, as well as from local businesses (these can include banks, utilities, etc.).

Also, look for funding from government agencies like the National Science Foundation or NASA. The government has many grant programs designed to support research projects in all fields of science.

Don’t Make Any Assumptions

Don’t assume that you know what the funder wants, or how they will use your proposal.

Don’t assume that you have all the information necessary to make an informed decision about applying for a grant.

Don’t assume that the funder will get back to you if you don’t hear anything right away (they may be on vacation).

Don’t assume that even if they do contact you, or say yes that they’ll give out money!

Crafting a successful grant proposal involves careful consideration of various factors. Check out our list of 10 things to consider when writing a grant proposal to ensure that your application is thorough and compelling.

Get A Mentor Who Has Done It Before And Can Guide You Through The Process

Mentors can help you get started and guide you through the process. They may have connections within the community, they know what’s out there and how to access it, and they can make sure that your applications are well-crafted and complete. 

They might also be able to give you feedback on your business plan or proposal before submitting them so that they’re better prepared for funding organizations.

If a mentor isn’t available, don’t worry! There are plenty of other resources available online that will teach you everything from how to write a strong application letter to what makes up an effective business plan. 

There are also plenty of articles about applying for grants online so that if someone else has been in your shoes before it’s easy enough just to follow their example!

Study Your Competition (Who Else Is Applying For This Grant?)

One of the key things to do when studying any grant or funding opportunity is to make sure you know your competition. Take a look at what other applications have been submitted, who has applied, and whether they are likely to be successful. 

You want to know whether they are eligible for your grant and if so, how strong their proposal is based on what has already been submitted.

This will help you prepare your application by ensuring that it stands out from all others while still being realistic and achievable.

Are you aiming to secure grant funding for your project or organization? Dive into our comprehensive guide on writing a proposal for grant money to learn step-by-step instructions and essential components for creating a convincing grant proposal.

Think Outside The Box

Don’t be afraid to try something new. When you’re looking for grants and funding, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. 

There are thousands of different types of grants and hundreds of organizations that offer them, so there’s no reason why you can’t find something that will suit your needs exactly. 

If you’ve applied for every grant out there without success, maybe it’s time for a change of pace. Try applying for a grant from an organization or foundation you haven’t worked with before you may be surprised at what happens!

Don’t be afraid to fail (or succeed). Grants aren’t easy to get in general but they’re even harder if you don’t put your all into winning one! Remember: failure is just another word for a learning experience! 

You’ll never know if something works unless you give it a shot first; so go ahead and reach out to those people who could help make things happen…and then keep reaching until someone responds with an answer!

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Creative

Don’t be afraid to be creative. Use your imagination and think outside the box. You can use a variety of mediums, tools, techniques, and strategies to apply for grants. If you’re not sure which approach is best for you, try them all! Here are some examples:

For example, if you want to paint an abstract mural on a city street corner with spray paint cans to advertise your business (or nonprofit), ask yourself these questions: 

Can I afford it? Do I need permission from the city? How much will it cost me if I get caught doing this illegally? Is there another way that might work better or require less money or risk?

Be Persistent But Don’t Annoy People!

The truth is, you won’t get grants if you don’t apply for them. But there’s a fine line between being persistent and annoying the people who can grant you the funding. 

It’s important to remember that everyone else applying for these kinds of grants has an equal chance at being selected as a winner as you do so there’s no reason to feel entitled or superior because of your connections or experience in this field.

Be Polite, Respectful, And Persistent Without Being Pushy!

That said: don’t let anyone tell you that “no” means “no” when it comes to asking for what should be yours! If they say they’re already giving out all their money this year…ask them when their next round opens up! 

Be polite but persistent until they give in because eventually they will break down under pressure and start giving out more funding than ever before just so they don’t have to deal with nosy people like yourself bugging them every day asking if anything new has opened up yet…

Writing an exceptional grant proposal requires careful planning and execution. Discover our expert tips and advice in our article on writing an exceptional grant proposal that will help you capture the attention of funders and increase your chances of funding success.

Read, Re-Read And Then Read Again

As you read through the instructions, it’s important to take note of:

The requirements for each grant.  These are the things that need to be included in your application for you to be eligible for funding. If a requirement is not listed, then it’s not required but may increase your chances of winning funding if you include it.

The application process. This section will help you understand how many stages there are in the application process and how long each stage takes, as well as any deadlines for submitting applications at each stage. 

It’s important to plan so that you don’t miss out on deadlines or get caught off guard by unexpected delays!

Follow Directions!

Follow the directions carefully. If you don’t understand the instructions, ask for clarification. Don’t just skip over any part of the application process because you think it’s too hard or unnecessary. If your project is rejected, ask why so that you can improve in future applications.

If funding is granted to your organization or project, make sure to follow all of the rules and regulations listed in their contract if not, they may revoke your grant award!

Avoid Big Risks Or Complicated Proposals That Might Get Rejected Or Stall Unnecessarily In The Approval Process

If you want to avoid frustrating delays and unnecessary expenses, then your next step is to make sure that you understand the guidelines of any grant or funding opportunity. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best not to go in with a plan too long or complicated.

The funders may decide that it’s simply too much work for them. And don’t ask for too little money either; if you’re applying for an RFP (request for proposal), be prepared to show why your organization needs more than what they’ve specified as the minimum requirement.

If possible, get someone else on your team who understands how grants/funding works to take a look at what you’ve written up before submitting it to make sure everything makes sense and follows directions correctly. 

You don’t want any surprises once they get your application! This can save everyone time later down the road if something gets rejected due to a simple mistake like using incorrect formatting guidelines or typos in key parts like project titles or budget items

Make It Simple For People To Learn More About You And Your Project Or Business Idea

When you are writing your grant or funding proposal, it’s important to make it simple for people to learn more about you and your project or business idea. To do this, use a clear and concise summary of what the project will be about and why it is important. 

Then give an overview of the project with all of its key components: who, what, when, where, and why. 

You should also include a detailed description of how the funding will be used (i.e., the budget) as well as a timeline that shows when each step in the process will occur. 

Finally, provide an evaluation plan explaining how everything will be measured on time so that success can be determined at completion before additional funds need to be allocated.

Make Every Word Count

An effective application is concise and gets right to the heart of your message. When you’re writing, avoid filler words like “like” and “um.” Instead use an active voice to express who took action, what they did, and why it was important.

In general, think about your audience and make it easy for them to read and understand your message within a few minutes.


If you’re ready to start applying for funding, we hope that this post has given you some helpful tips and resources. Remember that the key is persistence! 

As long as you’re willing to keep trying new methods until one of them works out for you, there’s no reason why anyone can’t secure funding from grants or loans even if they don’t fit into any category specifically targeted by those organizations. Good luck!

Further Reading

Grants 101: A Comprehensive Guide: Dive deeper into the world of grants and funding with this comprehensive guide covering the fundamental aspects of grants and how to navigate the application process.

Getting a Grant 101: Explore the basics of grant acquisition, from identifying funding opportunities to preparing compelling proposals and improving your chances of securing funding.

Grant Writing Basics: Essential Tips: Enhance your grant writing skills by learning the foundational principles and strategies that can help you craft more effective and persuasive grant proposals.


What is the key to a successful grant proposal?

A successful grant proposal hinges on a clear problem statement, a well-defined project plan, and a compelling narrative that highlights the impact of your project on the target audience.

How can I identify suitable grant opportunities for my organization?

To identify suitable grants, research various funding sources, both government and private, that align with your organization’s mission and project goals.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in grant writing?

Avoid common mistakes such as vague project descriptions, lack of alignment with funder priorities, inadequate budget planning, and submitting applications past deadlines.

How do I make my grant proposal stand out from the competition?

Craft a compelling story that demonstrates the significance of your project, its potential outcomes, and the unique approach your organization brings to addressing the issue.

What are some tips for improving my grant writing skills?

Practice writing concisely, focusing on the funder’s guidelines, seeking feedback from peers, and staying updated on best practices in grant writing to continuously improve your skills.