For those of you who are interested in becoming a freelancer like me, congratulations, it is a very flexible and great way to make money and work on your own time. Many people want to freelance while they are pregnant but don’t know where to start.
I started freelance writing while I was pregnant with my third child and made good money doing it. And if you think that you will be able to do the same thing, here are some of the things that you should know about freelancing when pregnant:
Takeaways |
Freelancing during pregnancy can offer flexibility and opportunities for expectant mothers. |
Proper planning and communication with clients are essential for managing freelance work while pregnant. |
Balancing workload and self-care is crucial to maintain a healthy and sustainable freelancing career during pregnancy. |
Informing clients about your pregnancy can foster transparency and potentially lead to more understanding and support. |
Familiarize yourself with legal considerations and rights pertaining to pregnancy and freelancing in your country or region. |
Freelancing When Pregnant
You can freelance while pregnant. It may be a challenge, but it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as a freelancer.
Here are some tips for making your time as a freelancer during pregnancy easier:
- Use maternity leave to your advantage! If you have flexible hours and work from home, it’s a great time to take advantage of those perks. You can get more done in less time, and you might even find that you can accomplish more than usual before taking a break from work to rest or recover from an illness.
- Take breaks when you need them. This is especially important if you have an office job where people come in every day and expect you to be there too it could mean putting on a brave face when you’re feeling tired or having trouble concentrating because of morning sickness, but it’s important for everyone’s sake that you don’t overdo it.
Take breaks when you need them, even if that means taking longer lunches or skipping out on after-work drinks with coworkers (or both!). It will help keep stress levels down and make sure everyone feels comfortable coming into the office every day knowing they’ll see friendly faces and not just cranky ones.
- Stay active! The more you move around and keep up with your exercise routine, the less likely you are to develop back pain or other issues caused by sitting in front of a computer all day long.
As hard as it may be, try to get out at least once every few hours and walk around for 20 minutes or so even if that means just walking down the hallway of your office building several times (or taking an elevator).
If possible, aim for 40-60 minutes of activity each day, for example, go on walks with your partner after dinner or take advantage of lunch breaks by exercising outdoors (if weather permits.
Keep in touch with colleagues via email or text message rather than Slack/Google Hangouts chats so that you don’t have to sit at a desk all day long; this is especially true if friends/colleagues live far away from where they work!
You won’t want to waste any time sitting around when there’s plenty out there waiting for exploration.
- Take Your Time with Appointments; If you have any clients who require you to make appointments in person or over the phone, try to schedule them later in the week so that they don’t interfere with your doctor’s appointments or other activities related to your pregnancy (like going to the grocery store).
This will help keep your stress levels down, which is good for both you and your baby!
- Keep Your Work Area Clean; It can be tempting when you’re pregnant to let things pile up on your desk because there’s so much else going on in your life right now but it’s important not to let clutter affect how well you work.
Try keeping an “inbox” folder where all incoming emails go and are sure that there is always enough room on your screen for tasks that need urgent attention (like replying to emails from clients). Keeping everything in its place will help keep stress levels down
Freelancing during pregnancy can be a rewarding experience for both your career and personal life. Discover how freelancing affected my life when I was on maternity leave, and gain insights on managing work-life balance as a freelancer mom.
Freelance Writing Job Sites: Where Do You Find Jobs?
When you’re first starting as a freelance writer, it can seem like there’s no end to the number of job sites you can find. But while there are a lot of options out there, not all of them are worth your time. Here are some sites you should check out if you want to make money writing from home:
- Freelance Writing Jobs
- Upwork
- Fiverr
- Problogger Job Board
- Elance/oDesk
- Contently Talent Network (formerly Bubblews)
- Guru (formerly Guru)
- FlexJobs
- Flexjobs Remote writing and editing positions (formerly Remotely Write)
- freelance writing
To apply for a freelance writing job, you will need to create a profile with the site that you are applying through. When applying for a specific job posting, you will be able to negotiate your pay rate with the client directly.
Most freelancing sites allow you to get paid by PayPal or by check. If you choose to get paid by PayPal, then your client will send payment directly into your account on the site that they used when hiring you (this is usually based on currency).
If choosing check as the payment method then both parties must agree on how much time it will take before sending funds back and forth until finally getting paid once everything has been processed successfully by both parties involved in the transaction execution process.
Including all legal paperwork needed to sign off properly so no one loses their rights over each other’s work done together during project completion time frame from start until finish completion date agreed upon between two parties involved in task assignment work-related.
Matter contract agreement legally binding document signed off legally binding document signed
Maternity leave is a crucial time for new moms, including freelancer moms. Explore maternity leave alternatives designed specifically for freelancers. Discover flexible options that allow you to continue working while adapting to the demands of motherhood.
How I Got Started Freelancing
How Did I Get Started Freelancing?
I got started by visiting a website called, which is like a marketplace for freelance writers and assistants. They have a lot of clients who hire people to do all sorts of things, like write articles or proofread their content or even design graphics for them.
You can also set up your profile on the site, with your portfolio and references from past jobs if you want to share them with potential clients (or friends).
Why Should I Consider Freelancing?
You might think that using your laptop at home would be just as easy as working in an office environment where someone else does all the cleaning up after you. But there are benefits to being able to work from anywhere.
For example, You don’t have to commute each day; this will save money on gas/parking fees! You don’t need special equipment like printers or scanners; everything works through technology nowadays! And last but certainly not least.
If anything happens while working remotely (like say maybe getting pregnant) then there’s no one around except perhaps another person who may need help too…
Types Of Freelance Writing Jobs
There are many types of freelance writing jobs, and some of them are more appropriate for a pregnant woman than others. Among the most common types are:
- Content Writing: This is where you write articles or blog posts on topics that align with your chosen niche. You may be expected to research your article’s topic, or you may be asked to write based on an editorial brief or client brief (a document explaining what they want). You’ll often work with an editor on this type of job.
- Copywriting: These jobs involve writing advertising copy such as slogans and product descriptions; they often involve working in advertising agencies. They might also include travel brochures and promotional materials in addition to other types of copywriting such as marketing emails or direct mail letters.
This type of freelancing is less likely to require much research on your part because copywriters often start with a client brief at their disposal before beginning any work but if there’s no available information about the product being promoted, there could be some digging around needed.
- Proofreading/Editing: This type of freelancing requires you to read through written material looking for errors either grammatical ones like spelling mistakes or punctuation errors or technical ones like incorrect usage (for example confusing “there” versus “their”).
Making The Most Of Your Freelance Writing Career
Being a freelance writer is tough, but it’s also rewarding. You get to work in your pajamas and make your schedule, and you can choose what types of projects you want to take on. But (and there’s always a “but”), freelance writing is just like any other job.
There are things you can do to be more effective and increase your income. So how do you make the most of your freelance writing career? Here are five tips:
Are you considering deleting your Upwork account? Hold on! Check out why it’s important to think twice before taking that step. Learn more about the reasons why you shouldn’t delete your Upwork account right now and make an informed decision about your freelancing career.
Focus On Your Strengths
When someone asks me for advice about freelancing, I always tell them to focus on their strengths what they know about writing, what they can write well, and what their favorite topics are. The more focused you are on what makes you unique as a writer and why people should hire you over someone else, the better off you’ll be.
Be Patient With Yourself
You’ll probably feel tired more often than not and that’s okay. Take breaks when you need them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your workload, just take some time to breathe and relax before getting back to work. And remember that this isn’t forever it only lasts for nine months!
Learn From Your Mistakes
As a freelancer, you’re going to make mistakes. It’s inevitable. And that’s okay! The key is to learn from those mistakes and use them to build a stronger business.
For example, if you are new to freelancing and don’t know how to maximize your time, then make sure you keep track of everything you do so that you can see where you can save time or money in the future.
Or if you don’t like writing certain types of content, then make sure that when accepting jobs for those types of content, you have an assistant who can write them for you instead!
Freelancing has had a transformative impact on my life, making me a happier and more fulfilled person. Discover the personal growth and freedom that comes with a freelance career. Read my story on how freelancing made me a happier person and find inspiration for your own freelance journey.
Find A Mentor Or Community Of Freelancers To Help You Learn The Ropes And Develop Your Skills
If you’re worried about finding work while pregnant, you might be tempted to sign up with an agency that promises to take care of everything for you. But this can be a risky move—agencies have a lot of clients, which means they may not have the time or resources to devote to helping you get started as a freelancer.
Instead, look for blogs and podcasts that are dedicated to supporting other freelancers in your area you’ll be able to learn from their collective experience, as well as support others who are going through much of what you’re experiencing now.
Don’t Give Up On Finding Clients During This Time
The truth is that people want to work with freelancers who are pregnant; they want to support women who embrace their fertility and embrace motherhood so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
If someone says “no” because of your pregnancy status? That’s their loss! There are plenty of other potential clients out there who would love to hire someone like
Balancing work and family life can be a challenge, especially after having a baby. Explore the secrets to finding free time and maintaining productivity as a new parent. Discover valuable tips in The Secret to Free Time After You Have a Baby and make the most out of your freelancing career while enjoying quality time with your little one.
Final Thoughts
It wasn’t an easy ride but it was worth it. If you can work on your skills and find the right niche for you, freelancing is an incredible opportunity to carve out a career that gives you the freedom to manage both your life and career in one.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources and articles that provide further insights and information on balancing freelance work and having a baby:
NCT: Your Experiences: How to Balance Freelance Work and Having a Baby: Learn from the experiences of other freelancers who have successfully managed their freelance work while raising a baby. Gain practical tips and advice on finding balance.
The Open Notebook: What to Expect When You’re Expecting as a Freelancer: Discover what to expect during your pregnancy journey as a freelancer. This article discusses the unique challenges, considerations, and strategies for freelancers who are expecting.
Contently: Freelance Career While Pregnant: Explore how to navigate your freelance career while being pregnant. Gain insights into self-care, managing workload, and maintaining client relationships during this significant life transition.
People Also Ask
Can I Do Freelance Jobs While Pregnant?
Yes, you can! You just have to be careful not to overexert yourself. The most important thing is that you take breaks when needed so that your body can rest and recover from the stress of working.
What Kind Of Work Should I Not Do?
Anything that requires heavy lifting or repetitive movement like typing on a computer or phone, or moving furniture around in a large space. If you’re feeling tired or nauseous, it’s best to avoid these types of tasks as well.
How Do I Keep Myself Safe While Working At Home?
Make sure your workspace is clean and free of clutter so that nothing falls off your desk onto your feet or stomach if you accidentally bump into it (which could cause miscarriage).
Also, make sure there aren’t any sharp corners or edges protruding from the furniture where you sit/stand when typing; this could hurt your baby if they bump into them! And finally, make sure no sharp objects are lying around which might hurt them like pens/pencils/etc.
Will My Client Be Able To Tell That I’m Pregnant?
It depends on the type of work you’re doing, but generally no. Clients who are hiring a freelancer for a job will rarely ask about your personal life or how things are going with your family. They may ask if you have any questions about the project, but it’s unlikely they’ll ask about your personal life or health.
Is There Anything I Need To Know About Working As A Freelancer While Pregnant?
If you’re feeling ill at all, make sure to let your clients know ahead of time so that they can adjust their expectations accordingly and allow them to find someone else if needed. Also, be careful not to overwork yourself.
While many people feel more energized during their first trimester and pregnancy generally doesn’t limit physical strength until later in the third trimester, it’s still important not to overdo it!
How Did You Transition From Being A Full-Time Employee To Being A Freelancer?
I was just getting started in my career, and I took on more responsibilities at work than I could handle. After months of feeling stressed and exhausted, I decided to ask my boss if it would be possible for me to work from home one day per week. He agreed, and when he asked me how it went, I told him that it went great.
He suggested that we try it again, but this time in the office instead of at home. That’s how the transition started with just one day per week of working remotely. It only took a few weeks before he let me work remotely full-time.
How Can I Work As A Freelancer When I’m Pregnant?
Pregnant women should avoid working in environments that are too hot or cold, and they should take frequent breaks to rest and walk around. At the same time, they should make sure to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep.
If you’re able to do all of these things, there’s no reason why you can’t continue working as a freelancer while pregnant!
How Do I Get Clients As A Freelancer When I’m Pregnant?
There are two ways to get clients while pregnant; the first is by asking your friends and family members if they know anyone who needs help with their website. The second way is by reaching out directly to people who have hired freelancers before via sites like Upwork or Fiverr.
What Are Some Of The Challenges Of Freelancing While Pregnant?
Pregnancy can be a very stressful time, and if you’re not careful, it can also be very difficult to balance your work with your new responsibilities as a parent. The best thing you can do is find ways to stay organized and prioritize tasks.
Make sure that you have an open line of communication with clients, so you can let them know when something will be taking longer than usual. It’s also important to get enough rest and eat properly so that you’re able to focus on your work without feeling burnt out or exhausted.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Freelancing While Pregnant?
The pros are that you have more flexibility in your schedule, can take time off to be with your baby during their first year, and don’t have a boss telling you what to do or how to do it.
The cons are that it’s harder to find work at first (since most clients will be wary of hiring someone pregnant), and the long-term effects on your health may be unknown.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.