“Freelancing, Is It A Career Or Just A Part-Time “Hobby”

It’s not always easy to know when it’s the right time to make a career move. You may feel that you have no other choice but to keep on going, even though you’re bored with your job and wish there was more meaning in it. 

You may be scared of what others will think or how they’ll react if you were to make such a choice. But deep down inside, you long for change and growth, for something new and different that could give your life meaning again. 

If this sounds familiar then maybe it’s time for a change! And freelancing might just be the answer you’re looking for. So here are 15 signs that show that now might be the perfect time to quit your job and start freelancing:

How To Go FULL-TIME As A Freelancer (Finally)
Freelancing can be both a career and a part-time hobby, depending on individual preferences and goals.
Freelancing offers flexibility and independence, allowing individuals to choose their own projects and work hours.
For those seeking stability and consistent income, pursuing freelancing as a full-time career may be a better fit.
Freelancing can provide opportunities for skill development, networking, and personal growth.
Balancing freelancing with other commitments, such as a day job or personal responsibilities, requires effective time management and prioritization.

It’s The Right Time To Make Career Changes

If you feel like the career you are in is not a good fit, if it doesn’t fulfill you, or if it doesn’t allow you to grow and develop as an individual, then it’s time to make a change. There will never be a perfect time for this kind of change – do whatever makes sense for YOU!

If you’re ready for more freedom but aren’t quite sure how to go about it…here are some simple steps to help get started:

Freelancing is not just the future of work, it’s the present. Discover the advantages of this flexible career path and learn how to navigate the freelance world by checking out our article on Freelancing: Not the Future of Work, the Present.

Research What Other Careers Would Interest You

Make a list of all the skills and experience required for those careers (this will give you an idea of what type of training/education/experience would be necessary)

Determine where else besides school these skills can be learned from books/online courses/training etc.

  • You have many passions you don’t feel you can pursue in your current job.
  • Freelancing is a perfect way to pursue your passions and make money at the same time.
  • You can do freelance work from home, in a coffee shop, or wherever you feel most productive.
  • You can start your own business as a freelancer and create something new and different from what’s out there now.
  • If you’re not happy with what you’re doing in your current career, consider becoming a freelancer so that you can do something else that makes you happy.

You Want More Flexibility

Here’s the deal: working from home can be great, but it’s not for everyone. For example, if you have an office job and are used to having set hours and a fixed place of work, then freelancing might feel like a step down in terms of workplace flexibility. 

But if you’re thinking about going freelance because being tied down by an office sounds like torture well, we hear ya.

If you’ve been dreaming about working from home for years now (or even months), but haven’t yet pulled the trigger on quitting your job and starting up your own business…this may be your lucky day! We’ll talk more about how to start freelancing later in this article but first…

  • You want to bring your ideas to life.
  • You want to bring your ideas to life.
  • You want to make a difference.

The future of work is here, and freelancing is leading the way. Explore the changing landscape of employment and the rise of freelancing by reading our insightful post on The Future of Work Is Here, and Freelancing Leads the Pack.

You’re Passionate About What You Do, And It Shows In Your Work

I believe you can find fulfillment in freelancing as well as in a full-time job, but I also recognize that freelancers are more likely than salaried employees to have control over their careers and are therefore able to direct their paths into areas of personal interest or passion. 

If you’ve got skills that enable you to help companies improve their products and services and especially if those skills match up with what the company needs you’ll have an edge over other candidates for any position where such qualities are valued highly.

You Want To Control Your Career And Its Development

You want to be able to choose what you do and when you do it. You want the freedom to pick and choose your clients, your working hours and location, and even the title of your career.

This is not a pipe dream; freelancers are in control of their careers every day. They decide who they work with, when they work, and where they work even if they have an office or get emails at home on their couch while wearing pajamas!

You Are Eager To Learn New Skills

As a freelancer, you may find yourself learning new skills that help you find jobs, earn more money, and feel more confident in your job. For example, if you’re an accountant and want to make the switch over to graphic design work that’s a big change! 

But with hard work and dedication towards learning everything you need to know about graphic design, you can do it!

If this idea of learning new skills sounds interesting to you then freelancing might be right for you.

Your Work Isn’t Challenging Enough Anymore

So you’ve been freelancing for a while now, and you’re finally bored. What’s the problem? Well, it could be any of the following:

You’re not learning new things anymore. This will happen to everyone at some point or another, but if it happens to you consistently then something is wrong with your freelance career. It’s time to look for work elsewhere.

You are not getting the recognition you deserve. If people around you aren’t taking notice of your accomplishments or if they don’t seem particularly impressed by them (to put it nicely), this could be an indication that your talent isn’t being recognized in its true light. If this is happening frequently, consider changing careers!

You are not being challenged enough/at all! Sometimes freelancers can feel like they are no longer growing as professionals simply because their work isn’t challenging enough anymore; this can lead them down a path leading back toward full-time employment rather than working toward higher levels of achievement within their chosen field(s)

Curious about earning a living through freelancing? Find out how to get started and unlock the potential of freelance opportunities by visiting our comprehensive guide on Can You Earn a Living Freelancing? How to Get Started.

You Know That The Money You Earn Will Be Proportionate To The Effort You Put Into It

One of the great things about freelancing as a career is that you know exactly how much money you’re going to make. And not just in terms of how much you will earn per hour, but also how much effort it will take from each client.

Once you have a good idea of what service or product your client wants and how best to deliver it, all they need is some assurance that they can trust you with their project. This way they can be sure that when they give their money to hire someone, they won’t feel like they’ve been scammed (or worse).

You Need A Change Of Scenery

If you have a job that’s making you miserable, or if you’re just ready for a change, freelancing can be an attractive option.

You don’t like the people at your workplace: If the people around you are driving you crazy, then it might be time to find another job. But if they’re all nice and decent folk but the work itself is boring or uninspiring, then why not try your hand at freelancing?

Your current role has become mundane: Maybe one day while working on something else entirely, an idea came into your head that made everything else seem dull and lifeless in comparison. 

Or perhaps there’s something about the industry itself that appeals to you more than what it currently offers (e.g., small businesses rather than big corporations). 

Either way, taking some time off from whatever it is that pays most of your bills and spending some time doing things differently could give rise to some interesting opportunities down the road and who knows? It might even help spark some creativity (or inspiration) in other areas of life too!

Nothing Excites Or Inspires You Anymore At Work

If you’re not feeling inspired by your job anymore, it’s time to reevaluate. Not only should your work be a source of joy and fulfillment, but it should also be something that motivates and excites you.

When this happens, there are a few things that can happen:

  • You’ll start to feel stagnant in your career. Your job will become mundane, boring, and stale.
  • The people around you will notice that things aren’t as fun anymore – or maybe they’ve stopped being fun at all!
  • Instead of looking forward to going to work each day, the thought of stepping foot into those doors will fill you with dread and anxiety instead!

Work/Life Balance Is Important To You

It is important to note that freelancing is a career, not just a part-time hobby. The reason for this distinction is that when you are working as an employee, your employer will provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off. 

However, if you choose to go solo and work for yourself, then these benefits are up to you to provide for yourself. It’s also important to consider how much time each week or month will be devoted to your freelance business (vs personal commitments).

For the freelancing lifestyle to work out well for someone who values their free time and quality of life, they need incredibly strong communication skills with all involved parties (family members/friends/colleagues) so that everyone understands what each other’s needs are at any given moment in time.

Working with a freelance writing agency can provide numerous benefits and opportunities for growth. Discover the reasons why collaborating with professionals in the field is a smart move in our article on 14 Reasons You Need to Work with a Freelance Writing Agency.

A Job Doesn’t Define Who You Are

If you want to be a freelancer, that is awesome. If not, that’s also awesome. The truth is, your career is just one part of who you are and how the world sees you. If you’re a parent or spouse or friend or neighbor or whatever else outside of work, then all those other things define who you are too! 

You can’t forget that when defining yourself by what job title belongs on your business card (or if one even exists).

As an example: when I was working at my dream job as an editor at a prestigious magazine in New York City, some people thought I had it made because I was getting paid to write about travel and food for publications like Travel + Leisure and Food & Wine Magazine but I didn’t love everything about my job either. 

For example: being stuck in traffic every day made me feel like my life wasn’t my own; doing media appearances meant being far away from family; having so many deadlines made me feel anxious all the time; etcetera etcetera etcetera…

Everything Happens For A Reason; All Is For The Best

When you’re working for yourself, there are no set hours and no one to tell you what to do. You have to (and should) be in charge of your schedule. This can be terrifying at first, but it’s also freeing and rewarding once you get used to it. 

You can relax or work all day or night whatever works best for your personality type and energy levels.

I think one of the biggest mistakes people make when they start freelancing is thinking they won’t make enough money at first. 

Maybe they’re afraid because they haven’t been able to find a job out of college yet; maybe they’ve just always worked as an employee before. 

So getting used to being responsible for themselves seems too scary; maybe their parents were poor growing up so making more than minimum wage feels unrealistically good… whatever the reason may be, many people simply don’t believe that their work will pay off even though they know how talented they are!

It’s important not to blame yourself if something goes wrong during a project you might find out later on that there was another reason why it didn’t get finished (maybe someone else dropped out unexpectedly). 

If this happens often enough then maybe it would be smart for me just give up now since my clients aren’t happy with me after all these years? Don’t think about quitting just yet though: try communicating better next time instead! 

Ask questions about their expectations beforehand so there won’t be any surprises later down the road about what kind of content needs creating or how long it should take etcetera…

If Even One Of These Applies, Maybe It’s Time For A Change!

  • You have no stable job and you’re looking to make ends meet.
  • You want to try something new and different in your career path but aren’t ready to quit your job yet.

You are financially comfortable and can afford not to work full-time as long as there is enough money coming in from freelancing jobs every month/year depending on what works best with your budgeting needs at that moment (or if you prefer living off investments).

Your current situation doesn’t allow you an opportunity to advance in your field or learn new skills which will help set you apart from other people competing for the same opportunities such as promotions within a company or getting hired by another firm after gaining more experience under their wing (especially if they consider someone else more qualified than themselves).

Are you interested in understanding the intricacies of freelance salary and answering related questions? Look no further! Our article on Freelance Salary: All Related Questions Answered & Recommended provides valuable insights into freelance compensation and recommended practices.


So, if you’ve been feeling a little uninspired by your current role and are curious about freelancing, or even if you think it might just be time for a change we encourage you to give freelancing a try. You never know what might happen! And at the end of the day, your only real regret could be that you didn’t start freestyling sooner.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on the topic of freelancing:

Benefits of Freelancing: Explore the various advantages of pursuing a freelancing career, including flexibility, independence, and the potential for higher income.

How to Become a Freelancer: A Complete Guide: Discover a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about becoming a freelancer, from choosing your niche to finding clients and managing your business.

What is Freelancing?: Gain a clear understanding of what freelancing entails and the different aspects of this career path, including the pros and cons, skills required, and tips for success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Freelancing A Career Or Just A Part-Time “Hobby”?

I am getting paid to do what I love, so it is a career. It’s also something I can do on my terms, which is super important to me.

How Much Money Can You Make?

It depends! Some people make more than others, but if you’re good at what you do and you’re smart about managing your time and finances, then there are no limits. Whatever your goals are, there’s no reason why they can’t be reached if you work hard enough.

Do You Have Health Insurance? 

No, not unless I get it through my spouse or partner’s job. But that’s okay I’m young and healthy, so it doesn’t bother me too much right now. If something happens down the road when I need coverage for myself or someone else in my family then I’ll figure out how to deal with it then!

What Kind Of Experience Do I Need?

You don’t need any experience! We’ll teach you everything you need to know about the job so that you can get started right away.

Can I Work From Home?

Yes, but only if your home has internet access and you have all the necessary equipment for the job (computer, phone, etc.).

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