For many years, freelancing was considered taboo or even illegal in the United States. However, times have changed. According to Upwork and Freelancers Union’s annual “Freelancing in America” survey, more than 57 million Americans are freelancing.
This is an increase of 3.7 million since 2014. More than one-third of the American workforce is now freelancing!
This new wave of digital nomads has been met with both excitement and disdain; some experts question whether they are stealing jobs from others or creating their work and opportunities for growth.
However, many studies have shown that independent contractors aren’t taking jobs away from full-time employees – they are creating them!
Takeaways |
Freelancing contributes to job creation and economic growth. |
Embracing the gig economy can lead to more opportunities. |
Freelancers play a vital role in reshaping the job market. |
Emphasizing the positive impact of freelancing is essential. |
Understanding the value of freelancers enhances collaboration. |
Get Paid In Advance
While this is not a complete list of all the things you need to know about freelancing, these tips will help you get started.
One of the most important things to remember when freelancing is that you’re an independent contractor, not an employee. This means that you have more freedom to negotiate with clients and make decisions about your work.
You also have to take responsibility for taxes, insurance, and other expenses associated with starting your own business.
Are you unsure whether Upwork or Fiverr suits your freelancing needs? Finding the right platform can make or break your freelancing career. Our comprehensive comparison guide on Is Upwork or Fiverr Right for You? will help you make an informed decision.
Have A Contract For Every Project You Take On
A contract is one of the most important things you can have in your freelance business. It protects both you and your clients, so it’s worth making sure that your contracts are up-to-date and legally binding.
Most of us know that contracts are important for freelancers, but what about for clients?
A good contract will protect both parties from stumbling into legal trouble down the line, for example, if one of you doesn’t deliver on time or what was promised in the contract isn’t delivered at all. A good contract should include:
The details of the project itself; might include information like what kind of work will be done (copywriting or web design), who owns copyright over any material produced during this project, and where it can be used (on websites owned by either party), etc
When payment is due (and how often) as well as how much each payment should be. It’s also worth noting here whether there are any penalties if payments aren’t made on time because they’re usually written into these agreements too – usually interest charged at 10% per annum!
Don’t Pay For The Privilege Of Working
Many freelancers charge way too much for their services. In many cases, these freelancers take on projects that they wouldn’t normally do for a full-time salary because the client is willing to pay them more for their work.
This may seem like a good situation: you get paid extra money to do something that you enjoy doing, but it’s not helping anyone in the long run. While it might seem like an easy way to make extra cash in your spare time and skills are being used as desired by clients.
It doesn’t actually solve any problems or creates jobs in any meaningful way – instead, this kind of arrangement takes advantage of other people while making things worse for everyone involved.
This practice is just one example of how clients can take advantage of your willingness to work at higher rates than what’s fair or sustainable. If someone asks me if they should hire someone else who charges less than me (even if they’re not as qualified).
I tell them no; charging less doesn’t mean you’re getting paid less – even if another freelancer offers their service at half my price tag!
By charging less than what your work is worth or taking lower minimums per project, you’re essentially lowering wages across the board by devaluing all workers’ contributions equally – even though some jobs require more skill sets than others.
Generation Z is reshaping the future with their unique approach to life and work. Discover the intriguing traits and characteristics of this generation in our article, Generation Z: A Look Inside Yesterday’s Tomorrow, and understand how they are changing the world.
Know The Difference Between A Scam And A Bad Client
There are several ways to tell whether you’re dealing with a scammer. Here are some red flags that may indicate your client isn’t legit (or at least not worth spending any more time on):
- Their job description is vague or seems to change depending on the day
- They keep asking for more money after they’ve already paid you and it’s way over budget
- They are taking forever to pay you, despite their initial promise that they would do so right away
Networking Is Essential To Your Success
Networking is essential to your success. It helps you find jobs, and people who have the same interests as you and can help you with your career. If someone does something for free in return for you doing a favor for them later on, that’s called networking too!
It’s important to network with other freelancers because they’re the ones who will be hiring from time to time (if not all the time).
You don’t want to be left out when they’re looking for someone else on their team because hopefully by then you’ll already be an expert in what they do at least enough so that they feel comfortable working together.”
Protect Yourself From Copyright Infringement
Make sure you have a copyright license for any images you use.
Don’t use images without permission. You can check whether an image is copyrighted by searching Google’s cache of the website where it was posted;
If the image is there, that means it’s available online, and therefore no one has taken steps to keep it off the internet, so it isn’t copyrighted by anyone.
Don’t use images that you don’t own (if someone else owns them and they have been published somewhere online, they’re fair game).
If you want to create something original with an image (like combining two into one), make sure your final product contains enough creative elements from both sources to qualify as original work!
Don’t use images that are subject to copyright restrictions, for example, don’t take photos at a movie premiere or concert.
This kind of thing isn’t illegal per se but could get messy if someone decides they want compensation from its publication on social media platforms like Instagram;
This kind of thing happens all the time in cases involving celebrities/public figures who were caught doing embarrassing things during private moments at home or other places not intended for public consumption.
Curious about Upwork’s Connect feature and how it can enhance your freelancing opportunities? Get a comprehensive understanding of this feature and how it can benefit your freelancing career in our guide on Everything You Need to Know About Upwork’s Connect.
Don’t Fall In Love With Your Work
You’re a freelancer, and that means you have the freedom to choose your clients. It also means that you need to be careful about who you work with and how long you continue working with them.
To avoid burnout, it is important not to get too attached to one client or one project. If a client wants more from you than what they originally paid for, then it is time for some tough love: tell them no!
You are not an indentured servant; if someone doesn’t want your services anymore because they can’t afford them anymore, then it’s time for them to find someone else who will work for less money or free labor!
If this sounds harsh well then maybe it’s time for some self-reflection on your part! Are there other reasons why this particular client might want more from me? Am I being taken advantage of here?
Am I just afraid of losing my source income so soon after starting in freelance writing? Or am I just being lazy because I don’t want any extra work right now?”
Set Boundaries Between Work Times And Personal Times
You are a professional. You love your work and you’re good at it, so it’s easy to feel like you can’t get enough of it. But make sure that you have time reserved for yourself.
Set a routine and stick with it. It is essential that you set boundaries between your work times and personal times and don’t cross them!
Don’t check your email on the weekends or holidays: If possible, turn off all notifications from apps like Slack or Trello before heading out for the day. When these apps ping in your pocket, they disrupt what should be a relaxing break from work;
Even if there are no high-priority messages waiting for you, the buzz alone will make it hard to enjoy yourself fully when trying to relax off the clock. Keep business hours: In general, try not to work any later than 6 p.m., especially if there is another project due tomorrow morning.
Turn off notifications on your phone/tablet/computer: Once again this goes along with keeping distractions at bay (but now we’re talking about digital distractions).
A glance at Instagram here and there isn’t going to destroy anyone’s productivity (though some would argue otherwise). But why subject yourself unnecessarily while working?
Make Sure You Have Enough Work Lined Up
“Have enough work lined up” is one of the most important things to think about when you’re starting. It can be tempting to focus on securing just one job because it seems safer, but this isn’t how freelancing works.
The reality is that you’ll probably have a lot of downtimes if you don’t keep finding new clients and projects.
This is why it’s important to work on multiple projects at once: so that the next time a client flakes out on you, or your project doesn’t get approved by the editor, or whatever else happens you’ll still have other opportunities coming down the pipeline.
The gig economy is reshaping the traditional job landscape, and freelancers play a vital role in this transformation. Delve into the world of gig work and its impact on freelancers in our insightful article, Freelancers, What Can You Tell Us About the Gig Economy?.
Don’t Be Afraid To Say No Or Ask For Things You Need To Make A Project Succeed
Don’t be afraid to say no. You’re not going to get every project you bid for, and it’s okay if some clients aren’t the right fit for you. Saying no is how freelancers build their business and set their rates.
Don’t be afraid to ask for things you need to make a project succeed.
If your client wants a 5-page website but can only pay $50, ask them if they’re willing to pay $100 instead so that you can buy stock photography from iStockphoto, or so that you can spend more time on research before starting work on the project.
Don’t be afraid to negotiate. If a client offers an hourly rate that’s lower than what other clients have been paying me recently (or at all), I’ll say something like “I’d love this job but I’m not sure we’re talking money.”
This gives us room to move either up or down depending on what feels fair at the time of hiring which may change depending on how long our relationship goes without losing face or hurting my reputation as someone who always charges by the hour!
Find Ways To Solve Problems, Not Just Complain About Them
If you’re going to be a freelancer, you need to be able to solve problems. There’s no way around it. If you can’t find solutions and implement them, your business will fail.
And if you don’t come up with solutions, then nothing will change you’ll just complain about the same things over and over again until everyone’s sick of hearing it (including yourself).
So how do we solve problems? Well…
Don’t just complain about problems when they arise; look for solutions instead.
Don’t assume that there isn’t anything that can be done even when it seems like all hope is lost! Be open-minded about possible solutions and willing to try new approaches.
This can mean asking for help from others or trying something new on your own (like learning how to code). But at the end of the day, failure is simply another step toward success so don’t let fear hold you back!
Do What Works For You, Rather Than What Others Are Doing Or Telling You To Do
As a freelancer, there’s no one else who can tell you what to do. You’re the boss! That doesn’t mean, however, that you have to go it alone. There are tons of people out there who will be happy to help you with your business if asked.
And though it may be tempting to just follow the herd (or in this case: guide) and see how everyone else does things before making your own decisions, don’t let others tell you what’s best for your business make sure what works for them also works for you!
Make Sure You’re Paid Fairly And Competitively
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of freelancing and forget about what your time is worth. Before taking on a job, make sure you research what other people are charging for similar work.
If you find that someone else provides similar services at a much lower rate, don’t take it personally it’s just good business sense! Remember: if they can afford to pay less than you while still making a profit, then there’s no reason why your rates have to be identical either.
Learn How To Get The Most Out Of Social Media Without Letting It Take Over Your Life
Social media can be a great way to promote your work and connect with other freelancers. But it’s also easy to get distracted by the constant stream of photos, videos, and articles that come into your feed.
The key is to choose the right accounts and use them in moderation and learn how to avoid getting sucked into a vortex of endless procrastination.
Here’s how:
- Choose the right social networks for you and stick with them for at least 6 months at a time before trying something new (unless there’s an urgent reason).
- Check social media only when you have some downtime during lunch or after dinner so that it doesn’t interfere with your productivity.
- Download apps like StayFocusd or RescueTime that block distracting websites from your computer until certain times during the day.
Freelancing has revolutionized the way we approach work and employment. If you’re curious about the profound impact of freelancing on the modern work landscape, explore our article on What Freelancing Has Done to Work and gain valuable insights into this growing trend.
Learn How To Make Your Luck By Being Proactive Instead Of Reactive
The best way to prepare for the future is to be proactive, not reactive. If you have a goal in mind, it’s much easier to make your luck by thinking about what you want and taking steps toward making it happen instead of waiting around for things to change on their own.
For example, if you want to freelance full-time one day but are worried about how and when this will happen, start working on building your skills now so that when a good opportunity comes along (like landing an amazing client), you’re ready to take advantage of it!
In addition to making your luck by being proactive instead of reactive, consider these tips:
- Set achievable goals that are aligned with who YOU are and what YOU want from life (not just what others think).
- Break down big dreams into smaller ones that can be accomplished in real-time (and celebrate yourself after each victory!).
- Focus on the things that matter most at any given moment rather than worrying about “what ifs” or “maybes.”
Freelancing Is An Exciting Way To Make Money And Build A Career If You Know What You’re Doing
Freelancing is an exciting way to make money and build a career if you know what you’re doing.
The Internet has changed everything by giving access to more customers than ever, allowing people with great skills to find work that they love and then get paid for it. If you’re ready to leap into freelancing, here are some tips:
Make sure your skills are marketable before starting a new career. There’s no point in getting started in something that other people do better than you.
Or even as well as you do! Find out what kinds of jobs or projects would be available for someone who has these particular skillsets (s) before jumping into freelancing blindly
Do your research on where the demand is coming from and whether it’s worth pursuing at all.
There may be some great opportunities out there waiting for someone with your particular expertise (or lack thereof), but it could also mean taking on difficult clients who aren’t willing or able to pay their bills on time…
Or worse yet become too demanding over time because they’ve grown accustomed to having someone else take care of them when things go wrong instead of learning how things work so they can fix problems themselves next time around
Freelancing is one of the most exciting ways to make a living, and it doesn’t have to be as scary as it seems. As long as you can find a way to stand out from the crowd, get paid fairly for your work, and protect yourself from scams or unfair clients, you’ll be just fine.
Overall, freelance gigs are becoming more common among millennials looking for extra income on top of their full-time jobs and they’re also giving people with disabilities an opportunity to work remotely on their terms.
If you’re thinking about taking this path yourself, don’t worry: we have your back!
Further Reading
Why Freelancing Is a Smarter Option Than Traditional Employment Today: Discover the advantages of freelancing over traditional employment and why it’s a viable choice in today’s dynamic work environment.
Legal Issues with Freelance Work: Gain insights into the legal aspects of freelance work and how to navigate potential challenges to protect your rights and interests.
ChatGPT Will Not Steal Your Job – Here’s Why: Explore why ChatGPT, an AI language model, is not a threat to job security and can actually be a valuable tool for consultants.
Can freelancing provide better work-life balance?
Yes, freelancing offers more flexibility, allowing you to create a schedule that suits your lifestyle and enhances work-life balance.
Are there any legal risks associated with freelance work?
Freelancers may encounter legal challenges such as contract disputes or issues with intellectual property rights. It’s crucial to understand the legal aspects and protect yourself through well-drafted contracts.
How does freelancing impact income stability?
Freelancing income can vary, but with consistent clients and effective financial planning, freelancers can achieve a stable income stream.
Can artificial intelligence replace freelancers in certain industries?
While AI can automate certain tasks, it cannot replicate the creativity, problem-solving, and human touch that freelancers bring to their work.
How can freelancers stay competitive in their industry?
Freelancers can stay competitive by continuously improving their skills, staying up-to-date with industry trends, and delivering high-quality work to build a strong reputation.
What Is Freelancing?
Freelancing is the process of selling your skills and talents to a company or individual without the need to be employed by that company.
For example, if you’re a graphic designer and want to work with a company but do not have time to interview for a job, you can offer your services as a freelancer. The client can hire you on an ongoing basis or for one-time projects.
Are There Any Disadvantages To Being A Freelancer?
Yes! You will have more freedom as a freelancer, which may come as both a blessing and a curse depending on your situation and needs.
You will be responsible for finding clients, setting up contracts, tracking payments and taxes, protecting your intellectual property rights (IPRs), etc. If you are not an organized person who knows how to manage all of these responsibilities then it could get very messy very quickly!
What Is The Difference Between Freelancing And Working From Home?
Freelancing is a type of work that is done without a formal employer. It involves selling your time, skills, or services directly to clients. Working from home is when you do your job from the comfort of your own home instead of going into an office every day.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.