When you’re writing a legal argument, you have to follow specific rules and guidelines. You need to make sure that your argument is logical, clear, and easy for the judge to follow.
You must use evidence from the case, which can be done by referring back to documents filed with the court or oral arguments made during the trial.
But just because your argument is clear doesn’t mean that it will convince a judge; they want more than just facts! To win over any judge’s heart (or mind), here are ten tips for creating an effective legal argument:
Takeaways |
1. Structure your argument logically for a clear flow. |
2. Support your points with strong legal precedents. |
3. Use persuasive language to influence your reader. |
4. Anticipate counterarguments and address them effectively. |
5. Craft a concise summary that reinforces your main points |
Reading, Memorizing, And Analyzing The Law
STEP 1: Read The Law
To create a logical and effective legal argument, you’ll need to read the law. You cannot simply rely on your memory or what you think it says because many nuances can be easily overlooked.
STEP 2: Study The Law
You should study the law as often as possible so that you have a strong understanding of how it works. This will help you understand why certain things happen in court and will allow you to better predict what may happen next in any given situation.
STEP 3: Memorize The Law
After reading and studying the law, memorizing its most important parts will ensure that they remain fresh in your mind during an argumentative task when time is limited and pressure high.
If this seems like too much work (it’s not), just consider how beneficial it is when lawyers get asked questions about their cases on television shows like “The People’s Court” or “Judge Judy.” They always seem ready for whatever comes up!
Writing effective legal arguments requires attention to detail and precision. Learn how to write better contracts with our comprehensive guide for lawyers, and master the art of clear and concise legal communication.
Explaining The Facts To The Judge
The most important tip for explaining the facts to the judge is to use a clear, simple, and direct style. This means that you should keep your facts short and to the point.
Another way to do this is by using “you statements” rather than “he/she statements” when referring to your client or opposing party.
For example: Instead of saying “Mr. Smith was driving his car down Main Street when he suddenly lost control and crashed into another car, causing injuries to its driver” use instead “Mr. Smith lost control of his vehicle while driving on Main Street and crashed into another vehicle causing injuries to its driver.”
It’s easier for the reader (in this case, Judge Jones) if you are talking directly at them rather than talking around them in circles like an old-timey radio announcer!
Another great tip for explaining facts effectively is referencing names as often as possible; especially if those names are familiar ones like “Judge Jones” or “Mr. Smith.”
These references help break up what might otherwise be a boring string of words without meaning behind them (which can happen easily when discussing legal issues), making it easier for someone else to read what we’ve written later on down the road too!
Striking Emotional Chords With The Judge
When you argue a case, your goal is to win over the judge. You’re not just trying to convince them that your client is right; you need to help them understand why this case matters and why it should be decided in the favor of your client. That’s where the emotional appeal comes in.
When making an argument, use emotions as a way of invoking positive feelings about your client’s side of the argument and negative feelings about their opponent’s side of the argument.
This can be done by telling stories about how one party came into conflict with another party or how one party had a bad experience with someone else (real or imagined). By doing so, you give those emotions weight when they come up later on in oral arguments.
Incorporating the 12 elements of good legal writing can significantly enhance the impact of your legal arguments. These essential principles will guide you in presenting your case logically and persuasively.
Using Visual Aids To Convince A Judge
The last tip is to use visual aids when arguing your case. Visual aids help the judge understand the facts of your case and how they fit into a legal framework. They also help the judge understand your argument, which can sometimes be complicated by technical jargon and unfamiliar concepts.
Finally, visual aids allow judges to see how their decisions will impact real people and this helps them make better decisions overall!
Submitting Relevant Documents To Support Your Argument
When submitting documents to support your argument, the documents must be relevant and in the proper format. To make sure this happens, follow these tips:
Submit all documents well ahead of time. It’s a good idea to submit them well before you need them so that you can check them over and ensure they’re formatted correctly. You don’t want to be scrambling at the last minute for something that should have been submitted weeks ago!
Make sure your documents are relevant to the case at hand. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget when there are so many facts involved in legal discourse and most cases will involve more than one fact pattern!
Submitting Relevant Evidence To Support Your Argument
What kind of evidence should you submit? As a general rule, any documents that are relevant to your argument should be submitted. This includes:
Affidavits from experts in the field (for example, an affidavit from a doctor testifying about the nature of a patient’s injuries).
Any court documents that have already been filed by either party in the case (for example, depositions or answers to interrogatories).
A copy of any exhibits attached to your brief before filing it with the court (for example, pictures showing relevant conditions at a crime scene).
Crafting a convincing legal argument often involves producing a legal analysis memorandum that effectively conveys your reasoning. Discover how to structure your analysis to build a compelling case.
Using Your Judgment To Convince A Judge
You are the lawyer, and you are the expert.
The judge is not an expert in your field. The judge is not an expert in the law. The judge is not an expert on the facts of the case.
He or she probably won’t even know what a “field of expertise” means; they will just assume that all lawyers have their specialties and will be able to talk intelligently about those topics when called upon to do so during trial proceedings.
You needn’t worry about impressing him/her with your knowledge of any particular subject area (unless it directly pertains to his/her specific line of questioning); from now on, it’s up to YOU as a lawyer, not THEM to prove things by using good logic and reasonable arguments backed up by evidence from sources other than yourself!
Concluding Your Argument In Clear Language
You have a lot of information to convey. You want to make sure that your argument is clear, concise, and well thought out. As you come close to wrapping up your argument, make sure that you have covered all of the bases in a way that will be easy for the judge or jury to understand.
Make sure that you have stated all of your key points clearly and succinctly in the body of your essay before concluding it with an effective conclusion.
We recommend using an impersonal tone when writing conclusions so as not to sound preachy or too emotional; instead, focus on being persuasive by reiterating the main points of your argument while summarizing it at the same time.
Avoiding Extraneous Details Which May Weaken Your Argument
You should avoid extraneous details that do not materially affect the strength of your argument. In other words, if you can describe a particular fact without incorporating an unnecessary detail, then do so. You should also avoid rehashing information that has already been mentioned in the body of your paper.
However, if you have to include an extraneous detail or repeat previously stated information for your reader to fully understand what you mean by it, then go ahead and do so without hesitation.
For example: “Even though Sam had only been working at his job for three months when he was offered an opportunity to become a manager, most people would consider him qualified because he had received several promotions during his relatively short tenure with our company.”
Avoiding the top 15 most common legal writing mistakes is vital for presenting a strong legal argument. Explore these pitfalls to ensure your writing remains clear, concise, and impactful.
Writing Logically And Effectively By Sticking To The Facts Of The Case
There are many rules and principles of law, but the one that applies to every case is that there are two sides: your side and their side.
The facts of your client’s case are what makes them right or wrong, innocent or guilty. The same goes for your opponent’s client. You can argue many different things at once, but they all must be related to this central point:
The facts on which you base your argument must be true and provable in court by a witness who will testify under oath about those facts.
Achieving the look and sound of expert legal writing is a goal worth pursuing. Delve into our guide on expert legal writing to refine your skills and make your legal arguments more compelling and influential.
We hope that these tips have helped you to start writing a more logical and effective legal argument. Remember, the key is to stick to the facts of the case and avoid extraneous details which may weaken your argument. If you follow these ten tips then there’s no reason why your next argument should not be successful!
Further Reading
If you’re looking to further enhance your legal writing skills, here are some additional resources worth exploring:
16 Legal Writing Tips for Powerful and Persuasive Arguments: Discover comprehensive tips for crafting compelling legal arguments that effectively communicate your case’s strengths.
Legal Writing Tips: Explore valuable insights and techniques to improve your legal writing and effectively convey your arguments.
Mastering Legal Writing: Tips for Clear and Persuasive Communication: Learn how to master the art of clear and persuasive legal writing to create more impactful legal arguments.
How can I improve the persuasiveness of my legal arguments?
Enhance your legal arguments by utilizing techniques such as structuring your points logically, providing strong evidence, and anticipating counterarguments.
What role does clarity play in legal writing?
Clarity is crucial in legal writing to ensure that your arguments are easily understandable by both legal professionals and non-experts.
How do I avoid common mistakes in legal writing?
To avoid common mistakes, proofread your work carefully, ensure proper formatting, and pay attention to grammar and punctuation.
What are some effective ways to engage the reader in legal writing?
Engage the reader by using compelling case examples, relevant anecdotes, and concise language that maintains the reader’s interest.
How can I balance persuasive writing with objectivity in legal arguments?
While persuasive, your legal arguments should also remain objective. Present your points using well-reasoned analysis and supported evidence.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.