Do You Take A Cover Letter To An Interview? (Find Out)

When you think about preparing for a job interview, what do you focus on? What do you think about your resume and cover letter? Are you working on your elevator pitch or practicing common interview questions? 

Possibly all of these things are important. But did you know that there are also some less-obvious things to consider when getting ready for an interview? Here are seven tips that can help make sure your next meeting goes smoothly:

Do You Need A Cover Letter For An Interview?

If you wish to improve your chances of getting an interview, then a cover letter can be very helpful. A good cover letter is one that briefly explains why you are interested in the job and reminds the employer why they should hire you. It should also include any relevant skills or experiences that make you stand out from other applicants.

However, it’s not always necessary for candidates to send an application with a cover letter when applying for jobs online or via email. This is because most companies have automated systems that accept resumes and cover letters electronically so they don’t need either one to get a candidate’s resume into their active database. 

However, some companies still prefer receiving applications via postal mail (i.e., snail mail) where sending along both documents is required by policy or tradition so if this applies to your situation then yes: take along both documents!

What Should You Bring To A Job Interview?

The first thing you should bring to an interview is your resume. The second thing you should bring is your cover letter. The third thing you should bring is a portfolio of work that demonstrates the quality and value of what you can do for the company. 

You might also want to bring references if they’re going to be used in the hiring process, or if there’s been some confusion about what type of job or role you’re interviewing for (so that it doesn’t end up looking like an accident).

Some other things that could come in handy:

A copy of the job description or position posting

Any questions related to salary negotiation or benefits (if relevant)

A pen (just in case)

What Should I Bring To A Second Interview?

Bring a copy of your resume, a list of references, and any questions you’d like to ask the interviewer. Also, if there were any gaps in your employment history during the interview or on your resume, bring examples that demonstrate your skills.

Should You Take Notes To An Interview?

Taking notes can be a good way to remember the details of your interview. You’ll likely be asked questions about your qualifications, experience, and interests. 

It’s easy to forget answers that you discussed with a recruiter or hiring manager during the interview, so taking notes will help you recall these details later on. 

In addition, taking note of any important information about the company you are interviewing with helps determine if it would be a good fit for you and whether there are opportunities within that business that interest you.

It’s also important to take note of your interviewer(s) themselves how they dress, how they speak, and how they interact with each other will give clues as to who makes up their team and what type of company culture exists within this particular organization. 

Lastly but not least (I just added that word because I like alliteration), careful attention should be paid to body language during an interview; this includes eye contact between the interviewer(s) and candidate as well as non-verbal cues like smiling or frowning at appropriate times during the conversation

What Do I Put In An Interview Portfolio?

You can include portfolio samples in your interview portfolio, and these are the best ways to do this. You’ll want to make sure that you have a copy of all documents related to each sample so that you can easily pull them out during the interview. 

If you have work experience, it’s important to include your resume as part of your portfolio because employers will want to see it when deciding whether or not they want to hire you. 

Also, include any letters of recommendation from former employers or professors; these are vital for demonstrating how well people think about your work ethic, ability level, and communication skills.

Here’s What Goes Into An Interview Portfolio

Cover letter: A cover letter should be addressed specifically toward the person who will be interviewing you for an internship or job opening and should briefly explain why he/she should consider hiring YOU!

How Do You Present Yourself At An Interview?

The most important thing you can do is be on time! It’s not just about showing up on time for an interview. It’s also about being ready to go when you’re called in. You don’t want to be sitting around with your phone out, checking emails or social media while the interviewer is waiting for you.

It’s also important that you dress appropriately for an interview no matter what job it is! If this means wearing a suit and tie, so be it; if it means wearing a business casual outfit, that works too. 

For women, unless the job specifically requires formal wear (like law), more conservative business attire will suffice (a skirt suit with stockings and heels). Whatever your style preference is, make sure that someone else who knows what they’re doing has approved of how you look before heading into an interview.

Do And Don’ts At A Job Interview?

Make sure you are dressed professionally for the interview.

Arrive on time for your job interview, or even a few minutes early if possible.

Be friendly and respectful to everyone you meet during the process of applying for a job.

Prepare as much as possible before going into an interview: know what you want to say, how you will answer questions, and what qualifications you have that fit the position in question; be prepared with knowledge of the company and its products or services

Be prepared with examples from your past work experience that shows why they would benefit from hiring someone like yourself rather than someone else (i.e., why are YOU better than anyone else?).

Have confidence in yourself! It’s easy to get nervous at interviews but try not to let it show too much because then this could make things worse later on down the road if word gets out about how nervous it made them feel during their first few months working there 

Instead which is something no one wants happening so just relax & take deep breaths when needed during times like these so nothing bad happens later on down

What Is An Appropriate Gift To Bring To An Interview?

It is appropriate to bring a gift if you are invited to a second interview. You might want to bring a small token of your appreciation, such as candy or chocolate (but only if it’s not in cake form).

It’s also appropriate to bring a gift if you are invited to have dinner with the interviewer. It can be something small that shows you’ve done some research on their interests, like custom wine glasses or travel mugs with their favorite sports team logo on them.

If you’re invited for lunch with other interviewees, then it’s also appropriate for each person at the table to bring a gift that represents who they are and what makes them unique. 

For example, maybe one person will bring an embroidery kit so she can make personalized pillowcases or tea towels while they wait for their interviews; another person may make homemade breadsticks; another may bake her cookies (if these aren’t available at local bakeries).

Is It Ok To Bring Your Kid To An Interview?

When you are interviewing for a job, it is important to remember that your interviewer is there for one reason: to evaluate your suitability for the position. The interviewer has been tasked with making sure that the candidate will have the skills and experience required by his role, as well as understanding what kind of personality would fit in with his team.

This means that while some questions may be seemingly irrelevant, they could be asked because they help shed light on how you work with others or whether you’re even interested in working at all. 

Therefore, if you’re asked about whether or not your child will be attending the interview with you (and most likely they won’t), this could simply be an attempt at determining how much attention and focus he/she requires from their caregiver during a meeting.


It’s important to remember that most job interviews are less formal than you might expect them to be. While it may be tempting to bring extra items along with you just in case, keep in mind that your focus should be on the interview itself. If you do forget something or have any other questions about preparing for an interview, don’t hesitate to reach out!