Do You Start A Cover Letter With Dear Sir/Madam? 

I’m going to get started with this topic by giving you some background on the reason why we need cover letters in the first place. 

A cover letter is a document written by candidates applying for job positions, and it’s typically attached to their resumes when submitting them for consideration. 

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and your qualifications to an employer or recruiter, explain why you’re interested in working at their company, and persuade them that they should hire you over other applicants.

3.1 Opening dear Mr Mrs Ms Sir or Madam – YouTube
Using “Dear Sir/Madam” in a cover letter is generally discouraged, as it can come across as impersonal or outdated.
If possible, it’s best to address the hiring manager by name or use a more generic greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager.”
If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, try doing some research on the company website or LinkedIn.
Tailoring your cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for is important, so make sure to highlight how your skills and experience align with the position.
While the salutation is just one small part of a cover letter, it can set the tone for the rest of the document, so it’s important to put some thought into it.

Do You Start A Cover Letter With Dear Sir/Madam?

When it comes to writing a cover letter, the salutation is an important part of the first sentence. The salutation should be appropriate for your recipient.

Use a salutation that is appropriate for your recipient’s gender. If you don’t know their gender, use “dear” or “to whom it may concern.”

Use a salutation that is appropriate for their age and social status. For example, avoid addressing someone as “Dr.” if they are only in high school or college; instead, address them by their first name.

When you don’t know the hiring manager’s name, it’s important to avoid using generic salutations like ‘Dear Sir/Madam’. Instead, try to find out the name or use a more specific greeting. Check out our article on alternative ways to address a cover letter for some helpful tips.

A Cover Letter Should Be How Many Paragraphs?

A cover letter should be a paragraph or two, at most.

It’s tempting to want to go into detail about your qualifications and why you’d be the perfect fit for this job, but that’s not their problem they are hiring someone who can do that job. You don’t need to convince them; they’re expecting it from you. 

They just need proof that you have the skills and experience necessary for the position (which is why you should include those things in your cover letter).

Greeting For Cover Letter Without a Name?

If you don’t know the name of the person to whom you are writing, then it is perfectly acceptable to begin your cover letter with “Dear Sir/Madam” or even just “Dear Sir/Madam.” There are a few other options you can use as well, such as:

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Job Seeker

Dear Hiring Manager

However, in general, these are not very good ideas because they do not address the specific hiring manager by name. This can make it harder for them to remember who wrote their cover letter and why this particular candidate should be hired.

What Should A Cover Letter Include?

A cover letter is a very important piece of your job application, and it should be treated as such. In fact, in some cases, it can be more important than the resume itself because it allows you to express yourself in a way that may not be possible on your resume.

A well-written cover letter should include:

Your contact information

A greeting (e.g., Dear Ms. Smith)

An introduction to yourself and your qualifications for the position (e.g., “I am writing in response to your advertisement for an administrative assistant posted at [job website]”)

A description of how you would meet the employer’s needs and goals if hired (e.g., “I have over 10 years of experience working as an administrative assistant at Fortune 500 companies across multiple industries.”)

Your cover letter is a chance to show why you are the best candidate for the job. Be sure to explain why you are a good fit and highlight your relevant skills and experience. For more advice on crafting a compelling cover letter, check out our article on why you are a good fit.

Does An Address Go On the Top Left Or Right Of A Cover Letter?

Your address should go to the top left.

Do not use contact details.

Do not use ‘Dear’, ‘You’, or ‘Your’.

Do not use ‘we’.

What Is The Opening Line Of A Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction. It should be short and to the point. The opening paragraph should include a summary of your skills and experience, followed by a list of references. The second paragraph should elaborate on three to five key points that are relevant to your application or job description.

How Do I Title My Professional Email?

When you send a professional email, it’s important to make sure that you address the recipient properly. If you don’t know the person’s title or name, use these guidelines:

Use the recipient’s name if you know it. For example: “Dear John.” This is your safest bet unless there are several people with the same name in your company or organization, in which case it might be better to go by their job title instead of their name (see below).

Use their job title if they’re not named on your contact list and/or if they have multiple titles within one department that fall under different headings (i.e., director vs. associate director). 

For example: “Dear Associate Director Smith.” You can also skip this step entirely and just start with “Dear Sir/Madam” (if they’re not identified) or by including both names for example “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.”

How Do I Structure My Professional Resume Email?

First, you need to use the subject line for what it’s meant to be: a subject line.

Next, you want to introduce yourself in a friendly way. This can be done with “Hello” or even just your name if you’re feeling confident.

After that, choose who you’re addressing in the email and write their name out fully (e.g., Mr. John Smith). If there are multiple people in the address field on your computer screen, make sure they’re included in the salutation if you can’t figure out which one is more important than the others at first glance (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith”).

Now for some content! This is where things get tricky because sometimes people think that this part should be about them when all we care about here is what we can do for our potential employer/client etcetera.

So just get straight into talking about how awesomely qualified and eager to learn and behave like a “good person” and “smart person” they’ll find themselves working with once they hire us! 

It helps too if those adjectives don’t rhyme so much as just sound similar enough when spoken aloud together) Thanks again for having us over today; looking forward to seeing what happens next week )

Cover letters can help you stand out from other job applicants and showcase your skills and experience. To write an effective cover letter, it’s important to tailor it to the job you’re applying for and highlight your unique qualifications. For more advice on how to write a winning cover letter, check out our article on how cover letters can help.

How Do I Send My Resume Through Email Sample?

To send a resume through email, use the subject line to describe the job you’re applying for. Include your name in the body of your email, and then copy and paste your resume into an attachment. 

If you don’t know what job description to use, search for a job posting on their website or LinkedIn page and take down some information about it (e.g., where they say what they are looking for).

When sending resumes through email it is important that whatever keyword phrases are included in their advertising also appear in your letter or attachment. 

If there are no keywords mentioned in their post but there was a generic statement like “We need someone who can do [insert skill]” then include this phrase when describing how many times you have done something similar in past employment positions or projects you have worked on outside of work hours

How Do You End A Cover Letter With No Name?

When there is no person’s name in the company contact information, it can be tricky to end your letter. You do not want to use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.” These terms are outdated and will make you look like you are unsure of yourself and your abilities.

Instead, consider using one of these options:

Sincerely or Best regards (if you know that the person who will receive this letter is male)

Yours truly (if you know that the person who will receive this letter is female)

What Should I Put In The Subject Line Of My Resume Email?

Put the job title and the company name.

Put the name of the person you are sending it to.

If they have an assistant, then put their assistant’s name as well.

How Do You Start A Formal Email With An Unknown Person Without Being Rude?

Start with the person’s name and title.

State your name and title, if you have one.

Make it clear why you’re writing to them. If they’ve given a speech or written an article that would benefit from feedback, allow them to respond to your comment by starting with some sort of statement like “I was impressed by…” or “I wanted to congratulate you on…”

Be concise; don’t waffle! You don’t have time in an email (or in life) for unnecessary details that won’t add anything of value to the message itself. 

If something is important enough for inclusion, say so but make sure its place within your message makes sense. Remember: It’s not about how long a message is; it’s about what it says and how well said it is!

Try not to be rude; professional emails should always be polite! Don’t forget that email etiquette exists for good reason

It helps us maintain our professionalism at all times not just when we’re face-to-face with other people but also when communicating remotely via technology like email or text messaging platforms such as WhatsApp (which has become increasingly popular among younger generations lately).

A strong cover letter can make all the difference when it comes to landing your dream job. By highlighting your skills and experience and showing why you’re the best candidate for the job, you can stand out from the competition. Check out our article on how a cover letter can help you get your desired job for more tips and advice.

When Sending An E-Mail To Someone In Another Company, What Should Go On The Top Line?

In the subject line, put their name. Then, after a colon and space (:), put their company’s name. It’s very simple and makes it easy for them to know who you’re writing about.

What Does It Mean When Your Email Address Is Blocked For Spamming?

If your email is blocked for spamming, it’s likely because you’ve sent too many unsolicited emails to the same person. 

If you’re sending a lot of cold outreach emails to strangers (or even people who might not know and trust you), this is one way to tell if your email is going to the junk folder or directly into the trash can.

When an email address gets blocked, it can be hard to get back on their radar. The solution? Sincerely ask them how best to contact them again in your next message. This also helps you get off their spam list!

Are cover letters really necessary? The answer is yes, especially if you want to make a good impression on potential employers. A well-written cover letter can demonstrate your interest in the job, showcase your skills and experience, and help you stand out from other candidates. For more insight into the importance of cover letters, check out our article on why cover letters matter.


There are many ways to start your cover letter. However, if you want to be sure not to miss any key points or make any mistakes that could hurt your chances of getting hired for the job you’re applying for then it’s best practice is always going back over everything before submitting anything important like this one.

Take a look at some of the ways you can get started with the next one! Good luck!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on the topic of using “Dear Sir/Madam” in cover letters: This article provides advice on alternative ways to address a cover letter when you don’t know the hiring manager’s name.

Zety: This article offers tips on how to start a cover letter when you’re unsure of the recipient’s name.

Indeed: This article explores the pros and cons of using “Dear Sir/Madam” and offers suggestions for alternative greetings.


What are some other options for starting a cover letter besides “Dear Sir/Madam”?

Some alternatives to “Dear Sir/Madam” include addressing the hiring manager by name (if you can find it), using a generic greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager,” or simply omitting the salutation altogether.

Is it ever appropriate to use “Dear Sir/Madam”?

While it’s generally better to use a more specific greeting, there may be situations where “Dear Sir/Madam” is acceptable. For example, if you’re applying for a job in a foreign country where customs around greetings are different.

How important is the salutation in a cover letter?

While the salutation is just one small part of a cover letter, it can set the tone for the rest of the document. Using a specific and thoughtful greeting can help make a good first impression.

Should I always try to find the hiring manager’s name?

It’s a good idea to try to find the hiring manager’s name if possible, but if you can’t, it’s better to use a generic greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager” than to use “Dear Sir/Madam.”

Can I use the same cover letter for multiple job applications?

While you can use a basic template for your cover letter, it’s important to tailor each letter to the specific job you’re applying for. This means doing research on the company and the job requirements and highlighting how your skills and experience align with the position.