Do You Have To Go To School For Digital Marketing

This is a question that I get asked a lot, and my answer is always the same: it depends on who you are. You have to think about what kind of person you are and what your goals are for the future. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both sides so that you can make an informed decision about how to proceed with your career.

How To Become A Digital Marketer In 2023? – YouTube
1. Pursuing a traditional marketing degree is not the only path into the digital marketing field. There are alternative ways to gain skills and knowledge.
2. Online courses and certifications offer valuable opportunities to learn digital marketing and enhance your career prospects.
3. Practical experience, such as internships and personal projects, can be just as valuable as formal education when entering the industry.
4. Digital marketing skills are highly sought-after across various industries, making it a versatile and rewarding career choice.
5. Stay updated with the latest trends in digital marketing by engaging with industry blogs, webinars, and networking with other professionals.
6. Consider your specific interests and strengths to choose a suitable career path within the diverse field of digital marketing.
7. Continuous learning and adaptability are crucial for success in the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of digital marketing.
8. Building a strong personal brand and showcasing your expertise can help you stand out in the competitive digital marketing job market.
9. Collaborating with other digital marketing professionals and staying connected with industry communities can offer valuable insights and support.
10. Remember that passion and dedication to continuous improvement are key factors in becoming a successful digital marketing professional.

You Have To Have The Right Mindset

The first step to becoming a digital marketer is having a good mindset. You’re going to have to be willing to learn, work hard, put in the time, ask for help when you need it, and take risks. If any of those things scare you off from pursuing this career path then don’t fret! 

Digital marketing is definitely not for everyone but if the idea of learning how businesses monetize their websites or apps sounds exciting then read on!

To succeed as a digital marketer, one must keep an open mind and always be willing to try new things. 

It’s also important not only to know when something isn’t working but also how best practice improves upon it–and that requires keeping an open mind about what other companies are doing in order better yourself as well as your company overall.”

Pursuing a degree in digital marketing may not always be necessary. As highlighted in our article on Do You Need a Degree for Digital Marketing?, you can gain valuable insights and practical knowledge through other means like online courses and certifications.

For Some People, College Is The Right Environment

For some people, college is the right environment. It’s a great place to learn and network. But it can also be expensive not to mention it’s not for everyone.

For example, if you’re a self-motivated individual who learns best through independent study and hands-on experience, then a traditional higher education program may not be the best fit for you. 

It’s important to consider what goals you have for your career before deciding whether or not college is appropriate for your learning style.

Always Be Learning

As a digital marketer, you’re always learning. You can learn from books and online courses, sure but you can also learn by doing. 

It may seem like an obvious point to say that it’s important to keep your skills up-to-date in a rapidly changing field like digital marketing, but there’s more to it than that.

One thing I learned during my time as an employee at a big-name tech company (and later, when I became an independent consultant) is that my work experience was invaluable for honing my skills as a marketer and strategist. 

The knowledge I gained on the job gave me insight into how businesses should be organized for maximum efficiency and effectiveness ideas about how we could use technology to meet our goals more quickly than ever before.

And gave me some experience dealing with real clients who have real problems they need solving.

The second thing I learned was that nothing beats hands-on learning when it comes time for practical application: if you’re going to be great at something, practice makes perfect! So whether or not you decide school is right for you remember: always be learning!

Wondering if a digital marketing certificate is worth it? Our post on Do I Need a Digital Marketing Certificate? offers valuable advice and considerations to help you make an informed decision about investing in a certification program.

You Don’t Have To Go To College To Learn Skills

You don’t have to go to college to learn skills. You can take the same basic courses that people in traditional digital marketing programs are taking and save yourself tens of thousands of dollars.

The first thing you need to do is figure out what digital marketing skills you need. If you’re just starting.

This might be a longer process than you’d like because it requires becoming familiar with all the different areas of digital marketing (SEO, SEM, email marketing, etc.) and deciding which ones are relevant for your future career goals.

It’s also important that we talk about how hard it will be for someone who has no formal training in any area related to Digital Marketing like Maths etc…

College Is A Great Way To Figure Out What You Love

College is a great way to figure out what you love, what you are good at, and what you are not good at. 

If there’s something that seems like it might be fun but you’re worried about your grades or if it will look bad on your résumé.

Go for it! If there’s something that sounds like a good idea but doesn’t interest you in the least bit or even worse, something that makes your skin crawl just thinking about it doesn’t bother.

If you want to learn about digital marketing without going to college first (and I think this is possible), consider these three options:

  • Self-teach by reading books and watching videos online
  • Get hands-on experience by interning at a digital marketing company or agency
  • Learn from other people who are doing it every day

You Can Learn From People Who Have Been Doing It For A Long Time

You can learn from people who are doing it every day.

You can learn from people who have done it for a short time, or you can learn from those who are starting on the same path as you, don’t be afraid to ask questions if they’ve “been there” before and they may be able to tell you what they wish they’d known when they first started in their careers!

Get A Mentor

While it’s true that you can learn everything you need to know about digital marketing by reading books and taking online courses, there’s nothing like having an experienced mentor at your side. 

You’ll save time and money by learning from someone who has already made all the mistakes that you’re likely to make yourself. 

A good mentor will also be able to point out pitfalls before they become problems, as well as give advice on how best to navigate certain situations in the industry.

A mentor can help guide you through difficult tasks like creating a resume, preparing for interviews, and finding jobs all things that new graduates often struggle with when entering the real world after school. 

Mentors are great at answering questions about various aspects of digital marketing too: How much should I charge for my services? How do I secure a contract? What happens if something goes wrong? 

Mentors have been working in their fields for years; they’ve seen just about everything there is to see when it comes to business operations within this industry so there isn’t much they haven’t dealt with before (except maybe your particular situation).

Good news for aspiring digital marketers! You can secure a job in this field even without a traditional degree. Learn more about the possibilities in our article on Can I Get a Job in Digital Marketing Without a Degree? and discover the key factors that employers look for.

Take Courses Based On Your Skill Level

As someone who has been studying and practicing digital marketing for well over a decade, it’s easy to forget that not everyone has the same level of experience. 

As such, if you’re just starting in this field it can be hard to know where to start; which courses are relevant? Which are less so? And what should you expect from them?

Before we dive into how to choose the right course for your first steps into digital marketing, it’s worth reminding ourselves what exactly a “course” is in this context. We aren’t talking about university degrees here (although some people do choose them). 

Instead, we’re referring primarily to online classes or webinars which teach specific skills or concepts related directly or indirectly to digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Can Be Self-Taught

Is it possible to learn digital marketing on your own? The short answer is yes, and to help you get started, we’ve put together a list of some of the best options.

  • Online courses
  • Books

Courses & Certifications: If a full degree isn’t in the cards for you right now, consider taking a course or certification program that will allow you to gain real-world experience while still earning some recognition for your education efforts. 

Many smaller companies may even be willing to hire someone who has taken this route instead of an accredited degree program if they feel like it would benefit them more (this is especially true if they have fewer resources).4

Make Sure You Have A Place To Practice Your Skills

To develop your digital marketing skills, you need to have access to the right tools and people. You also need to practice your skills in the right environment, with access to the information you need and a mindset that will help you succeed.

Start With An Internship And Freelance Opportunities

Internships and freelance opportunities are great ways to get your foot in the door, but they don’t necessarily offer the same kind of hands-on experience that you get with a full-time job. Many digital marketing job listings require at least one year of experience.

It’s also important to remember that internships are competitive and they’re not always easy to come by. 

If you’re applying for an internship on your own or through a university program, make sure you have plenty of time before your deadline to write cover letters and showcase what makes you unique as a candidate for this position.

Are you curious about the most lucrative opportunities in the freelancing market? Explore our guide on what freelance jobs pay the highest hourly wages and find out how you can earn a competitive income while working independently.

College Isn’t Required, But It Does Help

College isn’t required to be a digital marketer, but it does help. College can help you figure out what you love and learn from other people who are doing it every day. 

You don’t need to go to college if you want to work in digital marketing, but having some sort of degree can give you more opportunities for career advancement.

If you’re looking for a job right out of high school or after college, perhaps consider interning at an agency or company that handles digital marketing campaigns.

So that they can see your skills firsthand and decide whether or not they want to hire someone with no experience (or with experience).

Understanding the legal aspects of digital marketing is essential for a successful career. Check out our post on What Are the Legal Requirements for Digital Marketing? to ensure your marketing efforts comply with the law and avoid potential pitfalls.


In the end, it’s up to you whether or not college is the right path for you. But don’t let anyone make that decision for you. 

You should always do what’s best for your own career goals and aspirations. If it means going to school, then go to school! 

And if not, then don’t let anyone tell you that education isn’t possible without a classroom setting – because it most certainly is!

Further Reading

How to Get a Digital Marketing Job Without a Marketing Degree: Explore alternative paths to enter the digital marketing industry without having a traditional marketing degree.

How to Get into Digital Marketing: Discover practical tips and strategies to break into the world of digital marketing and kickstart your career.

Is a Digital Marketing Degree Worth It?: Read about the value and relevance of pursuing a digital marketing degree and how it can impact your career prospects.


How can I enter the digital marketing field without a marketing degree?

While having a marketing degree can be beneficial, it’s not the only path into digital marketing. Consider acquiring digital marketing skills through online courses, certifications, or gaining experience through internships and self-directed projects.

What are some essential skills needed for a career in digital marketing?

Key skills for digital marketing include proficiency in social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content creation, data analytics, and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing digital trends.

Are there specific industries that value digital marketing expertise?

Digital marketing expertise is valued across various industries, including e-commerce, technology, healthcare, finance, and entertainment. Virtually every business can benefit from digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience.

How can I stay updated with the latest digital marketing trends?

Stay informed by following industry blogs, attending webinars and conferences, and subscribing to newsletters from reputable sources. Engage with digital marketing communities to exchange knowledge and insights.

What are some common career paths in digital marketing?

Digital marketing offers diverse career paths such as social media manager, content marketer, SEO specialist, digital advertising manager, email marketing specialist, and data analyst. Choose a path that aligns with your interests and strengths.