Do I Need A Cover Letter For DACA Renewal?

You may have been wondering when will the Daca renewal application be open. Or perhaps you have already submitted your renewal form and are wondering if it has been accepted yet by the USCIS. If you are looking for answers to these questions, then read on to find out more about the process of renewing your DACA status.

How to Complete a DACA Renewal | Application Deep Dive
Key Takeaways
A well-crafted cover letter can make a significant difference in a job application.
Adding a cover letter can increase your chances of getting hired.
Understanding whether a cover letter is necessary for a specific job or company is important.
There are many resources available to help you create a strong cover letter for DACA renewal.
Your DACA renewal cover letter should be personalized and highlight your unique qualities and experiences.

Do I Need A Cover Letter For DACA Renewal?

Not only is a cover letter required, but you need to tailor it to the specific job for which you’re applying. If your resume doesn’t include the necessary qualifications for that position, it can be easy for an employer to overlook your application. The cover letter allows you to present your skills and qualifications in a direct way that quickly gets their attention.

A good cover letter will let them know how excited you are about the job opportunity and explain why they should hire you over other applicants. 

It’s important not only because of its usefulness in helping us get noticed (which is especially true when many qualified candidates are applying) but also because it allows employers an insight into who we are as people outside our resumes or job applications.”

A well-crafted cover letter can make a significant difference in a job application. As stated in our article on the importance of cover letters, a cover letter can showcase your personality and convey your interest in the position, ultimately setting you apart from other applicants.

What Makes A Good Cover Letter For DACA?

  • Cover letters can be very effective in getting an employer’s attention.
  • Your cover letter should be concise and to the point.
  • Your cover letter should be well-written and grammatically correct.

You can use a simple phrase like “I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement for [position title]. I believe that my qualifications would make me an excellent candidate for this position,” or something similar. To make sure you are addressing these issues effectively, you must write your cover letter in the first person (using “I”). 

It’s also important that you use a formal tone when writing your cover letter keeping business formalities at all times will show professionalism while still allowing yourself room for creativity and personality!

Can I Submit My DACA Application Early?

The short answer is yes. You can submit your DACA renewal application as early as 120 days before your current work permit expires. You can even submit it 90 days before expiration or 60 days before expiration, but those times would be pushing it.

The long answer is that you don’t have to worry too much about submitting your renewal application too early because when you apply for DACA renewal, you must also request a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD). 

The EAD card should arrive within two weeks after USCIS approves your DREAM Act renewal request and will last for two years from the date of issuance.

If you want to renew early, simply follow these steps:

Can I Still Apply For DACA If My Work Permit Expired In August?

Yes, you can still apply for Daca if your work permit expired in August. If this is the case for you, then we encourage you to try your best to renew your work permit by applying as soon as possible. 

However, if that is not possible or a viable option in your situation, then we encourage you to submit a renewal request through the mail instead of online or over the phone. 

The reason why it’s important to use the mail rather than another method is that it allows us more time to carefully review all documents before making any decisions about whether or not an applicant will be granted deferred action status under Daca 2020 criteria (“DACA 4”).

While submitting a resume is important, adding a cover letter can increase your chances of getting hired. Learn more about whether you need a cover letter with your resume in our article on resume and cover letter submissions.

Where Do I Send My DACA Renewal Application?

To apply for renewal, you’ll need to mail your application and supporting documents to the correct address. Your letter should be sent via certified mail so that you can track its progress from start to finish. 

Include a cover letter (just like the one we discussed above) that explains why you think you should be allowed to renew and what evidence supports your claim. You should also include all of the required documents in your package:

Proof of identity, such as a copy of a driver’s license or passport with a photo

Documents showing DACA statuses, such as an I-797C Notice of Action form and proof of employment (if applicable)

Evidence of good moral character (such as letters from friends or family members who know you well), if applicable

Any other documents requested by USCIS, such as passport photos

How Much Does It Cost To Renew DACA?

The fee for DACA renewal is $495. You can pay the fee in installments over time. For example, you can pay $495 at the beginning and then another installment of $495 later on. You also have the option to apply for a fee waiver if you are low-income or if you are a victim of a crime.

If you choose not to pay your fees in installments, USCIS will accept payment by check or money order sent with your application package or online through their website using Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit cards (which usually carry an additional fee). 

If paying by check or money order, make it payable to U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services with “Form I-821D” written in the memo portion of your check or money order so that USCIS knows what amount should be applied toward each form/application included within your package when it arrives at their office.

What Do You Need To Renew Your Work Permit?

To renew your work permit, you must:

  • Have an employment authorization document (work permit).
  • Have a valid Social Security Number (SSN).

Complete the renewal form. This form is only available online or from one of the offices listed on our website. You’ll need to print it out and bring it with you when you go to an office for an interview. 

If possible, make copies for multiple family members who may be applying at the same time as well as for yourself if you plan to submit additional documents later on in the process.

Job seekers often wonder whether every job application requires a cover letter. Our article on whether all jobs require a cover letter can help answer this question and provide insight into when a cover letter is necessary.

Do You Get A Paper Work Permit When You First Get One?

When your DACA status is extended, you will receive a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card to replace the one that has expired. You’ll need this card or receipt notice when you apply for a new D-2/D-2S Travel Document. The expiration date on your EAD card or receipt notice will be listed as “Valid Until” and will say “Expires” after it.

What Is The Current Processing Time For DACA Applications?

The current processing time for DACA applications is 18-24 months. This length of time is expected to decrease as the government ramps up resources and processes some of the backlogged cases that have built up over many years. 

The administrative and legal delays are caused by a combination of factors, including:

  • The number of people filing applications at any given time or place
  • The availability of staff to process applications
  • The location where you file your application (some offices take longer than others)

When applying to a specific company, it’s important to know whether a cover letter is necessary. Check out our article on whether you need a cover letter for Google to learn about the company’s hiring process and how a cover letter can make a difference.

What Is The Latest Update On DACA Renewal Applications?

There is no need to worry about whether your DACA application will be processed or not. The USCIS has already started processing renewal applications for those who are eligible. 

However, it is important to note that the applications are being processed in the order they were received and so there might be a delay in processing if you have applied shortly before others. On the other hand, if you apply early enough then there won’t be any problem with your application being approved quickly.

How Long Does It Take To Process A DACA Renewal Application?

The processing time for a DACA renewal application can vary depending on several factors, including:

Your country of origin – applications from certain countries are given priority. If you’re unsure of your country of origin, you can check by submitting an inquiry with USCIS.

The state that you live in-many states has longer processing times than others because they have more applicants than other states do. For example, California has far more applicants than Texas does because it is closer to Mexico and has a large Mexican-American population. 

In addition to location, the size and workload of local offices also impact how long your application will take to process.

Your criminal history – if you are convicted or arrested for any crimes within five years before applying for relief under DACA (including traffic offenses) then this could delay your application processing time as well as increase the likelihood that it will be denied or revoked due to fraud concerns

A well-written cover letter can help applicants stand out and increase their chances of getting the job they want. Our article on how a cover letter can help you get your desired job provides tips on how to create a compelling cover letter and impress hiring managers.


The Daca renewal is a long and troublesome process. However, you mustn’t get too stressed about it because if you do, the chances are that your application could be refused or delayed. Remember that applying for Daca renewal can take up to 6 months from start to finish and during this time many things can go wrong or delay your application. 

The most common mistakes made when applying for Daca renewal include not having all the required documents with them at their interview with immigration officials or simply forgetting some important information such as proof of address etcetera when submitting their application form online.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you with your cover letter for DACA renewal:

Sample Cover Letter for DACA Renewal: This resource provides a sample cover letter that can be used as a guide for writing your own.

How to Set Up Your DACA Application Cover Letter: This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create an effective cover letter for DACA renewal.

DACA Renewal Cover Letter Template: This resource provides a fillable cover letter template that can be used for DACA renewal.


What should I include in my DACA renewal cover letter?

Your DACA renewal cover letter should include your personal information, such as your name, address, and phone number. You should also explain why you are seeking DACA renewal, provide any additional information about yourself that you believe is relevant, and express your appreciation for the opportunity to renew your DACA status.

How long should my DACA renewal cover letter be?

Your DACA renewal cover letter should be no longer than one page.

Should I include any additional documentation with my DACA renewal cover letter?

You do not need to include any additional documentation with your DACA renewal cover letter. However, if you have any new supporting documentation to include with your application, you should include it in your renewal packet.

Can I use a template to create my DACA renewal cover letter?

Yes, you can use a template to create your DACA renewal cover letter. However, be sure to personalize the template to your specific situation and include any information that is relevant to your case.

How can I make my DACA renewal cover letter stand out?

To make your DACA renewal cover letter stand out, you should focus on highlighting your unique qualities and experiences. You can also express your passion for your field of work or study, and explain how DACA has helped you achieve your goals. Finally, make sure to proofread your cover letter for errors and clarity.