If you’re planning to send cold emails, the first thing you need to do is write a good “bait title.” This can be the most difficult part of crafting an effective cold email, but it’s also the most important.
In this article, I’ll show you how to write effective bait titles and give some examples of ones that worked well for me (and others).
Takeaways |
1. Utilize a compelling bait title to increase open rates and engagement in cold emails. |
2. The subject line is crucial for capturing recipients’ interest and enticing them to read further. |
3. Craft a bait title that promises value, curiosity, or a solution to recipients’ pain points. |
4. A well-crafted bait title can set the tone for the rest of the email and encourage recipients to take action. |
5. Experiment with different bait titles to determine what resonates best with your target audience. |
Use A Good Bait Title
A bait title is a headline for your email that is relevant to the topic, audience, offer, and purpose. To be more precise:
The title should be relevant to the topic you are writing about. If you are emailing a person about their product and want them to buy it from you.
Then mentioning something about how great their product is in your subject line could be very effective in getting them interested in reading your message.
The title must also be relevant to the [target] audience that will receive it; often this means using keywords.
Or phrases that will make sense when read by those who have already been exposed to some of these terms before (for example “buy my book” might not be as effective at attracting readers as “how much money do I need?”).
The offer should match up with whatever action has been taken by readers so far – this could mean offering free shipping on orders over 500 dollars etc.,
But if there has been no previous interaction between reader/seller then simply stating that “we have something special here…” probably won’t get anyone excited enough to open up an email just yet!
Are your cold emails not getting the response you desire? Enhance your outreach with our Cold Email Templates That Convert for higher engagement and conversion rates.
Explain What Other Customers Are Doing In Your Pitch
A great way to get the recipient’s attention is to explain what other customers, partners, and influencers are doing with your product.
Don’t be afraid to use a personal story. If you were able to solve a problem or achieve something through your product, there’s no reason why you can’t share how it happened!
Don’t be afraid to use a testimonial: If you have any happy customers (or even just people who used your product), ask them permission first and then quote them in your email.
Don’t be afraid to use a case study: If multiple businesses have told you that they’ve seen success using your product or service, it might make sense for you to mention their names as well and provide links for further reading on their successes.
Don’t be afraid of quoting customers directly: Include quotes from recent customers when possible so that people can hear from actual users of what works best before buying into yours.*
Make It Easy For Your Recipient To Get In Touch With You
If you want your email to be read and responded to, make it as easy for your recipient to get in touch with you.
You should include your full contact information (combined email address, phone number, and mailing address) at the top of the email.
This way if someone wants to get back in touch with you right away, they can simply copy/paste just that one line into their browser or smartphone and send a quick message.
It’s also helpful if they have links to all of your social media profiles (Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn), so that if they want more information about your organization or project quickly and easily from a variety of sources they can find them all on one page!
Ready to take your cold email outreach to the next level? Dive into our comprehensive guide, The Ultimate Guide to Cold E-Mail Outreach, and learn the strategies that can propel your campaigns to success.
Ask For Permission To Add Them To Your Email List
When you’re ready to send your email, ask for permission to add them to your email list. This is a great way of building trust with the person reading the message and will allow you to send them offers and updates in the future.
It’s also good practice to give people an option of opting out. This should be in the first paragraph or so of your email, as opposed to deep in a long message full of offers and product descriptions.
Include A Link To A Helpful Blog Post Or Infographic
If you’re sending out an email that talks about something specific, like the advantages of using video marketing for lead generation and how it can increase your ROI, then include a link to a blog post or infographic that is related to your topic.
This way the recipient will see that you aren’t just trying to sell them something but are offering them valuable information as well.
Include A Link To A Relevant Video On Youtube
Including links within emails is also useful as it gives readers another option on how they want to consume the content at their own pace (if they even choose to consume it at all). If your email is about why video marketing is beneficial for businesses today.
Then you should include some links in there where people can find more information about this subject by watching videos on YouTube or reading articles on other websites about what makes video so effective for business owners today!
Tell Customers How They Can Get Started With Your Offer Right Away
When you’re trying to get people to respond to your cold email, you must tell them how they can get started right away.
Tell them what steps they need to take and what resources are available for them. For example: “To start working with our software today, all we need from you is a credit card.”
Struggling to compose compelling cold emails? Take advantage of our 13 Cold Email Templates You Can Use Today to make a lasting impression on your recipients and drive meaningful interactions.
Keep It Short And Snappy
Although you want to make sure your email gets opened, don’t go overboard with the length of your email. The shorter it is, the more likely it will be read.
That’s because people have a tendency to skim through their emails while they’re busy doing other things like opening the door or walking down the street (unless they are on their phone).
A good rule of thumb is to keep your introduction paragraph at around 100 words or fewer if possible.
To help keep things tight, try using bullet points instead of full sentences whenever possible and use short sentences wherever possible as well (even when writing about yourself).
If possible, write in short paragraphs with short ideas in each one so that anyone skimming through can easily get an idea of what you’re trying to say before deciding whether or not they want to continue reading further down into more detail.
Whatever topic it may be which interests them most at this moment in time – whether this happens before or after reading any other content from another source from outside sources as well such as articles online written by others who happen
Offer More Value Than You Ask For In Return
Always offer more value than you ask for in return.
This is where you get to reap the rewards of all your hard work. You’ve done the research, you’ve found your target audience and now it’s time to make that first contact.
Asking for a sale right away can be off-putting, so try asking them something like: “What are some questions you have about [your product]?”
This will give them an opportunity to tell you what they’re thinking or where their pain points are while also providing some insight into what they might need help with down the road.
If they respond well and seem genuinely interested in learning more about what your business has to offer, then go ahead with the pitch! Offer up a free trial or discount code (if applicable) as an incentive for signing up now instead of later.
If a discount isn’t feasible for some reason (maybe because there’s a limited amount available), then consider giving away another resource like an ebook or consultation session instead.
Put The Most Important Information Up Top
What’s the most important information you want to get across? Put it in the first paragraph. What’s the second most important?
The second paragraph. And so on. If certain things can’t be delayed until later, then make sure to label them as such: “In addition to X and Y, here’s an important point about Z.”
It may seem strange for someone looking at your email (or advertisement) who doesn’t know any better to read only one line before deciding whether or not they’re interested in what you’re selling (or if they want more information).
But by making sure that there is no ambiguity about what you’re offering or why it might be useful for them.
You can create a much more streamlined experience that sends people into reading mode instead of skimming mode which will increase the chances of them being receptive when they do start reading!
Curious how to turn cold emails into fruitful connections? Discover how I cracked the code in How I Leverage Cold Email to Get Real Fruit in the Basket, and gather insights that can reshape your outreach approach.
Test, Test, Test Until You Get Results You Like
Once you have a healthy list of potential email subject lines, it’s time to test. Testing is the most important part of your campaign and should be done with purpose. Test in a controlled environment and use tools like Google Analytics to track your results.
Test different headlines, images, content, and call to action buttons on every email that goes out. You may see that one headline works better than another or one image will increase clickthroughs more than another;
These are some of the things you can learn from testing different variations of each piece of your email marketing campaign.
Email deliverability is also something that can be tested by using an external service (like Litmus) who will send out emails for you at different intervals so you can see what happens when the campaigns start going live instead of having them sit dormant in draft form forever!
Write A Synopsis First, Then Fill In The Details Later
As you know, writing a good cold email is like writing any other kind of story. You need to think about what happens at the beginning, middle, and end.
In the same vein, once you’ve written your hook (a.k.a., bait title), it’s time to start fleshing out your story with details. But don’t get ahead of yourself! Instead, write down these details as they come to mind while working on the outline for your cold email first:
Ready to craft a strategic cold email marketing campaign that delivers results? Our 17 Tips for Creating a Strategic Cold Email Marketing Campaign will equip you with the knowledge and tactics you need for a successful campaign.
It’s important to consider what your “bait title” will be before you begin drafting your first email. This is the first thing a reader will see when they open your email and can be used to draw them in or convince them to give you their attention.
We like using just a few sentences as our bait titles, such as: “Here’s how our company helps small businesses succeed.”
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to enhance your cold email strategies:
Writing Effective Cold Emails: A Six-Step Tutorial Learn the step-by-step process to craft cold emails that yield results.
Best Cold Email Tips to Boost Your Outreach Explore proven tips to elevate your cold email outreach game.
Mastering Cold Email Subject Lines for Sales Success Discover the art of crafting attention-grabbing subject lines for cold emails.
How can I improve the effectiveness of my cold emails?
Enhance your cold email strategy by following expert advice and using proven templates.
What are some key tips for successful cold emailing?
Explore valuable insights and tips shared by experienced professionals to improve your cold emailing efforts.
What role does the subject line play in cold email success?
The subject line is a critical element in capturing recipients’ attention and increasing the likelihood of your email being opened.
Are there any comprehensive tutorials on writing impactful cold emails?
Yes, there are tutorials available that guide you through the process of writing compelling and effective cold emails.
How can I make my cold emails stand out from the crowd?
Learn strategies to differentiate your cold emails, engage recipients, and create a positive impression that drives responses.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.