Ah, hiring. The act of bringing new people into your company and convincing them to join your team for the long haul. It’s usually a stressful process filled with anticipation, anxiety, and excitement.
But it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategies in place, you can hire top-tier digital marketers who will be eager to work at your company for years to come or at least until you run out of doughnuts in the break room fridge.
In this post, we’ll show you how to avoid making these common mistakes and help ensure that you make great hires every time!
Takeaways |
1. Avoiding common hiring mistakes in digital marketing is essential for business success. |
2. Thoroughly researching and vetting digital marketing candidates or agencies is crucial. |
3. Clarify your business goals and objectives before hiring a digital marketing partner. |
4. Assess the expertise and track record of potential digital marketing collaborators. |
5. Establish clear communication and expectations to ensure a successful partnership. |
6. Stay informed about industry trends and best practices to make informed decisions. |
7. Regularly evaluate and adjust your digital marketing strategies for optimal results. |
8. Seek recommendations and references to validate the credibility of potential partners. |
9. Understand the specific needs of your business and target audience to tailor strategies. |
10. Avoid rushing the hiring process and take time to find the right digital marketing fit. |
1. Not Setting A Clear Plan And Strategy
You’ve probably heard the saying, “strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.” In other words, you can’t make progress without knowing what your goal is and how you’re going to get there. The same principle applies when it comes to hiring digital marketers:
You have no idea if a candidate will be a good fit for your company unless you have first defined what success looks like for this position.
You need to set clear expectations from the beginning by creating a job description that explains what exactly makes this role unique and outlines specific responsibilities (and perhaps even measurable results) within those responsibilities.
This is key because it allows candidates who apply for jobs at your company or even just people who browse through resumes online to understand which skill sets are most relevant for each position.
So they can decide whether or not they’re interested in applying at all based on their strengths/weaknesses before ever speaking with recruiters or hiring managers directly!
Understanding the potential pitfalls in B2C marketing is crucial for success. Explore our guide on The Biggest B2C Marketing Mistakes and discover how to navigate and avoid these common challenges.
2. Hiring The Wrong People
Hiring the wrong people can cost you a lot of money.
It may be tempting to hire someone quickly, but doing so can cause your company to lose customers and potentially even money.
Let’s say you hired an SEO specialist who was supposed to drive sales through search engine optimization, but instead, he started buying links from black hat companies and generating spammy comments on blogs and forums.
This could cost your brand thousands of dollars in lost traffic due to Google’s algorithm updates over time, which means fewer visits from customers looking for your products or services!
3. Hiring Too Many People
When you hire people to do digital marketing, you mustn’t hire too many. A large team can be a problem in several ways.
First, it’s difficult to manage a large team. If you have too many people working on one project, there may be confusion about who does what and when tasks need to get done.
In addition, more employees mean more time spent managing them not just in the day-to-day running of things but also in keeping up with their work and providing feedback and direction.
This means that not only do you need to invest extra time into supervising your team (which takes away from other things), but they also won’t have as much time for themselves or any projects outside of their job responsibilities.
That makes it harder for them to produce high-quality work, which means less satisfied customers or clients who aren’t getting what they want out of their marketing efforts;
This can result in lower revenues down the line as well as bad press around how well or poorly your business is doing overall because some customers will decide not even try using services provided by companies whose reputation has been damaged due largely thanks).
B2B marketers have developed certain tactics that can be applied creatively in various scenarios. Learn about the 16 Dirty Tricks that can become powerful assets in your marketing arsenal, whether in B2B or other contexts.
4. Ignoring Your Company Culture
Do you know your company culture?
If the answer is no, then it’s time to start paying attention. According to a study by the Hay Group, only 39% of employees are engaged in their work and only 16% feel their employer understands them.
That’s not surprising when you consider that most people spend more time at work than they do with family or friends and about 25% of our waking hours are spent at work.
So why does it matter if you have a strong company culture? It’s simple: A bad culture will lead to low employee engagement (and thus poor productivity), which leads to high turnover rates and higher costs for training new hires.
A good company culture, on the other hand, can boost employee morale while increasing retention rates all while improving overall productivity at the same time!
5. Not Looking At The Organization As A Whole
You should take time to understand the organization as a whole, including its mission statement and values. You should also look at the company’s culture and history. This will help you find candidates who fit the company’s culture and vision.
Finally, you should make sure that your candidate can get along with others in your team.
Look at how they interact with their current colleagues and what they say about them on social media or in previous job interviews – is there anything negative? You want someone who will be able to work well with others on your team!
6. Failing To Build A-Team
Building a good team is the single most important part of building a successful digital marketing team. You need people who are diverse in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity but also experience.
As you’re hiring your first few people for your digital marketing agency or career in digital marketing:
Hire individuals that have a wide range of experience from different industries. This will help you understand how other industries operate and use that knowledge to build better strategies for them than they could have otherwise come up with themselves.
Look for diversity among teammates not only gender-wise but also race/ethnicity-wise—to ensure that everyone has an equal voice at the table when discussing new ideas and initiatives within their respective departments (e.g., Sales vs Marketing).
Maximizing the potential of B2C marketing requires finesse and customer trust. Discover strategies in our article on Making the Most Out of B2C Marketing that empower you to build brand loyalty and engagement without compromising customer confidence.
7. Not Having Enough Background Information On Candidates
When you’re looking for a digital marketer, it’s important to have background information on all candidates. Make sure that this information is detailed, organized, and easy to find and read.
This means that you should ask for their LinkedIn profile (or other social media profile), and resume (if they have one).
Alist of projects they’ve worked on recently in case you want more details about the skills they can offer your company, and any other relevant work experience or education details.
8. Focusing Too Much On Experience And Resume Watching
It’s important to look at a digital marketer’s experience, but that’s not the only thing you should be considering. You also need to look at what they’ve accomplished and how they’ve done it. The best way to do this is by asking good questions and then listening carefully for the answers.
When you interview a candidate for a digital marketing position, avoid just asking about their previous jobs and responsibilities. Instead ask open-ended questions like:
- What was your biggest challenge? How did you overcome it?
- Tell me about an idea that didn’t work out as planned – how did this affect your team or project goals?
- If I were working on an important new project right now, what would my first step be?
9. Neglecting To Ask The Right Questions
When you’re interviewing a candidate, it’s important to ask questions that reveal the right information. You want to get a sense of how they approach problems and what they think about different aspects of their job.
It can also help you determine whether or not the candidate is going to be a good fit for your company culture. Here are some questions you should consider asking:
How would you describe key elements of your work? This question allows candidates to tell you about their responsibilities and projects in detail and provides valuable insight into whether or not they know what’s expected from them in this position.
If they struggle with this question or give vague answers, that might indicate that there are gaps in their knowledge base and if no one has given them any guidance thus far, then it could mean that they’re not particularly motivated or engaged at work either!
What do people say when they talk about your work? This question reveals what kind of reputation candidates have among colleagues or clients;
If someone always receives high praise from others (and doesn’t mention any negative feedback), then chances are pretty good that person is well-known throughout whatever industry he/she works within…
Scaling your marketing efforts while maintaining quality results is a challenge. Our insights on The Secret Formula for Driving Marketing Results at Scale provide you with the blueprint for expanding your impact without sacrificing effectiveness.
10. You’re Not Using Social Media To Find Candidates
If you’re not using social media to find candidates, you’re missing out. Social media is a great place to find active digital marketers who are interested in the position.
You can use social media as an initial screen by looking for people that are active on these networks with relevant skills and experience.
You’ll also be able to see whether they enjoy writing and interacting online. If they have a blog or write articles, this is another sign they will be good at content marketing because they have experience writing copy and communicating with customers online.
11. You’re Not Using SEO To Attract Candidates
You’re not using SEO to attract candidates
We live in an increasingly digital world, and it is time for recruiters to embrace that fact. One of the best ways to attract qualified candidates is through organic search engine optimization (SEO).
According to a survey conducted by Google and Adobe last year, 83% of adults search online for jobs before applying. If you do not take advantage of this opportunity, you may be missing out on some great talent!
The benefits of using SEO when attracting candidates include:
Building your company’s reputation – Your website should be easily found by job seekers so they can learn more about your culture and opportunities at your company. Search engines will rank higher quality pages higher in their results.
This means that potential employees are more likely to see your site first when they conduct searches related to your business or industry.
As a result, they are more likely to pick up on positive reviews from others who have worked here before deciding whether.
Or not it would be worth applying themselves (especially if those reviews come from people who had similar backgrounds/experiences or other factors like location).
Attracting customers – If people cannot find what they’re looking for then there’s no reason why anyone would buy anything from us either!
This makes sense because customer acquisition cost has increased significantly over recent years as brands compete harder than ever before for consumer attention amidst rapid changes across channels like social media platforms.”
12. Your Website Is Not Mobile-Friendly
If you’re not making sure your website is mobile-friendly, the odds are that you’re losing out on candidates who are applying for your positions via their phones.
Does this mean that every single one of them has a smartphone? No, of course not but it does mean that an increasing number of people do have smartphones.
In fact, according to Statista‘s data on global internet usage by device type (as seen below), 60% of all web browsing takes place on mobile devices now! This includes tablets and laptops as well as phones.
13. Your Job Description Is Boring And Uninspiring
Your job description is your first impression. It will attract or repel candidates, so it’s important to make sure you have a clear description of the job you are hiring for.
First and foremost, your job description should be clear, concise, and easy to read. This means no clichés (“We’re looking for someone who can hit the ground running”).
No industry jargon that only insiders will understand (“You’ll need some experience with content management systems like Drupal and Joomla).
And no buzzwords that make your company sound just like every other company (“You’ll be working closely with our clients and partners to help build their brands online”).
Your goal is not just to write something people want to read; instead, your goal should be writing something people want their friends or colleagues at other companies to read so they know how awesomely cool it is at yours!
14. You Only Look At A Candidate’s Top Results In Google Search
Don’t just look at the first page of Google results. It’s important to consider all pages of the candidate’s website, as well as their social media profiles and resume.
A candidate’s portfolio is also a great place to find out more about them, and their blog can be an excellent source of information on their experience with digital marketing strategies.
If you’re looking for candidates who have already done some work in the field, take the time to watch some videos or read through some blog posts written by them.
Social media channels are also very valuable when looking for candidates who are active online and if your job post includes requirements like “active Twitter account” or “strong LinkedIn presence,” make sure those platforms aren’t overlooked during your screening process.
Finally, don’t forget about email! It may seem like old-fashioned communication now due to its lack of visual cues (like Facebook profile photos).
But emails can still tell you a lot about someone’s personality if you pay attention—particularly how organized they are with their inboxes!
15. You’re Not Listing The Name Of The Company Contact And How To Contact Them
Are you making mistakes when hiring digital marketers?
If the answer is yes, then I’d love to help! I believe that every company can be a great place to work. And that means being intentional about hiring the right people and creating a culture where employees feel valued, supported, challenged, and inspired.
The most important thing for any candidate is knowing exactly how you want them to apply for the position so they can submit their resume or portfolio.
To clarify these details in your job post: how do candidates contact you? Where should they send their information? What are the next steps for an applicant who gets an interview?
Small and medium businesses often need specialized expertise to excel in marketing. Explore the reasons in our article on Why Small and Medium Businesses Should Hire B2B Marketing Agencies to understand the advantages of collaborating with experts to achieve remarkable growth.
16. You Don’t Outline The Work Culture You’re Looking For
When you are hiring a new employee, one of the first things you should do is outline what type of company culture you are looking for.
The reason for this is that it can be very hard to find someone who fits all of your criteria if you don’t know exactly what those criteria are. A bad fit can result in low employee morale, high turnover rates, and even lawsuits against a company.
Here are some tips on how to get started:
Describe the culture you’re looking for: What is the company culture like? What are its values? What are its goals? What is its mission? What is its structure? How big is it?
If these things aren’t outlined in an employee handbook or other official document then maybe they haven’t been considered as much as they should have been because every decision made by management will affect these factors too so make sure there isn’t anything missing!
17. You Don’t Include Your Full Address
This is a mistake a lot of people make, but it can hurt you. Include your full, correct address on all your job postings and applications.
For example, if the business is located in Boston, the address should be “Boston Massachusetts” instead of just “Boston” or “MA” (which may be interpreted as Massachusetts).
Also, include a phone number and email address for both job seekers and employers in case there are any issues with submitting an application or contacting you about potential opportunities with your company.
It’s also important to include information about benefits offered to employees this includes things like health insurance coverage and vacation days/sick days off per year as well as information about employment opportunities available at the company itself: who works there now?
What positions do they hold? And what other jobs could someone apply for within the organization?
18. You Don’t Describe Your Company And Its Culture
You should be able to describe the company and its culture in a way that makes you sound like a good fit for every candidate.
This is an important part of making sure they’re excited about what they could accomplish at your company, and it shows that you’re excited about them joining your team.
If the position is at a small startup or a fast-growing business with less than 20 employees, then this information may come up in the interview process.
You should also include it on your career page or website if there isn’t an opportunity for candidates to meet with you before applying or interviewing.
19. You Don’t Define The Position And Its Responsibilities Clearly
A job description is a clear definition of the position, its responsibilities, and the required skills and experience. When you define all of this upfront, it helps reduce confusion on both sides of the hiring process.
A good job description should have:
- A title that clearly defines what type of role you’re filling (such as “Content Writer” or “Search Marketing Specialist”).
- A detailed list of responsibilities for every day at work. These are things like writing blog posts or managing social media accounts the actual tasks someone will perform most often during their workday when hired for this particular position.
- A salary range and benefits package so candidates know what they can expect from your company if they take a job with you.
20. You Don’t Specify A Salary Range Or Benefits Offered
When you don’t specify a salary range, you could be missing out on some great talent who would have been willing to take the job if they knew it was within their budget.
Additionally, if you do decide to offer benefits and certain ones are more important than others (e.g., health insurance is more important than dental).
Then state what those benefits are in your job posting so candidates know what they’re getting into when accepting this position.
As we’ve seen, not all digital marketers are created equal. If you follow the tips in this article, you’ll be able to find the right person for your job and avoid making some of the most common mistakes that companies make when hiring digital marketers.
Further Reading
Explore these additional resources to enhance your understanding of common mistakes in hiring and implementing digital marketing strategies:
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Digital Marketing Company: Learn about the typical pitfalls businesses encounter when choosing a digital marketing partner and how to steer clear of them.
10 Mistakes People Make When Starting a Digital Marketing: Discover insights into the initial errors many entrepreneurs make when launching their digital marketing efforts and how to establish a strong foundation.
14 Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: Delve into a comprehensive guide on 14 common digital marketing mistakes and their solutions to help you optimize your strategies.
What are the key mistakes to avoid when hiring a digital marketing company?
Hiring a digital marketing company involves avoiding mistakes such as not clarifying goals, neglecting to check references, and not assessing the company’s expertise in relevant areas.
How can I prevent mistakes when starting a digital marketing campaign?
To prevent mistakes when starting a digital marketing campaign, ensure you have a clear strategy, define your target audience, choose the right channels, create quality content, and regularly analyze your results.
What are some common errors in digital marketing that businesses make?
Businesses often make mistakes like ignoring mobile optimization, neglecting social media engagement, not measuring key performance indicators (KPIs), overlooking user experience, and failing to adapt to changing algorithms.
How can I avoid errors in content marketing for better results?
To avoid content marketing errors, focus on providing value to your audience, conducting thorough research, using a consistent brand voice, optimizing for SEO, and leveraging various content formats.
What steps can I take to prevent digital marketing mistakes and achieve success?
To prevent digital marketing mistakes and achieve success, prioritize continuous learning, stay updated on industry trends, test and iterate your strategies, analyze data for insights, and remain open to adapting to evolving digital landscapes.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.