A Guide To The Best Neuromarketing Tools For Digital Marketers

Have you ever bought a product you didn’t need, purely because it was the first thing that popped up in your Facebook timeline? Or perhaps you’ve walked into a department store and found yourself drawn to products with bold colors. 

This is all down to one thing: the power of neuromarketing. But what is neuromarketing? And how can digital marketers use this technique to improve their results?

To get started, we’ll explain what neuromarketing is and how it’s used in marketing campaigns around the world. From there, we’ll look at some of the most popular neuromarketing tools available today and explain how each one works. 

Finally, we’ll wrap everything up by discussing how digital marketers can use these tools to make their next campaign more effective than ever before!

Neuromarketing & The Psychology Of Digital Marketing
Key Takeaways
Explore a curated list of top neuromarketing tools.
Learn how these tools can enhance digital marketing.
Gain insights into leveraging neuroscience in marketing.
Discover tools for understanding consumer behavior.
Access resources to improve persuasion techniques.

1. FaceReader

FaceReader is a facial expression analysis tool that analyzes the expressions and emotions of participants or users. It can be used in marketing to understand how people react to advertisements, or it can be used in surveys to understand how people feel about a product.

FaceReader uses data from the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) which was developed by Dr. Paul Ekman at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center back in 1978. 

This system allows researchers to categorize facial movements into more than 500 different actions, ranging from blinking to smiling and frowning. 

These actions correspond with each emotion that humans experience: happiness, surprise, fear, and disgust are just some examples of what FACS has identified as common emotional responses displayed through the face.

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TIPI stands for (Targeted Individuals Profiling Instrument), and it is a tool that allows you to create a 3D avatar of your target audience based on their facial features and expressions. 

The tool uses artificial intelligence to analyze the data it collects from each user and then generates a profile with information about their personality traits, needs, and desires, as well as how they react to different stimuli.

The TIPI software can be used by marketers who want to know how people feel about certain products or brands before making decisions about content strategy so that they can create more effective advertisements in the future. 

This is especially important since emotions have been shown time after time again to have an impact on purchasing decisions regardless of whether you’re buying something online or offline!

Incorporating subtle neuromarketing techniques can significantly boost sales. Discover 17 Subtle Yet Powerful Ways to Use Neuromarketing to Increase Sales and learn how to apply these strategies effectively.

3. Realeyes

Realeyes is a neuromarketing tool that uses eye tracking to measure engagement and attention. It works by placing a small sensor on the back of your laptop screen or mobile device, then using cameras to track your eye movements. 

This allows you to better understand how users respond to different types of content, including images and text, as well as ads and websites. Realeyes can also provide data on how long users spend looking at specific parts of the page or ad (i.e., what they’re interested in).

Realeyes has been used by brands like Microsoft, Samsung, and Unilever; agencies like McCann London, Havas Group UK & Ireland; Digitas LBi Dublin/London/New York City

4. The Eye Tribe

The Eye Tribe is a Danish company that makes eye tracking software and hardware.

The Eye Tribe was founded in 2013 by two former students at the IT University of Copenhagen, who developed the world’s first mobile eye tracker for smartphones. 

Since then, they have made their way into several companies such as Google and Facebook to help them understand user behavior across their platforms.

It has offices in both Copenhagen and San Francisco with over 50 employees on its team.

5. Emotiv Insight

Emotiv Insight is a headset that measures brain activity through electroencephalography (EEG). It can also be used to track eye movement, gaze direction, and facial expressions. 

The headset contains dry sensors which measure brain activity non-invasively by placing electrodes on the scalp, just like an EEG would do.

The Emotiv Insight is great for research and development purposes as it does not require wet contact with the head; instead, it uses dry sensor technology to pick up electrical signals from your cortex through the skull. 

This allows you to monitor and analyze your subjects’ emotions without having them put their hands in gel or wear a headband.

Crafting persuasive marketing copy requires understanding the principles of neuroscience. Learn how to Use Neuroscience to Write More Persuasive, Engaging Marketing Copy to engage your audience on a deeper level.

6. Tobii Pro Glasses 2

Tobii Pro Glasses 2 is a device that allows you to take eye-tracking data from any computer, laptop, or tablet. It works by using a camera that sits on top of the screen, which tracks the user’s eye movements and records their gaze patterns. 

Using this technology, you can follow how your audience looks at different content on your website and better understand what makes them tick.

Another tool in this category is NeuroLens, which tracks a user’s emotional state and then recommends content based on that state (for example, if they are bored). 

This type of technology could be very useful to digital marketers because it helps make sure they are delivering the right type of content at any given moment in time.

7. NeuroLens

NeuroLens is a wearable headset that allows you to see the world through the eyes of your customers. It is designed to enhance the user’s visual experience by providing a new way of seeing the world. 

It uses augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to create a new way of seeing the world.

8. Irisys People Counter And Heatmap Software

Irisys People Counter and Heatmap Software allow you to count people in real-time and build a heatmap of your audience. 

It uses infrared sensors and cameras to measure the number of people passing through an area, and it can also be used to count cars, which makes it ideal for measuring foot traffic at events such as festivals or concerts.

Counting people is just one way that this tool can be used, though: it can also be used to determine how many attendees are waiting in line at an event, or even how many people are gathered in one room. 

You could use this information to decide if it would be worth your time and money to host another event there later on down the road!

The Irisys software allows you to see a visual map of where all these people were located when they were counted and whether or not any areas are under-utilized (maybe someone could stand up front?). 

This data will help businesses figure out where their customers spend most of their time when visiting different locations around town so that they know where the best place things.

Like restrooms near entrances/exits since many potential customers may not even think about needing them until after being inside longer than expected due to long lines elsewhere within store walls before getting inside.”

Familiarizing yourself with core neuromarketing principles is essential for successful campaigns. Get insights from 12 Neuromarketing Principles Every Marketer Should Be Familiar With to enhance your marketing strategies.

9. SMI RED250 Mobile Eye Tracker

The SMI RED250 Mobile Eye Tracker is a high-performance mobile eye tracking platform that is designed for use in a variety of applications, including market research, clinical studies, virtual reality, and entertainment applications.

The SMI RED250 incorporates the latest generation of high-sensitivity waveguide technology with a compact form factor and integrated battery for portability.

10. Affectiva Automotive AI (Q) SDK

Affectiva Automotive AI (Q) SDK is a tool that allows you to collect real-time data about how your customers are feeling by using sophisticated computer vision and machine learning algorithms. 

This can help you understand what makes them tick, what they like, and how best to make them feel good about buying from you.

In other words, this tool makes it easy for marketers to capture emotions in a way that’s easy for their brand managers or head of marketing to understand. 

It also makes it easier for companies who already have existing data sets on hand (like customer surveys) to find out more about why people feel the way they do about something—or don’t feel anything at all!

11. Electroencephalography (EEG) Caps And Wet Sensors

EEG caps are most commonly used in neuromarketing research. These caps use wires to measure brain activity by placing electrodes on the scalp. Wet sensors are more portable, but less accurate than EEG caps. 

They’re worn like a swim cap and can be used to monitor brain waves in real time while you’re doing something active or watching a video.

12. Eye Tracking Glasses – X2 Binocular Eye Tracker

X2 Binocular Eye Tracker

The x2 binocular eye tracker is a compact, lightweight, and easy-to-use eye tracker. It can be used with a laptop, tablet, or smartphone and it’s designed to be light and comfortable. 

The x2 binocular eye tracker uses high-resolution infrared cameras that record data on the pupil movements of your participants’ eyes in real time. 

This allows you to collect accurate data on where their attention is drawn when they look at certain parts of your website or app.

13. Cambridge Neurotechnology Ltd – Biosemi Activetwo System And Actiview Software

The Cambridge Neurotechnology Ltd – BioSemi ActiveTwo System and ActiView software is a great choice for the digital marketer who wants to conduct neuromarketing studies. 

The device allows you to capture EEG signals, which are related to brain activity, and then analyze them using the ActiView software. 

With this product, you can gather data from both adults and children as well as find out how they feel about a given product or service based on their brain waves.

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14. Mindlogr – Biometric Wearable And Software For Market Research Data Collection, Analysis, And Visualization

Mindlogr is a biometric wearable and software for market research data collection, analysis, and visualization that allows researchers to record biosignals from participants. 

It’s a new tool for market researchers to collect data from participants in the form of biosignals, eye tracking, and facial coding.

The Mindlogr platform provides access to all of the collected information through an online dashboard that allows for real-time monitoring during sessions or after completion (the latter in case you want to go back later on). 

The platform tracks each participant’s responses throughout their session on different screens/sites across various devices in this way, it can be used as a full-fledged omnichannel solution.


We hope you have found this article useful. We know that there are many more tools out there, but we tried to include all the best ones on our list. 

If you are looking for more information about neuromarketing or just want to get started, feel free to contact us! We’d be happy if we could help in any way with your research and development efforts.

Further Reading

Neuromarketing Research Techniques and Tools: Explore advanced research methods and tools used in the field of neuromarketing to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior.

Effective Neuromarketing Strategies for Marketers: Learn practical strategies that marketers can implement to leverage neuromarketing principles for more impactful campaigns.

A Non-Scientist’s Guide to a Neuromarketing Toolkit: Delve into a comprehensive guide on neuromarketing tools and techniques, designed to be accessible to non-experts in the field.

Now, let’s create the “FAQs” section based on the semantic of the titles:


How can I apply neuromarketing research techniques in my campaigns?

Neuromarketing Research Techniques and Tools provides insights into how to effectively utilize neuromarketing research methods to understand consumer behavior and tailor marketing efforts accordingly.

What are some practical neuromarketing strategies for marketers?

Discover Effective Neuromarketing Strategies for Marketers to learn actionable tactics that marketers can employ to tap into the power of neuromarketing and enhance the impact of their campaigns.

Can I benefit from neuromarketing even if I’m not a scientist?

A Non-Scientist’s Guide to a Neuromarketing Toolkit offers accessible information on neuromarketing tools and techniques, making it easy for non-experts to understand and apply these principles in their marketing endeavors.

How can I use neuromarketing to improve my marketing outcomes?

Explore Neuromarketing Research Techniques and Tools for insights into using advanced research methods to uncover valuable insights about consumer behavior and drive better marketing results.

Are there proven neuromarketing strategies that can boost my marketing efforts?

Effective Neuromarketing Strategies for Marketers presents practical strategies backed by neuromarketing principles that marketers can employ to optimize their campaigns and achieve more significant outcomes.