9 Tips For Finding The Right Grant For You

If you’re looking for funding to help your nonprofit grow, it might be tempting to just start applying for grants. But the truth is that there are so many grantors out there, and so many grants available, that you need a strategy to find the right one. 

Grant seekers with the best chances of success have an idea before they start looking at specific opportunities about what their organization needs funding for and what kind of grant would work best for their situation.

How to Find Grants and Focus on the Right Pursuits – YouTube
1. Understand Your Goals and Needs
2. Research Funding Opportunities
3. Narrow Down Your Focus
4. Check Eligibility Criteria Carefully
5. Tailor Your Proposals
6. Network and Build Relationships
7. Seek Professional Advice if Needed
8. Keep Track of Deadlines
9. Stay Persistent and Patient

1. Choose Carefully

Choosing a grant is a lot like choosing the right college or career. You’ll want to consider all of your options, and then pick the one that best fits your situation. 

Consider what you’re good at, what kind of lifestyle you have, and how much money you can afford to spend on something like this. Here are some things to think about:

  • Does this grant match my skills and interests? If not, it may not be worth pursuing.
  • Is there enough time in my schedule for me to fulfill all of its requirements? If not, I might need another option or maybe even two! 

It’s always better to have more than one opportunity if possible because who knows when something might come along during which this will become useful information.”

Seeking additional funding through grant writing can greatly benefit nonprofit organizations. Explore our insightful tips for getting more grant money with effective nonprofit proposal writing strategies to enhance your grant application success.

2. Always Write A Grant Writer

Even if you don’t think it’s necessary, a good grant writer will help you through the process by making sure your application is as professional and polished as possible. 

You can also save money in the long term by having one person do all of your grant writing, rather than having to pay someone else to write each application individually.

Know where to find one. There are many different places where you can find a good grant writer, including social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter; 

Job search engines; or word-of-mouth recommendations from friends or colleagues who’ve used their services before (and had success).

3. Look For More Than One Grant

You should apply for several grants at the same time. This will give you a better chance of getting funding, and it also helps ensure that you are applying for the right grant in the first place. 

You can also use an online bidding platform if you want to keep track of multiple applications at once.

Before applying, make sure that your project or organization matches what each grant requires. The best way to do this is by doing some research on each one before submitting an application (or multiple applications). 

For example, if your business plans on opening up a new store location, check out how much money other similar businesses were able to raise from similar grants to better understand what type of funding goal makes sense for yours!

Creative non-fiction offers a unique way to share compelling stories. Learn how to craft engaging narratives with our valuable tips for writing creative non-fiction books and articles that captivate readers and convey meaningful messages.

4. Do Your Research Using The Internet And Other Resources

A good place to start is by using the internet to research prospective grants. Many grant-makers have their own websites, and these are a great place to start your search. 

Once you’ve found one or two that look promising, you can use their websites to learn more about how they operate and what types of applicants they’re looking for. 

You can also use the internet in general as a resource for finding out about different organizations’ procedures and requirements when applying for grants.

This will help make sure that you know what steps need to be taken before applying and how much time preparing your proposal should take on average (knowing this will also help prevent any delays).

5. Try An Online Search Engine Like Google And Bing

If you’re looking for free grants, the most obvious place to start is with a search engine. There are many different search engines out there and starting with Google or Bing will get you results fast. 

Both are widely used and have large databases of information that you can use to find exactly what you’re looking for. They’re also easy to navigate and their websites are updated regularly so they’ll always be relevant and useful!

Google has been around since 1998, which makes it one of the oldest online search engines still in use today; there’s no doubt why they’ve become so popular over time.

They provide accurate results quickly! And unlike other sites that require users pay a fee before using them (like DuckDuckGo).

Google doesn’t charge anything at all because it’s run by an advertising firm called Alphabet Inc.. That means everything on the website will always be free–no subscriptions needed!

Crafting an exceptional grant proposal requires careful consideration and expertise. Discover our comprehensive 11 tips for writing an exceptional grant proposal to enhance your chances of securing funding for your projects.

6. Get Familiar With The Different Types Of Grants Available To You

There are many different types of grants. The most common grant types include:

Federal Grants. These are government-sponsored programs that provide funding for projects, activities, and services. 

They can be competitive or non-competitive. To apply for a federal grant, you must meet the requirements set forth by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Foundation Grants. Foundations give money to organizations or individuals with the goal of helping them achieve their goals or meet specific needs in their community or around the world. 

To apply for foundation grants, you will need to submit an application package that includes your organization’s mission statement, annual operating budget and financial history (if applicable).

Corporate Grants & Sponsorships. If you own your own business then you might want to consider applying for corporate sponsorships from companies whose products align with yours.

This could be anything from food companies offering equipment financing packages for restaurants opening up across America today!

7. Find Someone To Whom You Can Communicate With

Finding the right grant-maker is a crucial step in the process. You need someone to whom you can communicate, who will help you navigate the application and make sure that it is successful.

Understand your field and its major players: If you work in an established field, then it will be easier for you to find someone who knows what they’re doing and how grants are awarded in general. 

For example, if you are applying for a history grant, then chances are there may be more resources available than if you were trying to apply for a math grant and therefore more people who understand how those things work.

Find out what kind of organization or individual would be interested in supporting your research: Once again, this depends on what kind of research or project that you have proposed. 

If it has something to do with technology or another type of cutting-edge science or discovery then chances are there might be an appropriate institution out there willing to put up money for such an endeavor (think about all those famous physicists who made huge discoveries but had no idea at first).

Before diving into the grant application process, it’s essential to understand the key factors to consider. Prepare yourself with essential knowledge by exploring what you should know before applying for a grant, ensuring a smoother and more successful grant-seeking journey.

8. Ask For Advice From People Who Are Successful At Grants

Asking for advice from people who are successful at grants is a great way to learn the tricks of the trade. If you don’t know anyone successful at grant writing, then start by asking around your community or attending local events where grant writers congregate. 

You can also look online and find networks of grant-writing professionals that share their wisdom on social media or in forums like LinkedIn and Reddit.

9. Seek Out Grant Information From Your Local Library

Libraries are a great resource for grant information. You can go in and check out books and online databases, or you can sit down with a librarian to get help finding the right grant for you. 

If you’re hoping to receive a financial award from an organization like the National Endowment for the Arts, your local library is also likely to have experts on hand who can guide you through the application process and answer any questions that come up along the way. 

Furthermore, many libraries host workshops on how to write successful grant applications and if they don’t offer them yet, they might be willing to work with you on developing one!

Navigating the process of winning a grant for your nonprofit or small business involves strategic planning. Discover effective techniques with our guide on how to win a grant for your nonprofit or small business and position yourself for funding success.


I hope these tips have been helpful for you in your search for the right grant. But, what about when you’ve found one? How do you know if it’s right for your project? Well, there are a few considerations here. 

First, make sure it fits with your mission statement and is something that wouldn’t be funded by other means of fundraising (like donations). 

Second, look closely at what they’re asking for in terms of deliverables are they reasonable? There should also be no surprises during the process!

Further Reading

Explore these additional resources for more insights on successful grant fundraising and proposal writing:

Top Ten Tips for Grant Fundraising Success: Discover essential strategies to achieve fundraising success through effective grant applications.

Finding Grants for Your Nonprofit: Learn how to locate and secure grants tailored to your nonprofit’s goals and missions.

Tips for Stronger Grant Proposals: Enhance your grant proposal writing skills with practical tips to create compelling and impactful proposals.


What are the key tips for successful grant fundraising?

Grant fundraising success involves a combination of strategic planning, effective communication, and compelling proposals. Understanding your target audience, showcasing your organization’s impact, and building strong relationships with donors are all crucial aspects.

How can I find suitable grants for my nonprofit?

To find grants for your nonprofit, consider using dedicated grant databases, researching funding opportunities from foundations, and networking within the nonprofit community. Online platforms and directories can help you identify grants aligned with your mission.

What are some essential components of a strong grant proposal?

A strong grant proposal typically includes a clear project description, well-defined goals and objectives, a detailed budget, and a compelling narrative that showcases your organization’s unique value and impact.

How can I improve the strength of my grant proposals?

To enhance the strength of your grant proposals, focus on presenting a clear problem statement, demonstrating a solid plan for implementation, showcasing your organization’s expertise, and aligning your proposal with the funder’s priorities.

What role does storytelling play in grant proposal writing?

Storytelling is a powerful tool in grant proposal writing. It helps humanize your organization’s mission, engages readers emotionally, and illustrates the real-world impact of your projects, making your proposals more compelling and memorable.