7 Cold Email Strategies That Will Put Money In Your Pocket

There’s no one-size-fits-all email strategy. As a salesperson, you need to identify your best prospects and use the right approach with each of them. To help you get started, here are seven cold email strategies that have proven successful for others:

Cold Email Tactics that GET RESPONSES – YouTube
1. Craft compelling subject lines.
2. Personalize emails for each recipient.
3. Focus on providing value and solutions.
4. Experiment with different email formats.
5. Use clear and actionable call-to-actions.
6. Follow up strategically for better results.
7. Continuously analyze and refine your approach.

1. Have A Clear Message

A clear message is essential because it keeps your readers from feeling overwhelmed by what you have to say, which can make them feel anxious and distracted. 

When this happens, they’re more likely to tune out or put off reading your email until later. And if they do eventually read it? They may not remember what you were trying to say!

To make sure that doesn’t happen, keep these tips in mind when writing cold emails:

Keep sentences short and simple. It’s easier for people who are busy or distracted to process a sentence that’s only two or three words long instead of one that’s six or seven words long!

Use plain language whenever possible especially if the person you’re emailing is an expert in their field (like a doctor). 

Using industry-specific jargon may sound impressive at first, but it could also confuse people who don’t understand what those words mean right away, and then they’ll probably just move on without reading any more of your message!

Building effective cold email campaigns is a skill that can significantly boost your response rates. Our Simple Guide to Cold Emailing shares actionable tips to help you achieve 5x better responses.

2. Get Personal

The next time you’re in a new city and want to eat at the best local restaurant, what do you do? Do you pull out your phone, open Yelp and search for nearby restaurants? Or do you flip through a guidebook and pick one based on location?

I’m willing to bet that most people would go with the second option. Because when it comes down to it, there’s no substitute for personal recommendations.

When emailing cold prospects, it pays to get personal with them too. Personalize your email by using their name in the greeting or body of your message: “Hi [First Name],” rather than “Hi.” 

It will make them feel like they’re receiving an individualized experience from someone who cares about their needs and that’s exactly what they’ll be getting from you!

3. Send Multiple Emails

You may think that sending one cold email is all you need to do, but we’re here to tell you that’s not true. In fact, there are a number of important factors to consider when composing your next cold email.

How Many Emails Should I Send?

In general, sending multiple emails is better than sending just one but only if they’re spaced out appropriately. If they’re too close together or too far apart, they’ll seem spammy and be ignored by your potential clients (or potential business partners).

How Often Should I Send Emails?

You can’t just send an email once every two weeks and expect good results you have to find that sweet spot between being persistent and being annoying as hell.

Achieving those “aha” moments in cold email outreach can be transformative. Discover the insights and strategies in our article on 10 Cold Email Aha Moments that can reshape your approach to email campaigns.

4. Make It Worth Their While

Your prospect is busy and has a lot of other options. You need to make sure that what you are offering is worth their time, or they will move on. 

If your product or service isn’t relevant, if it doesn’t offer any real value for the customer and solve an immediate problem for them, then even the most compelling cold email won’t get you anywhere.

Instead, focus your efforts on finding people who want what you have to offer. Then create content that shows how much better life can be once those problems are solved and send it directly to their inboxes!

5. Don’t Be Annoying

Don’t be annoying. This is more of a general rule for life than anything, but I think it’s especially important when talking about email marketing. The goal is to make the reader want to buy from you, not feel like you’re harassing them until they do so.

Don’t be too pushy or aggressive this can easily come off as manipulative and desperate, which isn’t an awesome look on anyone. 

Don’t beg people to buy something they aren’t interested in; if they don’t bite the first time around, try again later or move on to someone else. Be friendly and kind just because someone doesn’t immediately say yes doesn’t mean they’re not interested!

New to cold emailing? Our Cold Emailing 101: A Beginner’s Guide covers the basics and essentials you need to know before diving into the world of cold email marketing.

6. Test Your System

Once you’ve found a subject line that works and a body copy that sounds like something your ideal customer would respond to, it’s time to test your system.

Test your system before sending it to a real person. Test with yourself first that way you can get used to composing emails as if they were going out into the world without having any consequences attached. 

Then send them off to people who won’t mind being on the receiving end of an email blast. And if those people are not responsive, don’t worry they weren’t the right fit anyway! 

Your goal is simply to find out how well the email converts and whether or not it’s worth sending again later down the road when you’re ready for launch day (which we’ll talk about in detail later).

Test your system on a small group of people. Before launching an email campaign into cyberspace where anyone could see it (and potentially unsubscribe).

Send one final test round first so that you know what kind of response rate you could expect once all systems are go for launch day and everyone’s watching their inboxes for these messages from yours truly (or whoever else happens upon them).

7. Make Something To Sell Before You Try To Sell It

The first step to making a successful product is to make sure you have something to sell. Before you start trying to sell things, think about what your audience would pay for and get creative! Is there a problem that needs solving? A problem that only you can solve?

Once you’ve decided on an idea for your product, start working on it as soon as possible. It’s not enough just to come up with an idea you need to actually create the thing before anyone will buy it from you. 

Don’t wait until the last moment either: if something takes longer than a week or two, consider doing more research or finding more collaborators who can help speed things along (more on how later).

When people do eventually buy whatever it is they bought from you (and they will!), ask them how they feel about everything now and what improvements could be made next time around that way round.

There’s less chance of making mistakes because everyone knows exactly what went wrong last time around so no one repeats those mistakes again!

Crafting a successful cold email campaign requires careful planning. Explore our tips for creating engaging email outreach in 14 Tips for Your Next Cold Email Campaign to maximize your chances of receiving positive responses.

How To Send Cold Emails That Get Responses

Here are a few more tips to get you started:

Have a clear message. When you’re sending an email, make sure it’s crystal-clear what you want from the recipient and how they can help. If you don’t have a clear ask, it will be harder for them to understand your request and respond in kind.

Get personal. To stand out from the crowd, personalize each message as much as possible it doesn’t take that long to find out someone’s name or where they went to school! 

This will help put the person on the receiving end at ease, which makes them more likely to respond positively than if they think you’re just another random salesperson.

Be willing to send multiple emails with different tones depending on who is reading them (or even multiple times if necessary). Not every message will resonate with every reader but hopefully one of them does!

Email templates play a crucial role in driving conversions through cold emails. Learn about effective templates that actually convert in our guide: Cold Email Templates That Convert, helping you save time while improving your outreach results.


Now that you have the tools to send out cold email, it’s time to put them into practice. The best way to do this is by using a tool like MailChimp or Aweber which make it easy for anyone with no experience (or even experience) in email marketing

Further Reading

8 Cold Email Strategies to 10x Your Response Rates: Explore advanced strategies for significantly improving your cold email response rates, backed by real-world success stories.

Cold Outreach Strategies: Tips for Effective Communication: Dive into the nuances of cold outreach and discover actionable tips to enhance your communication techniques, leading to better outcomes.

7 Cold Email Marketing Strategies to Heat Up Your Business: Learn from experienced entrepreneurs about proven cold email marketing strategies that can bring a boost to your business growth.


How can I improve my cold email response rates?

Enhancing your cold email response rates requires a mix of personalization, compelling subject lines, and valuable content tailored to the recipient’s needs. Experimenting with various strategies, like those mentioned in the articles, can help you find what works best for your target audience.

Is cold outreach effective in generating leads?

Yes, cold outreach can be effective in generating leads when done strategically. Utilizing well-crafted messages, understanding your target audience, and providing value in your initial interactions can increase the chances of converting cold leads into warm prospects.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in cold emailing?

Common mistakes in cold emailing include sending generic, overly promotional messages, neglecting to research the recipient, and not focusing on delivering value. Taking the time to understand your audience and crafting thoughtful, relevant emails can help you avoid these pitfalls.

How can cold email marketing strategies benefit my business?

Cold email marketing strategies can benefit your business by expanding your reach, creating new opportunities for connections and sales, and helping you establish a stronger online presence. Employing effective strategies can lead to increased brand awareness and revenue.

What’s the role of personalization in cold email campaigns?

Personalization is crucial in cold email campaigns as it shows recipients that you’ve done your research and genuinely care about their needs. Customized emails with relevant information can capture attention, build trust, and increase the likelihood of positive responses.