We all know that we’re constantly being manipulated by advertising. This is especially true when you’re in a store and have no idea what the products are for (or even where some of them come from).
But did you know that some companies are using more subtle techniques to get you to buy their products?
These techniques known as neuromarketing are used to find out how consumers respond to various stimuli so that companies can tailor their marketing tactics accordingly. In this article, we’ll explore 21 everyday things that turn out to be neuromarketing masterpieces.
Key Takeaways |
1. Everyday objects and experiences hold neuromarketing insights. |
2. Neuromarketing techniques are woven into various aspects of our lives. |
3. Subtle cues influence our buying decisions more than we realize. |
4. Colors, packaging, and pricing strategies leverage cognitive biases. |
5. Storytelling and emotions play significant roles in marketing success. |
6. Consumer behavior is intricately linked to psychological triggers. |
7. Simple design changes can lead to powerful subconscious effects. |
8. Neuroscientific research sheds light on the art of persuasion. |
9. Understanding neuromarketing can transform marketing strategies. |
10. The connection between brain responses and consumer choices is profound. |
1. Knowing Your Diet Is Personal
Knowing your diet is a great way to make sure that you’re eating what you need. It’s like knowing the right thing to eat and then eating it, but it’s also kind of like knowing what to eat by taking care of other people’s needs.
It can be hard for some people to know their diet, especially if they don’t have anyone who will help them do so.
They might know how much money they earn each month or how many hours they work each week, but unless someone else has told them what they should spend all that money on or how many hours per week should be spent working.
It’s unlikely anyone will ever get around to helping these individuals figure out whether they’re doing things correctly because nobody cares enough about them (or maybe nobody knows).
Discover the power of weird tricks that can influence your buying decisions. Explore our article on 14 Weird Tricks That Can Get You to Buy Anything to uncover the psychology behind consumer behavior.
3. Listening To Music
If you’re a fan of music, you know how soothing it can be to listen to your favorite tunes. But did you know that the right songs can also help with productivity, health, and sleep? Here are seven research-backed benefits of playing the right tunes at work or anywhere else.
Improve focus: Listening to music while working has been shown to improve concentration levels by an average of 12 percent.
Reduce stress: A study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that people who listened to relaxing classical music before taking a test reported less anxiety than those who didn’t listen to any type of instrumental music beforehand.
This was especially true for individuals who had low levels of anxiety before their exam session or other stressful situation.
Help stay healthy: According to one study from researchers at Harvard Medical School, patients who listened daily for three months during chemotherapy sessions had noticeably better survival rates than those who didn’t listen regularly (60% vs 40%).
Understanding cognitive biases can give you insights into consumer behavior. Learn from the article 19 Ways We Can Learn from Cognitive Biases about leveraging psychological biases for effective marketing.
4. Drinking Water
Drinking water is good for you. And while it’s true that we need to be drinking enough water every day, most people don’t realize just how much of an impact their choice of water can make on their health and well-being.
Studies have shown that drinking water helps with your metabolism, digestion, skin, and weight as well as energy levels and mood! So next time you reach for something other than plain old H20 remember that there could be a whole slew of benefits from choosing the “healthy” option!
5. Eating The Right Foods
Eating the right foods is good for your health, eating the right foods is good for your mental health and physical health. Eating the right foods is also good for your spiritual health. It’s even been proven that eating the right kinds of food can help with emotional problems as well.
If you’re looking to improve any kind of aspect of yourself, including your physical body, then it’s important to know what types of food are best suited for you and which ones aren’t going to give you any benefit at all.
You can start by trying out some new healthy recipes or just adding more fruits and vegetables into your diet regularly until you find something that works best for you!
6. Going For A Walk With A Good Friend
Exercise is an amazing thing for your brain, body, and soul. Studies have shown that exercise increases your ability to focus by creating new pathways in your brain. It also reduces stress, which can increase the production of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor).
Exercise is good for your heart literally! Getting in some cardio can improve heart health and blood circulation to the brain by strengthening the heart muscle and increasing blood flow through peripheral resistance training (repetitive movements like squats or lunges).
Exercise also helps improve moods by releasing endorphins that boost happiness levels. Exercise helps keep you young!
You’ll look younger as long as you keep moving too! Research shows that regular exercise boosts collagen production which plumps up skin cells making them appear fuller…but no one wants wrinkles so get moving!
Get inspired by lessons from a rocket scientist in the field of neuromarketing. Dive into the knowledge shared in 15 Things We Learned from a Rocket Scientist about Neuromarketing to enhance your marketing strategies.
7. Being Kind To Other People
Let’s be honest, when you’re walking down the street and someone smiles at you or says “thanks” as they pass by, it makes your day.
It doesn’t matter if that person is a stranger or a friend it just feels good to be recognized as a human in a world where we can sometimes feel like we are forgotten in the hustle of daily life.
This feeling of being seen is exactly what advertising agencies want consumers to feel when they see their ads on TV or hear them on the radio: noticed and valued by brands that want us to buy into their products and services.
And when we feel noticed and valued by companies who sell stuff with real value (like food), then we’re more likely to buy from those companies without thinking about whether or not we need something new for our home/body/etcetera.
The mere fact that these businesses exist makes us happy because they give us something easy with which to fill our lives!”
8. Have A Nice Bath And A Cup Of Tea
When you’re stressed out, there’s nothing better than taking a bath and having a cup of tea. It helps you relax, and it’s good for your mental health as well.
Taking time off from work can help you get back on track when you’re feeling overwhelmed or burned out, plus it gives your body some much-needed rest.
And if you’re not living in an ultra-luxurious house with a fancy tub and all the teas that money can buy (which we aren’t judging), consider using this downtime to try out new things you might find something new that becomes one of your favorite activities!
9. Rinsing Your Mouth Out After You Eat Something
But you might be surprised to learn that the act of rinsing your mouth out after eating is a neuromarketing masterpiece. If you want to keep your teeth and gums healthy, then keeping them clean is crucial.
It’s also important to keep the rest of your mouth clean so that germs aren’t allowed to build up in other areas where they can cause problems your tongue, throat, and tonsils are all susceptible to infection if left unclean or unhygienic!
Build trust with your prospects and customers using neuromarketing insights. Explore how to achieve this in our article on Neuromarketing Posts to Build Trust with Your Prospects and Customers and create lasting connections.
10. Spending Time Outdoors
Spending time outdoors is good for your health, and can help you relax, feel more productive, creative, and connected to nature.
A study by the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom found that spending time outdoors can boost creativity. The researchers asked participants to take a walk in a park or along a busy street (outdoors versus indoors). They then had them complete an online creativity test.
The results showed that those who walked in parks were more innovative than those who strolled along city streets. That may be because there are more opportunities for play and exploration and less distraction in green spaces like forests, meadows, or fields.
11. Changing Daily Clothes And Shoes Every Week
Changing your clothes and shoes every week makes you more conscious of how they smell. This is because you regularly wash them and are thus aware of their foul odor.
You can use this knowledge to your advantage and make sure that your body always smells good by spraying perfume or cologne when going out with friends or on dates.
It also helps you avoid getting bad odors from other people, which may be caused by their skin bacteria or sweat.
Try out all the different types of food available in restaurants, so that you’ll have a better idea about what type of food works for you and what doesn’t!
12. Placing Products In Odd Positions
A common retail strategy is to display products in the most eye-catching locations. For example, you’ll often see a big sign for the latest electronics or clothing line near the entrance of a store.
However, there are many other ways to advertise your product that might not be as obvious:
Placing products at the exit of a store. The aim here is for consumers to leave with their new purchase in hand instead of dropping it off at checkout and forgetting about it by the time they reach their cars.
Position products at checkout counters and cash registers (to remind people they need to pay).
Putting things on sale next to high-priced merchandise (helps make high-priced merchandise seem less expensive by comparison).
Enhance your marketing skills by diving into the world of neuroimaging research. Learn how it can make you a better marketer in How Neuroimaging Research Can Help You Become a Better Marketer, and discover the science behind effective strategies.
13. Closing Time
Closing time is a great time to sell products. It’s also the perfect time to ask for feedback and referrals. You might even want to take advantage of this opportunity by thanking customers for their business in advance, or offering them something else that they might need!
If you haven’t tried closing time as a marketing strategy yet, here are five reasons why it works:
Closing time makes people feel more relaxed. According to research conducted by Cornell University, when someone feels relaxed and carefree, they are more likely to be open-minded towards new things.
If they can be persuaded at this point, their decision will often stick with them throughout life.
And so it makes sense that businesses would want their salespeople negotiating with customers who aren’t stressed out about anything else going on around them (like whether there will still be any gas left).
Closing times provide opportunities for last-minute buyers who need everything from groceries or clothing items from local stores nearby before heading home after work hours end each day.
This means these businesses may see an influx of foot traffic during those times too! In addition, retailers often offer discounts on certain products during these periods too.
Perhaps even free samples of items like cosmetics if shoppers want something small enough not worth buying full price beforehand but worth trying nevertheless – which makes them feel better about making purchases because now they’re getting something extra too!
Most people don’t think much about what happens after work hours end every day until later on down the road when suddenly realize how much money went into bills without realizing how much could’ve been saved beforehand (if only there had been less debt)!
This realization causes stress over paying monthly payments which leads them into debt
15. Visual Weight. Infinite Scrolling
Visual weight is the perceived importance or emphasis of a particular element in a design. In essence, it’s how you perceive something to look more “important” than another thing.
The visual weight of an element is directly proportional to the amount of space it occupies. The more space an element occupies, the more visual weight it has so if you want something to appear important or dominant, make sure it takes up a lot of room.
15. Taking Breaks When You Work
We’ve all been told that taking breaks is good for us, but why exactly does it help? According to Iris Shaffer at The Muse, “taking short breaks throughout the day can increase your productivity and make you less stressed.”
This happens because of the principle known as “attention residue.” It’s simple: when we work on something for too long without taking any time off to relax or refresh ourselves, our brains become overloaded with information from whatever task we’re doing.
When this happens, it’s harder to focus and our performance suffers. As such, regular breaks are necessary for retaining focus on difficult tasks.
16. Talking While You Work
Talking to other people while you work is not only good for your brain, it makes you more productive, more creative, and happier. You’ll also be more successful and attractive to others.
But what if you’re an introverted person who does your best thinking alone? Does that mean that being quiet at work is bad for your career prospects? Not necessarily! Research published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that introverts can be successful too.
The key is finding a balance between socializing with colleagues and working quietly on tasks by yourself something that many introverts are already doing by working from home or setting aside time for solitude each day.
17. Collecting Customer Data
Collecting customer data is a good thing. It helps to improve the product, it helps to improve the customer experience, it helps to improve the customer service, and it helps to improve your relationship with your customers.
Collecting customer data is an essential part of any marketing campaign since you can use this information to find out more about your target audience and deliver better results from future advertising campaigns.
18. Red Color
Red is a powerful color. It’s associated with energy and passion, as well as love and romance. Red can also be aggressive and dangerous, such as when you see the red light at a traffic light a signal that it’s time to stop.
Red is also very symbolic in terms of what it represents. Blood is red, which makes it a powerful symbol of life itself and that association has been ingrained into our minds for thousands of years (since the dawn of humankind).
Even non-human animals have learned that red means danger: if you see an animal running away from you while flashing his tail at you…that probably means he knows something about your world that you don’t!
19. Open Fragrances
Open fragrances are simple things that can make you feel more relaxed, alert, and energetic. When you are in a store and the scent is lingering, it helps to create an environment where people want to spend their time.
The smell of fresh-baked cookies can remind us of our grandmother’s kitchen or we may find ourselves craving something sweet after smelling them.
It doesn’t even have to be food related; scented candles can instantly create a mood or help with focus when working at home or in an office setting.
20. Samples
Samples are a great way to get people to try a product. It’s the most common way for businesses to introduce their brand and convince people that they should buy something.
Samples are often provided by companies in the form of free samples, which are distributed via mail or online delivery and come with a request for feedback from users so that the company can improve its products based on customer input.
Samples can also be used as part of sample sales events, where customers must pay only shipping fees but not actual prices when they purchase goods in this manner (as opposed to buying new items at full price).
Some companies even offer complimentary sample packs so you can try some of their best wares without spending any money at all!
21. Music
Music is another one of these everyday things that’s a powerful neuromarketing tool. You can use music to make people feel a certain way, or you can use it to set the mood for a specific scenario.
For example, if you want someone to buy your product, choose upbeat music with a catchy beat and lyrics that relate to what your product offers.
Or if you just want them to feel like they belong somewhere or are part of something bigger than themselves, choose slower tunes with lots of harmonies between singers.
We learned a lot about how humans operate from this research. People are often unaware of how they make decisions.
But it’s possible to tap into that process by observing their behavior and understanding how they react to certain stimuli. We hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as we did writing it!
Further Reading
Explore more resources to deepen your understanding of neuromarketing and related topics:
The Top 10 Marketing Books of All Times: Discover a curated list of the most influential marketing books that have shaped the industry over time.
Neuromarketing: Unveiling the Secrets of Consumer Behavior: Delve into the world of neuromarketing and gain insights into how understanding brain responses can improve your marketing strategies.
The Possibilities of Neuromarketing: Learn about the potential applications and benefits of neuromarketing in designing more effective visual content.
What is neuromarketing and how does it work?
Neuromarketing is a field that combines neuroscience and marketing to study how the brain responds to marketing stimuli, helping marketers understand consumer behavior and optimize strategies.
Can neuromarketing really influence consumer decisions?
Yes, neuromarketing leverages insights from cognitive psychology and neuroscience to tap into consumers’ subconscious responses, influencing their decision-making process.
What are some practical applications of neuromarketing?
Neuromarketing can be applied to various areas, such as designing more compelling advertisements, improving website usability, and creating packaging that appeals to consumers’ emotions.
How can I use neuromarketing to improve my content?
Incorporate neuromarketing principles into your content by using attention-grabbing visuals, crafting compelling narratives, and aligning your messaging with consumers’ emotional triggers.
Are there ethical considerations in neuromarketing?
Yes, ethical concerns arise in neuromarketing, particularly related to privacy and manipulation. Responsible use of neuromarketing techniques ensures transparency and respects consumers’ autonomy.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.