17 Reasons Why I’m Excited To Write A Novel

A few years ago, I wrote a short story that ended up winning an award. It was exciting, but it also made me ask: What else could I do with this? I decided to try my hand at a novel. Why? 

Because for one thing, the scope of a novel is much bigger than most short stories (and even many novels). There’s the opportunity for more character development and world-building. And there’s just something so satisfying about being able to write an entire book by yourself!

Getting Excited About My Novel Again WRITER RESET
1. Channel your creativity into a meaningful project.
2. Explore diverse characters and their journeys.
3. Create worlds that come to life through words.
4. Share your unique perspective and ideas.
5. Develop a deep connection with your characters.
6. Challenge yourself to overcome creative blocks.
7. Experience the joy of bringing stories to life.
8. Express emotions and experiences through prose.
9. Leave a lasting impact on readers with your words.
10. Immerse yourself in the art of storytelling.
11. Unleash your imagination and originality.
12. Connect with others who share your passion.
13. Gain a sense of accomplishment from your work.
14. Transform ideas into compelling narratives.
15. Contribute to the rich world of literature.
16. Overcome challenges and grow as a writer.
17. Embrace the journey of self-discovery.

1. It Will Be An Adventure

The most exciting thing to me about writing a novel is the adventure. I don’t know where it will take me, but I’m sure it will be somewhere interesting.

Maybe you’ll meet someone who teaches you something new or challenges your views in an unexpected way. Maybe you’ll discover a hidden talent that surprises even yourself! 

These are all great things to happen when out on an adventure, but the best part is that the journey itself will be fun and exciting no matter what happens along the way.

And by ‘adventure’ I don’t mean just getting lost in a foreign country or facing dangerous situations (although those are definitely valid options). 

A good adventure can also be found by simply trying something new and experiencing life from different perspectives than we’re used to seeing everyday; so if making friends with dragons sounds like fun, then by all means go ahead and do that!

If you’re stepping into the world of novel writing, don’t miss out on these essential pointers. Learn about crafting compelling characters, building immersive worlds, and more in our guide on Top 10 Tips for the Aspiring Novel Writer.

2. I’ve Always Wanted To Write A Novel

I have a story in my head that I’m excited about sharing with the world. It’s been years since I first started thinking about it, so now is finally the time.

I want to have a creative outlet that lets me express myself and explore ideas outside of work and everyday life.

I’ve always wanted to be a writer, ever since I was little! Or at least as long as I can remember… maybe even before then? 

The point is: writing has been on my mind for ages, but I haven’t had the opportunity or motivation until now (and also because of technology).

It sounds cheesy

Crafting the next great American novel requires careful planning and dedication. Dive into our step-by-step guide on Writing the Next Great American Novel to unleash your creative potential.

3. I Feel Like It Will Help Me Figure Out What To Do With My Life

It’s true that many people are able to find their passion by doing whatever they want, but for others it can be more of a struggle. Many people find themselves stuck in jobs that don’t make them happy or where they don’t feel challenged at all. 

And when you’re unhappy in your job, it’s not just stressful it can get in the way of making other big decisions about your life too. Writing a novel is one way of finding out what you really want from your career and how to get there.

4. I Feel Like I Have Stories To Tell

Writing a novel is a challenge, but I feel like I have stories to tell.

I’ve experienced things that others haven’t and I have a lot of thoughts on those experiences.

I also have opinions on current events and issues in our society that I would love to share with you.

Novel writing is an art that can always be refined. Discover 12 surprising tips and tricks in our comprehensive guide on Novel Writing Tips & Tricks to take your storytelling to the next level.

5. I Want To Explore My Creativity

Imagine a world of endless possibilities. Now, imagine a world where you don’t have to worry about whether or not your characters are interesting enough, or if their names fit the story line. 

You can write what YOU want without worrying about whether or not it will sell (because I’m sure you know that writing something that won’t sell is almost always just as valuable as writing nothing at all).

In order to do this, however, you will need to be willing to put in some work and make sure that what comes out of your hands is something worth reading. This means doing research on whatever it is that inspires you and making sure that every detail is correct. 

It also means working with an editor who can help take care of any errors before they become too big of a problem for our readership.

6. I Feel Like This Is A Calling For Me

I’ve always felt like this was a calling for me. I remember writing my first novel at the age of 10, and how excited I was when I finally wrote the last page. 

At the time, though, I had no idea how to get from where I was then to publication in a bookstore somewhere and even if I did know how, it would have seemed like an impossible task.

But now that publishing has changed so much over the years and become more accessible for authors like myself, it feels like an achievable goal one that could lead me down a path toward success as a writer.

7. It Could Lead Me To Interesting Places

I’m excited to write a novel because it could lead me to interesting places.

Traveling is one of the best ways for you to learn about new people, cultures and ways of thinking. 

There’s nothing like experiencing another culture firsthand, or seeing your own from an outsider’s perspective. It can be eye-opening, inspiring and challenging in equal measure but above all it’s exciting!

Embarking on a novel-writing journey? Don’t miss our compilation of 17 valuable tips to guide you through the process. Explore our guide on 17 Tips for Novel Writers and set yourself up for success.

8. Writing Makes Me Happy

Writing is a form of self-expression. Writing can be a form of self-therapy. It helps you to explore your creativity and learn about yourself.

Writing helps you deal with stress, especially when it comes to sharing your work with others and receiving feedback from them.

9. It Could Be Therapeutic For Me

Writing a novel is a great way to process your thoughts and feelings. It can help you figure out what you want to do with your life, as well as get in touch with your emotions.

When I was younger, I used to write poetry all the time. At first it started out simply by me saying things that were bothering me, but over time it evolved into something more constructive: getting in touch with my emotions and understanding myself better.

I’m sure there are many other ways writing could be therapeutic for me (and maybe even others), but these were the first two that came to mind when I realized that writing a novel would be therapeutic for me!

10. I’m Curious About Whether Or Not I Can Do It!

You know how when you’re a kid, someone will tell you that if you eat enough broccoli and carrots, your eyes will turn green? 

And despite the fact that it’s highly unlikely that this will happen to you (if not impossible), for some reason it still makes perfect sense to try. Why wouldn’t eating more vegetables turn your eyes green?

I think this is sort of like the feeling I have about writing a novel. There’s an element of possibility in it and I’m excited to see where things go!

11. Finishing Something Would Be Satisfying For Me

Finishing something would be really satisfying for me. I’ve always been a person who works on a lot of projects, but I don’t finish many of them. 

I’m very aware that it’s not healthy to keep starting new things instead of finishing old ones, so this project is an opportunity to change my habits in that regard.

I think the biggest thing about writing a novel is that you have all these ideas swirling around inside your head and it’s hard to know which ones will get finalized and which ones won’t. 

But if I can wrap up one story idea, even if it doesn’t end up being published or anything like that, then I can feel confident about what other stories are worth pursuing next time around!

12. It Will Give Me A Chance To Slow Down And Think About Life

Writing a novel will give you an opportunity to slow down and think about what’s important to you.

It’s easy to get caught up in our daily lives, but writing a novel will give you a chance to stop and think about what kind of person you want to be, and how your actions affect others.

Writing has been shown by science (and also my own experience) that it can help us plan our future, understand ourselves better, and become more creative.

Transitioning from a day job to pursuing your passion for writing can be challenging. Learn from one writer’s journey in our article on Ditching the Day Job to Write a Novel and gather inspiration to follow your dreams.

13. Achieving A Goal Is Always A Good Feeling

Achieving a goal is always a good feeling. Being able to say you’ve done something that you wanted to do, even if it was just for yourself and not anyone else, is an accomplishment that should be celebrated. 

If you’ve ever set out to write a novel or started writing one, then you know how difficult it can be to stay motivated during the process. 

It’s easy for me as someone who has never written anything but blog posts before this project began feel overwhelmed by all the work ahead of me and lose sight of why I wanted to do this in the first place: because I love writing stories!

14. I’m Guessing It Will Help Me Understand Myself Better

I’m guessing it will force me to think about my own life and what I want to write about, which is something that never happens if you just start writing a novel without thinking these things through first.

I’m guessing it will make me think about why I want to write a novel and what kind of story could possibly constitute as “good” or “important” or “true.” 

Because those are all questions that can only be answered by taking time away from other activities in order for them to germinate in your brain (like walking around outside or watching nature documentaries).

15. It Could Lead To Some Kind Of Career One Day

I have no idea what it will lead to, but I’m excited about finding out.

The cool thing about writing a novel is that you never know where it could take you. You can be a writer and author, or you could become an editor one day. 

If you’re into education and teaching, maybe this will lead you down that path. It could also be used to inspire others who want to write their own stories as well!

You may think of yourself as talented at storytelling, but if you want your passion for writing novels to become more than just a hobby and turn into something concrete then here’s how:

16. No Computer Skills Required

The idea of writing a novel may sound daunting, but you don’t have to be a computer expert to get started. In fact, most people will be able to write their first draft with only a basic knowledge of how computers work.

The key is knowing where and how to use the tools available online (and don’t worry I’ll give you all those details in this book). For example: You can write your novel on any device (laptop or desktop), any operating system (Mac OS or Windows), and in any language. 

And while there are many different programs out there now that make writing easy, I like using Microsoft Word because it’s compatible with every computer in existence and works seamlessly with my phone as well as my tablet.

17. I Can Do It From Anywhere In The World

The first thing that excites me about writing a novel is the fact you can do it anywhere. Literally. You can write a novel from home, or the library, or in the park, or on your phone while sitting at the doctor’s office with your sick child.

I love this because I’m always on-the-go and don’t have time to sit still for long periods of time (which is why my last book was written in short bursts). When people ask me how I managed to finish my last book so quickly I tell them “It wasn’t easy but I wrote it everywhere!”


So, why am I so excited about this? Well, for one thing, I think it will be an adventure. I’ve always wanted to write a novel and now’s my chance! It also feels like something that could help me figure out what to do with my life and explore my creativity. Plus, writing makes me happy!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore for further insights on why writing a novel can be a rewarding endeavor:

12 Reasons to Write a Novel Today: Discover a dozen compelling motivations that can inspire you to start your novel-writing journey.

Why Write a Novel? Your Reason is the Right One: Understand that your unique reason for writing a novel holds value, and this article discusses various valid motivations.

17 Reasons to Write Something Now: Explore a comprehensive list of 17 reasons that emphasize the importance of writing, whether it’s a novel or any other form of expression.


What benefits can writing a novel bring?

Writing a novel can offer numerous benefits, including enhancing your creativity, improving your writing skills, and providing a sense of accomplishment.

How can writing a novel impact personal growth?

Writing a novel can foster personal growth by challenging you to overcome obstacles, develop discipline, and explore complex themes that deepen your understanding of yourself and the world.

Is there a “right” reason to write a novel?

Yes, the right reason to write a novel is the one that holds personal significance to you. Your motivation could be to share a story, leave a legacy, or simply indulge your creative passion.

What if I’m not an experienced writer?

Even if you’re not an experienced writer, embarking on a novel-writing journey can help you improve your skills over time. Practice, learning, and dedication are key factors in honing your craft.

How can I overcome self-doubt while writing a novel?

Self-doubt is common among writers, but recognizing it as a natural part of the creative process is essential. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community, setting achievable goals, and embracing imperfection can help you overcome self-doubt.