When you’re working for yourself, you get to do what you like. You don’t have a boss telling you what to do. You don’t have a schedule that you have to follow. You don’t even have to wear pants if you don’t want to (although we recommend it). It’s pretty much the best feeling in the world.
But sometimes it can be hard to convince others of your commitment to freelancing, especially your family members and friends. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with 16 reasons why freelancers are the happiest people in America.
Takeaways |
1. Flexibility in work schedule allows freelancers to have better control over their time and work-life balance. |
2. Freelancers often have the freedom to choose their projects and clients, enabling them to pursue work they are passionate about. |
3. The potential for higher earnings as a freelancer can lead to increased financial stability and satisfaction. |
4. Freelancers have the advantage of working from anywhere, offering greater location independence and the ability to travel while working. |
5. The variety of work experienced by freelancers leads to continuous learning and personal growth, keeping them engaged and fulfilled in their careers. |
6. Freelancers can cultivate a diverse professional network through collaborations with different clients and industry experts. |
7. The ability to adapt quickly to changing market demands and trends allows freelancers to stay competitive and relevant. |
8. Freelancers enjoy a greater sense of autonomy and control over their professional decisions, leading to increased job satisfaction. |
9. The absence of office politics and bureaucracy often found in traditional employment can contribute to a happier work environment for freelancers. |
10. Freelancers have the opportunity to explore their creativity and innovate in their work, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. |
11. The flexibility to take breaks or vacations as needed without seeking permission from superiors can reduce stress and contribute to overall well-being. |
12. Freelancers have the chance to build a diverse portfolio of work, showcasing their skills and attracting new and exciting opportunities. |
13. The ability to choose projects aligned with personal values and interests allows freelancers to find meaning and purpose in their work. |
14. Freelancers can enjoy a higher level of job satisfaction due to the direct correlation between their efforts and the success of their work. |
15. The opportunity for continuous skill development and learning in various areas helps freelancers remain adaptable and future-proof their careers. |
16. Freelancing allows individuals to pursue a career path that aligns with their long-term goals and aspirations, leading to greater fulfillment and happiness. |
1. Happier At Work
There are tons of studies that show that people who love their jobs are generally happier than people who don’t—and what’s not to love about being your own boss? According to a recent study, freelancers are not only happier at work—they’re happier overall! In fact, 76% of freelancers say their happiness has increased since transitioning into freelance.
The Indian freelancing industry is booming, offering numerous opportunities for professionals seeking flexible work options. Discover the 14 reasons why the Indian freelancing industry is thriving and how you can benefit from this trend.
2. You Set Your Own Hours
With a full-time job, you don’t get to decide when you need to be at work and when you don’t. You have no control over your schedule, and it’s really easy to get burned out with all the time that you’re expected to work. When you’re a freelancer, though, you can set your own hours! You can work when it’s best for you and take breaks whenever they’re needed.
If you’re naturally a night owl, work at night! Being able to choose what works best for your body and mind will help you feel healthier and more in control of your life.
3. No Commute Or Traffic
We all know how much time getting to work takes. I live in Los Angeles, which means that if I had to leave for an office at 8 every morning, I’d be spending about six hours each week in traffic. That’s one whole day without getting anything done—and that’s assuming there isn’t a traffic incident! The best part about being able to work from home is that you get to spend your time doing actual work instead of sitting in your car.
Understanding the art of proposal writing is essential for freelancers. Learn the ins and outs of crafting winning proposals in our comprehensive guide, Freelancing 101: What Are Proposals? Improve your chances of securing projects and building a successful freelance career.
4. You Can Work From Anywhere
Freelancers have the freedom to work anywhere they want—and that includes anywhere in the world! Just recently, I was working in a coffee shop in Guatemala, when my friend Anne texted me. She complained that she was stuck in a meeting with her boss, who was going on and on about something totally boring. When I told her where I was, she was completely jealous.
I never feel jealous of people who get to do the same things every day. When you’re a freelancer, you can work anywhere you want—whether it’s in your own bed, or a gorgeous beach in Thailand. There’s no pressure to be at an office for 9 hours each day, and you have the freedom to work wherever and whenever you want.
5. You Can Take A Break Whenever You Want One
I’m not saying you should be slacking off on the job, but if you’re feeling tired and need to take a few minutes (or an hour) to just let your brain recharge, there’s no one to tell you that you can’t do it. Just make sure you get back on track afterward!
No one is going to dock your pay or send you home early because of how long it takes you to get your work done. It is on your shoulders, and only yours, to make sure that what needs to be done gets done in a timely manner. But within that time frame? It’s all up to you. And that kind of freedom is downright priceless.
6. You Don’t Have To Take Stupid Meetings
I’m not saying that all meetings are stupid—but let’s face it: most of them are. You sit down, you get a pen and paper, you start thinking about all the real work you could be doing, and then you talk about… what? The things that need to be done.
For freelancers, though, there’s no one else to hold the meeting but yourself—and that means that if you wouldn’t pay yourself to sit in a room and talk about something, there’s no reason to do it! So instead of wasting your time with a bunch of useless meetings, why not just get on with your work?
7. You Can Take Meetings Whenever You Want
When you’re a freelancer, your schedule is your own. Do you want to take meetings in the middle of the night? Go for it! You don’t want to take meetings at all? Sure thing! As long as you’re getting your work done and meeting deadlines, you can schedule your days any way you like.
And that means you can choose to work when you’re most productive: at 7 am or 3 pm or 2 am. And if you’re not feeling like doing much, you can take a break and watch Netflix for an hour or two before getting back to work.
If your Upwork account has been suspended, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to resolve the situation. Check out our guide on how to get your Upwork account unsuspended to learn about the actions you can take to reinstate your account and continue your freelancing journey.
8. You Don’t Have To Deal With Office Politics
If you work in a traditional office, it can be hard to remember that everyone there was once an awkward child who grew up and now has a job. But the thing about growing up is that we’re all just trying to figure it out as we go along. If you’ve ever been around people who haven’t grown up fully, you know that they can be kind of mean sometimes. They like to make fun of other people or try to make them look stupid in front of the boss.
As a freelancer, though, you don’t have to deal with stuff like this. You get to choose when and where you work. If someone starts getting mean or acting like a bully, it’s easy enough to just find another place where you feel more comfortable—whether that means leaving one business for another or moving across town!
There are so many ways for freelancers to get clients these days — from social media connections and networking events all over town to apps like TaskRabbit or TaskArmy — that finding new gigs is easier than ever before.
9. You Get To Create Your Own Schedule
Freelancers live in their very own bubble of blissfully scheduled bliss. (Bonus points if they have Google Calendar.) You never have to worry about showing up too early, or worse, late, because you set the rules. Plus, instead of having to find time in your schedule for all that stuff, we call “life,” you can just schedule it right in there. If your yoga class is at 11:00 on Tuesdays, why not just plan your work around that? It’s a win-win!
10. You Can Have A Pet At Home With You While You Work
I’m not alone. A friend of mine, who also works from home as a web designer, told me her dog sleeps under her desk all day.
People who work from home are twice as likely to have pets as those who don’t, according to a survey by Rover.com. And the benefits of working from home with an animal companion? Well, they’re more than just companionship.
Having a pet at your side while you work can help you be more productive and even help lower your stress levels. Pets provide you comfort and happiness, so it’s no wonder that freelancers feel less stressed than their non-freelance counterparts, according to Forbes.
Are you curious about the difference between a freelance writer and a copywriter? Understanding their distinctions can help you navigate the world of professional writing. Explore our article on what is the difference between a freelance writer and a copywriter to gain insights into their unique roles and responsibilities.
11. Pursue Your Passion
Most freelancers are doing what they love and get paid for it! Imagine waking up every morning excited because you can’t wait to start working on something that makes you happy? It’s a dream come true!
The data is clear: people who do what they love are happier, healthier, and more motivated. And with freelancing, it’s easy to pursue your passion while still making ends meet. Whether you’re a digital designer or a professional dog walker, you can set your own hours and make as much money as you want—and all while working from home! How good does that sound?
12. Vacations
It’s no surprise that freelancers are happier than anyone else in America. They make their own schedules, work more in line with their skills and interests, and don’t have to deal with annoying coworkers or horrible bosses.
But here’s one thing that might surprise you: freelancers report taking more vacation time than anyone else. And they feel guilt-free about it. No long explanations are needed to justify taking some time off. They’re just as productive when they come back, and they know it.
So if you’re ready to take the plunge into freelance life, don’t worry about losing all your free time. You’ll probably end up with more of it instead!
13. Flexibility
We get it. We’re all busy, and there are only so many hours in the day. But if you’re feeling like you can’t make time for the things that matter most to you, it might be time to consider freelancing. Freelancers report being happier than their non-freelancing peers—and the reason why is pretty simple: they have flexibility.
When you work as a freelancer, you get to choose what projects you want to work on and what clients you want to work for. What does that mean for your schedule? It means you can fit in more important things, like dentist appointments and doctor visits, without having to worry about asking your boss for time off. You can also choose when and where you do your work—so even if it’s not convenient to be at home during a certain time of day, that doesn’t have to stop you from getting stuff done!
14. No More Mondays
We all might have different ways of doing things, but we all want to get through each and every day without any stress or drama. And if you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t get that chance very often, because Mondays are filled with meetings and deadlines and meetings and deadlines. And then you come home, dump all your work on the table, and stare at that pile of papers for the rest of the evening.
That’s life! It’s stressful, right? But not for everyone! Because there is a group of people in this country who love their Monday mornings even more than any other part of the week! That group is made up of freelancers who are in charge of their own schedules.
They don’t have bosses breathing down their necks telling them when they need to be somewhere! They don’t have burnout after burnout because they didn’t make it to the deadline on time! They know when they’ve done enough work for one day and take a break from the office.
15. You Can Wear Whatever You Want
In a corporate office setting, people don’t have the option to wear whatever they want. Depending on the company, this could mean wearing uncomfortable clothes on a daily basis — but it also means that people don’t get to express themselves as much as they would like to. As a freelancer, no one is going to tell you how to dress, and that freedom can do wonders for your mood and self-esteem.
16. You Can Listen To Whatever Music You Want
Many jobs require employees to sit in silence all day long — unless they’re willing to shell out for expensive noise-canceling headphones. But if you work from home or another flexible location, nothing’s stopping you from playing your favorite music loud and proud! Music actually increases productivity, so there’s no reason not to listen while you work — especially if it helps keep you happy throughout the day.
Determining the right pricing strategy is crucial for freelancers to ensure fair compensation for their services. Discover valuable tips and guidelines in our article on how much should you charge as a freelancer. Gain insights into pricing your work competitively and maximizing your earning potential as a freelancer.
Final Takeaway
If you’re a freelancer and happy with the lifestyle, then stay the course. If you feel like it’s getting old, figure out what needs to change and make this new arrangement work for you. Either way, freelancing is a decision that isn’t nearly as weird or as scary as some might make it out to be—and as long as you take the necessary steps to deal with its downsides and bask in its upsides, it can be an incredible experience.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources for further reading on freelancing:
Contract Workers and the Freelance Economy: Explore this insightful article by Jeremy Quittner that delves into the dynamics of contract workers and the freelance economy.
6 Reasons Why You Should Work with Freelancers: Discover the benefits of working with freelancers in this informative piece that highlights six compelling reasons to collaborate with independent professionals.
Freelance Statistics: Dive into the world of freelance statistics and gain valuable insights into the trends, growth, and impact of the freelance industry.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is A Freelancer?
A freelancer is someone who doesn’t depend on a traditional employer-employee relationship in order to make money. There are many different kinds of freelancers, including writers, designers, developers, and more.
How Do Freelancers Get Paid?
Freelancers typically charge by the hour or by the project. The average freelance writer makes about $17 per hour—but this can vary dramatically depending on your field of expertise and how much time you spend doing work for clients.
How Much Can I Earn?
It depends on how much time you want to put into it and how marketable your skills are. If you work full-time hours as a freelancer, chances are you can make as much or more as you did at your previous job. Some of our highest earners have made over $200K per year!
What If I’m Not One Of Those Happiest People In America? Can I Still Be A Freelancer?
Absolutely! You don’t need to be one of the happiest people in America to be a freelancer—all you need is the willingness to work harder than anyone else you’ve ever met and an incredible amount of self-motivation, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Is Being A Freelancer Really That Much Better?
Yes! It’s not just our opinion it’s science! The study showed that freelancers are more likely to be satisfied with their careers and their lives as a whole than people who have regular 9-5 jobs.
We’re also more interested in our careers than those of us who work at traditional jobs, and we’re happier in general. That’s why we started Unleashcash we wanted to give freelancers like us the chance to build a sustainable career doing what they love, and we knew we weren’t alone. Now that there’s proof that it makes people happy.
Why Do People Think Freelancing Is Bad?
There are lots of misconceptions about freelancing: that it’s unstable; that you will have no health insurance or vacation days; that it only works for people in creative fields. None of these myths are true!
So, What Does It Mean To Be A Freelancer?
It means you’re at a company, but you don’t work for the company. Instead, you’re an independent contractor who works on projects through third-party clients and companies. You do not receive benefits from the company (though you may receive benefits from your clients).
What Are Some Of The Perks Of Being A Freelancer?
You get to choose when and where you work—you can travel wherever and whenever you want! You can also choose which projects to work on and which people to work with.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.