15 Ways To Keep Your Freelance Desk Organized

If you’re like me, there are many times that you find yourself working from home. This can be great for your health and well-being, but it also means that you have no desk to organize your work on. It’s important to keep things tidy as this can help make sure you stay focused on the task at hand. 

In this article, we will cover 15 methods for keeping your freelance desk organized so that all those little things don’t get in your way and distract you from getting real work done!

20 Easy Desk Organization Ideas to Keep Your Workspace
1. Declutter your desk regularly to create a clean and organized workspace.
2. Utilize desk organizers and trays to keep essential items within reach.
3. Implement a labeling system to categorize and locate items easily.
4. Optimize your digital workspace by organizing files and folders on your computer.
5. Minimize distractions by creating a designated work area free from unnecessary items.
6. Establish a daily or weekly cleaning routine to maintain a tidy desk.
7. Use ergonomic desk accessories to promote comfort and productivity.
8. Keep frequently used items close by for easy access.
9. Utilize vertical space with shelves or wall-mounted organizers for additional storage.
10. Create a system for managing cables and cords to reduce clutter and enhance safety.
11. Incorporate inspiring and motivational elements into your workspace for increased productivity.
12. Establish a filing system for important documents to avoid clutter and confusion.
13. Take breaks and stretch regularly to prevent physical strain during long work sessions.
14. Avoid excessive decorations or personal items that may cause distractions.
15. Evaluate and reassess your desk organization periodically to make necessary adjustments.

Go Paperless

To avoid the headaches of paper clutter, it’s best to go paperless. The convenience of digital files is obvious: no more printing out and filing papers and documents, or worse yet, misplacing them. Digital files also save space and help protect the environment by reducing waste (although you’ll need to make sure they’re backed up properly). 

And if you’ve ever seen what happens when one sheet of paper gets loose in a printer it’s not pretty!

Finally, going digital allows you to save money on ink and paper while also sparing your eyes from harmful UV rays emitted by traditional printers.

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Be Disciplined About Your Schedule

If you’re going to keep your freelance business organized, you’ll need to be disciplined about your schedule. When I say “disciplined,” I don’t mean getting up at 5 am and doing yoga every morning. Instead, it means deciding on a time when you’ll start working and sticking to it.

By having a regimented schedule (i.e., waking up at 8 am every day), your productivity increases because you’ve made an informed decision about when and how much work needs to get done and if something comes up that prevents you from meeting those goals, it’s easy enough to make adjustments in advance instead of finding yourself scrambling at the last minute because nothing is ever perfect.

Make Time For Your Social Life

It’s important to make time for your social life. If you neglect this aspect of your life, it can take a toll on both your physical and mental health. A study conducted by the University of California found that people who were unhappy with their jobs had higher rates of heart disease and stroke than those who were happier at work. 

In addition, an unhappy employee is more likely to be absent from work which isn’t good for anyone!

To keep yourself organized while still maintaining a healthy work/life balance, use apps like Google Calendar or Any.do so that you can stay on track with both your finances and personal needs.

Don’t Forget To Exercise

To keep your freelance desk organized, don’t forget to exercise. Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and well-being. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve your mental health. 

It can also help you feel energized and more awake, which can make it easier to stay focused on your work instead of feeling too tired or overwhelmed with tasks as they come up throughout the day. Exercise also makes you feel good about yourself and that’s always a good thing!

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Define A Morning Routine

Once you’ve established a morning routine, it’s time to define the day ahead. Get up and stretch, then spend a few minutes reflecting on what you’re going to accomplish in the coming hours. When your mind is clear, write down what you want to get done so that when thoughts or ideas pop into your head during the day, you’ll be able to check them off immediately and know when they won’t fit into your schedule.

Once this list of tasks has been made (or however else it gets created), set aside time for yourself in which nothing else needs doing but relaxing and enjoying yourself. This might mean reading through all of those articles in Product Hunt that have been sitting around forever or maybe listening to some music while making breakfast at home before heading out for the day but whatever makes it feel like Friday night instead of Monday morning will do just fine!

Stick To A Schedule

Set a schedule and stick to it. If you don’t already have one, now is the time to start. If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of online resources (like this one) that can help.

Be flexible when your schedule changes. As a freelancer, things will always be changing around you and that means your schedule should change as well! Don’t feel bad about changing up your schedule; just keep in mind that this is normal for freelancers and part of being an entrepreneur.

Make time for exercise and personal care. Staying healthy is key when running a business from home, so make sure that exercise does not get pushed back because of work it’s important!

Set Aside A Workspace For Yourself

It’s important to keep your workspace organized, but you shouldn’t let organization get in the way of productivity. If you can find a place where it feels right to work and is free from distractions, then you should absolutely use that space.

Many freelancers end up working in their bedrooms or living rooms with their laptops on their laps while they watch TV or do other things around them. This is an awful habit that leads to bad posture and a lot of wasted time spent away from actually working.

If there are any spaces in your home that don’t have much going on around them (no TVs or pets), try setting up shop there instead!

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Try The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that breaks down work into intervals of 25 minutes, separated by 5-minute breaks. These time intervals are called “Pomodoros”. The purpose of the technique is to help you focus on one task at a time and make sure you don’t get distracted by anything else.

How To Use It?

Set an alarm for 25 minutes; this will be your Pomodoro timer!

Start working on something that requires high levels of concentration (for example, writing an article or doing research) until the timer rings; then take a 5-minute break! 

You can do anything for 5 minutes go for a walk outside or catch up with coworkers but don’t check email or social media during those breaks! When you come back from your break, start another 25-minute Pomodoro cycle with your task list ready in front of you so you know what comes next once all distractions are cleared out of the way).

Use An Alarm To Remind You To Take Breaks

Take Breaks

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that you might want to try if you’re feeling overwhelmed or distracted by your work. It involves setting a timer for 25 minutes of focused work, then taking a five-minute break afterward. This method helps to reduce procrastination and increase productivity, which can help keep your desk organized.

If you’re more into alarms than timers, try using an app called Freedom! Free for Mac OS X computers (and also available for Windows), it blocks certain websites during specified periods of time so that they become inaccessible from your computer without any effort on your part great for those times when you know yourself well enough not to ignore that blinking red light on your monitor when it’s telling you it’s time for lunch!

Keep Track Of The Projects You’ve Completed

When you have worked on a project, it is important to keep track of the information. Keeping a record of who you have worked with, what project was completed, and how it went can be beneficial in the future. To do this, consider using a spreadsheet or project management tool.

What are the benefits of keeping these records? It helps you see what projects you have been working on and allows others to see them as well. This may help them decide if they want to work with you again or recommend your services because it shows that people are happy with your work!

Create A Portfolio Of Your Work Online

If you don’t have a website for your freelance work, you may want to consider creating one. Your website can be an easy way to showcase your portfolio and make it accessible to clients when they are ready to hire. There are many ways to build a website you can hire a designer or use one of the many DIY templates available online.

If you already have a website, consider including more information about yourself on it such as what kind of designs you specialize in, who has hired you in the past, and how long it took for those projects to complete (for example: “I completed two logo designs in two weeks”).

Social media is another great way to showcase your work while still giving potential clients direct access through links back into your portfolio site or directly to any specific project pages that they may be interested in viewing further details about.

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Keep Track Of Important Information Using Evernote Or Notes

Keep track of important information using Evernote or Notes. If you’re like me, you might have a lot of ideas and thoughts floating around in your head that never make it onto paper. The best way to keep track of all this information is by using a note-taking app like Evernote or Notes on your smartphone. Both apps allow you to import photos into notes, which is great for keeping visual references while working through projects and brainstorming new ideas.

Importance of being able to access and search through your notes from any device: If I’m on my laptop and need a phone number or address, I can quickly pull up my notes via the web browser no more digging through stacks of sticky notes scattered around my desk! Plus, they sync automatically across devices so no matter where I go (or what device I’m using), my information will always be available to me instantly.

Use a notepad if you prefer writing by hand: Some people just prefer writing things down with pen and paper instead of using technology for everything (and there’s nothing wrong with that). To those people: pick up one of these padfolios from Amazon ($8-$20) so your notebook never gets lost again!

Stay Organized With Asana Or Trello

If you’re looking for a way to stay on top of your work, Asana and Trello could be the answer. Both are free online tools that allow you to organize tasks, projects, and more. Both allow you to easily collaborate with other team members so everyone is on the same page about their work.

Asana is best for freelancers who want an all-in-one solution for staying organized without paying extra money or giving up control of how they use their tools. Trello has more features than Asana but requires a paid plan if you want to add more than 15 team members (which can get pricey).

Incorporate Meditation Into Your Workday Using Apps Like Headspace And Insight Timer

Meditation is a great way to start your workday with a clear mind. It reduces stress and anxiety, promotes emotional health, enhances self-awareness, lengthens attention span, and reduces age-related memory loss. Meditating also generates kindness and improves sleep quality.

There are many meditation apps you can use on the go such as Headspace or Insight Timer (there are many others). These will guide you through a guided meditation session at any time of the day or night – even when traveling for work!

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Don’t Forget To Be Authentic In Your Work

Remember, authenticity is a key part of the freelance lifestyle. You have to take pride in your work and do something that makes you proud! Your success as a freelancer depends on it.


All of these things are important, but the most important thing to remember is to be authentic in your work and do something that makes you proud. If the product of your hard work doesn’t make anyone else happy, it probably won’t make you happy either. Make sure that what you put out there is something that resonates with you personally and represents who you are as a designer (or writer or developer or…)

With all this advice in mind, I hope that your freelance desk will always remain organized!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on desk organization and freelance schedule management:

ClickUp Blog: Desk Organization: Explore this comprehensive guide on desk organization, featuring tips and strategies to keep your workspace tidy and efficient.

Insider: Best Desk Organizers: Discover a curated list of the best desk organizers available, helping you find the perfect tools to declutter your workspace and enhance productivity.

Twine Blog: Manage Your Freelance Schedule: Learn valuable insights and techniques for effectively managing your freelance schedule, ensuring optimal time management and work-life balance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Stay Organized At Work?

I’m a huge fan of the “to-do list” system, but I also find it really helpful to have a dedicated place to write down all my thoughts and ideas that might otherwise get lost in the shuffle. This helps me see what I’m thinking about right now, and what’s coming up next.

What Are Some Tips On How To Be Organized?

I think it’s important to have a few different types of organizational systems in place for different aspects of your life.

For example, I use a calendar at work because it helps me keep track of time-sensitive deadlines and meetings, but at home, I prefer to use an app that lets me keep track of everything from groceries to work projects so they’re all in one place instead of scattered across multiple calendars or notebooks, where they might get forgotten or misplaced easily!

How Do You Stay Organized And Motivated?

It’s important for me to think about what motivates me before setting goals or making plans for example if I want to lose weight then setting up a reward system might help me stay on track when things get tough (like buying myself something new after every

What Is One Way To Stay Organized?

 One way to stay organized is to keep a file for each project you’re working on. This will help you keep track of where you are in the process, and it will also allow you to easily refer back to previous versions of your work if something goes wrong.

Another good way is to set aside time every day or every week just for organizing your workspace. You can use this time to clean up your desk, organize files, and sort through papers.

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