In an era where e-commerce is driving more than half of all B2C sales, how can you stand out from your competitors? How do you get people to buy from your business and not only be satisfied but also want to come back for more?
In today’s competitive world of retail, it comes down to making the buyer feel like they’re part of a community, offering great customer service, and having useful products. These are just some of the ways that you can help make sure your online business is a success!
Takeaways |
1. Implement data-driven decision-making. |
2. Optimize your website for mobile users. |
3. Leverage social media for customer engagement. |
4. Create valuable and shareable content. |
5. Utilize email marketing for personalized reach. |
6. Invest in influencer partnerships. |
7. Enhance user experience on your website. |
8. Use video marketing to captivate your audience. |
9. Leverage customer reviews for social proof. |
10. Implement retargeting strategies for conversions. |
1. Provide Highly Personalized, Relevant Content
Personalization is becoming an increasingly important aspect of online marketing. The benefits are clear: personalized content is more relevant, which leads to higher engagement and conversion.
How do you get started with personalization? You can start by identifying the right personas and then creating a plan that will help you reach them.
One way to create personalized content is with segmentation, where you divide up your audience into different groups based on their demographic characteristics (like location, gender, or age). Then you can send messages that speak directly to these different segments.
This works especially well if they’re all looking at similar products but have different interests or needs – for example, someone from New York might be interested in something completely different from someone living in San Francisco who lives three blocks away!
Another way is by using predictive analytics software like Google Analytics’ Audience Optimizer feature which automatically creates custom audiences based on past traffic data.
So marketers don’t need any extra information about specific individuals before targeting them individually through ads/email etcetera (you’ll learn more about this later.)
Brand engagement is a crucial factor in connecting with your audience. Discover the puzzle pieces that make up effective engagement strategies in our guide on unraveling the puzzle of brand engagement.
2. Create High-Quality, Helpful Pieces Of Content
Good content is one of the best ways to engage your audience. But creating great content is hard work, and it’s easy to get stuck in a rut where you just keep cranking out more of what works without trying new things.
The truth is that if you want to create amazing marketing material, then you have to constantly try new things and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Here are some ways that you can do this:
- Write helpful blog posts instead of promotional ones
- Create educational pieces rather than just entertaining ones
- Aim for educational, entertaining, and helpful articles instead of just focusing on one or two aspects
3. Show Shoppers How Your Products Are Used
This is a very common strategy among retailers and brands, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to gain trust, encourage social sharing, and increase sales.
When done right, product usage videos can create an emotional connection between the customer and your brand by showing shoppers all of the reasons why they should buy from you and none of those reasons have anything to do with how much money you spend on advertising or marketing efforts.
One great example is Dollar Shave Club (which was acquired by Unilever for $1 billion), which makes hilarious animated video clips that show how their razors work in real-world situations.
One video even shows a man getting attacked by two different sharks and then using his razor to shave off one of their fins so he could escape! Talk about inventive…
Launching a B2C marketing campaign? Learn how to achieve impressive ROI by following these 15 tips for a successful campaign launch.
4. Strategically Place Repeatable Offers
Repeatable offers are one of the best ways to develop a sense of urgency in your customers. They’re also an effective way to generate more revenue from each sale.
Offer a discount for purchasing multiple products. For example, if you normally sell a product for $50 but it comes with two gift cards when purchased together, your customer would receive two gift cards worth $25 each ($50 – $25 = $25).
This would total their purchase price at $75 instead of just $50 and they will be incentivized to buy both items if they want all the benefits offered by these products.
Offer a discount for a limited time only. If there is an expiration date on this offer then it will increase its desirability even further.
Because it makes them feel like they have limited options and must choose quickly before the opportunity passes them by completely (which may not be true!).
This makes sense because humans tend toward loss aversion: being able to avoid losing something we already have feels better than gaining something new that could potentially come back around again some other time anyway!
5. Use Data To Your Advantage
You can also use data to inform your content strategy. If you want to target millennials, for example, it would be useful to know that 72% of them are likely to share an article if they find it interesting (Content Marketing Institute).
Using data can help you shape your marketing strategy as well. For instance, if you want customers with higher than average lifetime value (LTV).
Then the best way of targeting these people might be through remarketing campaigns or retargeting ads on social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn where LTV is very high.
Retailers should also rely on data when making product decisions: what products should they sell? Which ones do customers prefer? How much margin do they make at various price points? How often should products be restocked?
Are you a small business looking to expand your reach? Explore our insights on why small businesses should invest in B2C marketing to discover 13 compelling reasons to take the plunge.
6. Make Mobile A Core Pillar Of Your Business Strategy
Making mobile a core pillar of your business strategy is more important than ever, especially as consumers are increasingly accessing the internet through their phones.
Mobile users are more likely to purchase products and services, making them an attractive audience for businesses looking to drive sales. In fact, in 2018 it was estimated that mobile devices accounted for 71% of all e-commerce transactions across the globe (eMarketer).
Conversion rates on mobile devices have been steadily increasing year over year since 2017, and they’re expected to continue this upward trend into 2025 (Google).
Additionally, the average order value from a mobile device is higher than orders placed from desktop computers or laptops and the gap between the two is only getting wider!
This means that if you want your business to be successful in today’s e-commerce world then you need a strong presence not just on desktop but also on mobile devices as well.
7. Ensure Fast Webpage Load Times
Ensure fast webpage load times. Page load times are an important factor in customer satisfaction and retention, so it’s worth ensuring that your pages load quickly.
A page that takes more than three seconds to load will negatively impact the customer experience, according to research from Akamai.
Optimize images with compression and size settings. Using large images on a webpage increases your page size and slows down the time it takes for users to see their content—which can result in lost sales.
These days, most browsers support compressed JPEGs by default; if yours doesn’t support this feature yet (or at all), consider using photo editing software like Photoshop or GIMP to optimize your images before uploading them online nearby these tips provided by WebFX:
Choose high-quality image formats like JPEG instead of PNG or GIF when possible because those formats tend t
8. Promote Exclusive Offers Via Social Media
When it comes to social media, you may be tempted to use every platform available. But there is no need for that you should only focus on the platforms that make sense for your audience and business.
For example, if you’re a B2C company selling luxury products and services, Instagram would be a solid choice for reaching your target market.
On the other hand, if you sell products and services targeted at children or families with young children (for example, diapers), then Facebook would be ideal since this is where parents go online to research items they’ll need or buy them directly from reputable sellers like yours.
Now let’s talk about how you should present exclusive offers on social media:
First of all, don’t spam people with too many offers! Let them know about one particular deal per day at most; otherwise, they’ll start unfollowing you because they can’t keep up with everything that’s being posted by everyone else in their feed as well as yours (and trust me this happens).
Next off: don’t offer too many exclusive deals per day either! You want those who follow through on purchasing whatever discount/deal/product we’re advertising today not just because of what’s happening today.
But also because tomorrow there might not be another special promotion available until sometime later down further into future months/years when we’ll have enough inventory again (etc., etc., etc.).
Finally: always remember not only about quantity but also the quality when deciding upon which products are going end up being offered first exclusively before anyone else has access – including ourselves!”
Creating compelling content is a cornerstone of successful B2C marketing. Dive into our guide featuring 17 expert-approved principles for content creation to elevate your content strategy.
9. Send Multiple Emails In The Lead-Up To Purchases
You should be sending emails to your customers in the lead-up to purchase, during their purchase, and after they’ve made it.
The first email you send should be sent before the purchase. This email can point them towards the right product or service for them based on their needs and interests.
The second email you send should occur during the purchase process; this will encourage people who are hesitating about making a purchase decision, or who are considering different options from yours (e.g., comparing prices) to make their choice now rather than later.
The third email should be sent after a customer has made his/her purchase; this will help remind buyers of what they bought and why they chose it over other options which may mean more sales down the line!
10. Send Automated Messages With Product Recommendations
You can also use automated messages to recommend products based on what the customer has purchased in the past. This can be used to encourage customers to buy additional items or cross-sell a similar product that might interest them.
For example, if someone has just bought a pair of jeans from your store, you may choose to send them an email with other clothing items that go well with the jeans they purchased.
Customers are more likely to purchase an item if they are reminded of it which is why automated messages do so well at driving sales: they come at just the right time when users are ready to make another purchase!
Make sure your message is personalized and relevant though don’t send out generic “buy this now” type emails; instead create customized messages based on user behavior and profile data (what else have they bought before? Have they shown interest in any particular products?)
11. Make Customers Feel Special, Especially On Their Birthdays
One of the best ways to make your customers feel special and like they’re part of a community is by giving them discounts on their birthdays. If you have an e-commerce site, consider offering a discount on their birthday (up to 50% off) and adding this code to their account.
This way, when it’s time for them to check out and pay, they’ll see the discount applied automatically in real-time.
If your company sells physical products online or at brick-and-mortar locations, consider sending a card through snail mail with an offer attached, or even better: send them a gift!
If you have an email list full of people who sign up for your coupons or deals list when they register for products or services from you, use that information wisely by sending out birthday emails tailored specifically towards each subscriber’s needs.
To provide even more value than just announcing the discount or deal; include links where customers can find new products related specifically to their interests or hobbies this will further entice them into considering making another purchase from your store next time around!
12. Promote Free Shipping Offers On Multiple Platforms
Free shipping offers are a great way to attract new customers, increase customer loyalty and sales, and encourage repeat purchases. If you’re not already offering free shipping on your website, you should consider it.
Research shows that people who receive free shipping are more likely to purchase those who don’t. A study conducted by the Baymard Institute found that 75% of consumers prefer websites with free shipping over those that charge for shipping costs.*
Free Shipping is also one of the most popular reasons why shoppers return to their favorite stores again and again! 88% of consumers said they would rather pay $100 for an item from a store with fast delivery than pay $110 from another retailer with slower delivery times.
It’s no wonder why vendors like Amazon Prime which provides unlimited two-day shipping at no additional cost are so successful in attracting new customers!
13. Make It Easy For Customers To Find You
Make it easy for customers to find you: You’re not going to get any sales if your website is hard to find.
So, make sure that your site is easy to find on search engines and other directories. Also, make sure that your website is both mobile-friendly and responsive (so it looks the same on all devices).
Have a good domain name: The domain name of our blog – – tells visitors exactly what they can expect from us before they even arrive at our site.
This makes them more likely to stick around when they do visit (and come back again later), which increases traffic numbers over time!
Create user experiences that are simple and engaging: People have short attention spans online these days, so if you want people to click through on ads or other marketing messages then keep things quick & simple!
14. Consider Using 360-Degree Video Or Virtual Reality To Show Off Your Products
If you’re looking to sell more products, consider using 360-degree video and virtual reality. These technologies can be used to eliminate the need for customers to physically handle your goods before making a purchase decision.
Instead, they can simply explore the product with their fingers and eyes as if they were holding it themselves. This is particularly helpful for products that are difficult or expensive to ship, as well as those that require assembly or installation after purchase (e.g., furniture).
Virtual reality also offers a unique advantage over traditional advertising methods: It allows users who may not live near a store selling your products an opportunity to preview them before buying without leaving their homes or offices!
The internet offers endless possibilities for business growth. Discover the art of using the internet to grow your business and unlock valuable insights on leveraging online platforms for success.
15. Create An Identity That’s Consistent Across All Platforms
Consistency is key. You need to create an identity that’s consistent across all platforms and channels, from your website and social media profiles to your physical storefronts, so customers can easily recognize the brand no matter where they encounter it.
This isn’t just about having a recognizable logo or color palette it means using the same language and tone of voice everywhere.
It means being consistent with how you talk about yourself (and not others), how you present content, what kind of imagery you use, what kinds of promotions you run… everything!
If you want people to trust your brand enough to buy from it again and again over time, there needs to be some degree of familiarity when customers see something new from the company even if only in terms of format or tone.
Consistency helps build trust among consumers; they know what they’re getting into when they engage with one (or many) aspects of a company’s identity or brand promise.”
There you have it! 26 ways to improve your B2C marketing efforts. And those are just the ones we could think of off the top of our heads (if there’s something we missed, let us know in the comments below).
All of these tips come from years of experience working in this space. We’ve tried and tested all sorts, and we hope that what we learned along the way will help you as well!
Further Reading
B2C Marketing: Strategies and Tips Learn effective B2C marketing strategies and valuable tips from industry experts to enhance your online business presence.
B2C Ecommerce Content Marketing Guide Discover how to leverage content marketing to drive growth in your B2C ecommerce business with insights from Neil Patel.
10 Effective B2C Marketing Strategies Dive into these 10 proven B2C marketing strategies that can help your business connect and engage with your target audience.
And here’s the “FAQs” section with semantic questions and answers:
What is B2C marketing?
B2C marketing refers to business-to-consumer marketing, where businesses promote and sell products or services directly to individual consumers.
How can I improve my B2C ecommerce content marketing?
Improving B2C ecommerce content marketing involves creating valuable and relevant content that addresses the needs and interests of your target customers, helping to drive engagement and sales.
What are some effective B2C marketing strategies?
Effective B2C marketing strategies include social media marketing, influencer partnerships, personalized email campaigns, and leveraging customer reviews to build trust.
How does B2C marketing differ from B2B marketing?
B2C marketing targets individual consumers, focusing on emotional appeals and immediate needs, while B2B marketing targets businesses, emphasizing long-term value and solutions.
What role does data analytics play in B2C marketing?
Data analytics in B2C marketing helps businesses gain insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and trends, enabling more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.