15 Reasons Why Being A Millennial Is Not So Bad After All

We hear it all the time: millennial-bashing and complaints about our generation. Whether it’s on the news or in day-to-day life, we’re brushed off as narcissistic, entitled, whiny, unmotivated slackers. 

This is a massive generalization of a huge group of people who are, in actuality and despite what you might have heard incredibly hardworking and successful! We just work a little differently than previous generations… and that’s okay. 

Here are 15 reasons why the millennial generation is really great (if I do say so myself).

The Millennial Question – YouTube
Millennials have access to a wide range of technological advancements that make their lives easier and more convenient.
Being a millennial means having a strong sense of community and the ability to connect with like-minded individuals through social media and online platforms.
Millennials have a unique opportunity to shape the future and make a positive impact on society.
The millennial generation values experiences over material possessions, prioritizing personal growth, and meaningful connections.
Despite the challenges they face, millennials are resilient, adaptable, and determined to overcome obstacles.
Millennials have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and are willing to take risks to pursue their passions and create their own paths.
The millennial generation is more aware and involved in social and environmental issues, striving to create a better world.
Millennials are avid learners who embrace continuous education and seek opportunities for personal and professional development.
Being a millennial allows for greater work-life integration and flexibility, enabling individuals to find a balance that suits their needs.
The millennial generation has a strong desire for authenticity, seeking genuine connections and experiences in all aspects of life.

1. We’re More Open-Minded

You’re more open-minded. Millennials are more accepting of people who are different than them in the race, gender, and sexuality. We don’t judge a book by its cover, we don’t see color when looking at people, and we don’t care about what sex you are or who you love. 

It matters not to us whether you were born with two X chromosomes or two Y chromosomes; if your genitals can fit into a vagina or penis respectively;

If your brain is wired for male characteristics or female ones (a topic that’s been debated ad nauseam). As long as you treat others with respect and dignity and yourself too you’re welcome here!

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2. We Know The Value Of Money

Millennials are indeed notorious for being broke and living in their parents’ basement. But it’s also true that we know the value of money. We respect what it can do for us, and we’re not afraid to work hard and earn it. 

We’re not afraid of taking risks or investing in our future and we aren’t afraid to spend money on things that will help us get there, either!

3. We’re Technologically Gifted

You’re a millennial, which means you are part of the first generation to grow up with technology. You know how to use it and can use it to your advantage. You can solve problems, communicate with others, learn new things and create art that inspires millions of other people.

Millennials are also the first generation to grow up with social media as the main form of communication and connection. As such, we’re able to connect quickly and easily despite our physical distance from each other (or even if we never meet!). 

It’s no coincidence that this age group has been labeled “the most connected” in history and it’s not just because we have access to more information than any previous generation; 

It’s also because we know how important it is for us all to stay connected on an emotional level as well even if we aren’t physically nearby

4. We Can Be Hardworking

We are hardworking. We know what we want in life, and we will do whatever it takes to get there. We are not going to just sit around wasting time doing nothing because we have a lot of ambition and drive.

Millennials are more likely than other generations to work long hours and weekends. This can be attributed to our desire for success.

As well as the fact that many millennials are starting businesses on their own or working for themselves instead of someone else (which does require long hours).

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5. We Can Be Resilient

One of the greatest skills that we can learn as a millennial is a resilience. We have had to deal with a lot of adversity and change, uncertainty, and failure. This has made us resilient and able to handle difficult situations without breaking down or giving up.

This is also true for millennials working together in teams. When we collaborate on projects, each member of the team needs to be open about their strengths and weaknesses so that everyone can understand how each person works best under pressure.

6. We Have Many Hobbies And Interests

The Millennial generation is more open to trying new things and being interested in different things. We can be interested in different cultures and not just our own. We can have multiple hobbies and interests, which is a result of our access to information. 

For example, if you are interested in one thing (like writing), you can easily find out about other related hobbies such as photography or graphic design through the internet. 

This makes us more likely to think outside the box with our hobbies and interests because we have an easier time finding out about them online compared to previous generations who had limited access to information on what was considered “cool” at that period.”

7. We’re More Focused On Our Personal Lives

Because we’re more focused on our personal lives, we’re also more likely to have a career that is fulfilling and satisfying. In fact, according to the 2018 Millennial Impact Report, we are more likely than other generations to have a career that feels meaningful and purposeful. 

When you look back at your older counterparts, they may not have had the time or energy to think about what they wanted out of life.

To us millennials, it’s not just about getting by it’s about thriving in all aspects of our lives. That means we’re able to put in the hard work it takes to find jobs that fulfill our needs and goals while still being able to go home and enjoy time with friends or family members (or both!).

8. We Can Work Well In Teams

We’re a naturally collaborative bunch. A 2017 study by Deloitte found that millennials were more likely to participate in team projects, and were more willing than any other generation to use technology for collaboration. 

The same report also noted that “Millennials are known for their ability to work well with others in teams, which makes them ideal candidates for job opportunities at startups and small companies.”

A 2018 Accenture report shows that millennials can be quite effective at collaborating across borders too: 

64% of respondents said they expected their travel plans would increase over the next three years; while 59% believed they would need to learn a second language within the same period. 

At the end of 2016, we also learned that millennials were leading innovation in China’s tech scene an area where cross-cultural collaboration is crucial (and often neglected).

9. We Know How To Deal With People From Different Backgrounds

You’ll find that we’re more open-minded and tolerant of other people’s cultures than previous generations. We are more accepting of other people’s opinions. 

We are also more willing to try new things, even if they seem strange or different at first glance. You might be surprised by what you learn from us!

We believe that there is no right way to do something, and we’re all about learning new things which means that we’re very flexible when it comes to working with others who have different backgrounds than us.

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10. We’re Adventurous And Always Moving Forward

We are an adventurous generation, and we are always moving forward. We’re the most open-minded generation in history, so you can expect us to be more willing to try new things and take some risks.

Millennials are more likely than any other age group to travel outside of their home country the U.S., specifically and they visit far more countries on average than any preceding generation did at their age (this is a good thing). We also love food! 

There’s no need for you to worry about whether or not your millennial employees have diverse palettes; if anything, they’ll likely be eating lunch at different restaurants every day of the week for no reason whatsoever except that it sounds fun!

11. Our Generation Tends To Be More Inclusive Of Other Genders, Races, And Identities

As a millennial, you won’t find it difficult to be accepted in today’s society. We tend to be more inclusive of other genders, races, and identities. 

We celebrate diversity and individuality. We’re more open-minded and accepting of other people’s differences because we grew up with them being around us all the time.

Millennials are more accepting of different lifestyles than previous generations were when they were our age. 

This makes it easier for millennials to date someone from another nationality or religion without judgment from others who might not agree with what they chose for their relationship partner(s).

12. Our Creativity Is Unmatched

You may have heard that Millennials are a bunch of flaky, entitled cry babies. While it’s true that some of us do take more selfies than we should, that doesn’t mean we’re not creative or innovative. 

In fact, according to recent studies by Creativity magazine, Millennials are more open-minded and willing to try new things than any other generation. We love our technology, but we don’t let it control us it just helps us think outside the box.

Our creativity is also unmatched because we are more willing to take risks and challenge ourselves with new ideas. 

There’s nothing worse than living life on autopilot; instead of doing what everyone else does every day without thinking about it too hard (which can be very dangerous), Millennials want to try new things so they can grow as people! 

We’re always looking for ways to improve ourselves and our lives in general which means this generation will continue innovating until someone invents an anti-aging pill!

13. Our Celebration Of Self-Expression And Individuality Pushes Us To Be More Innovative And Productive

Millennials are more likely to be creative, innovative, and productive. Millennials are more likely than any other generation in history to be self-expressive as individuals.

Millennials are also known for their emphasis on personal creativity and individualism. This is something that many employers find attractive because it leads to increased innovation and productivity. 

The millennial generation is not afraid of breaking boundaries or challenging the status quo; they thrive on it!

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14. We Have A Unique Work Ethic

We have a strong sense of purpose and are more driven than other generations. Our focus on achieving goals, motivation, and ambition is stronger than ever before. 

This can be attributed to the fact that we grew up during a time when there was an abundance of information available at our fingertips, as well as being exposed to different cultures from around the globe. 

These experiences make us more aware of what we want out of life and how we can achieve our personal growth through working hard for it.

15. Our Communication Skills Are Better Than Any Other Generation’s In The Past

There are many ways we communicate with each other, but it’s clear that millennials use most of them. 

According to Pew Research Center, millennials are more likely than any other generation to be on social media. We’re also more likely than any other generation to communicate via text or email.

About two-thirds of millennials (64%) use texting for instant messages and/or chats with friends every day. 

This means that even though we may be talking less frequently in person than our parents did when they were young, we’re still constantly communicating with our peers through various mediums such as Skype or FaceTime. 

Even better: A recent study shows that over half of all smartphone owners use their devices while they’re watching TV!

Freelancing is not just a trend; it’s the future of work. Discover the nine compelling reasons why freelancing is paving the way forward in our thought-provoking article on 9 reasons why freelancing is the way of the future. Stay ahead of the curve and embrace the freelance revolution today!


As we’ve learned, there are so many reasons to believe in our generation and its capacity to succeed. We should all be proud of what we can achieve and use those skills to help make the world a better place for everyone.

I hope that this list has inspired you as much as it’s inspired me! I know that we’ll all be able to change this world for good if only we work hard enough and never give up on what matters most: making things work out for everyone.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that you may find interesting:

The Mute Generation: Why Millennials Do Not Pick Up Their Phones: Explore the reasons behind the phone usage habits of millennials and the impact it has on communication.

How Millennials Became a Generation of Homebodies: Learn about the factors that have contributed to millennials embracing a home-centered lifestyle and the implications it has on their social behavior.

A 16-Year-Old Explains 10 Things You Need to Know About Generation Z: Gain insights into the characteristics and attitudes of Generation Z, as explained by a 16-year-old perspective.


How are millennials changing the workforce?

Millennials are bringing significant changes to the workforce, such as prioritizing work-life balance, seeking purposeful and meaningful work, and embracing technology for improved efficiency and collaboration.

What are some common stereotypes about millennials?

Some common stereotypes about millennials include being entitled, lazy, and overly dependent on technology. However, it’s important to recognize that stereotypes do not accurately represent an entire generation.

How do millennials prefer to communicate?

Millennials often prefer to communicate through digital channels, such as texting, messaging apps, and social media. They appreciate flexibility and convenience in their communication methods.

What challenges do millennials face in the workplace?

Millennials may face challenges such as navigating a competitive job market, finding work that aligns with their values, and overcoming generational gaps and stereotypes in the workplace.

How do millennials approach work-life balance?

Millennials prioritize work-life balance and seek opportunities that allow them to pursue personal interests and maintain a healthy lifestyle. They value flexible work arrangements and the ability to integrate work with their personal lives.