Millennials have a lot to worry about. We watched the financial crisis unfold in real-time while still in college, and we’ve entered a workforce where it seems harder than ever to get ahead financially.
We’re told that it’s OK if we don’t buy a house right away, but what if all the houses are more expensive now and the good ones are taken?
If you’re like me, you might feel like things aren’t going to work out for your generation. But maybe I just need to change my thinking!
So let’s do an exercise together: I’ll name some situations that might be creating unnecessary stress in my life, and then I’ll give you some out-of-the-box advice on how to deal with them. Ready?
Takeaways |
Embrace unconventional career paths |
Prioritize continuous learning and skill development |
Cultivate a strong professional network |
Seek mentorship and guidance |
Be open to taking calculated risks |
Emphasize work-life balance |
Embrace technology and stay updated |
Advocate for yourself and your worth |
Pursue passion and purpose |
Be adaptable and embrace change |
Develop effective communication skills |
Manage personal finances responsibly |
Find your own definition of success |
Foster a positive mindset |
Embrace diversity and inclusion |
Take care of your mental and physical well-being |
1. Do Things That Scare You
Think about some of the things that scare you. Are they things that could be seen as embarrassing? Probably.
And yet, by doing them, and by showing yourself that you are capable of facing your fears head-on, the process will help you gain confidence in other areas of life as well.
You’ll realize that even though public speaking might have been terrifying for you at first, now it’s not nearly as nerve-wracking to give a speech before an audience.
By stepping out of your comfort zone, even if only slightly at first (for example: “I’m going to speak up during this meeting instead of waiting around”), you’ll learn more about yourself than if you stayed within what feels safe all the time.
Freelancing is not just the future of work, but the present as well. Explore the opportunities and challenges of freelancing in our detailed article on Freelancing: Not the Future of Work, the Present, and discover how this alternative career path can empower millennials to take control of their professional lives.
2. Don’t Judge Someone By Their Social Media Feed
Social media is not real life. It’s a platform that allows for the sharing of thoughts and photos, but it doesn’t give you an insight into what someone’s personality is like.
If you’re looking to make friends, don’t do it by judging people based on their social media feeds.
If they have a bunch of selfies on Instagram or are posting three times a day on Twitter, this doesn’t mean they have more friends than you do or that they’re smarter or more popular than everyone else.
You need to get out there in the world and interact with real people the ones who can’t be found online so that your relationships are built based on trust, not assumptions about how much time someone spends online daily.
3. Take A Bunch Of Risks In Your 20s, Even If You Fail At Them
This is the decade to take risks.
Why? Because failure is a crucial part of the journey, you will fail at many things in your 20s. It’s almost guaranteed. The important thing is that you learn something from each failure, then use it as fuel for your next attempt at success.
When you try something new and fail, it doesn’t mean that particular idea or project wasn’t good it just means that it didn’t work out this time around.
Sometimes things don’t work out because they weren’t meant to be; sometimes they aren’t successful because there’s still some other piece missing from the puzzle (which could be anything from additional resources, manpower, or knowledge).
Either way, don’t get so caught up in self-blame that you stop trying new things! If anything takes comfort in knowing that even though one idea didn’t work out exactly as planned.
This experience might give you some valuable insight into what does work for someone else dealing with similar challenges down the road.
And how to approach them differently than before when given another opportunity should one arise again later on down life’s path.”
Curious about how freelancing can transform your life? Read the inspiring story of how freelancing gave one individual the life they always wanted. Find out more in our captivating post, How Freelancing Gave Me the Life I Always Wanted, and embark on a journey of independence and fulfillment.
4. Having A Job Is Not The Same As Having A Career
Having a job is not the same as having a career. A career isn’t something you can just go out and find; it’s something that happens over time, and it’s more than just one job.
It’s about finding your passion, doing it for the rest of your life, and growing along the way even if this means taking a job that you don’t like (but pays the bills) to get there or starting at one place before moving on to another place with more growth opportunities.
Having said all that: Having a job is still important! You need one to pay for food and shelter (and maybe even rent). But keep in mind that having a job does not mean you have no options for growth.
Being able to support yourself financially means being able to choose between different jobs or careers even if they’re all under different employers.
To learn everything you can while looking into positions at multiple companies so that when someone offers you an opportunity above what’s expected from them based on their initial hiring requirements (i.e., asking whether there are any other openings around), then congratulations!
That could be considered “going above and beyond” but also getting ahead by applying somewhere else where there might be opportunities available now or soon enough down the road (because these things usually work out better when both parties involved are happy).
5. Learn To Do Things With Your Hands
Young people often get lost in the digital world, and as a result, are unable to do things with their hands. Young people must learn how to cook, garden, build furniture anything that requires physical skill.
If you want to start with something more extreme than learning how to make a sandwich or wash your clothes by hand (two skills many millennials don’t know).
Then consider learning an instrument the piano or violin is always good for those who want to be able to impress their friends or painting and drawing. Learning these skills can help you out later in life when you need them for work or school projects!
6. You Don’t Have To Go To College To Be Successful
Yes, I said it. You can be successful without a degree from a four-year university. If you want to be successful.
There are plenty of alternatives there are lots of ways to learn the skills and acquire the knowledge you need to succeed in life without going through four years of debt-saddled postsecondary education.
There are tons of free resources online; they’re just not always easy to find or use! But if you’re willing to dig deep enough into your search engine results.
You’ll find that online learning material is abundant out there for anyone who wants it (and we’ve provided some links below).
The best part about this is that most websites provide their content for free you don’t have to take out loans or make minimum payments on your credit card every month just so that you can get ahead!
Are you unsure whether freelancing is the right path for you? Gain valuable insights from someone who stopped freelancing and found job satisfaction elsewhere. Discover the reasons behind this transition in our thought-provoking article, Why I Stopped Freelancing and Started Liking My Job, and gain a balanced perspective on different career options.
7. It’s Okay To Live At Home While Saving Money For A Place Of Your Own
Many young adults don’t have the money to live on their own, and that’s okay. If you’re just starting in your career and don’t have a lot of income coming in, it’s smart to live at home with your parents or another family member until you get your footing.
There are other ways to save money as well: if you do have friends who live together, why not ask one of them if they’d mind having another roommate?
Or maybe there’s an empty room in the house where a couple of people could share space one person has a bedroom and bathroom all to themselves while another uses a portion of the kitchen and living room area.
This can be great for people who aren’t willing or able to rent out an entire apartment or house yet but still want some independence from their parents’ house!
8. It’s Never Too Early To Start A Side-Hustle
When you’re just starting, it can be easy to feel like there are no opportunities for growth or income. That’s why side hustles are so important they give young people a chance to learn new skills and build their networks while earning extra cash.
Whether it’s freelance writing, coding websites, or building apps, the possibilities are endless!
If you’re interested in taking on a side hustle but don’t know where to start, here are 20 pieces of advice that might help:
9. Be Clear On What You Want Out Of Life
The first piece of advice I would give to any young person is to be clear on what you want out of life. In your 20s, it’s important to define your goals and be specific about what you want to achieve.
Be realistic about what can be done in two years or five years. Be patient when it comes to achieving these goals and never lose sight of the end goal even if there are obstacles along the way.
Be flexible with yourself; don’t have a plan A and B but instead focus on making plans adaptable so that if something doesn’t work out as expected, there will always be a Plan C or D ready for implementation.
Keep in mind that we don’t live in an ideal world where everything goes according to plan every single time; sometimes things just won’t work out as expected but this shouldn’t stop us from trying again until we get there!
Freelancing is revolutionizing the way we work and shaping the job market of tomorrow. Dive into the transformative power of freelancing in our eye-opening piece, The Job of Tomorrow: How Freelancing Is Changing Work, and explore the new possibilities and challenges that arise from this dynamic and flexible approach to employment.
10. Everyone Has Problems, Some Are Just Better At Hiding Them Than Others
Everyone has problems, some are just better at hiding them than others. It’s important to keep in mind that we all go through something at one point or another and it’s not always easy to talk about what’s on our minds.
There are several ways you can learn from other people’s problems:
Connect with someone who is going through the same thing as you. You may feel more comfortable talking with someone who has been through a similar situation than anyone else because they know exactly what it feels like and what works for them.
Learn from their solutions and implement those solutions into your life so that you don’t have to deal with the same problem again!
If there aren’t any people around who can relate directly but seem close enough (like friends), consider reaching out for help anyway.
They might not be able to provide anything specific but just knowing that someone cares enough about them will make them feel better about themselves!
11. Distractions Will Always Surround You But They Don’t Have To Own You
Distractions are everywhere. The world is a distraction-filled place, and it’s easy to get caught up in all of that noise. But here’s the thing: Distractions are not the same thing as goals or ambitions.
To keep yourself productive, it can help to know the difference between these things so that you don’t waste time on things that aren’t important to achieving your goals.
The best way I’ve found to deal with distractions is by setting some boundaries around what’s allowed into my life and what isn’t allowed into my life (for example, if it doesn’t align with my values).
Once those boundaries are set, I stick close by them so they’ll be there when I need them most like when someone tries to distract me from my work!
That way it will be easier for me not only because there won’t be any surprises but also because I already know exactly how much effort goes into avoiding distractions (and therefore which ones might work).
12. You Can Learn Something From Everything You Do
In life, there are many things that you can learn from. The more you learn, the more valuable you become. As a millennial, I want to share with you 20 out-of-the-box pieces of advice that will help you grow as a person and make your life amazing!
- You can learn something from everything you do
- The more you learn about yourself and the world around us, the better you will be able to succeed in life
- The older we get and the more experiences we have had in life, the more interesting stories we have at our disposal
Discover how freelancing is reshaping traditional work structures and redefining the future of employment. Explore our insightful article, How Freelancing Is Changing How We Work and Why (Just Some Thoughts), and gain a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of work and its impact on the professional world.
13. If You Don’t Love Your First Job, Don’t Give Up On The Career You Want To Pursue
A lot of people get caught in a cycle of jumping from one career to another and never pursuing their dreams. Don’t let this be you! If you have a goal or dream in your life that means something to you, don’t give up on it just because of one bad experience at work.
14. Make Sure Your Relationships Are Mutually Beneficial And Productive
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and don’t be afraid to say no. It’s important in any relationship that both parties are honest with themselves and others, but especially in relationships where there is a power dynamic.
If someone starts as your mentor or boss, they should never expect that role to remain static.”
This is one of the most important pieces of advice I have heard in my life don’t be afraid of change!
“The best way to describe this advice is ‘Be yourself.’ This can sound easy enough on paper, but when you’re surrounded by people who act differently from how you do and who value different things than what’s important to you…”
15. Learn How To Pick Yourself Back Up After You Stumble
People are going to let you down. You’re going to get rejected from jobs and your best friend is going to move away, but it’s how you handle these situations that will define who you are as a person. Don’t let a single setback scare you, don’t let a failure define you, and don’t give up!
Let’s say it happens: You’ve been working hard at school or a new job for months and then out of nowhere your professor gives you an F on your final paper/your interviewer doesn’t hire you/your college roommate moves in with his girlfriend.
And suddenly everything feels like it’s crashing down around you. What do? Don’t panic! Instead of allowing yourself to slip into despair (you can always retake the class/try again next year), take some time off so that when things do come back around.
They’ll feel less stressed than before. Make sure not to forget about all those other opportunities waiting for their chance with their hands held high above their heads like children at preschool begging mommy or daddy not to pick them first but instead let someone else have fun first while they patiently wait until everyone else has been picked before finally calling out “Me? Pick me!”
Now that you’ve got the inside scoop on twenty pieces of advice for millennials, it’s time to go out and make your mark in this world! It can be intimidating to tackle such a list, but we hope these tips help you feel more empowered and prepared as you work toward success.
Don’t forget that life is about balance, so try not to judge yourself too harshly if things don’t go perfectly at first.
Remember: you’re human, and no one expects perfection from anyone else let alone themselves! Just keep working hard, take care of yourself along the way, and everything will fall into place with time.
Further Reading
Advice for Millennials in the Workplace: Gain valuable insights and practical tips on navigating the modern workplace as a millennial. Discover strategies to succeed and thrive in your professional journey.
Generational Marketing Tactics: How to Reach Millennials: Learn effective marketing tactics and strategies specifically targeted towards millennials. Explore innovative approaches to engage and connect with this influential demographic.
15 Best Pieces of Advice for Young People: Explore a curated list of advice specifically tailored for young individuals. Discover wisdom and guidance to navigate various aspects of life, including education, career, personal growth, and more.
How can freelancing benefit millennials?
Freelancing offers millennials flexibility and the opportunity to pursue their passions while maintaining a work-life balance. It allows them to take control of their careers, choose projects that align with their interests, and work remotely.
What skills are valuable for freelancers?
Valuable skills for freelancers include effective communication, time management, self-motivation, adaptability, and expertise in their chosen field. Building a strong skill set can help freelancers attract clients and succeed in their freelance careers.
How can freelancers find clients?
Freelancers can find clients through various channels, including online freelance platforms, networking events, social media, personal referrals, and building a professional website or portfolio. Utilizing multiple strategies can increase the chances of finding clients and securing projects.
What are the potential challenges of freelancing?
Some potential challenges of freelancing include dealing with irregular income, self-discipline to manage time and tasks effectively, finding a steady stream of clients, handling self-employment taxes and financial responsibilities, and maintaining work-life balance. However, with proper planning and strategy, these challenges can be overcome.
How can freelancers ensure a steady income?
Freelancers can ensure a steady income by establishing long-term relationships with clients, diversifying their client base, maintaining a consistent marketing strategy, and continuously expanding their professional network. Developing a strong reputation and delivering high-quality work can also lead to repeat business and referrals.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.