We all know how the brain works, right? Well, not really. The brain is a complex organ with many functions and abilities that we’re still learning about.
Just in the past few years, neuroscience has helped us understand how people make decisions, form impressions of others and learn new information.
This is incredibly useful for marketers who are trying to reach their target audience. So here are some amazing facts about our little gray cells that every marketer needs to know:
Takeaways |
1. Understand the brain’s role in consumer decision-making. |
2. Leverage cognitive biases to create effective marketing strategies. |
3. Embrace the power of storytelling to engage the brain. |
4. Utilize color psychology to influence customer perceptions. |
5. Incorporate social proof to tap into the brain’s need for belonging. |
6. Recognize the impact of emotions on purchasing behavior. |
7. Optimize product pricing using insights from brain responses. |
8. Create memorable experiences to enhance brand retention. |
9. Tailor marketing messages to match the brain’s processing preferences. |
10. Understand the role of memory in shaping customer perceptions. |
11. Implement scarcity and urgency techniques to drive action. |
12. Develop trust and credibility through consistent messaging. |
13. Design user-friendly experiences that align with brain patterns. |
14. Continuously adapt strategies based on evolving neuroscientific insights. |
1. We’re More Irrational Than We Think
You are irrational. And you don’t even know it.
We are all irrational in many ways. It’s part of being human, and our brains are wired to be irrational. We make decisions quickly, we are emotional and sometimes we think too much or too little about things that matter most to us.
These facts make us susceptible to making poor choices when it comes to marketing and advertising campaigns which can hurt the bottom line if not handled properly by marketers who “get” how humans work!
Neuromarketing is often seen as a magic bullet that promises to revolutionize the way businesses engage customers. Explore the wonders of Neuromarketing: The Magic Bullet That Can Actually Work and discover its potential to enhance marketing strategies.
2. Our Brains Can Process Images 5,000 Times Faster Than Words
In as little as 13 milliseconds, our brains can take in and process a picture much more efficiently than if we were to read it. In fact, this is the reason why memes are so popular on social media–the format works with our neurological wiring.
This isn’t to say that pictures don’t need some explanation; they do. But when you’re trying to convey information quickly, an image is more effective than text alone. Images are processed by our brains in two different ways:
- Images evoke emotion first, then trigger content processing second; whereas text triggers content processing first and emotion second.
- The right hemisphere of your brain processes visual information (this is where creativity lives), while the left hemisphere processes language (this is where rational thinking lives).
3. We’re All Hypocrites Even When We’re Aware Of It
In your own mind, you may be the most rational person alive. You are aware of how your brain works and you know that it’s full of biases. But when it comes to actually making decisions about what is right and wrong for yourself, you can’t help but fall into hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is a double standard where we judge others based on different standards than we apply to ourselves.
We have all done this at some point in our lives maybe by judging someone else for something that we also do or by saying one thing while believing another (if only internally).
The reason why hypocrites exist is because they help us avoid cognitive dissonance, or the feeling of discomfort caused by holding two contradictory ideas simultaneously.
Like thinking “I want chocolate cake” when all my friends are trying to lose weight, or wanting to go play video games but knowing I have work tomorrow morning at 8 am sharp!
Hypocrites are everywhere: marketers use them as tools because they make us buy things we don’t really need; politicians use them because it allows them to get away with murder (literally);
Parents use them so their kids will behave better than other people’s kids; even the DMV uses hypocrites because otherwise everyone would stop paying taxes!
Understanding the psychology behind marketing is a skill every marketer should master. Dive into the intriguing insights provided by The Psychology of Marketing: How to Trick Consumers into Wanting Your Products to uncover tactics for engaging consumer desires.
4. Our Attitudes Are Shaped By Our Environment And They’re Hard To Change
We are more likely to be influenced by people we know, like and trust and that’s why it’s important for you to get your message in front of your target audience.
The best way to do this is through social media marketing because it allows you to connect with your audience in ways that feel natural and enjoyable (i.e., not spammy).
5. We Only Make Decisions With The Information We Have At Hand
The brain is a limited resource and we can’t possibly know everything there is to know. As such, our decision-making process is highly influenced by what we do know (or think we do).
It’s important to keep this in mind when marketing your product or service because it helps explain why consumers make certain choices and how to influence them.
This also means that if you’re pitching something new, people may not be able to make an informed decision about purchasing it until more information becomes available.
5. We Form Impressions Based On How Fast People Talk, Not What They Say
We form impressions based on how fast people talk, not what they say. If someone is speaking quickly and constantly, we’ll think the person is nervous or anxious.
We can also tell if someone is lying by their voice and it’s not just a matter of volume or tone: we judge whether they’re telling the truth even when they’re using their normal speaking speed!
We also make judgments based on the words used by speakers. A study conducted in 2005 showed that listeners are able to accurately guess whether a speaker is angry or excited simply from hearing them speak for only 20 seconds (across all languages).
The researchers found that only one word needed to be said for listeners to identify this emotion: “yes!”
Neuromarketing is not just about luring customers in; it can address buyer’s remorse too. Learn how, in the realm of business, Neuromarketing in Business: Buyer’s Remorse and Why It Just Might Work Out holds the potential to create positive outcomes.
6. Consumers Often Skip Ads Because They Don’t Consciously Notice Them
The brain is a powerful tool, but it’s also incredibly selective. It only allows certain bits of information to make it through the gauntlet and into your consciousness.
This is why you can drive home from work without remembering a single billboard or sign that you saw on the way there, even if they were right in front of your face.
Your brain simply blocks out things that are irrelevant to your immediate needs and interests at any given moment and ads aren’t usually very relevant!
Because of this, marketers need to learn how consumers perceive their marketing messages and tailor them accordingly for maximum impact:
7. Emotions Play A Major Role In Decision Making, Even For Rational Products
The emotional part of the brain is responsible for your feelings and emotional responses. It’s also where memories are stored, so when you experience an emotional response to something, that memory is linked to it.
Emotions play a major role in decision making, even for rational products.
For example, if you were asked to evaluate two cars the Ford Focus and the Toyota Camry and then were given both cars to drive around for a week, chances are you’d choose the one that made you feel more at home (e.g., more comfortable) than its competitor.
The human brain makes decisions based on what feels right or wrong rather than trying to figure out how much risk there really is involved with each option.
Emotion comes into play here because we’re not always able to fully understand risks and consequences associated with our choices; therefore we use our emotions as shortcuts when making decisions (e.g., “I feel like this is going too far.”)
Ever wondered why ‘Buy’ buttons have such a profound effect on consumers? Discover the intriguing insights behind this phenomenon in The Neuroscience of Buy Buttons, shedding light on the brain’s response to purchasing cues.
8. People Avoid Thought Whenever Possible Even About Things That Matter To Them
This fact is a big reason why people don’t want to do their taxes. It’s also why people won’t make time to read that book they’ve been meaning to read, or why they’ll go through their day without brushing their teeth.
If you’re a marketer and you’ve ever wondered why your customers don’t buy more, the answer may be right here: people avoid thought whenever possible even about things that matter to them.
This is especially true if thinking means being uncomfortable or feeling confused by something complicated (like tax forms) or hard work (like filing taxes).
As consumers, we all have things we’d rather not think about it’s human nature! But marketers can use this knowledge to their advantage when communicating with consumers in particular ways.
9. Our Brains Treat Low-Risk Options As If They Are Riskier Than High-Risk Ones
We’re wired to be risk averse. We are more likely to choose a guaranteed reward than a risky one, and we are also more likely to choose a guaranteed loss overtaking additional risk.
This means that if you want someone to do something, you need to frame it in such a way that there is no clear downside.
For example, asking people if they would like to come back and buy your product or service again is not as effective as offering them an incentive right now for doing so.
10. Advertisers Need To Give People Reasons To Believe Instead Of Reasons To Buy
The best way to get people to buy is to give them reasons to believe in themselves.
This is a hard lesson for some marketers, who have been trained to think in terms of “buyer personas” and “market segments” to think about people as potential customers rather than human beings with lives outside of their jobs.
Marketers need to stop seeing consumers as consumers and start seeing them as human beings who buy products because they want something in return mostly the peace of mind or the ability to make their lives better somehow.
Marketers need to understand that while buying products might be a means toward achieving goals, it’s not an end goal itself; the real end goal of most brands’ marketing campaigns should always be helping your audience connect with themselves on some level.
If people feel good about themselves because they’re doing something good for others (or themselves), then you’ve got them hooked on your product for life!
11. Small Changes In The Way You Present Information Can Influence Choices In Major Ways
You’ve probably heard the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. It turns out that it’s true and science backs it up. In fact, studies have shown that visuals can help people remember information and ideas better than text alone.
If you want your marketing to be effective, use visuals to help people understand what you’re saying and remember it later on down the line.
There are lots of different ways for you to use visuals in your marketing campaigns:
- Use pictures instead of words whenever possible (e.g., when talking about a product).
- Use pictures with text where appropriate (e.g., educational material).
- Repeat key phrases or messages throughout your campaign (e.g., in different forms such as video, audio or written word).
The more often someone sees something or hears something the more likely they are to remember it later on down the line! Repetition doesn’t just help people learn new information; it also helps them retain what they’ve learned over time.*
Enhancing your product’s appeal isn’t limited to its quality. Discover the intriguing ways in which scientific principles can boost sales even when the product isn’t exceptional.
12. You Can Create New Memories By Creating Associations With What You Already Know
Our memories work by association, so it’s important to make sure all the information you choose to retain is relevant and meaningful.
Here’s an example of how this works: if you want to remember the number 1234, you could try and memorize each digit individually (1, 2, 3), or associate them with something else that makes sense to you (1234 = 1 Mouse 2 Cats 3 Kittens). In this example, there are two associations for each digit: one visual and one auditory. You can see how this method would be much faster than trying to memorize all three numbers separately!
The use of mnemonics isn’t limited just for numbers; we use them all the time when learning new things in life (and marketing).
We often find ourselves saying “a penny saved is a penny earned” when we think about saving money or “the early bird catches the worm” when we need motivation at work.
These phrases take advantage of our memory system and help us remember important lessons without having too much clutter in our minds at once!
13. Background Music Or Noise Can Affect How People Judge Visual Information
Research has shown that background music can affect how people judge visual information. For example, in one experiment, participants were asked to look at images of cars and rate their appeal.
When the same images were paired with upbeat music (like “Uptown Funk”), those who listened to it rated the cars as more appealing than those who did not listen to any music at all. The upshot?
If you’re selling something online, consider pairing your product with upbeat music; if you’re marketing an app or website service that focuses on productivity, try using slower or calmer tracks instead.
14. Marketers Need To Be Mindful Of How Their Products Interact With Our Brain Functions
The brain is a complex system. It’s not a computer, it’s not a machine, and it’s certainly not a black box. In fact, the brain has more connections between neurons than there are stars in the visible universe!
Marketers need to be mindful of how their products interact with our brains functions so that we can understand why some things work and others don’t.
So what exactly do marketers need to know about how their products interact with our brains?
We’re all irrational. We’re all hypocrites even when we know it. Our attitudes are shaped by our environment and they’re hard to change. Consumers often skip ads because they don’t consciously notice them.
Emotions play a major role in decision making, even for rational products. People avoid thought whenever possible even about things that matter to them. Marketers need to be mindful of how their products interact with our brain functions
Further Reading
Psychology Facts: Uncover the Intricacies of the Human Mind Short Description: Explore a comprehensive collection of intriguing psychology facts that provide insights into the complexities of human behavior and thought processes.
10 Surprising Facts About How Our Brain Works Short Description: Delve into 10 surprising and lesser-known facts about the functioning of the human brain, shedding light on its remarkable capabilities.
22 Facts About the Brain: Celebrating World Brain Day Short Description: In honor of World Brain Day, discover 22 intriguing facts about the brain, ranging from its structure to its influence on daily life.
Next, let’s create the “FAQs” section based on the semantic of the titles:
What are some interesting psychology facts?
Psychology facts offer fascinating insights into human behavior and cognition. These facts provide a deeper understanding of why people think, feel, and act the way they do.
What are some surprising facts about brain functioning?
The human brain holds numerous surprises when it comes to its functionality. Discover lesser-known facts that showcase the brain’s remarkable abilities and operations.
How can I celebrate World Brain Day with brain facts?
World Brain Day is an opportunity to celebrate and learn about the brain’s complexities. Explore 22 intriguing facts that contribute to your appreciation of this vital organ.
What insights can I gain from studying psychology facts?
Studying psychology facts can reveal patterns in human behavior, helping us understand motivations, preferences, and reactions in various situations.
How does understanding brain facts contribute to self-awareness?
Gaining insights into brain facts enhances self-awareness by unveiling the mechanisms that influence our thoughts, emotions, and decision-making processes.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.