The marketing world is always looking for the next big thing, and neuromarketing is more popular than ever. This is no surprise if you can better understand what people are thinking, you can hone in on their wants and needs and target them with your product.
But how do brands use this knowledge? How do they turn these insights into actionable strategies? We’ll dive into exactly that here.
Takeaways |
1. Learn how top brands leverage neuromarketing insights to drive consumer behavior. |
2. Discover the hidden tactics that trigger emotional responses and boost sales. |
3. Uncover the science behind captivating packaging and its impact on purchasing decisions. |
4. Explore the role of color psychology in creating brand identity and perception. |
5. Understand the neurological factors that influence buyers’ choices during decision-making. |
6. Learn the art of using persuasive storytelling to connect with customers on a deeper level. |
7. Find out how cognitive biases can be harnessed to create compelling marketing campaigns. |
8. Discover the secrets behind effective pricing strategies and their impact on perceived value. |
9. Explore the connection between neuroscience and successful online marketing efforts. |
10. Learn how to optimize customer experiences by leveraging sensory cues and triggers. |
11. Uncover the science of trust-building and loyalty cultivation through neuromarketing techniques. |
12. Explore the implications of neuromarketing on brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships. |
13. Understand the future possibilities and advancements in neuromarketing for global brands. |
1. Brain Maps
Brain maps are a tool for understanding how the brain works. They’re visual representations of how the brain processes information. They help us see how our brains’ default settings affect our behavior.
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a method for understanding human behavior by studying the relationship between conscious and subconscious thought.
It’s used by advertisers to better understand their audience, but there are many theories about how NLP works: some believe that it can be used to control other people’s minds, while others think it’s just another form of hypnosis or self-help philosophy at best.
Exploring the intricate workings of the human mind can unlock powerful marketing strategies. Discover 11 Reasons Why Your Brain Will Win Your Buyers’ Decision and delve into the psychological factors that influence consumer choices.
2. NLP
NLP is a set of techniques and strategies used to improve the quality of communication between two or more people. It’s based on the idea that there is a structure to how people communicate, and it uses this structure to help them understand and respond better to each other.
NLP has been used by some of the biggest brands in the world because it can dramatically increase conversion rates. Here are 11 ways that NLP can help you get more sales out of your marketing strategy:
3. Incentives
Incentives are a powerful tool and one that brands have long been using to influence consumer behavior.
From “buy one get one free” offers to loyalty programs and members-only deals, incentives can be used to manipulate people into making decisions they might not otherwise make.
In addition to manipulating consumers’ decisions, incentives can also be used as an effective way of motivating them. For example, offering customers a coupon or discount for signing up for your email list is an incentive that will motivate them to opt-in so they can get their deal.
Furthermore, incentives are great ways of changing people’s behavior for instance, if you want someone who plays video games all day long to start exercising.
Instead of sitting on the couch all night playing Fortnite®, offering them points or rewards when they go for a run could be just what it takes!
Finally and perhaps most importantly incentives can also change people’s attitudes about something;
For example, if I want my friend who hates animals but loves dogs ~~(and cats)~~to learn how important it is not only how respectful but also how much fun it can be having pets around…
Well then maybe I should offer them some money in exchange for spending some time volunteering at animal shelters!
The choice of colors in marketing materials isn’t arbitrary; it’s backed by psychology. Learn how to harness color’s impact on consumer behavior with insights from The Psychology of Color in Marketing: Yellow Is the New Green.
4. Plutchik’s Wheel
Plutchik’s Wheel is a tool that helps you understand the emotions of a brand and how to create them. It’s based on work by Dr. Robert Plutchik, who was one of the first scientists to study emotion and its impact on consumer behavior.
The wheel is made up of eight spokes, each representing an emotion: Anger, Fear, Joy, Sadness, Trust/Dislike, Surprise/Anticipation/Interest (which are all the same), Disgust, and Sadness (again).
Each spoke has different categories within it anger has anger directed at another person or object; fear has fear of impending doom or danger;
Joy looks more like excitement than happiness; disgust is more like revulsion; sadness is internalized rather than being directed at something else and so on for each spoke.
5. Automatic Thoughts
Automatic thoughts are the automatic beliefs, feelings, and behaviors that are triggered by a specific stimulus. They’re what happens when you get a flat tire or spill hot coffee on your hand:
You might think that it’s not worth changing the tire because this day has already been bad enough and it’s probably already ruined. Or, even if you change the tire, will you be able to drive away? Are there any other options?
When automatic thoughts are negative and unhelpful that is, they make us feel worse about ourselves or our situation they’re considered maladaptive. At that point, we may have entered what psychologist Aaron Beck calls “depressive realism.”
This means we see things as they are (i.e., negative) rather than positively as others do (who don’t suffer from depression).
And when those negative perceptions lead us to behave in ways that make matters worse (like not changing a flat), then these thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies.*
6. Frequency
Frequency is the number of times a positive or negative experience happens. It’s an important part of learning, priming, conditioning, and association.
How often do you have to see an ad before you start buying it? How much weight does your brain give to an idea depending on how often it has been repeated? In short: frequency matters when it comes to marketing.
Subtle tweaks to your marketing strategies can lead to significant sales increases. Discover 17 Subtle Yet Powerful Ways to Use Neuromarketing to Increase Sales and find out how to apply neuromarketing principles for a boost in revenue.
7. Chunking
- Chunking is a way to organize information.
- It can be used to organize information into categories.
- It’s how people think and it’s also the way we process information.
For instance, let’s say you’re looking at a page of text in a magazine and you notice that there are lots of numbers on it, such as: “2%”, “8”, “15%” etc., but not much else.
The words themselves don’t mean anything on their own, but they become meaningful once they’re grouped with other words and symbols.
Then they begin to form patterns that lead our brains down certain pathways toward understanding them further (like when we recognize them as percentages).
That’s chunking in action!
8. Labels And Categories
Labels and categories are the tools we use to understand our world. The more labels you have, the more categories you can create, and the more categories you have, the greater your understanding of any given thing.
This is why companies like Starbucks and McDonald’s often take on a generic term like “coffee” or “burger” and make it their name. They want to embed themselves in your mind so that when you’re looking for a cup of joe or a bite to eat, they’ll be there first.
That’s what brands do: They give us labels and categories that help us understand our world better by creating specificity around commonalities (in this case coffee or burgers).
But what if there were no priming? What if all products were created equal? Would people still buy them? Would they even need them?
9. “Your” Language
The next time you’re writing a communication, try to use more “you” language rather than “I” language. This will make it easier for the reader to relate and imagine themselves in your shoes. Try using positive words like “can,” “will,” or “we.”
And don’t forget about active language be specific! Make sure each sentence has a verb and noun that is concrete (a real thing) or abstract (a concept). Finally, don’t forget about adjectives: when trying to evoke emotion from your audience this can be key!
Successful sales involve understanding the complexities of human decision-making. Dive into the insights of How Understanding the Human Brain Can Increase Sales to discover how aligning with human psychology can enhance your marketing approach.
10. Anchoring And Priming
How can you use this to your advantage?
Anchoring and priming are powerful techniques that have been used by marketers for decades. By understanding them, you can take advantage of their effectiveness to boost your results.
Anchoring is a form of cognitive bias in which people rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered (the anchor) when making decisions.
This means that once you’ve made a decision based on an anchor point, it’s very difficult to change your mind because the next decision will be made using the same criteria as before even if it doesn’t make sense or is contradictory to what came before it.
For example: If I were shopping online and saw two similar-looking products priced at $100 and $200 respectively, my natural inclination would be to assume they were both good quality just because they were priced similarly (and because I didn’t want one over another).
However, when comparing these two items side-by-side under normal circumstances they might look quite different…but not when we’re conditioned by our first impression from seeing them together!
It’s easy enough for marketers to take advantage of this bias by deliberately creating situations where customers will feel compelled into making certain choices due solely to price point rather than other factors like product quality or brand loyalty;
This tactic works especially well when consumers don’t have enough experience with purchasing similar items within this category beforehand (for example: buying clothes online).
So how do marketers use anchoring/priming techniques effectively? Well first off we’ll go back again –
11. Subtraction Bias
This is the tendency for people to focus on the negative. The brain is more likely to notice, remember and think about negative things than positive ones.
It’s a common phenomenon that can be explained by our evolutionary instincts as well as by modern research into how the human brain works.
Subtraction bias has its roots in evolution: To survive, we need to notice threats in our environment and react quickly against them. If a caveman failed to see an approaching tiger, he wouldn’t live very long!
As humans developed language skills, they were able to communicate their experiences not just their actions (such as running away from tigers), but also their thoughts (like “wow this was scary”).
This led us to develop even more complex social structures around cooperation and safety within groups of people who were bonded together through communication with one another through storytelling traditions such as oral histories or religious texts like the Bible or Qur’an.”
12. Modified Gravity Model
The modified gravity model, developed by researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), explains how our brains work when we make decisions.
The theory states that the brain weighs the pros and cons of a decision before making a choice and then rationalizes it afterward. In other words, we tend to come up with reasons to justify choices we’ve already made.
This is why it can be so challenging for companies to influence consumers’ buying behavior even when they have all of the information needed to do so.
When customers are presented with information about products or services from brands they already trust, their decision-making process is often heavily influenced by what those brands say about themselves and their products/services.
Subtle cues and psychological nudges can have a remarkable impact on purchase decisions. Learn about the art of persuasion through Nudge Your Customers into Buying with Neuromarketing and see how neuroscience-inspired techniques can drive customer engagement.
13. Focusing Effect
In their article “The Focusing Effect,” Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky describe the focusing effect as a cognitive bias that causes people to place too much importance on the first piece of information they receive.
The focusing effect occurs because humans have a natural tendency to prioritize information based on what they believe is important, even if it isn’t necessarily important.
For example, let’s say you are writing a research paper on how many times people check their phones per day and want to know if any other researchers have made similar studies in the past.
If someone tells you that they’ve seen an article showing that most people check their phone at least twice per day.
You may use this statistic instead of doing your research or checking other sources because it seems like such an accurate number (and who would make up such things?).
However, what’s happening here is that this number has been given lots of weight due to its perceived importance relative to other numbers it was the first one mentioned!
So, what do you think? Have we shared enough information to get you started on the road to better marketing? We hope so! We know it’s a lot of information to take in at once, but the key is just getting started and taking those first steps toward data-driven decision-making.
In the end, we have one more secret: the biggest takeaway from all this research is that there are no shortcuts when it comes to creating great content.
If your goal is a better marketing strategy that generates leads and sales for your business (and who isn’t?), then don’t waste any time trying out some new tactic without first understanding why it worked for others before them.
Further Reading
Sortlist: Understanding NeuromarketingExplore Sortlist’s insights on the fundamentals of neuromarketing and its applications in modern marketing strategies.
HubSpot Blog: The Power of NeuromarketingHubSpot dives into the intriguing world of neuromarketing, uncovering its influence on consumer behavior and effective marketing techniques.
Convertize: Recommended Neuromarketing BooksLooking to expand your knowledge? Convertize provides a list of essential neuromarketing books for those eager to dive deeper into the subject.
What is neuromarketing all about?
Neuromarketing is the study of how cognitive and emotional responses impact consumer decisions. It combines insights from neuroscience and marketing to enhance advertising strategies.
How does neuromarketing influence consumer behavior?
Neuromarketing taps into psychological triggers, like emotions and subconscious cues, to shape consumer perceptions and drive purchasing decisions.
Can neuromarketing improve website design?
Absolutely. By understanding how the brain processes visual information, neuromarketing can guide web design choices to create more engaging and effective user experiences.
Are there practical applications of neuromarketing in content creation?
Indeed. Neuromarketing techniques can inform content creation, helping marketers tailor messaging, imagery, and storytelling to resonate with the audience’s emotional and cognitive responses.
What role does storytelling play in neuromarketing?
Storytelling is a powerful neuromarketing tool. It capitalizes on the brain’s inclination for narrative, creating memorable brand experiences that forge emotional connections with consumers.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.