12 Ways To Make Your Elevator Pitch More Memorable

If you’re in a competitive line of work, you’ve probably been asked to give an elevator pitch at some point. Whether it’s a job interview, a networking event, or an informal get-together with your potential new client, the elevator pitch is an essential tool for anyone in business. 

However, a truly great elevator pitch doesn’t just tell someone who you are and what you do it also makes them remember your name long after they’ve stepped out of the elevator. The good news is that crafting a memorable elevator pitch can be done! 

But getting there isn’t always easy. So I’ve put together my tried-and-true best practices for creating a killer elevator pitch that will help you stand out from the crowd:

How to Create the Perfect Elevator Pitch – Plus Examples
1. Focus on a clear and concise message.
2. Use attention-grabbing anecdotes.
3. Highlight your unique value proposition.
4. Tailor your pitch to the audience.
5. Practice to sound natural and confident.
6. Incorporate impactful statistics or data.
7. Create an emotional connection through stories.
8. Keep it under 30 seconds for effectiveness.
9. Avoid jargon and complex language.
10. Address the problem you can solve.
11. Use a strong opening and closing statement.
12. Rehearse and refine for a polished delivery.

1. Tailor Your Pitch

The elevator pitch is a quick way to share what your business does and why it matters, but be prepared to adjust your pitch depending on the person, topic, and environment you’re pitching.

For example:

If you’re meeting with an investor who has invested in similar companies before then they’ll likely be familiar with some of the same key words as you are using. 

This means that they probably won’t need an explanation of them (and if they don’t know these things then they probably aren’t the right investor for your company). 

Instead focus on why this opportunity is so special and how it will change lives in other words: dive into convincing them WHY YOUR BUSINESS MATTERS!

If you’re presenting at a conference about marketing strategy for small businesses then explain how this skill set will help them grow their business by focusing on potential customers rather than competition; keeping current customers happy; getting more repeat purchases from satisfied buyers; etc.

If someone walks up to your booth at SXSW Interactive Festival asking about new technologies being used in applications like augmented reality (AR) then don’t start talking about how AR helps doctors diagnose diseases faster because that isn’t relevant here today…

But do talk about things like remote surgery techniques where surgeons can perform procedures remotely via iPads attached by cameras so that no matter where someone lives across the globe there’s still access available.

This kind of thing might get people excited enough such that later down line when asked what kind of things inspire them we can mention how cool those surgeries were!

Starting a business can be a thrilling yet challenging journey. Our guide on essential tips for starting a business provides insights into the key factors you need to consider on your entrepreneurial path.

2. Tell A Detailed Story

People love stories. They’re memorable, easy to remember and tell and understand, they can be shared, used as examples and they’re interesting.

So if you have a great story that illustrates what you do or who you are, use it! Be sure to keep it short by focusing on the most important parts of the story and not including every detail (you don’t want to overwhelm people with too much information).

3. Use Statistics And Anecdotes That Are Easy To Remember

Here’s a quick tip: Use statistics and anecdotes that are easy to remember.

If you’re pitching a product, for example, tell the story of how you discovered your customer’s need. If you’re pitching yourself, share something about yourself that is difficult to forget (i.e., an interesting fact). 

People like hearing stories because they make things memorable; stories help us make sense of the world around us. 

If you’re trying to make your elevator pitch more memorable by using examples or statistics, make sure they stick out in people’s minds so they’ll be able to recall them later when someone asks them what they learned from your presentation/conversation with them!

4. Keep It Brief

The elevator pitch is the essence of your company. It needs to be short, memorable and interesting. But how do you keep it brief while still getting your point across?

Don’t Bore People

People are busy, they have other things on their minds. You need to make sure that when someone asks you about your business, they don’t tune out halfway through. 

Keep it simple and clear without being too boring or complex for its own good. The last thing anyone wants is something so boring that they zone out halfway through!

Don’t Make It Too Long

Just because you have an entire story behind your company doesn’t mean that everyone else does or cares about it! Make sure not only does your elevator pitch feel natural when said aloud (no one wants to hear their voice).

But also ensure that it works as an instant conversation starter by saying something compelling right off the bat and then follow up with more information if needed/asked for later on in conversation or via email/phone call/etcetera

Crafting a memorable elevator pitch involves understanding the art and science behind effective communication. Explore our article on the art and science of marketing research to gain a deeper perspective on how research influences impactful pitches.

5. Lighten Up

Before you even get into the finer points of your elevator pitch, you need to make sure it’s memorable. If you don’t have anything memorable about your elevator pitch, then what’s the point of having one? 

How many times have we all heard: “Let me tell you about myself.” And then, nothing happens because the person doesn’t have anything interesting or funny to say! That’s why it’s so important to lighten up with your introduction.

6. Empathize

Empathy is a key part of any good pitch. When you’re pitching someone, especially in an elevator, you need to be aware of their needs and wants. Just as importantly, you have to be aware of your own needs and wants; they influence everything else you do. 

You should also consider the situation at hand: if it’s a job interview or some other formal setting where being late would not be acceptable (for example).

Your goal should be to win over your audience by making them forget about whatever has already happened (ie, the delay) and focus on what could happen next in this case, how great it would be for both parties if they were able to work together!

7. Prepare Great Questions To Ask At The End Of Your Pitch

As you’re wrapping up your pitch, it’s a good idea to ask questions that will help you understand the audience. What are their needs? What do they want to know more about? What do they not understand yet? 

These questions can also be useful in gauging whether or not your pitch was successful and whether or not it was effective at getting across the message that you wanted to convey. 

If, for example, an audience member asks why their business will benefit from using your product/service/solution instead of doing something else entirely (which is often a sign that there were some flaws in the way that you presented information).

Then perhaps it’s time for refinement before giving another presentation on this topic!

Market research doesn’t have to be intimidating. Learn how to conduct research confidently with our tips in making market research approachable to enhance your elevator pitch with informed insights.

8. Make It Visual (If You Can)

Make sure your pitch isn’t just words. Use visuals to help illustrate what you are saying. If you are presenting a slide deck, make sure to include graphics and photos that reinforce the message of your presentation. 

If you have a website, use it in your pitch as well as on social media. If a video is appropriate for your product or service, include it in the presentation; this could be an animated explainer video or something else entirely.

9. Practice, Practice, Practice

A good elevator pitch is a practiced skill. You should practice your pitch until it’s second nature. Practice in front of a mirror, in front of a friend or family member and even in front of video camera so you can review your performance later. 

Even if you’re not about to give an actual presentation for the first time, you’ll still want to rehearse out loud before presenting your ideas to coworkers and friends this way, they’ll be more likely to remember what you said (and how well).

If there are other people around when practicing the elevator pitch, ask them for suggestions about how best to improve it: What makes sense? What doesn’t make sense? Are there any areas where additional information would be helpful?

10. Anticipate Objections And Prepare Powerful Responses

You know your elevator pitch inside out, but the person you’re pitching to might have a different perspective. If so, what will you do?

There are two ways to anticipate objections: 

1) ask for feedback on your pitch from people in your industry who have heard it before and 

2) review common objections that you might face as an entrepreneur.

 Let’s start with the latter. If you’ve never read books about public speaking or just aren’t sure what kind of questions may be asked by potential investors when they meet with you, consider these examples of common objections and how best to respond:

I don’t think we can work together because our company goals aren’t compatible. We’re not in the same space right now; however, I’d love to connect with you again after our businesses have grown more mature (and could potentially become partners).

Crafting content that resonates and gets shared is an art. Check out our guide on writing compelling opinion polls to discover strategies that can also enhance the shareability of your elevator pitch.

11. Recruit A Friend To Help You Polish Your Pitch

The best way to improve your elevator pitch is by practicing it with others. Friends, family members and colleagues can give you feedback on what works and what doesn’t work in your pitch so that you can make it more memorable.

12. Working On Your Elevator Pitch Is Worth It Because It Will Help You Succeed

Working on your elevator pitch is worth it because it will help you succeed. In today’s world, you need to be able to make a great first impression in a short amount of time. 

Whether you’re meeting with a potential employer or client, introducing yourself at an event or networking event, having an elevator pitch will help you make the best first impression possible.

An elevator pitch should be concise and effective enough that someone who hears it can understand what kind of business or service you provide and why they should hire/work with you (if applicable). 

Your goal is to sell yourself quickly so that people are interested in getting to know more about what makes YOU special!

Tailoring your elevator pitch to different audiences is essential. Discover why market segmentation matters for effective communication and how it can refine your approach to reaching diverse groups.


When you give an elevator pitch, even if it’s not perfect, you benefit in a few important ways. First, the more you practice it, the better and easier it becomes to convey your message clearly and concisely. 

Second, by going through the process of crafting and refining your elevator pitch over time, you will inevitably get more clarity about your company’s mission and vision as well as what makes it special. 

That can be a powerful exercise in itself! Last but not least: even if someone doesn’t end up hiring or investing in your business immediately after hearing you speak about it.

They may remember you and reach out later on when something else comes up that requires help from someone like yourself (or they might refer others who do).

Further Reading

Business News Daily – Elevator Pitch Tips

Short Description: Explore comprehensive tips and strategies for crafting an effective elevator pitch that grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression.

Melbado – 12 Tips on How to Deliver Your Elevator Pitch

Short Description: Dive into a collection of practical advice on delivering your elevator pitch confidently and effectively in various contexts.

Indeed – How to Give an Elevator Pitch: Examples

Short Description: Learn from real-world examples and guidance on perfecting your elevator pitch for interviews, networking, and professional interactions.

And here’s how you can structure the “FAQs” section:


How can I make my elevator pitch more memorable?

Crafting a memorable elevator pitch involves focusing on a concise and compelling message that highlights your unique value proposition. Use engaging anecdotes or impactful statistics to capture attention.

Is it important to tailor my elevator pitch for different audiences?

Yes, tailoring your elevator pitch to your audience is crucial. Different contexts and individuals may require different angles or emphasis on certain aspects of your pitch to resonate effectively.

How long should my elevator pitch be?

Ideally, your elevator pitch should be around 30 seconds, allowing you to concisely convey your key points without losing the listener’s interest.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in an elevator pitch?

Avoid using jargon, being too vague, or focusing solely on yourself. Instead, highlight the benefits you offer and address the needs of your audience.

Can I use storytelling in my elevator pitch?

Yes, storytelling can be a powerful technique to make your pitch more engaging and relatable. Sharing a brief, relevant story can help create an emotional connection with your audience.