12 Tips For Writing Compelling Titles That Generate Leads

When writing headlines, there are many things to keep in mind. You have to make sure that your title is catchy enough to grab the reader’s attention but not so over-the-top that it turns them off. A lot of people use their titles as an opportunity to sell themselves and their products, which isn’t always effective or useful for the reader. 

Instead, you should focus on telling a story with your headline–and then following through on it!

How to Write Better YouTube Titles & Get More Views!
Key Takeaways
1. Understand Your Audience: Tailor titles to resonate with the target readers.
2. Use Numbers: Numerical lists in titles can attract attention and offer value.
3. Evoke Curiosity: Pose questions or offer hints to intrigue readers.
4. Convey Value: Clearly communicate what readers will gain from the content.
5. Keep it Short: Concise titles are more memorable and effective.
6. Use Power Words: Incorporate impactful language to evoke emotions.
7. Address Pain Points: Identify reader problems and promise solutions.
8. Create Urgency: Convey a sense of timeliness or immediate benefit.
9. Be Specific: Provide precise details about the content’s focus.
10. Utilize Keywords: Include relevant keywords for SEO and discoverability.
11. Test and Refine: Experiment with different titles and analyze their impact.
12. Prioritize Clarity: Ensure titles accurately reflect the content’s purpose.

1. Keep It Short

Keep it short and sweet. You want to make your title as concise as possible so that it doesn’t lose the reader’s attention. If you have too much information in your title, then you risk losing people who will not bother reading the rest of your content.

Use at most 60 characters don’t go over that limit because Google will truncate your title (and thus make it less descriptive).

Don’t include more than one question mark in a single title. This can be confusing for readers and may lead them to believe they’re seeing two different titles (rather than just one title with two questions).

Don’t use more than three words in a single headline; any more than that could cause issues with search algorithms like Google.

Bing deciding whether or not this is a genuine question being asked by someone looking for information about something specific within those three words rather than just being a random string of words chosen from thin air without any meaning behind them whatsoever!

Building a strong foundation for writing effective legal guidance involves understanding the nuances of legal language and communication. Dive into our guide on how to write effective legal guidance to discover 17 essential hints that can elevate your legal writing skills.

2. Use Strong Verbs

When writing your titles, use strong verbs to give them a sense of urgency. This makes them immediately more interesting and engaging to the reader.

For example, if you’re writing about how to make better coffee, avoid using words like “improve” or “enhance” because they’re too general and vague. If you want to show that your article is actionable and helpful, say exactly what people can do in the title itself—for example: “How To Make Amazing Coffee At Home”.

The same goes for when you’re writing about specific topics where relevant details are important. A title like “How To Build A House” doesn’t offer much insight into what the post will be about (it could apply to all sorts of different things!) but something like “How I Built A House In 2 Months” gives clear guidance on what readers can expect from this post.

3. Ask A Provocative Question

Asking a provocative question is a great way to get people to read on. It’s a simple way to engage readers and get them interested in your content because everyone loves an answer!

However, you should be careful about asking too many provocative questions, as it can start being seen as clickbait or spammy. Asking questions that are controversial but still relevant is a good way to go if you want something that will get people talking.

When it comes to writing emails to judges, precision and professionalism are key. Learn the art of crafting the perfect email to a judge with insights and tips that ensure your communication remains respectful and impactful.

4. Make A Controversial Statement

In the process of writing this article, I came across an amazing quote from Richard Branson. He said: “If you think your idea is too crazy to work out, it probably isn’t crazy enough.

It was a great reminder that sometimes the best way to come up with a title is by taking something that seems like a sure thing and flipping it on its head. If your product is so revolutionary or unique that people can’t believe it exists, then you might want to consider using an inflammatory title for SEO purposes as well it will get people talking!

5. The Title And The Subhead Should Work Together To Form A Complete Thought

How do you write a compelling title and subhead that work together to form a complete thought? Here’s how:

The title should not just be catchy. It needs to be useful and actionable, too. The best titles help your reader understand what they can get out of reading the article.

The subhead is like an elevator pitch for the article. It should be short, but it also needs to convey everything readers need to know about your article before they click away or scroll down.

The title should be similar but different from your subhead to maintain interest throughout both elements of your copywriting package, especially when people are scanning online (more on this in #2).

6. Include Numbers Or Stats In Your Title

Numbers and stats are an easy way to get your audience interested in what you’re writing. They can be used to highlight a sense of urgency or importance, show results, illustrate benefits or advantages, and provide comparisons and trends.

Use numbers to convey a sense of urgency or importance: If you need immediate action from your readers (e.g., “to claim this week’s special pricing”), use a number that conveys how long they have left before they miss out on the offer: “This week only.

You can also use this same tactic if there is limited space available for your offer: “Only 1 spot left!”

Use numbers to show results: Showing results provides proof that what you’re promoting works (or at least has worked for someone else). Numbers add credibility by showing that other people have had success with their products or services and people trust numbers because they’re more objective than opinions alone!

Use numbers to show benefits: When describing benefits using words alone isn’t enough, adding numbers will help paint a clearer picture for readers so they understand why something is worth buying/using/reading/etc…

Constructing compelling legal briefs is a skill that can significantly influence legal outcomes. Explore our guide on how to write legal briefs that rule to gain valuable insights into structuring arguments, presenting evidence, and persuading effectively in the legal realm.

7. Use Power Words

You want to include as many power words in your title as possible because they’re proven to increase engagement. The more you can make a reader feel something by using words that trigger an emotional response, the better.

Power words are all about making people feel something: joy, anger, sadness, etc. They can be adjectives or nouns—but either way, they get right to the heart of what your article is all about and give readers an idea of what they can expect from reading it.

8. Use Common Language

The title of your blog post should be simple, clear, and familiar to your target audience.

Take the time to think about what words will appeal to them. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about the importance of knowing your target customer and their needs, then use language that is familiar and easy for people who are interested in learning more about marketing. 

Avoid industry jargon like “SEO” or “content marketing strategy” unless you know that these terms will resonate with your readers.

9. Include Your Keyword Phrase

Use your keyword phrase in the title.

Use it in the meta description.

Use it in the content of your post. You can include this phrase as a subheading or an H2 header tag, or simply weave it into your copy naturally with some strategic bolding and italics.

Use it in the URL of your site’s homepage, as well as any internal pages that link to this page (e.g., “blog/tips-for-writing-compelling-titles”) so that Google knows where to direct users after they click on your post’s title link (“Tips For Writing Compelling Titles That Generate Leads”). This will help increase traffic to those other pages too!

Use that same keyword again but not too many times if you’re using an image file on this page (or any other one). Include alt text for each image with words from its caption or description, then make sure there are links back from those images pointing back towards their respective source pages; 

Otherwise, nobody will know how awesome we are at writing titles for blogs about blogging!

Contracts filled with legalese can be daunting to understand. Unlock the ability to spot legalese in contracts by learning common terms and language patterns that can empower you to comprehend legal documents with greater ease.

10. Be Specific With Your Title And Post Contents

When writing a title, be specific with your title and post contents.

For example, instead of “How to Write Good Titles”, use something like “10 Tips For Writing Compelling Titles That Generate Leads”. This is more compelling because it states exactly what the reader will get after they click on the article.

11. Add Context Clues To Your Title

Make sure your title includes keywords that are relevant to the content of your post. This will help Google’s search algorithm understand what you’re about to write about.

As we talked about earlier, Google has a list of ranking factors it uses when determining which pages should rank higher in organic search results. One of those ranking factors is relevance to the user’s query based on keyword usage within page titles, headings, and throughout the content itself. 

By using keywords in your title, subheadings, and throughout your post body copy (you can even include them in image alt text or video titles), you’re letting Google know what kind of information users are looking for on this topic and helping it prioritize your blog among others that contain similar information. For example:

Article Title: How To Write Compelling Titles That Generate Leads

Subheading: Why You Should Add Context Clues To Your Title So It Appeals More To Readers Who Are Looking For Content On This Topic

12. Write For Your Audience, Not For Seo Solely

I know, I know. You’ve been told that your title needs to be optimized for search engines to rank high on the SERPs and get clicks. And that’s true to a point but it only works if your audience is searching for the keywords you want to rank for. If not, then you’re just wasting time trying to game Google and other search engines. So let’s try something different.

Instead of writing with SEO as your primary goal (which means using a ton of keywords), write with your audience in mind first and foremost, and then use keywords sparingly as needed (but no more than necessary).

Crafting SEO-friendly headlines is a vital skill for content creators in the digital age. Enhance your headline-writing prowess with our guide on writing effective SEO headlines, which offers insights into optimizing your titles for search engines while maintaining reader engagement.


You don’t have to be a marketing expert to create a title that will get people’s attention. You can use these simple tips to create titles that are more compelling and compel readers to click through.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore for enhancing your headline and title writing skills:

10 Tips Guaranteed to Attract Attention with Blogging Content Marketing Titles: Discover effective techniques to create attention-grabbing titles for your blog content.

The Power of Powerful Headlines: Dive into the impact of strong headlines on reader engagement and learn how to craft compelling ones.

Seven Easy Tricks to Write Catchy Headlines: Explore simple yet effective tricks to compose catchy and appealing headlines that resonate with your audience.


How important are headlines in content marketing?

Headlines play a crucial role in content marketing as they are the first impression readers get. A well-crafted headline can entice readers to engage with the content, while a weak one might lead to them scrolling past.

What makes a headline powerful?

A powerful headline is concise, relevant, and triggers an emotional response. It should convey the main benefit or point of the content while creating curiosity.

How can I write catchy headlines?

Writing catchy headlines involves using persuasive language, posing questions, using numbers, and evoking emotions. The goal is to capture the reader’s interest and encourage them to read further.

Should I A/B test my headlines?

Yes, A/B testing headlines can provide valuable insights into what resonates best with your audience. It allows you to refine your approach based on real-time data.

Can I optimize headlines for SEO?

Absolutely. Incorporating relevant keywords into your headlines can improve your content’s visibility in search engine results. However, make sure the headline remains engaging and doesn’t sound forced.